Chapter 1442

At the beginning, he wanted to use the tiger in the cloud to make a big fuss and put Longyu Group to death.But unexpectedly, he died under the sharp claws and jaws of the tiger in the cloud.Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed a bit dumbfounding.The wind brought by Yun Zhonghu's high-speed running is getting stronger and stronger, which means that Wang Kui is getting closer and closer to death.At the last moment of death, Wang Kui suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of relief and joy in his heart.

It was as if the burden that had been carried for many years was suddenly thrown away.Wang Kui had never felt so relaxed before, and he couldn't help being stunned.Wang Kui thought hard, why did he suddenly become so relaxed?Suddenly, Wang Kui understood with a flash of inspiration that the reason why he felt so relaxed was because he had abandoned his hatred.

Since Wang Sizhi committed suicide in prison, Wang Kui's heart has been burdened with hatred.His soul was imprisoned by hatred, so it was impossible for him to feel relaxed.But now, death is imminent, Wan Nian has succeeded, and unknowingly, the imprisonment of hatred has also been broken.The soul that was completely released felt the ease of flying.This relaxed feeling is so good that Wang Kui's heart is full of nostalgia and regret at the same time.In the past, he could have enjoyed such relaxation all the time, but he was blinded by hatred and stubbornly let himself live under a heavy burden.The only result of his doing so was to ruin his supposedly beautiful life.At this moment, Wang Kui finally discovered that there was more than hatred in life.Let go of hatred, life is so beautiful.

However, it was too late for him to understand this truth until now.Wang Kui himself also felt that his epiphany was too late, and there was a faint smile full of helplessness and bitterness at the corner of his mouth.Wang Kui suddenly felt a strong push on his chest, and his body fell backward uncontrollably to the ground.Wang Kui realized that the last moment had come, and the hairs all over his body almost stood on end.

However, next, the severe pain of being bitten that Wang Kui expected did not come, which made him open his eyes in surprise.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Kui almost fainted from fright. He saw two huge tiger heads less than [-] centimeters away from his throat, and two pairs of big copper bell-like eyes were staring at him together.From these big copper bell-like eyes, Wang Kui even saw his own back clearly.In this ordinary world, Wang Kui is probably the first person who is so close to Tiger in the Cloud. I really don't know if this is his honor or his sorrow.Everyone said how beautiful the tiger in the cloud was, how beautiful it was, but Wang Kui didn't notice a single bit of it at this time.

Thousands of people had already gathered around, all of them had the same expression, shocked, terrified, nervous and couldn't help holding their breath, not even daring to take a breath.This must have been the longest few minutes in Wang Kui's life. He looked at Yun Zhonghu, and Yun Zhonghu was also staring at him.No one knew better than himself how nervous Wang Kui was at this moment.Not to mention that he didn't dare to take a big breath, Wang Kui even swallowed his saliva, he had to be more careful, for fear of making a noise, which would anger Yun Zhonghu, and ended up being bitten off his neck.

Just when Wang Kui was about to collapse completely in the confrontation with Yunzhonghu, a long whistle suddenly sounded from the depths of the woods.As soon as the whistle sounded, the two cloud tigers immediately let go of Wang Kui, and quickly flew towards the direction of the whistle without looking back, and disappeared into the depths of the vast mountain forest in the blink of an eye.

Yun Zhonghu had disappeared for a long time, but the whole scene was still deadly silent, people still didn't dare to speak or breathe, as if Yun Zhonghu hadn't gone far and might come back at any time.Wang Kui was even more so, his whole body seemed to be frozen, even if he just wanted to bend his hands and ten fingers, it was very difficult, let alone stand up from the ground. "How are you?" Just when Wang Kui remembered but couldn't get up, a big hand suddenly stretched out in front of him.Wang Kui grabbed the big hand with some difficulty, and with the help of that big hand, Wang Kui finally stood up from the ground.Just as he was about to turn around and thank the owner of the big hand, he found that the owner of the big hand was none other than He Sheng.

Looking at He Sheng's face full of smiles, Wang Kui's heart was full of mixed feelings, and he couldn't help but froze. He opened his mouth watching him, but he still couldn't utter the word thank you when it reached his mouth.He Sheng didn't seem to care whether Wang Kui would thank him at all, half jokingly, half seriously looked at him and said: "You see, I have already said that this tiger in the cloud is very dangerous, you'd better be careful. Hehe..." Hearing He Sheng's words, Wang Kui lowered his head abruptly, and said in a low voice, "Okay, I admit defeat!"

He Sheng shook his head, and said with some seriousness: "You have indeed lost, but you don't have to pay any price!" Wang Kui felt a little puzzled by He Sheng's words, and turned his head to look at him blankly.He Sheng couldn't help sighing, and said quietly: "I just got the news that your godfather, Chen Yun, just sent a letter of apology to the media and blamed him for everything, and he did it willingly." Your scapegoat!" As soon as He Sheng's words came out, Wang Kui felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his body trembled violently, and he looked at He Sheng with a face full of shock and murmured, "You... what did you say? I Godfather, he..." He Sheng nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Poor parents all over the world! For you, your godfather has paid so much, it's really admirable!"

"No! How can I let him take the blame? This... this is too unfair!" Wang Kui's hard defense finally collapsed completely at this time, Wang Kui was helpless like a child, bleeding Tears said: "My godfather can have today, he does not know how much he has suffered. He has worked hard all his life and is cautious, and finally achieved today's achievements. How can he be destroyed because of me! No, I must Stop him!"

He Sheng grabbed Wang Kui, and asked in a deep voice, "How do you stop it? Are you going to stand up and take care of everything yourself? In that case, your godfather will be safe and sound, but your life will be over! Are you still going to die?" You are so young, and you still have a long way to go. Don’t you want to spend this long life amidst people’s scolding and blaming? Your godfather is getting old, time is running out, no matter how painful it is, it will be painful It won't be long, let him bear this time for you."

"No!" Before He Sheng's words fell to the ground, Wang Kui raised his head and yelled loudly with excitement, and said in a low and firm voice: "If I really do that, can I still be considered a human being?" ?Rather than spend a painful life in the conscience of self-blame, it is better to be a good man and act like a good man, and be an open and aboveboard sinner. Besides, I am obsessed with all this, and I have to blame myself. No matter how miserable I ended up, I deserved it Yes, I should stand up and bear it!"

After hearing Wang Kui's words, a bright and gratified smile suddenly appeared on He Sheng's face, and he patted Wang Kui's shoulder and said, "Hearing your words, you don't know how open my heart is. The so-called prodigal son turns his head back." Gold does not change, you can say such a thing, it is enough to prove that you have completely repented, and it is worthwhile for your godfather to sacrifice everything for you!" He Sheng's words made Wang Kui feel guilty.Recalling his usual attitude towards Chen Yun, and comparing everything Chen Yun has done for him now, Wang Kui couldn't wait to slap himself several times and call himself a jerk several times!
Death annihilated the hatred in Wang Kui's heart, and the sacrifice made by Chen Yunwan completely gave Wang Kui a new life.Wang Kui took a long breath, looked into He Sheng's eyes bravely and frankly, and said slowly: "Mr. He, since I joined the Longyu Group, you have trusted me a lot, but in the end I did something like this The thing is, I failed your expectations of me, and I am nothing. Here, I solemnly apologize to you!" Wang Kui bowed deeply to He Sheng as he spoke.He Sheng helped Wang Kui up, and said with a smile: "You are still young after all, young people, there is no one who does not make mistakes. It doesn't matter, everything is over."

Wang Kui said gratefully: "Mr. He, I really admire your largeness! If I, Wang Kui, could have your strength, I wouldn't be where I am today. It's too late to say anything now. I have already decided that I cannot let my godfather take the blame for me. I will hold a press conference and tell the media the truth of the matter. Even if I am accused by others, I can Peace of mind!" After finishing speaking, he wanted to turn around and walk towards the reporters.He Sheng hurriedly pulled him back, and said anxiously, "Why are you so anxious, kid?"

Wang Kui said with a bitter face: "Mr. He, I have to be in a hurry! If this continues, my godfather's reputation will be completely ruined in my hands. I must redeem all this!" He Sheng laughed He said: "You are good at everything, but you are not stable enough. You only know that I trust you a lot, but do you know why I trust you a lot?"

Wang Kui shook his head slightly, and He Sheng said in a loud voice: "It's very simple, because of your talent! I have met many talented young people, and you are the best among them. To be honest, even now, I am still very Appreciate your talent! A young man with such outstanding talent should not just be beaten to death with a stick! This is not only what I mean, but also what Mr. Li means!"

"Mr. Li? Has Mr. Li come here already?" Wang Kui looked at He Sheng in surprise and asked.He Sheng nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Why do you think I can remain so calm and calm when Longyu Group is about to face annihilation? If it weren't for Mr. Li, he would have come to my side long ago, and With me, now your plan has been successful, maybe the Longyu Group has ceased to exist."

(End of this chapter)

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