The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1441 The Cloud Tiger Appears

Chapter 1441 The Cloud Tiger Appears

"Wang Kui, you..." He Sheng glared at Wang Kui full of annoyance, and said through gritted teeth.Wang Kui sneered triumphantly, turned his head to look at the reporters, and said loudly: "Dear reporters, have you seen it now? There is no such thing as a tiger in the cloud. This is nothing more than Longyu Group and the whole thing. He Sheng's scam. It's really abominable. He Sheng knows that there is no such thing as a tiger in the cloud, but he still has the audacity to charge everyone [-] US dollars for the entrance fee. It's a bastard! Everyone said, to such a woman Shang, can we not expose his ugly face to the public?"

"No!" "We must let everyone know that he is a big liar!" Under Wang Kui's instigation, all the reporters roared at He Sheng.Seeing He Sheng's blushing and speechless expression, Wang Kui couldn't say how happy he was.After waiting for so long, he finally waited until today, how could he feel unhappy?Wang Kui couldn't help but want to look up to the sky for a long laugh, but before he could let out a laugh, suddenly a sky-shattering roar of a tiger resounded through the mountains.The sound wave caused by the whistle, containing the majesty of the beast king, swept across the world.Countless birds and beasts in the forest were startled one after another, fleeing like desperadoes one by one.

Several rabbits who were scared out of their wits ran into the tree trunk and died in panic.The scene was so shocking that even these well-informed reporters couldn't help but change their colors in horror, and some timid bodies couldn't help trembling slightly.

At this moment, Wang Kui's complexion also suddenly turned pale from complacency, and he frequently looked in the direction of the sound of the tiger's roar with some horror in his eyes.Compared with Wang Kui and the reporters' shocking mistakes, He Sheng turned from sadness to joy, with a bright smile on his face.Looking at the trembling reporters, he said: "My friends, the long-awaited tiger in the cloud is about to appear, so keep your eyes open to see clearly."

"Impossible, impossible! There is no tiger in the cloud here at all, it must be fake, it must be!" Wang Kui kept murmuring, comforting himself.However, the beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down like raindrops.The roar of the tiger just now hadn't subsided yet, another roar of tiger exploded in mid-air, the power of this second roar overlapped with the reverberation of the roar of the previous dagger, and the momentum was even stronger, as if even the ground under the feet The ground seemed to be trembling.And with the second roar of the tiger, two snow-white figures broke through the void like lightning, and rushed towards them without getting dust on their feet.As if in the blink of an eye, two cloud tigers had appeared on a hill about [-] meters away from the reporters.

Standing where the reporters were, they could just see the whole picture of the tiger in the cloud clearly. For a moment, Bai Laihao fell into a deathly silence, and the surroundings also fell into a dead silence.People only felt that their eyeballs seemed to be attracted by a mysterious and invisible suction force, and they were fixed on the two tigers in the cloud, and they could not move away.Tiger in the Cloud is so beautiful!The snow-white hair and thick black pattern make it look noble and graceful.Half squatting on the hill, condescending, let the cloud tiger's natural kingly aura exude at a glance, not to mention that all beasts can't help but submit to it, even human beings, who are known as the spirit of all things, stand in front of it. , and couldn't help trembling.

According to Li Xiaogang's expectation, Xiaoyun and Xiaofei squatted quietly on this high hill, and looked at the reporters under the hill with curious eyes.It was the first time for the two tigers in the cloud to see so many people, and they also seemed quite excited, and from time to time they roared one after another in response to each other.The sound of the tiger's roar spread far away, covering an area with a radius of tens of miles.The roar of the tiger shook the surrounding mountains. Countless tourists and villagers couldn't help but move closer to this place when they heard the roar of the tiger. Slowly, more and more people gathered, making the originally wide mountain area become unbearably crowded. .

Seeing more and more people, Xiao Yun and Xiao Fei were quite excited.The two tigers kept posing, waving their claws and sweeping their tails, as if they were posing.The tiger in the cloud was already mighty, but in this way, he murdered an unknown number of negatives, only to hear the sound of clicking and clicking in the whole wilderness.A lot of sighs full of frustration also sounded from time to time. It was the camera equipment in people's hands, which was emitted by people after the power was exhausted due to excessive use.Xiao Fei and Xiao Yun didn't know that they had become the stars of the stars at this time, and they were still posing in various poses as if they were intoxicated with themselves.If it wasn't for Li Xiaogang's strict order not to allow them to get close to the crowd, these two guys probably couldn't bear it long ago, rushed down and became one with the crowd.

The two tigers have no scruples and always play as much as they want, but Li Xiaogang has to think about it.The size of these two cloud tigers is astonishingly large. They have practiced with Qingsong for so long, and their strength far exceeds that of ordinary cloud tigers. Their seemingly inadvertent claws can often break a grown man's tendons and bones. Li Xiaogang We have to be on guard.

Xiaofei and Xiaoyun stole the limelight in front of everyone's cameras, but Wang Kui was extremely embarrassed.Looking at the two cloud tigers, Wang Kui was about to rub his eyes blind, but the two cloud tigers still stood there majesticly and did not disappear.Wang Kui slapped himself on the head again, thinking that he was having a nightmare and wanted to wake himself up from the nightmare, but when he slapped himself with stars in his eyes, the nightmare still continued There was no sign of waking up at all.A feeling of wanting to cry suddenly surged up in Wang Kui's heart, "Hehehe..." Ever since Yun Zhonghu appeared, He Sheng couldn't help but want to laugh.The crisis finally passed, and Li Xiaogang lived up to expectations.The emergence of Yunzhonghu not only saved Longyu Group, but also made Longyu Group rise to a higher level from then on.For such a big happy event, even if He Sheng was made of steel or stone, he probably couldn't help laughing.Looking back at Wang Kui's expression, He Sheng smiled even more happily, stepped forward, patted Wang Kui's shoulder lightly, and said quietly: "Ah Kui, look, this tiger in the cloud is really beautiful. !"

When Wang Kui heard this, he turned around abruptly, pressed He Sheng's shoulder, and said through gritted teeth: "Impossible! There is no cloud tiger in the Longyu Group. Who are these two cloud tigers?" Where did you get it?"

Seeing Wang Kui's excited appearance about to go crazy, He Sheng laughed and said: "Mr. Wang, I beg you to open your eyes and see clearly, this is a tiger in the cloud, not a Chinese cabbage, and I, He Sheng, can't get it. "Wang Kui frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "Who the hell is that? Who is so blind to save your Longyu Group at this juncture?"

He Sheng said in a loud voice: "Wang Kui, you still have the face to say that others are not open-eyed. I look at the whole world, and you are the most open-eyed person!"

"He Sheng, what are you talking about!" Wang Kui's mood was already extremely bad, and being squeezed by He Sheng again, his heart seemed to be on fire, and he stared at He Sheng with bloodshot eyes.He gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to bite off He Sheng's nose.In the face of Wang Kui's overwhelming anger, He Sheng didn't seem to care at all, and said lightly: "Why, did I say something wrong? I told you long ago that this Longyu Group is the property of Mr. Li Xiaogang, and Li Xiaogang You can't defeat Mr. Wang because of his supernatural powers, but you still don't listen. You really answered that sentence, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, but you prefer to go to the mountains! In the end, who will die if you don't die?"

"This...these two cloud tigers were found by Li Xiaogang?" Wang Kui looked at He Sheng in amazement, and asked blankly, "He...does he really have such great powers?"

He Sheng snorted coldly, and said faintly: "The facts are right in front of you, why do you have any doubts? I reminded you several times before, telling you to stay on top of things and not to be too extreme, but you just don't stop! It's all right now, let me see how you end up!" Wang Kui's face turned livid, and he stood there blankly, his mind blank.And just when Wang Kui was hit hard because he couldn't accept what happened in front of him, and his heart was shaken, suddenly a cry of exclamation exploded from the crowd.

Startled by the exclamation, Wang Kui turned his head hesitantly to look in the direction of the exclamation, but found that everyone's eyes full of fear were staring at him.Wang Kui couldn't help feeling confused, just when he was feeling puzzled, a deep roar suddenly reached his ears.As soon as the roar reached his ears, it immediately turned into a cold breath, making Wang Kui feel a bit of biting cold all over his body.As if realizing something, Wang Kui looked back in a daze, and Wang Kui's heart almost jumped out of his throat when he looked at Wang Kui.

As far as he could see, two tigers in the cloud, one on the left and the other on the right, pounced on him as fast as lightning. The two bloody mouths were wide open, and the dagger-like canines of Xiaoyun and Xiaofei were illuminated by the sunlight. There was a hint of cold light, a thick bloody smell, and as Xiaoyun and Xiaofei got closer to him, it became clearer and clearer, wave after wave poured into Wang Kui's nostrils , making Wang Kui's blood rush to his brain as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Facing Xiaoyun and Xiaofei's aggressive attacks, Wang Kui had no room to dodge at all, as if his acupuncture points had been tapped, he stood there blankly, watching them get closer and closer to him. As they got closer, the sharp claws on Xiaoyun and Xiaofei's front hooves tore through the air, and the cool wind brought by it had already poured onto Wang Kui's face, and Wang Kui couldn't help but closed his eyes in despair.While closing his eyes and waiting for death to come, Wang Kui had thousands of strange thoughts, one of which made Wang Kui feel ironic.

(End of this chapter)

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