The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1427 Press Conference

Chapter 1427 Press Conference

When He Sheng heard Li Xiaogang's question, he looked up at him in surprise, and said, "Mr. Li, it's already at this time, why do you still ask this question? If there really is a tiger in the cloud, I can still use it like this." Are you uncomfortable?" Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times mysteriously, and said quietly: "But why do I feel that there really seems to be tigers living in the mountains and forests around this Xingfu Village?"

He Sheng couldn't understand the meaning behind Li Xiaogang's words. He frowned and said with a mournful face, "This is a scam carefully designed by Wang Kui from the beginning to the end. There are no tigers in the clouds in the mountains and forests around the Xingfu Village. Those who discovered The photos of Tiger in the Cloud were also composed by Wang Kui and he found a professional photographer to use a computer. I have invited a well-known expert to conduct an inspection, and the results are unmistakable!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "I know those photos are fake. But the photos are fake, but it doesn't mean that Tiger in the Cloud doesn't exist." He asked blankly: "Mr. Li, what do you mean..." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I mean that there are really tigers in the clouds in the surrounding mountains and forests. Longyu Group did not lie, so Longyu Group also It won't end!" "But...but this is impossible! It is impossible for the tiger in the cloud to appear in such a place."

He Sheng looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment and said nah.Li Xiaogang said: "Are there really impossible things in the world? I don't think so! Listen to me, you are right, wait a while and you go to the press conference and tell everyone like this, tell them that the tiger in the cloud really exists, And there is more than one, if they want to appreciate it, at this time tomorrow, prepare your camera and enjoy it to your heart's content. But you need to buy tickets, each of which costs [-] US dollars!"

He Sheng stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, couldn't believe his ears, and said blankly: "Mr. Li, you are not joking with me, are you? How could this tiger in the cloud appear here?" Li Xiaogang frowned. He frowned and said, "You don't have to worry about it, you just need to know that Tiger in the Cloud is indeed here." Seeing Li Xiaogang's face full of determination and confidence, He Sheng's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help it. He patted himself on the head hard, secretly blaming himself for being so stupid.Knowing that Li Xiaogang's abilities are beyond the sky, and there is almost nothing he can't do, isn't it ridiculous to still doubt here and there?After thinking through this link, He Sheng's face showed an uncontrollable excitement, looked at Li Xiaogang and nodded heavily, and said: "Since Mr. Li said that, it means that the tiger in the cloud is really here. But The question is, what should I do if those reporters don’t believe me?” Li Xiaogang said with a sneer: “If they don’t believe it, then let them pay for the tickets and come and see for themselves. And that Wang Kui. This time, I will definitely Make him stare out his eyeballs in surprise!"

With Li Xiaogang around, the pressure in He Sheng's heart suddenly eased a lot, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said with a smile: "This time, Wang Kui has kicked the iron board. Mr. Li, what are you going to do?" Deal with him?" Li Xiaogang frowned, and said coldly: "Treat him in the same way. Didn't he want our Longyu Group to become a big liar and be cast aside by the world? Then I will Let him become a full-fledged liar, then I will see how he can gain a foothold in this world!" He Sheng is a smart person, and Li Xiaogang's words come to this point, so there is still a reason why he doesn't understand.With a chuckle, he said faintly: "This is really great! Now I really want to know what kind of expression Wang Kui will have when the time comes!"

Li Xiaogang raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and said to He Sheng: "It's getting late, the press conference is about to start, you go!" He looked at Li Xiaogang and said, "Mr. Li, won't you go with me?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I'm going, but it's not convenient for me to go with you. I will observe everything in secret." He Shangshanghui nodded, and after saying goodbye to Li Xiaogang, he got up and walked out of the breakfast shop. Go straight to the headquarters of Longyu Group.This time, He Sheng's waist was very straight, and his eyebrows were full of fighting spirit and confidence.

In order to completely bring down the Longyu Group, Wang Kui really worked hard.Hundreds of reporters alone were invited, and a large venue was blocked by a large number of equipment and people.There was only one place set up on the stage, which was obviously reserved for Wang Kui.In Wang Kui's mind, he would sit on that chair and impassionedly expose Longyu Group's crime of deceiving the world by using the photos of Yunzhonghu to make huge profits.

From then on, the Longyu Group will lose its prestige and become worthless, while he will go into the clouds and transform into a dragon, become a hero admired by thousands of people, be worshiped by the world, and finally gain the supreme status.He thought that he would succeed in using the Longyu Group as a stepping stone to rise to the top in one fell swoop, laying a solid foundation for him to completely break with Li Xiaogang and start a duel.But he probably never dreamed that before his plan took a step, he was already determined to be nailed to the pillar of shame by Li Xiaogang.

Before holding the press conference, Wang Kui declared to the outside world that he would make a real, thorough, and extremely insider analysis of the Yunzhonghu incident as a senior member of the Longyu Group.Moreover, in the words and discourse, Wang Kui also faintly released a hint to let everyone know that he has broken with the Longyu Group and is still enduring the persecution of the Longyu Group. , attracting more and more people's attention.All the reporters present had a mentality of rushing for big news, like flies who smelled the smell of "shit" and gathered together.

Seeing the excited reporters in the venue, each one seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, as if they could win the news award if they brought down the Longyu Group.This made He Sheng see it, and he couldn't help but feel lucky. If he really used words to deal with these reporters as he thought at the beginning, it was obviously whimsical.

At the entrance of the venue, He Sheng met Wang Kui, who was wearing a neat suit and looked imposing.Seeing He Sheng here, Wang Kui was not surprised. With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he walked up to He Sheng, looked at him and said quietly, "Mr. He, are you really here?" He narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I said I would stop you. You can't succeed today!" "Hahaha... stop me? Mr. He, you should be realistic. How do you stop me? Look at those A reporter, they are all trying their best to put Longyu Group into death.

Do you really think you can convince them?Stop dreaming! "

He Sheng shook his head, looked at Wang Kui, and said, "Wang Kui, do you know that you are completely immersed in the beautiful dream you made yourself. Do you think everything will develop as you imagined? You are too self-righteous Yes. This world is not as simple as you imagined. Your conspiracies and tricks are impossible to succeed. If I were you, stop now, it's not too late!" Wang Kui snorted coldly , said faintly: "If I would have stopped, I would not have arranged all of this at the beginning. Well, time is running out, and I am going to enter the venue. So many journalist friends are still waiting for me to reveal the truth Well. Mr. He, if you also want to go in and listen to my wonderful speech, I welcome it. Please?" Wang Kui stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.He Sheng frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I want to see how you play tricks!" After speaking, he walked into the venue with his head held high.

Most of the reporters in the venue knew He Sheng. When they saw He Sheng walking in, they were all taken aback for a moment. A good show was about to be staged, and each of them suddenly became energetic, and aimed all the cameras at the two of them at the same time.He Sheng ignored these reporters at all, walked straight to a chair, sat down, stared at Wang Kui, opened his eyes wide, with an expression that I am looking at you and you can play whatever you want.

To be honest, He Sheng just sat in the audience like that, which really put a lot of pressure on Wang Kui.However, Wang Kui was not a fuel-efficient lamp after all. When he sat down on that chair, he immediately regained his composure and composure.It seems that he has a decent bearing, and looks like a positive person.Obviously for today, Wang Kui has deliberately dressed up.

As soon as the boss was in place, the reporters immediately began to shout in shame, one question after another came from the microphones at the same time, and the whole venue seemed noisy and lively.Wang Kui coughed heavily into the countless microphones, and said slowly: "Everyone, please be quiet, and I will tell you the whole story of the Yunzhonghu incident later. Wang Kui As soon as Kui said this, the entire venue fell silent. Everyone's eyes and the camera lens were all aimed at Wang Kui. Wang Kui obviously enjoyed the feeling of being the focus, and his eyes wandered around the venue. , and then slowly opened his mouth.

The words that Wang Kui opened his mouth were like detonating a heavy bomb in the venue, making the venue that had just quieted down noisy again, only to hear Wang Kui say slowly: "First of all, I can be sure Let me tell you that the photos about the tiger in the cloud are all fake! That is to say, the tiger in the cloud was found in the mountains and forests around Xingfu Village, it is purely a deceptive method adopted by Longyu Group to attract more tourists. "

After saying this sentence, Wang Kui looked excitedly at the discussions among the reporters, and at the same time cast his provocative eyes on He Sheng. He thought that He Sheng would show an expression of anger and hatred, but he was wrong. At this time, He Sheng Sheng seemed very calm, as if all that Wang Kui said had nothing to do with him.There was no anger, let alone hatred, Wang Kui only found a trace of pity in He Sheng's eyes.What Wang Kui couldn't accept was that all the pity in He Sheng's eyes was directed at him.So besides being surprised, Wang Kui also felt a strong sense of humiliation.This feeling made him a little unbearable.He said coldly into the microphone: "Our Boss He seems to have different opinions on this point. We might as well give him a chance to defend Longyu Group's despicable behavior."

(End of this chapter)

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