The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1464 Touched a nose gray

Chapter 1464

"So it's like this..." Ma Bing and Zhou Tao looked at each other suddenly, and muttered at the same time.Hu Rong looked at Ma Bing, and said with a smile: "Bingge, you immediately send the publicity plan we made to Qiangnong Sales, so that Xinran can help us improve it as much as possible." Said: "I see! I will contact Xinran as soon as possible. I never thought that one day, my cavalry soldier will be able to cooperate with the famous Xinran!"

Seeing that Ma Bing was overjoyed, Hu Rong curled her lips and said, "Brother Bing, don't worry about being happy, we still have one troublesome matter that has not been resolved." Hearing what Hu Rong said, The smiles on the faces of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao disappeared immediately, and their faces were once again filled with sorrow.Hu Rong sighed softly, and said: "It's already the fifth day, but Xiao Gang hasn't come back yet. I'm really worried that something is wrong with him. If we can't hand over the money to Huang Ziwen today, then we will The plan to acquire Tianma Metallurgy is about to be completely ruined, I am really anxious to death!"

Ma Bing smiled, not only to comfort Hu Rong, but also to comfort himself and said: "Mr. Hu, don't you even have this little confidence in Mr. Li? I think Mr. Li is probably rushing back at this time On the way, we'd better wait patiently."

Ma Bing smiled, not only to comfort Hu Rong, but also to comfort himself and said: "Mr. Hu, don't you even have this little confidence in Mr. Li? I think Mr. Li is probably rushing back at this time On the way, let's wait patiently." However, they did not wait for Li Xiaogang, but they did wait for Huang Ziwen.Ignoring Secretary Hu Rong's obstruction at all, Huang Ziwen rushed into Hu Rong's office, followed by Huang Hua.Huang Hua finally saw the prestige of his cousin, and he couldn't help but become arrogant, looking arrogant, his nostrils were about to touch him to the sky.

Seeing Tiansha Yin blocking Huang Ziwen, Huang Hua's two brothers, Hu Rong's secretary looked at Hu Rong with guilt.Hu Rong waved her hand lightly, and said quietly: "It's none of your business here, go out." "Wait!" Huang Ziwen opened his mouth to stop Secretary Hu Rong who turned around and was about to walk out, and smirked a few times. Said lightly: "Mr. Hu, I'm still a guest anyway, don't I even want to make a cup of coffee? I'm afraid this is not Longhao Group's way of hospitality?" After finishing speaking, he said to Secretary Hu Rong in a cold and arrogant manner: "Go, make me a cup of coffee! I want the top Blue Mountain coffee, I don't drink ordinary coffee." Hu Rong's secretary probably has never seen such an arrogant and defiant guest as Huang Ziwen, regardless of Huang Ziwen's How noble his status is, he has already been classified as garbage in his heart.

She is Hu Rong's secretary, and if she doesn't get a penny of Huang Ziwen's salary, she naturally doesn't need to give Huang Ziwen a good face.Huang Ziwen's arrogance made Hu Rong's heart full of anger.The so-called dog beating depends on the owner. Huang Ziwen looked down on Hu Rong's secretary so much because he looked down on her.Although Hu Rong is extremely gentle and obedient to Li Xiaogang, but it may not be the same with others.The arrogance broke out in her heart, Hu Rong sneered, and said to the secretary: "Go, pour a cup of tea for Mr. Huang."

When Hu Rong's secretary heard it, she couldn't help but chuckled immediately, while Huang Ziwen looked at Hu Rong with some unkindness, and murmured, "I think Mr. Hu must have heard it wrong. I want coffee, not tea. " Hu Rong smiled, and said lightly: "That's indeed what I heard wrong. Go, pour a glass of boiled water for Mr. Huang." Hu Rong made it clear that Huang Ziwen looked good, and Zhou Tao and Ma Bing, who were watching from the side, At this moment, he couldn't help laughing like the secretary.

Huang Ziwen couldn't stand being ridiculed by his subordinates in the past. He shouted angrily and said, "Mr. Hu, are you doing this to embarrass me on purpose? In the circle, who doesn't know that I, Huang Ziwen, like Drinking Blue Mountain coffee? I haven't waited for their company yet, they will make excellent Blue Mountain coffee early and wait for me!"

Hu Rong said disapprovingly: "I'm sorry, I don't like coffee, especially Blue Mountain coffee, so the company never prepares it. You either drink plain water, or you're thirsty!"

"You!..." Seeing that he was arrogant, Hu Rong was even more arrogant than himself, Huang Ziwen's lungs were about to explode.He snorted bitterly, and said, "Okay! I won't drink this Blue Mountain coffee. Plain water is not plain water, but it's best to hurry up, I'm thirsty." Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.Hu Rong chuckled, and said to the secretary: "Okay, you go out, Mr. Huang is thirsty, so you don't need to bring boiled water." "Hu Rong, you..." Huang Ziwen pointed at Hu Rong angrily, and said Ruo Menglei roared. "Yes! Mr. Hu!" Seeing that Hu Rong played Huang Ziwen so much, Hu Rong's secretary let out a big sigh of relief for herself. She responded loudly with excitement, turned around and walked out of Hu Rong's office with her waist twisted. Huang Ziwen was so angry that his face flushed red.

When Huang Ziwen first came, he originally planned to overwhelm Hu Rong with a strong momentum first, and then everything that followed would be easy to talk about.But I never dreamed that Hu Rong would not follow him at all. Not only that, but with a cup of coffee, Huang Ziwen's arrogance was suppressed a lot, which shocked Huang Ziwen's heart and realized that Hu Rong Although she is a girl, she is definitely not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

While Zhou Tao and Ma Bing saw Huang Ziwen being teased by Hu Rong like this, his angry face was about to bleed, and they all felt very happy.Recalling the anger I suffered under Huang Ziwen's subordinates before, I felt a lot more refreshed. At the same time, it also made the two of them realize that leaving GM, joining the Longhao Group, and working with Hu Rong is really their life. The wisest decision ever.Among other things, the mere mention of Hu Rong's spirit of not paying attention to Huang Ziwen in the slightest, already counts the two people's total surrender to Hu Rongfu.

Leveraging GM's dominance on a global scale, Huang Ziwen is so invincible.Looking at the country, people who are engaged in automobile-related businesses are all respectful to him, Huang Ziwen, for fear of accidentally offending him and destroying his own business.Thinking that Hu Rong didn't give Huang Ziwen face so much made him want to go crazy. Zhou Tao and Ma Bing didn't even dare to think about it before.

Hu Rong looked at Huang Ziwen who was about to explode with anger, chuckled, pointed to the chair opposite her, and said without even standing up: "Mr. Huang, please sit down." Hu Rong's indifferent attitude was about to drive Huang Ziwen crazy , but seeing that there was only one chair opposite Hu Rong, obviously not prepared for Huang Hua, Huang Ziwen was even more annoyed.To put it nicely, he brought Huang Hua here today to let him gain some insight. In fact, he wanted to show off in front of Huang Hua how amazing he is as a cousin.So as to satisfy your vanity.But luckily now, not only did the script not go according to his expectation, but it was developing in the opposite direction.Showing off is not showing off, but it shows a lot of eyes.Now if he can't even win a chair for him in front of Huang Hua, then his face will be considered as a loss.

Huang Ziwen didn't sit down, but looked at Hu Rong coldly, and said quietly: "Mr. Hu, you seem to be negligent? There are two of us here, but you only give us one chair, so I'm afraid we can't sit down? "Hu Rong then turned her gaze to Huang Hua.Huang Hua immediately coughed, straightened his neck, rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling, and looked like Huang Ziwen.Hu Rong couldn't help laughing and asked, "President Huang, is this your brother?" Huang Ziwen nodded heavily, and said, "That's right, he is my cousin!"

"Oh! No wonder it's no wonder..." Hu Rong said with a look of sudden realization, nodding her head again and again. "No wonder what?" Huang Ziwen couldn't help asking.Hu Rong giggled a few times, and said quietly: "No wonder you have the same virtue as you, and like to look at people with your nostrils!" "Mr. Hu, please pay attention to your wording, you are insulting my personality! When Huang Ziwen heard this, he flew into a rage, slapped the table, and roared repeatedly.Hu Rong smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, don't mind, I was just making a little joke." Seeing that Hu Rong had no intention of arranging a seat for Huang Hua, Huang Ziwen couldn't help shouting softly: "Mr. Hu , are you going to let me stand and talk to you?"

Hu Rong frowned lightly, and said slowly: "No, didn't I invite you to sit down just now?" Huang Ziwen smiled back angrily, and said: "Then I have to ask Mr. Hu to express it, how can the two of you sit together?" A chair? Could it be that the Longhao Group is so poor that it doesn’t even have the money to buy an extra chair?” Hu Rong snorted and murmured, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I was negligent just now. But I’m sorry , I only have three chairs here, and now only this one is left empty. Maybe I can only trouble your cousin to stand for a while. Fortunately, our conversation will not be too long, so your cousin should not Suffering too much."

"You..." Huang Ziwen had never been treated like this before, and couldn't help but open his mouth to curse, and suddenly saw Hu Rong looking at him with a icy cold light, his heart trembled, and the words on his lips, Involuntarily swallowed it back.With a cry of hatred for Bai Ruzu, Huang Ziwen glared at Zhou Tao and Ma Bing unkindly, with obvious intentions, and asked them to give up their seats.But he forgot that now Zhou Tao and Ma Bing were no longer his subordinates, his vision was useful in the past, but now it is not.Zhou Tao and Ma Bing, one looked at Huang Ziwen, and pulled out their ears as if they didn't notice, the other chuckled at him a few times, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Huang, my legs and feet are not good, I can't stand for a long time, I wronged you My cousin, hehe..."

"Okay! I'm here to negotiate with you today, not to fight against you, I don't have the same knowledge as you!" After finishing speaking, he turned to Huang Hua and said, "Cousin, stand for a while, it won't take long "Huang Hua is not a fool, from everything that has happened since he came in, he has already seen that people don't care about him at all, Huang Ziwen, so he has no choice but to thank him and stand aside.Not even being able to win a seat for Huang Hua, Huang Ziwen felt ashamed in his heart.Turning from embarrassment into anger, Huang Ziwen first vented his anger on Zhou Tao and Ma Bing, and said in a low voice: "You two seem to be doing well in Longhao Group. I didn't expect Mr. Hu to attach so much importance to you."

(End of this chapter)

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