The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1424 Having a wife like this

Chapter 1424 Having a wife like this
Seeing Yutong's cute and funny appearance at the same time, He Sheng felt sorry for him, and hurriedly hugged Yutong to sit on the chair, and said with a smile: "Come on, Tong'er, today your mother It’s rare to cook such a table of delicious dishes, so don’t be polite, let’s open our stomachs and eat!” After finishing speaking, he picked up a piece of delicious pork ribs and put it in Yutong’s cartoon bowl. I was starving, so I immediately buried myself in hard work.Seeing that He Sheng was worried, he advised her to slow down and not choke.

At this end, He Sheng was looking after Yu Tong for dinner, and at the other end, with a bang, Wan Shan opened the red wine that He Sheng had brought back.Although this red wine is not the supreme confidante brewed by Longquan Group, it is considered top-notch red wine. As soon as the cork is opened, a refreshing aroma of the wine evaporates, making the already very warm atmosphere even sweeter Much warmer.Why did Wanshan pour a full glass, then poured another glass for herself, then raised the glass, shook it at He Sheng, and said with a smile: "Husband, thank you for bringing me and Yutong so much Happy life, I respect you!"

He Sheng shook his head hastily, and said, "Wan Shan, don't say that, in fact, I've always felt guilty towards you two. I've been busy with the company these days, and ended up giving you two I ignored it..." Before He Sheng finished speaking, Wan Shan interrupted him and said, "Husband, you are like this because you are a man with a career. If you don't have a career, what are you doing?" Can you guarantee me and Yutong's life? Husband, in fact, you don't have to feel guilty about this at all. In my heart and Tong'er's heart, you will always be the best husband and the best father." Wan Shan said kindly The satisfactory words made He Sheng's heart warm, full of gratitude and satisfaction.Without saying a word, he drank the wine in the glass clean.

Wan Shan poured the second glass of wine for He Sheng, and advised softly, "A Sheng, don't drink too fast, you will get drunk."

He Changchang sighed, and murmured: "Drunk? Sometimes, it's better to be drunk than awake!" As he spoke, a wordless depression struck between his brows, Wan Shan Knowing that he was thinking of troublesome things again, he hurriedly held his hand, and said softly: "Ah Sheng, promise me, you won't think about anything tonight, let's just drink and eat, okay?" He Sheng turned to look at Wan Shan , I saw that Wanshan's eyes were full of earnestness.He Sheng nodded heavily, took a long breath, and said, "Okay! I don't think about anything anymore!" After speaking, he smiled and turned his head to look at Yutong who was concentrating on dealing with the ribs in the bowl, and said, "Tong Tong, I remember I told your mother that when I come back, I will check your homework. How about it, show it to Dad now." Yutong touched her greasy little mouth , looked at He Shengnen and said softly: "Mom said, when eating, don't talk about working together!"

"Ah?" He Sheng was taken aback by Yutong's words, frowned and said, "Is it official business if I check your homework?" Yutong said solemnly: "Of course! For Dad, the company's affairs are official business , for me, homework is my official business! So you check my homework, it is also my official business, since it is official business, you can’t discuss it at the dinner table!” Yu Tong really has the demeanor of a father, smacking her small mouth, One set of one set made He Sheng stare dumbfounded.Seeing He Sheng's expression on the side, Wan Shan couldn't help laughing, covered her mouth and whispered something in He Sheng's ear.Ganqing Yutong made several mistakes in her homework because of her carelessness, and did not dare to show it to He Sheng, so she came up with such a set of principles and stubbornly linked her homework with her official business. Together.After listening to Wan Shan's explanation, He Sheng couldn't laugh or cry, lightly tapped Yutong's small forehead, and said with a smile: "You little cunning, you've really become a master now. Hehe..."

After a few glasses of wine, the troubles of Longyu Group were finally suppressed by He Sheng.The family finished a sumptuous dinner talking and laughing.After dinner, Yu Tong was coaxed into bed by Wan Shan early.Then he accompanied He Sheng under the bright moonlight and sat down.The night is very quiet, without the hustle and bustle of the day, and it is easier for people's hearts to calm down.He Sheng sat quietly like this, staring at the bright white moon in the sky, in a daze.Wan Shan didn't bother him, but just sat quietly by the side, silently accompanying him.

After a long, long time, a gust of cool evening wind suddenly blew on He Sheng's body, making him shiver involuntarily, and woke up from his meditation.Turning around, she saw Wanshan trembling in the cool wind with her arms crossed.He Sheng was startled, and hurriedly said: "Wan Shan, it's late at night, so don't stay here with me to suffer the cold, go back to your room to rest." "What about you? Do you want to continue to suffer from the cold here?" Wan Shan looked at He Sheng and asked affectionately.

He Sheng shook his head, and said quietly: "I still have some things to think about..." "Then I'll accompany you!" Wan Shan said without waiting for He Sheng to finish speaking.He Sheng shook his head and said, "No, it's too cold, you'll freeze!" Wan Shan looked at He Sheng and smiled, and said, "I haven't experienced any big storms with you, are you still afraid of the chill? Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think!"

He Sheng hugged Wan Shan in his arms full of gratitude, and said emotionally: "Wan Shan, to be able to marry you as a wife in this life is really a blessing I have cultivated in He Sheng's life!" Wan Shanrou Said in a low voice: "Is it my happiness to be able to marry you?" After finishing speaking, Wan Shan looked up at He Sheng in his arms and said, "Husband, I know that you never take the troublesome things in the company away. You brought me home because you don't want me to worry with you. But since we are husband and wife, we should not only share wealth, but also share sorrow and hardship. Tell me, what are you worrying about? Although I just A woman won't give you advice, but talk about your sorrows, at least you'll feel better."

Looking at Wan Shan's eyes full of encouragement and devotion, He Sheng sighed, and said slowly: "Wan Shan, you know, maybe tomorrow, Longyu Tourism Group will be destroyed and collapsed!" He Sheng As soon as these words came out, Wan Shan immediately cried out in surprise.As He Sheng's wife, Wan Shan knew very well in her heart how much He Sheng liked Longyu Group.She also knows that the Longyu Group can develop to today, and every step it takes is the blood and sweat of He Sheng.If the Longyu Group is really over, the blow to He Sheng may also be devastating.Wan Shan suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter, and couldn't help but murmured: "How is this possible? Hasn't the Longyu Group been operating very well all the time? And now that the Longyu Group is becoming more and more famous, come to Xingfu Village and its There are more and more tourists visiting the surrounding area, I really can't figure it out, how could Longyu Group, which is in such a good situation, suddenly face bankruptcy?"

He Sheng shook his head bitterly and said: "It's all my fault! I was so dazzled by the momentary success that I didn't realize that there was always a terrible hungry wolf lurking beside me!" "Hungry wolf?" Wan Shan His eyes were full of bewilderment, and he looked at He Sheng with a puzzled look and asked in a murmur.He Sheng nodded heavily, and a monstrous hatred attacked his heart irresistibly.He Sheng gritted his teeth and said: "That's right! It was this hungry wolf that made Longyu Group come to the desperation it is today. I was so blind back then, why didn't I see through him? Until he showed his ferocious nature Only then did I suddenly realize that this can be said to be the worst defeat in He Sheng's life!"

"Ah Sheng, who is that person?" Wan Shan also asked indignantly. "Wang Kui!" He Sheng almost squeezed these two words out between his teeth, which shows the extent of his hatred for Wang Kui. "It's him!?" Wan Shan exclaimed in surprise, with disbelief written all over her face.He Sheng looked at Wan Shan, and said with a wry smile, "You didn't think of it, did you? In vain, we invited him to our house for dinner several times. Now that we think about it, we were really ridiculous at that time!"

"How could Wang Kui be such a person? I always thought he was a good young man. Every time he came to our house, he would call me sister-in-law and sister-in-law to me, and treat Yutong like his relatives." Like my younger sister. How could he..." Wan Shan shook her head repeatedly and said.He Sheng said bitterly: "Who says it's not? I was also taken aback when I found out the truth. When I called him into the company, I should have been more careful and let people check his background." .If I had known earlier that he was Wang Sizhi's son, I would definitely not have accepted him into the company, and maybe all of this would not have happened today."

Wan Shan shook her head and murmured: "I really complied with that sentence. It's hard to draw a tiger's skin and bones. You know people and face but don't know the heart. Ah Sheng, how did Wang Kui harm the Longyu Group? How could such a huge The group was put to death in an instant? Wait a minute, could it be because of those pictures of "tiger in the cloud?" Wan Shan is also a smart woman, she thought of it when she thought about it, and looked at He Sheng in amazement.

He Sheng nodded in distress, and said, "It was those hateful photos that harmed Longyu Group!" "Are those photos really fake?" Wan Shan looked at He Sheng in shock and asked.He Sheng nodded with pain on his face, and said with great distress: "The fakes are all fake, and none of them are true!" After hearing what He Sheng said, Wan Shan finally understood why He Sheng said that Longyu Group It's over.Wan Shan is at home alone, with nothing to do, she also browses the web, reads the news, and learns about current events.Although He Sheng only asked her to take care of the house and not need her to make money, Wan Shan always felt that if she knew something more, she might be able to help He Sheng one day. A woman like a vase is always fragile.

(End of this chapter)

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