The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1423 The Warmth of the Family

Chapter 1423 The Warmth of the Family

" bastard!" He Sheng couldn't restrain his anger and raised his fist high at Wang Kui.But Wang Kui was young and strong, so he naturally didn't want to take He Sheng's punch for nothing. Before He Sheng could swing his fist, he grabbed his wrist. His hands were like Tiger Zhao, no matter how hard He Sheng struggled, it was still difficult to move his fist forward.Wang Kui pushed He Sheng's fist back hard, pushed He Sheng's body onto the chair, and said with a sneer, "Enough, Mr. He! The wonderful things are yet to come, you can now Is it too early to shake your fist at me in a hurry?"

He Shengzhi's heart was about to stop beating. He pointed at Wang Kui and said with a flushed face, "You bastard! I was really blind when I recruited you into the Longyu Group!" Wang Kui sneered, ignored him, and continued: "When you posted these photos on the Internet in the name of the company, I knew that my plan was half successful. But if you want Longyu Group to go bankrupt completely, This alone is not enough. Do you still remember the post on the Internet that questioned the authenticity of the photo? Hehe—I’m afraid you would never have dreamed of it, but I spent a whole night concocting it.”

"You!..." He pointed at Wang Kui angrily and said in a trembling voice.Wang Kuiyin laughed a few times, and said, "How about it, isn't it exciting? Let me tell you, the reason why the media from all walks of life pay so much attention to the Yunzhonghu incident is the result of my operations behind the scenes. Hahahaha...Look The situation of Longyu Group is getting more and more embarrassing day by day, you don't know how happy I am!"

" bastard! I will not let your plot succeed, I must stop you!" He Sheng shouted angrily. "Stop me? How do you stop me? Tomorrow I will officially announce all the truth to the public. At that time, I will be worshiped by people as an outspoken hero, and you and Longyu Tourism Group will Be spurned by everyone. Hahaha... At that time, Li Xiaogang will definitely regret what he did to my father back then!"

"Bastard! Do you know that what you did is not only destroying Longyu Group, but also destroying countless beautiful and happy families. Knowing what you are doing, you are committing crimes!" He Sheng roared angrily.Wang Kui waved his hand and said coldly: "I can't control that much. Anyway, I must take revenge!"

"Bastard! Do you know that what you did is not only destroying Longyu Group, but also destroying countless beautiful and happy families. Knowing what you are doing, you are committing crimes!" He Sheng roared angrily.Wang Kui waved his hand and said coldly: "I can't control that much. Anyway, I must take revenge!" He Sheng looked at Wang Kui full of grief, shook his head and said, "Wang Kui, I never dreamed that for The hatred in your heart, you have completely annihilated humanity, and you are so distressed by any means!" Wang Kui sneered and said: "Do you still have the heart to feel sorry for me? I advise you to feel sorry for me. Think about your Longyu Group. Hehe..."

He Sheng stared at Wang Kui, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "Wang Kui, I bet you that Longyu Group can't finish it!" "Hmph haha... Mr. He, this should be your wish, right? However, the reality is always so cruel! Please forgive me, I really can’t see that the Longyu Group is still alive at this time.” He Sheng snorted coldly and said: “Just wait and see!” Wang Kui said: “That’s good! Tomorrow I will hold a press conference to officially announce that the photos are fake. At that time, I will see how you can save everything!"

"Are you determined to do this?" He Sheng looked at Wang Kui and asked with a livid face. "Of course! I've been thinking about it for so long, just for tomorrow, and I have no reason not to do it." Wang Kui said as a matter of course. "Wang Kui, you are still young after all, let me advise you as someone who has experienced it, stay on the front line in everything, so that we can meet again in the future! If you do too badly, you will have no way out!" Wang Kui narrowed his eyes, A trace of cold electricity was emitted from it, and he said word by word: "I don't need to retreat! Too many retreats will only make people intimidated. Only by daring to burn the boat can we achieve great things!"

He Changchang sighed and said: "It seems that I can't convince you now. I just want to tell you one more thing, don't forget, whose company Longyu Tourism Group is! If you let Mr. Li knew that you planned on him like this, he will not let you go!" Wang Kui snorted coldly and said, "Just right! I have no intention of letting him go!" He turned and left He Sheng's office.He Sheng slumped on the chair with all his strength, unable to recover for a long time.The matter has developed to this point, no matter what, he, the president, cannot absolve himself of the blame.

Thinking of the day when Li Xiaogang personally handed Longyu Tourism Group into his hands, the words in his eyes were full of deep expectations. Until now, He Sheng still remembers it deeply.But He Sheng never dreamed that he would live up to Li Xiaogang's expectations and put Long Yu Group in such a desperate situation.Whenever he thinks of these things, He Sheng's heart feels like being stabbed by a sharp knife. He Sheng finally has a personal experience of what it means to lose all hope.Suddenly He Sheng thought of death, perhaps only death could free him from this inextricable guilt and remorse.

However, just as He Sheng was thinking about this idea, the phone on the desk rang suddenly, interrupting the terrible idea he had just had.

He Sheng gave a jolt, woke up, and slowly picked up the phone.A familiar gentle voice came from the phone, "Ah Sheng, didn't you say you would be back tonight? It's getting late, don't make Tong Tong wait." "Is it getting late?" Sheng looked out of the window in surprise, and sure enough, the sky outside the window was completely dark.He was stunned just now, and he was stunned for such a long time, He Sheng himself was startled.Hastily said into the microphone: "I'm sorry my wife, I forgot the time just thinking about something, I'll go back now!"

"You, it's always like this! Okay, hurry up, Tongtong and I will wait for you for a while!" Wan Shan's voice is always so soft that people can hear it, and it can't help but surge in my heart. There was an inexplicable warmth.Back then, He Sheng chose Wan Shan because he was obsessed with Wan Shan's voice. He always thought that a girl with such a gentle voice would definitely not be a bad girl.As expected, as time went by, He Sheng became more and more proud of his desperate pursuit of Wan Shan.

On the way home, He Sheng turned into a supermarket and carefully selected a bottle of red wine.As soon as he opened the door when he got home, Yutong's young figure rushed towards him amidst a series of clear and melodious shouts.Whenever this time is when He Sheng feels the happiest and the happiest.All troubles will disappear in this instant.He Sheng smiled and lowered his body to hug Yutong, and kissed her hard on her forehead and cheek. .

"Father, you haven't been home for several days. My mother and I miss you so much!" Yutong said in a childish voice, looking up at He Sheng.When He Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He once told Wan Shan that even if he was busy with his career, he would not ignore them.But now it seems that he has obviously broken his promise.Holding Yutong in his arms, He Sheng said softly: "I'm sorry, Tongtong, it's all because of my father's fault!" Yutong said in a crisp voice: No!Mom said it's not your fault, you are a man, you have to make money to support my mother and me, so naturally you can't always play with me at home, so you don't have to apologize.However, Yutong felt that after Yutong went to school, only her mother was left at home alone, and her mother was so lonely..."

Yutong's words almost didn't make He Sheng's tears flow down.Wan Shan gently squeezed Yutong's little face, and said: "Who told you that mother is lonely? In fact, mother is not lonely at all. Although you and father are not by my side, you are in my heart No matter where you go, mother feels that she is with you, so she doesn’t feel lonely anymore!” Wan Shan’s words were actually meant for He Sheng.What could be luckier to have such a beautiful wife?He Sheng couldn't help but hug Wan Shan and Yu Tong into his arms.Embracing the mother and daughter, He Sheng felt that he owned the whole world, and the satisfaction of Mengbi was indescribable in words.

"You bought the wine?" Wan Shan saw the red wine in He Sheng's hand, and said in surprise, "It's been a long time since you touched the wine glass." He Sheng chuckled a few times, and said: " I suddenly wanted to drink something today, so I bought it." Wan Shan smiled and said, "It just so happens that I cooked a table of delicious dishes tonight, and I will drink with you." He Sheng gave Wan Shan a loving look, and lightly Lightly nodded.He Sheng came to the restaurant with Wan Shan and Yu Tong together. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he smelled a mouth-watering aroma of dishes. Sure enough, as Wan Shan said, the dining table was full of all kinds of dishes. Sheng and Yutong like to eat.Under the yellow halo light, facing a table of steaming delicious dishes, with his beloved woman and baby daughter sitting beside him, He Sheng suddenly realized how stupid he was to think of death in the office.

"Asheng, what are you thinking?" Seeing that He Sheng was in a daze again, Wan Shan frowned and pushed him.He Sheng hurriedly came back to his senses, and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't eaten so many delicious dishes for a long time, and I was a little excited for a while. Hehe..." Wan Shan couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said softly: "You Ah, such a grown-up man still looks like a child. Sit down, Tong’er and I have been waiting for you for a long time, and we’re already hungry!” He Sheng turned his head to look at Yutong, only to see Yutong, who was holding on Staring at the incomparably rich dishes in front of him, he gulped down his saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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