The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1455 Questioning

Chapter 1455 Questioning
"The head of Erniu village is here today, he must have something to do? Please, let's talk in the house!" Huang Hua said to Erniu with a gesture of invitation.Er Niu was also unambiguous, and walked carelessly towards Huang Hua's office.Er Niu looked at the electroplating factory while walking.Seeing that all workshops are busy at this time, Huang Hua's business is obviously good, so he can't help asking coldly: "Director Huang, it seems that your business is good and you have made a lot of money, right?" There is a golden signboard of GM. With a powerful relative like Huang Ziwen backing him, Huang Hua has no reason not to make money. After hearing Er Niu's words, he couldn't help but feel complacent, and said with a smile: "It's so-so, not satisfactory, hahaha..."

Huang Hua's laughter annoyed Er Niu. You must know that the environment of Xingfu Village will pay a heavy price for every penny Huang Hua earns.Huang Hua really based his happiness on the pain of the villagers in Xingfu Village, so how could Er Niu, the village head, not be angry about it?With a grunt, he quickened his pace.

Arriving at Huang Hua's office, Erniu sat down without waiting for Huang Hua's greeting, looked at Huang Hua coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Director Huang, I'm here today to ask you for an explanation!" Huang Hua was taken aback by Niu's first sentence, he looked at Er Niu in astonishment and asked in a daze, "What do you mean?" Er Niu patted the table angrily, and roared angrily, "Huang Hua, you are all Now, you still pretend to be confused with me? Let me ask you, how did you promise me when you built this factory?" "I..." Huang Hua hesitated for a moment, and was about to answer.Er Niu didn't give him a chance and then roared: "Did you promise me that the existence of the electroplating factory will never endanger the environment of Xingfu Village, isn't it so?"

Huang Hua coughed, and said lightly: "Yes, I promise so. Have I broken my promise? The electroplating plant has been in operation for more than a month. Has any flower or grass died in your Happy Village?" Er Niuqi Ji roared angrily: "Fart! Go and see, my salamanders are almost dead!" Huang Hua frowned, and said slowly: "Village chief, you are unreasonable when you say that. As we all know, This salamander is very delicate and difficult to keep alive. Maybe there is something wrong with your breeding method. Why do you say it is my electroplating factory? Erniu Village Chief, you can’t talk nonsense, you have to be responsible !"

Er Niu said angrily: "You still don't admit it! If your electroplating factory didn't pollute my water source, my salamander would not be poisoned by lead. You bastard, at this time, you still deny it to me?" Er Niu As soon as he came, he pointed at Huang Hua's nose and scolded non-stop. Huang Hua was originally an arrogant person. How could he bear this? Sewage containing lead elements is produced, but the sewage from our electroplating factory is legally discharged, and will never have the slightest impact on your water source. Don’t you see that our electroplating factory has complete and efficient sewage treatment equipment!"

"Yes, you have sewage treatment equipment, but when did you start it? You use this to fool me, do you think I'm stupid?" Er Niu roared angrily.Being exposed by Er Niu's words, Huang Hua couldn't hold back his face, coughed dryly and said: "It's just because our sewage treatment equipment failed to open normally because of a little malfunction today, but you can't slander our sewage treatment equipment because of this. The sewage treatment equipment is just a decoration." Er Niu looked at Huang Hua coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't deny it anymore, we have found evidence that you drain sewage indiscriminately. There is really something wrong with your pipes. How, even a blind man can find it!"

"What did you say?" Huang Hua raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and stared at Er Niu with a trace of cold electricity in his eyes, asking in a cold and low voice.

Seeing the faint murderous intent in Huang Hua's eyes, Er Niu couldn't help being taken aback, and then asked even more angrily, "Why, do you still want to kill people to silence your words?" Huang Hua frowned, and the anger on his face dissipated. , turned into a bright smile, and said hehe: "No, no, what is the village head talking about, how can I do things that are inferior to animals, hehe..."

Er Niu snorted coldly, and said, "Stop doing this with me, tell me, what are you going to do now?" Huang Hua put one eye on himself, took a puff, and exhaled a standard cigarette Quan'er asked lightly: "What about the village chief's opinion?" Er Niu said in a cold voice without hesitation: "Close the electroplating factory immediately, and you choose another factory site! In short, I will never let you do it again." Damage the environment of my happy village!" "You want me to move? Mr. Village Chief, you are forcing me to a dead end. Do you know how much I invested in this factory? Now I don't make any money, you Just let me close the door and leave, wouldn't I be too wronged?"

Er Niu said: "It's your own fault. If you can keep your promise and don't pollute the environment of my Happy Village, I won't drive you away!" Huang Hua said coldly: "To develop, there must be sacrifices. This is reality, you can’t blame me! Besides, my electroplating factory has legal procedures, I’m not going to move if you say move!” “So, are you going to move?” Li Xiaogang frowned. Vertical, looked at Huang Hua and asked coldly.Huang Hua glanced at him impatiently, and said contemptuously: "You are just a driver, do you have a place to intervene here?"

"He has no place to interrupt, so I will! Huang Hua, on behalf of the young and old in Xingfu Village and dozens of surrounding villages, I formally ask you to move out immediately within three days! Otherwise, you can Don't blame us all for being rude!" Er Niu yelled at Huang Hua, full of anger. "You represent this, you represent that. What kind of bullshit do you think you represent? I will tell you today, since I have taken root here, no one can drive me away!" "" Two Niu's yellowed rogue trembled with anger, pointing at him, unable to speak.

Li Xiaogang sneered at the side and said: "Village Chief, three days is too long for you to give him!" You have one day! If you don't close your electroplating factory by this time tomorrow, then I will let your electroplating factory be wiped out!" "You fucking threatened me, boy, you don't want to live! Today you grandpa Huang If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't know how to write dead characters, come on!" Huang Huaman roared angrily.However, Huang Hua yelled several times in a row, but he didn't even see half a person.Just when Huang Hua was astonished, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing and said to him: "Are you out of your mind? Have you forgotten that your thugs are lying outside now!"

Li Xiaogang's words reminded Huang Hua, Huang Hua suddenly came back to his senses, realizing that the young man standing in front of him was not to be trifled with.Otherwise, how could it be possible for a dozen security guards to be beaten up by one person?Seeing a trace of coldness in Li Xiaogang's eyes, Huang Hua's heart trembled immediately, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva in horror.

Just when Huang Hua was terrified, Li Xiaogang seemed to see the fear in his heart, and suddenly took a step forward.The step Li Xiaogang took seemed to be on Huang Hua's heart, which made Huang Hua almost jump up in shock. He hurriedly stepped back three steps, looked at Li Xiaogang in horror, and asked in a daze. Said: "You... what do you want to do?"

Li Xiaogang sneered again and again and said: "What do I want to do? I want to see how your Master Huang will teach me a lesson. I want to see how the word death is written..." Every time Li Xiaogang spit out a word, Huang Hua's heart trembled, and the strength in his body also lost a little bit. When Li Xiaogang's words fell to the ground, Huang Huazhi didn't even have the strength to stand upright, and his legs beat like noodles. pendulum.

Li Xiaogang has seen a lot of bullying people like Huang Hua.His bear appearance made Li Xiaogang lose his appetite, and he lost interest in teasing him. He grabbed his neck, and with a strong hand, Li Xiaogang lifted his yellow and fat body into the air. middle.Huang Hua was like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, shaking and struggling non-stop, his throat tightly bound by his collar could only groan, unable to utter a complete sentence.Li Xiaogang looked at the watch on his wrist and said coldly: "Remember, you still have less than 24 hours. After 24 hours, if you and your electroplating factory are still here, you will never have to leave again." It's over!" After finishing speaking, his yellowed body fell heavily on the ground as soon as his hands were loosened.

Huang Hua is like a drowning person who has just been rescued from underwater, suffocated for too long, at this time greedily gasping for air, his forehead is covered with cold sweat from being frightened.Li Xiaogang didn't bother to look at him again, turned his head to look at Er Niu and said, "Uncle Er Niu, let's go, I think he needs time to think about it!" Seeing Huang Hua's embarrassed face, Er Niu Uncle felt relieved , gave him a harsh sip, and then followed Li Xiaogang away contentedly.After Li Xiaogang and Erniu left for a long time, Huang Hua came back to his senses and shouted hoarsely, "Call me... my cousin Huang Ziwen!"

Leaving the electroplating factory, Er Niu let out a long breath, looked at Li Xiaogang and said with a chuckle: "You made that boy Xiaogang Huanghua into such a virtue, in my eyes, it's really relieved! This bastard, relying on his cousin's relationship, has always been very arrogant, and he should have been taught a lesson like today!" Li Xiaogang smiled, and asked Er Niu curiously: "His cousin Who is the younger brother?" Er Niu said: "You should know this person, his cousin is Huang Ziwen, the president of General Motors Huaxia Branch." "Ah? It's him?" Li Xiaogang looked at Er Niu in surprise and asked.Er Niu nodded and said, "That's him! If Huang Ziwen hadn't supported him behind his back, an idiot like him wouldn't even be able to get hot food!"

(End of this chapter)

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