The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1422 Wang Kui

Chapter 1422 Wang Kui

And in order to reward Wang Kui's important discovery for the huge "benefit growth point" brought to the company, He Sheng personally approved the document and gave him a very generous reward. When I handed it to Wang Kui, thinking about the encouraging words I said to him, He Sheng really wanted to slap himself a few times. "Mr. He, do you have anything to do with me? "Wang Kui looked at He Sheng calmly, and asked quietly. At this moment, everyone knew that the outside public opinion was becoming more and more unfavorable to Long Yu, so everyone in the company was frowning, and Wang Kui At this time, it was just the opposite, full of calmness and calmness, as if everything that was happening had nothing to do with him, and it was even more as if everything was in his expectation.

As soon as this feeling surged in He Sheng's heart, He Sheng was taken aback. At the same time, a terrifying thought jumped into his mind uncontrollably, but He Sheng couldn't believe it. This is true, desperately suppressing it, not letting it look up. "Mr. He, do you have anything to do with me?" Wang Kui looked at He Sheng and asked indifferently, his eyes were calm and unwavering, but He Sheng clearly saw something behind those calm and unwavering eyes.

He Sheng frowned tightly, pointed to the chair opposite, and said, "Sit down!" Wang Kui didn't refuse, and sat down as promised.He Sheng lit a cigarette for himself, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and asked casually, "Ah Kui, how long have you been in the company?" Wang Kui replied without thinking, "Eight years a year. Months and 28 days!" After hearing Wang Kui's answer, He Sheng glanced at him in surprise, and murmured, "You remember it so clearly?" Wang Kui smiled a little mysteriously, even a little Bitter, nodded silently.

In the past, He Sheng thought that Wang Kui was smart and capable, but he never felt that he couldn't see through.But now when He Sheng faced Wang Kui, he really had such a feeling that the one sitting opposite him was not the Wang Kui he was familiar with, but a fog that he would never be able to see through.This feeling made He Sheng feel a little bit of fear in his heart.Yes, it is fear!He Sheng always felt that he had fallen into a trap that others had dug long ago, and he was falling deeper and deeper.He Sheng shook his head vigorously to calm himself down, and then said: "It's been almost two years. I've been alone in one place for two years. Whether it's long or short, if you don't fall in love with this place I'm afraid you will start to hate this place too?" He Sheng looked into Wang Kui's eyes and asked slowly, "Ah Kui, do you like or hate Longyu now?"

Wang Kui frowned, and asked without answering, "Mr. He, why did you suddenly ask this?" He Sheng shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Look at me, answer me!" He stagnated, coughed dryly, and spit out two words, "I like it." Although Wang Kui said he liked it, from his eyes, He Sheng couldn't tell at all that he really liked Longyu, but he didn't like it. I can't see that he hates Longyu.Wang Kui's eyes are always so deep, so deep that they can conceal his true inner feelings.When a person's eyes can reach this point, then this person can be described as 'scary'.He Sheng had seen countless people in his life, but he had never seen someone like Wang Kui who made him feel scared from the bottom of his heart.

Taking a long breath, He Sheng turned to the topic, staring closely at Wang Kui's eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Ah Kui, tell me the truth, those photos about Tiger in the Cloud are you Where did you get it from?"

Wang Kui seemed to have known that He Sheng would ask this question a long time ago, and said with a calm expression: "Mr. He, haven't I already told you that it was when a friend of mine who loves photography was taking pictures in Xingfu Village , I discovered and photographed it by accident." "Then can you tell me, is your friend absolutely trustworthy?" He Sheng asked in a deep voice.Wang Kui frowned lightly, looked up at He Sheng, and asked quietly, "Mr. He, what do you mean?"

He Sheng couldn't help shouting angrily: "What do you mean? I mean you can't be sure whether these photos are real or fake!" Wang Kui replied without hesitation, "Of course these photos are real!" He Sheng Angrily, he knocked on the table vigorously, and yelled at Wang Kui in a tone almost like a snarl: "You bastard! You are still lying to me now!?" Wang Kui made a surprised expression , looked at He Sheng, and asked anxiously: "Mr. He, what are you talking about? Do you suspect that these photos are fake?"

He was so angry that he wanted to slap Wang Kui, and said angrily: "Nonsense! I'm not doubting, but affirming that these photos are all fake!" "Mr. He, how is this possible? Do you have any basis?" Wang Kuiwang He Sheng asked anxiously.He Sheng snorted heavily and said: "If I have no basis, do you think I will tell you these things? I have asked experts to examine all these photos, and the experts have given me the results just before you came in , None of these photos are real, all of them were made by computer experts using computers! How do you explain it to me!?"

Wang Kui frowned for a moment, then slowly relaxed his brows, and finally a strange smile slowly rippled from the corner of his mouth. This smile fell into He Sheng's eyes, and his heart couldn't help it Feeling a bone-piercing chill, he looked at Wang Kui in a daze.Wang Kui let out a deep laugh, and said coldly: "I thought it would take you a while to discover the truth, but I didn't expect you to be much smarter than I imagined, and you were given to me so soon. I found it. Hehe..." Wang Kui's words made He Sheng's heart flustered, with great astonishment, He Sheng looked at Wang Kui blankly, and asked, "You...what are you? Meaning? Could it be that you knew from the beginning that these photos were fake?"

"That's right! Hahaha... I knew it from the very beginning, because it was a game I set up from the beginning to the end!" Wang Kui's face was full of smug grins, as if he wanted to let everyone in the world know know his masterpieces.As if he had been electrocuted, He Sheng jumped up from his chair, pointed at Wang Kui, and asked tremblingly, "You...what's your purpose!?" Si Lengdian said in a gloomy and cold voice, "What's the purpose? Hahahaha... The purpose is very simple, it is to bring down the Longyu Group!"

"You...what did you say!?" He Sheng couldn't believe his ears, looked at Wang Kui with a pale face, and asked in a trembling voice.Wang Kui sneered, looked at He Sheng and said, "My Mr. He, you probably never dreamed of such a result, did you? Hehe, although you discovered it a little earlier, it doesn't matter anymore. Now outside The public opinion has already been created. Once the fake news of the photo is exposed, the Longyu Group will immediately be criticized by everyone, just like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats! Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, Mr. He may not be able to save this situation. Right? Hahaha..."

"Wang Kui!" He Sheng yelled unbearably, pointed at Wang Kui's trembling body and said, "Hello, Wang Kui! Let me ask you, how can I, He Sheng, be sorry for you? If you want to do this Put Longyu Group to death!?" Wang Kuimeng waved his hand and said: "He Sheng, this is the enmity between me and Longyu Group, it has nothing to do with you, you just happened to be at the right time, you are a complete unlucky bastard! This is your own luck No, don't blame me!"

What kind of enmity do you have with Longyu Group! ? "He Sheng asked angrily. Wang Kui sneered again and again and said: "What kind of enmity is there?Have you heard of Wang Sizhi? "" Wang Sizhi? He Sheng frowned, and murmured: "I once heard Erniu brother mention it."He used to be a member of the county party committee, but for some unknown reason, he repeatedly made things difficult for the Longyu Group. In the end, he did not hesitate to use his position and power to abandon his actions. In the end, he injured Mr. Li's father. Mr. Li was completely enraged. Then Wang Sizhi came to a tragic end.As for the details, I can't remember now.I don't understand, why did you suddenly mention Wang Sizhi to me?Wait a minute, Wang Sizhi's surname is Wang, and your surname is Wang, so you can't be..." He Sheng was taken aback by his guess, and looked at Wang Kui in astonishment, with disbelief written in his eyes. .

Wang Kui sneered like a poisonous snake, and said darkly: "That's right, you guessed it right, Wang Sizhi is my father, my biological father!" Wang Kui was like an enraged prairie Panting heavily, the wolf said with hatred: "My father didn't abuse his power at all. Everything he did was legal. It was Li Xiaogang, it was Li Xiaogang who did it in order to bring down my father. Imposing these trumped-up charges on my father resulted in his incarceration being imprisoned. Not only that, but my father finally died in prison because he could not bear such injustice and humiliation! All this is because of Li Xiaogang , all because of the Longyu Group. They are the murderers who killed my father, how can I, a son, not avenge my father!?"

He Sheng said in a deep voice: "So you came to be my assistant in order to bring down Longyu Group, right?" Wang Kui laughed wildly and said, "Yes! That's right! It was me who brought down Longyu Group Taking revenge on Li Xiaogang is the ultimate purpose of my coming here. Ever since I entered Longyu, I have been waiting for the opportunity to appear! Finally, the emperor paid off, and the opportunity was finally waiting for me. That day, I was in A friend who is proficient in computers was playing at home, and suddenly saw the photos he made by using computer PS. They were so realistic, which made me think of this exquisite idea at once, so Xingfu Village found a series of photos of Tiger in the Cloud Then I came out. The plan went much smoother than I imagined, and you didn't even ask a few more questions, and you regarded these photos as treasures. When I think of you stuffing a large sum of money into my hand I couldn't help but want to laugh, hahaha... He Sheng, you don't know how funny you were in my eyes at that time! As others often say, you have been sold and are still acting for others Counting money. It was so much fun, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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