The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1426 Li Xiaogang returns to Happy Village

Chapter 1426 Li Xiaogang returns to Happy Village
Although Yutong is young, the filming is because He Sheng's tutor is good enough, and Yutong has developed a particularly good habit.Then never make promises to people casually, but once you make a promise, you must fulfill it!Yutong tilted her head and thought about it for a while, and finally nodded amidst He Sheng's admiration for the poached eggs.Seeing Yutong gobbling up the poached eggs, Wan Shan couldn't help giving He Sheng a thumbs up.He Sheng smiled smugly.A good morning, a beautiful wife, a lovely daughter, an amusing tableside episode, it all seems to point to a good day today.

Wan Shan helped He Sheng put on an ironed suit without a single wrinkle, brushed off a few household crumbs on his shoulders, and straightened his tie. Seeing that He Sheng's face was calm, he showed no signs of worrying about what was about to happen. Worried about the upcoming press conference, Wan Shan also had a smile on her face.Full of affection, he pressed a kiss on He Sheng's cheek, and said quietly: "Ah Sheng, Tong'er and I will wait for you to come back for dinner!" He Sheng nodded heavily, kissed Wan Shan back, and held the official document Bao walked out of the warm home.

He Sheng chose to walk instead of taking a car today.Although his home is not close to the headquarters of Xunyu Group, it is not far away either.On the way to the company, He Sheng happened to be able to clear his mind by the way.Wang Kui had thought very hard, and he must be well-prepared for today's press conference.If he didn't think carefully, he might fall into the trap set by Wang Kuibu.He Sheng thought too seriously, and didn't even realize that there was a figure suddenly appearing directly in front of him. When He Sheng bumped his head into the arms of that person, he woke up and was full of apologies. Looking up, he saw a face that he was eager to see but dared not to see. The owner of this face was Li Xiaogang.

After leaving Longhao Group, Li Xiaogang returned to Xingfu Village.But he didn't go home, but first searched carefully in the man-made mountains and forests around Ah Xingfu Village, and as expected, there was no so-called cloud tiger here at all.Although it was expected long ago, when Li Xiaogang found out that the tiger in the cloud really did not exist, he couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart, just because he didn't want his company to make money by cheating. He absolutely cannot allow it.

Li Xiaogang wanted to question He Sheng at that time.And when he found He Sheng's house, he happened to see He Sheng and Wan Shan sitting under the moon, talking about the ins and outs of the Yun Zhongxuan incident.After Li Xiaogang eavesdropped on He Sheng's detailed account of the whole incident, he agreed with He Sheng that He Sheng was indeed responsible for this matter, but the most responsible person was Wang Kui.At the same time, he found that He Sheng was really kept in the dark, and he didn't intend to use deception to make profits for the Longyu Group, so he dismissed the idea of ​​asking him to question him.

When he left He's house, it was already late at night, so Li Xiaogang didn't go home. Instead, he found a nearby hotel, lay on the bed in the hotel, and spent the night thinking about how to solve the crisis of Longyu Group.The hard work pays off, and finally when the sky is about to dawn, Li Xiaogang found a solution to the problem from a corner of the complicated memory he inherited from Nuwa...

Seeing that it was Li Xiaogang standing in front of him, He Sheng couldn't believe his eyes, and couldn't help being stunned looking at Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang chuckled at him a few times, and said slowly: "It's still early for the press conference, why don't we find a place to sit for a while, I haven't had breakfast yet!" "Mr. Got it?" He Sheng looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and asked.After the incident, He Sheng never thought of finding a solution to Li Xiaogang, but He Sheng was not as close to Li Xiaogang as Hu Rong, Long Linger and the others. It is quite difficult for Linger to find him, let alone He Sheng.

Li Xiaogang smiled, did not speak, turned around and walked into a breakfast restaurant, ordered two baskets of steamed buns, and ate them with relish.He Sheng sat aside, frowning tightly, like a student who has done something wrong facing his teacher, feeling uneasy.Seeing He Sheng's uneasiness, Li Xiaogang looked at him with a slight smile, and said softly, "Why don't you eat it? The steamed stuffed bun is still delicious while it's hot." He Sheng shook his head, and said with a bitter face, "I ate it at home. Yes." Li Xiaogang suddenly said, "I forgot, Brother He, you have a virtuous and gentle wife, which is really enviable!" He Sheng laughed a few times, nodded his head and said affirmatively: " Wan Shan is indeed a good wife, and it is my life's luck to marry her."

Li Xiaogang grunted, swallowed the last bun, wiped his mouth with the napkin on the table, then put away the smile on his face, and fixed his gaze on He Sheng.He Sheng knew that Li Xiaogang was about to start talking about serious business, and his heart jumped up uncontrollably.His eyes dodged, full of guilt, and he didn't dare to meet Li Xiaogang's eyes.

"Do you know why I came back this time?" Li Xiaogang asked faintly.He Sheng swallowed hard, gathered his courage to meet Li Xiaogang's eyes, and said, "I know. I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I'm so disappointed!"

"Disappointed? How could Big Brother He disappoint me? When I was outside, I heard people say how well you developed Xingfu Village and Longyu Group. At first I didn't believe it, so I came back specifically to verify it. As a result, when I returned to the land where I was born and raised, I was stunned by what I saw! I couldn't believe my eyes, and I asked myself more than once, where am I standing? This piece of land, is it the world or heaven? This place is so beautiful that I can't help but immerse myself in it, unable to extricate myself. Brother He, all this is due to you! You are a well-deserved NOl!"

Listening to Li Xiaogang's unsparing use of the beautiful words to himself, He Sheng felt a little unexpected. He stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, and said nah, "Mr. Li, you..." Li Xiaogang waved his hand. He waved his hand, interrupted him, and then said: "Brother He, do you know? When I was a child, I looked at the mountains and rivers around here, and I swore that one day, I would make this place become It is a paradise on earth, so that all the villagers can get rid of Xiban and live a good life. But when I grew up, this vow was unknowingly left behind by me. I only care about developing my own business, completely Forgot that my villagers are still suffering. It was you who helped me fulfill my oath, and it was you who made me face the villagers without shame. Brother He, you never know, in my heart, I am How grateful you are!"

Li Xiaogang's hands were so sincere that He Sheng was so touched that he can be described as a mess.However, the more He Sheng was moved, the more guilty he felt.Finally couldn't help it anymore, He Sheng said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry for you!..." As soon as He Sheng's words came out of his mouth, Li Xiaogang made an excuse: "If it's about the tiger in the cloud, you didn't forgive me! "Li Xiaogang's words surprised He Sheng, and he looked at Li Xiaogang in confusion.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Why, you are wondering why I am so sure about Yunzhonghu. You are not wrong?"

He Sheng nodded blankly.Li Xiaogang replied with a smile: "It's very simple. I went to your house yesterday and happened to overhear the conversation between you and Mrs. He. From your conversation, I learned all the inside story about the Yunzhonghu incident. It has nothing to do with you!" "Have you been to our house yesterday?" He Sheng looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and asked.Li Xiaogang nodded, and said: "I came back this time not only to see what my hometown has become, but also because of the Tiger in the Cloud incident. I wanted to talk to you last night, but After hearing your conversation with Mrs. He, I changed my mind."

He Sheng said: "Mr. Li, no matter what, I recruited Wang Kui into the company and single-handedly picked him up. And those photos about Tiger in the Cloud were only distributed with my consent. From the beginning to the end, I have an unshirkable responsibility. Mr. Li, you should get rid of me!" Li Xiaogang smiled, waved his hand and said, "Brother He, people are not sages, who can do nothing? Besides, even sages can't escape the truth. You have done your best for the plot of the villain, don’t blame yourself anymore! You have developed Xingfu Village so well, if I withdraw you, then the villagers’ spittle will drown me, right?”

"But it's true that I caused Longyu Group to fall into such a desperate situation today. If you don't punish me, I will feel very sorry!" He Sheng looked at Li Xiaogang and said sincerely.Li Xiaogang shook his head and murmured: "If the Longyu Group is really finished, what's the point of me killing you? The top priority is to actively find a way to get the Longyu Group out of this crisis That's right. Wang Kui will hold a press conference in one hour, what are you going to do?"

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, if He Sheng continued to ask for punishment, it would be hypocritical and hypocritical.He Sheng frowned, and explained his thoughts to Li Xiaogang carefully.After listening, Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, and said slowly: "First, those reporters are not so easy to persuade. Second, how do you know that Wang Kui won't bribe a group of reporters to let them do what he wants?" When the time comes, I’m afraid that your understanding and reasoning will not be able to match Wang Kui’s money!” After hearing Li Xiaogang’s words, He Sheng couldn’t help sighing in frustration, and said, “It’s just that Wang Kui doesn’t try to buy you Those reporters, my chances of winning are not too great. Wang Kui, a bastard, had planned it in advance, and I can't defeat it so easily."

"Are you going to just let Wang Kui bring down the Longyu Group?" Li Xiaogang asked quietly, frowning.He Sheng said angrily: "Of course not! I put too much effort into Longyu Group. Longyu Group is like my child. How can I let Wang Kui destroy it? It's just me... I'm not superhuman, I don't have superpowers, all I can do is try my best..." Seeing Wang Kui's face full of frustration, Li Xiaogang smiled and suddenly asked quietly: "Brother He, what is the area around Xingfu Village?" Are there any tigers in the clouds in the mountains?"

(End of this chapter)

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