The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1456 Wu Qingyuan

Chapter 1456 Wu Qingyuan

"I only thought that this electroplating factory had something to do with General Motors Group, but I didn't expect Huang Hua and Huang Ziwen to be relatives! Hehe, it's a coincidence." Li Xiaogang said with some amusement. "Xiao Gang, looking at you, you and Huang Ziwen don't seem to be getting along well..." Looking at Li Xiaogang, Er Niu asked with a smile.Li Xiaogang laughed, and said: "You guessed it right! Huang Ziwen and I are far from being at odds, and now we are fighting each other! Hehe, I really answered that old saying, it's not that enemies don't get together!"

"Then... will the incident of yellowing affect your contest with Huang Ziwen?" Er Niu asked worriedly.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "Uncle Er Niu, don't worry! Whether it's Huang Hua or Huang Ziwen, I'm sure! These two cousins ​​are really the same breed. It would be interesting to have a chance to eradicate them together!" Niu nodded, and asked again: "Xiao Gang, do you think Huang Hua will listen to you and close the electroplating factory at this time tomorrow?" Li Xiaogang said with a sneer: "He'd better not listen to me, Otherwise, I can't find a place to vent my anger!"

The main purpose of Li Xiaogang's return this time is to spend more time with Li Ming and Bai Yun, and to fulfill his filial piety.But God seems to be against him deliberately, not allowing him to fulfill his wish.Not long after returning from the electroplating factory, before Li Xiaogang had time to say a few more words with Baiyun, Erniu sent someone to call Li Xiaogang, saying that the mayor Wu Qingyuan had personally arrived at Xingfu Village and was now in Erniu's office, so he should hurry over .Li Xiaogang just came back from the electroplating factory, and Wu Qingyuan arrived. Even if Li Xiaogang thought about it on his knees, he could still think that Wu Qingyuan must have come because of the electroplating factory.

Although Wu Qingyuan is the mayor of a city, he is really nothing in Li Xiaogang's eyes.I didn't want to ignore it at first, but I thought that I could ignore Wu Qingyuan, but Er Niu couldn't.Thinking of Er Niu's natural fear of the leader, Li Xiaogang was afraid that he would be overwhelmed.Finally, under Bai Yun's urging, he walked quickly towards Er Niu's office.

But at this time in Erniu's office, Wu Qingyuan had an angry look on his face, as if someone owed him a lot and didn't pay him back.It is estimated that Wu Qingyuan has been pampered and pampered a lot. He has big arms and round waist, and is very burly.In addition, he is the mayor of a city, with a high position and weight, so he will naturally have such an official authority.Sitting there is very classy, ​​no wonder Er Niu always feels guilty when facing him.Especially now, when Wu Qingyuan came here with anger, Er Niu seemed a little flustered and cramped.

Looking at Erniu coldly, Wu Qingyuan slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Okay, Erniu, you are getting more and more courageous! Let me ask you, are you going to the Huanghua electroplating factory?" Did you make trouble?" Although Erniu was afraid of Wu Qingyuan's official authority, he still couldn't help but argue for himself: "Mayor Wu, you can't listen to Huang Hua's one-sided words! We went to the electroplating factory, but we definitely didn't go to the factory. You are making trouble, but go to argue with Huang Hua!"

"Arguing with reason? What reason? What is it?" Wu Qingyuan said to Er Niu almost roaring.Er Niuchang took a deep breath, and boldly said: "When Huang Hua was building the electroplating factory, he once personally assured me that his electroplating factory would never endanger the environment of our Xingfu Village. At that time, you Wu The mayor is also present, should he know? Huanghua guaranteed this, but how did he do it? The sewage was discharged directly without treatment. The sewage polluted my fishing garden, and our salamanders faced extinction. I went to look for Huanghua theory but he refused to admit it, it’s really disgusting! Mayor Wu, you came at a good time, you have to make the decision for us, young and old, in Happy Village!"

"Don't do this with me! If you decide for you, then you have to be reasonable! Is it the fault of the yellow salamander? You have to show evidence! Let me ask you, do you have evidence? ?" Wu Qingyuan stared at Erniu more severely than ever, and asked in a deep voice.Er Niu frowned, and said: "We have sent the relevant samples to relevant agencies for testing, and I believe the results will be available soon." "The results will be available soon, so there is no result yet? You don't have any Is it too abrupt to find evidence and go to someone’s door to make trouble? Zhang Erniu, you are also an old church member and old village head. How can you be so impulsive and reckless? You really let me down!"

Er Niu opened his mouth unwillingly to speak, but Wu Qingyuan waved his hand and interrupted him without giving him a chance, and then scolded: "Your salamander has problems, there is no evidence to prove that Huang Hua is responsible, but Huang Hua has a video tape to prove it , your people injured more than a dozen security guards, and now several of them are still lying in the hospital, how do you explain this?" Er Niu murmured, "You can't blame us for this one! At the beginning, it was Their people fought first, and we were just defending ourselves." "On the video tape provided by Huang Hua, I only saw that your people beat them to pieces, but I didn't see them attacking first." Wu Qingyuan said coldly Said.

"Then they must have tampered with the video tape!" Er Niu said unwillingly.Wu Qingyuan slapped the table and roared angrily: "Zhang Erniu, how many times have I told you that you have to be responsible in what you say and do, and you can't just talk nonsense! Whether Huang Hua has tampered with the video tape or not has to go through the inspection of the relevant department to make a conclusion. I can't help you guessing!" Er Niu was greatly disappointed by Wu Qingyuan's attitude, and he couldn't help complaining: "If you, Mayor Wu, just speak for Huang Hua, then I can't help it! In short, I have nothing to do with this matter. Wrong!"

"Bastard! How dare you even dare to slander me! When did I speak for Huang Hua? I was speaking for the facts! Facts have proved that you made random suspicions, accused Huang Hua, and hurt so many people People, this is your fault in itself! As the mayor, I formally request you to apologize to Huang Huapei and promise that you will never harass other people from now on!" After hearing Wu Qingyuan's words, Erniu's His lungs were going to explode, he looked at Wu Qingyuan with an angry face, and shouted hoarsely: "What? Let me go and apologize to him, Mr. Huang? It's an international joke, I, Zhang Erniu, can't do it!"

"Zhang Erniu! This is my order. If you don't follow through, I will dismiss you!" Seeing Erniu's firm attitude, Wu Qingyuan also stood up very forcefully, and shouted at Zhang Erhu, who patted the table.

No matter how honest a person is, there is a bottom line of patience. Once this bottom line is touched, the more honest the person, the more amazing the anger that will erupt!This is the case with Zhang Erniu. Under Wu Qingyuan's aggressiveness, the anger in Erniu's heart was finally fully aroused, and he roared fiercely: "Don't say that you are dismissing me, you just cut off my head. Don't even think about me going to apologize to Huang Hua!
"Zhang Erniu, you are too insane!" In front of Wu Qingyuan, Zhang Erniu had always been submissive and respectful, and it was the first time he had confronted Wu Qingyuan with the tip of a needle like today.Wu Qingyuan roared full of anger: "Zhang Erniu, don't think that Xingfu Village is now the number one village in the country, and you are the village head. Let me tell you, the village head is the village head, and you can't turn your tail up again. Go to the sky! I will dismiss you right now!" Zhang Erniu stood up abruptly, and also roared with anger: "Okay! I will quit this village chief. You can find whoever you want to do. go!
As soon as Zhang Erniu's words came out, Lin Fang and several other village committee cadres of Xingfu Village stood up from their seats.There is an inseparable relationship between Xingfu Village and Zhang Erniu.From being poor to being rich, Xingfu Village has been able to reach today because Zhang Erniu earned it with the sweat and tears of the young and old in the village.Peasants are the most simple, and they support and love whoever brings them a good life.Hearing that Wu Qingyuan was going to dismiss Zhang Erniu at this moment, how could everyone sit still?Seeing Lin Fang and others standing up one after another, Wu Qingyuan frowned immediately, looked around coldly, and shouted angrily in a low voice, "What do you want to do? Do you want to toss with Zhang Erniu?" ?”

Seeing Zhang Erniu being scolded by Wu Qingyuan so much, as Erniu's wife, Lin Fang couldn't see her for a long time.Now that Wu Qingyuan wants to dismiss Zhang Erniu's post, he couldn't bear it anymore. He looked into Wu Qingyuan's eyes and said loudly: "Mayor Wu! It's Huang Hua's fault in this matter. First of all, don't you think it's unfair that you didn't hold him accountable but came here to dismiss our village chief?" Wu Qingyuan snorted coldly and said, "Okay, you two are at gunpoint. Unanimous to the public! I, Wu Qingyuan, don't take this kind of trick!" After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the other village officials, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you say? Are you going to leave with Zhang Erniu?"

The accountant of the village came out, looked at Wu Qingyuan solemnly and said, "Mayor Wu, it is all thanks to the village head Erniu that our Xingfu Village is today. Now you are going to withdraw us for no reason. We are not satisfied with the position of the village head. If you want to withdraw, remove all of us!" "You!..." Wu Qingyuan glared at the accountant angrily, never expecting that now, even a small Small accountants dare to contradict themselves.

However, although Wu Qingyuan's heart was filled with great anger, it did not make him lose his mind.He knew very well that although Zhang Erniu was only a small village head, this village head was appointed by hand.You know, Er Niu shook hands with Lin Chaoran, a member of the Standing Committee of Shangfeng, so he really didn't have the guts to withdraw Er Niu?What's more, the current Xingfu Village is not what it used to be, and it has a high reputation in the world.As the village head of Xingfu Village, Zhang Erniu's identity and status have naturally risen with the tide.If the news of his dismissal spreads, it may immediately cause a big wave in the world.That kind of pressure, Wu Qingyuan thought it was terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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