The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1465 Come to ask for debt

Chapter 1465 Come to ask for debt

Ma Bing sneered, and said lightly: "Isn't this all thanks to Mr. Huang?" Huang Ziwen laughed and said: "Mr. Ma is really polite. This is all because of Mr. Hu's unique vision, and he abandoned me. , just treat it like a baby, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to belittle you, I just said it casually, hehe..." Ma Bing frowned, and an inexplicable anger rose in his heart, and he wanted to punch him Swipe over and smash Huang Ziwen's mouth.At this time, Hu Rong said indifferently: "Mr. Huang is really flattering me, I don't dare to take it. Rather than saying that I have a unique vision, it is better to say that some people have blind eyes and mistaken talents for mediocrity."

When it comes to eloquence, even Li Xiaogang admires Hu Rong three points. How can the little Huang Ziwen take advantage of her mouth?Seeing Huang Ziwen's face darkened again, Hu Rong couldn't help but sneered, not bothering to know him as well, and asked lightly: "Mr. Huang, come to my Longhao Group today, what's your business?" Huang Ziwen said Shi also realized that he was doomed to lose the bickering, so he stopped thinking about fighting against Hu Rong, and said, "Hu is always pretending to be confused? Today is the fifth day. Are you ready? I have already prepared Tianma Metallurgy, and it can be handed over to Longhao Group at any time."

The matter of money is the most troublesome thing for Hu Rong and the others. When Huang Ziwen mentioned this, Zhou Tao and Ma Bing's expressions suddenly became serious, and Hu Rong couldn't help but frown slightly.Seeing the dignified faces of the three people _ looming sorrow, Huang Ziwen immediately regained his spirits, and said with a chuckle: "The famous Longhao Group is well-known for its wealth and wealth, and it is well known that even a mere 50 billion yuan will be delayed." ?”

Seeing Huang Ziwen's triumphant expression, Hu Rong felt disgusted in her heart, and couldn't help but snorted coldly and said quietly: "Longhao Group has always valued the most reputation! Go and ask, when Longhao Group defaulted on others Haven’t you paid back the money?” Huang Ziwen gave a good shout and said, “If that’s the case, then please ask Mr. Hu to sign the check? We can also complete the delivery of Tianma Metallurgy as soon as possible.” Hu Rong coughed and said quietly: “ Mr. Huang, you are too impatient, right? We said that we will give you money today, and it must be today. There are still more than ten hours before the end of the day. Why are you so anxious, Mr. Huang?"

Huang Ziwen said coldly: "Hu Rong, what kind of tricks are you playing? You don't have the 50 billion now, could you have it in more than ten hours? Don't follow me like this! Either give the money immediately, or Just give up on the acquisition of Tianma Metallurgical, but you will pay us one billion liquidated damages!"

"One billion? Huang Ziwen, you must be poor and crazy. You came here to rob us? Even if you have to pay liquidated damages, at most it will not exceed 1000 million, and you want us to give you one billion?" Hu Rongyi Listen, shouted angrily at Huang Ziwen. "Huh! 1000 million? Is there such a cheap thing? Do you know how much effort and thought we have spent in order to complete this transaction? Don't we need you to bear all the costs we invested Are you not responsible for the losses caused by your unilateral termination of the contract to acquire Tianma Metallurgical? If you add up the losses in these two aspects, I only need you to pay one billion yuan, which is already the best of humanity!"

"Nonsense! You think you are a judge, how much do you say we will pay?" Ma Bing said with a sneer.

"Okay! Then go to court and let a real judge decide!" Huang Ziwen snorted and said, "Ma Bing, you are also an old employee of GM. You should know that GM has the most powerful lawyer team in the world. So far, GM has never lost to anyone in litigation. In addition, even if you have the guts to sue us, do you have the financial resources? You know, sometimes the lawsuit is not about legal provisions, but about money!"

What Huang Ziwen said was the truth, Ma Bing knew this in his heart, and fell into silence for a while without words.Huang Ziwen then said coldly: "At that time, even if you win, the judge will rule that you only need to pay 1000 million in liquidated damages, but in order to fight this lawsuit, you may have spent more than one billion. More serious If you even usurp the Longhao Group, you will be dragged down by this lawsuit. Hehe, if you really want to sue, then come, I welcome you very much, I can't wait! Hahaha..."

"It's too early for you to laugh! As I said, the fifth day is not over yet, so it's uncertain who will win!" Hu Rong shouted.Huang Ziwen suppressed his laughter, and said lightly: "Hu Rong, the total assets of Tianma Metallurgy are at least 100 billion yuan. Do you know why I sold it to you at an ultra-low price of 50 billion yuan? I'm afraid you thought I was Huang Ziwen. It's so bullying, I let you get a big deal, right?" Hu Rong didn't answer, but just stared at Huang Ziwen with a stern face.Huang Ziwen chuckled a few times disapprovingly, and said: "You may be good at selling chemical fertilizers and seeds, but you really know too little about cars. Cars are an aristocratic industry. You don't have enough money. It's just for fun." It doesn't turn."

Huang Ziwen felt that he had the chance to win, so he couldn't wait to tell his wonderful calculation to his opponent, and let his opponent convince him. When he saw the desperate, crying expression on his opponent's face, it was Huang Ziwen. The greatest enjoyment of my life. "Hu Rong, you are so naive. I sold Tianma Metallurgy to you Longhao Group, not because you got a big deal, but because I gave you an extremely heavy burden. This burden is just as I expected. , crushed you all. Longhao Group may have abundant funds before, but in the process of changing production, especially in industries that require high investment such as automobile production, even if Longhao Group has strong financial resources It has also been exhausted. At this juncture, you have paid a lot of money to buy my Tianma Metallurgy, which makes the predicament you are facing even worse. You can’t afford to buy Tianma Metallurgy now. As expected."

"Really, are you really that godly?" Hu Rong looked at the arrogant Huang Ziwen with disdain, and asked coldly.Huang Ziwen spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said slowly: "Facts speak louder than words. If what I said is wrong, then Mr. Hu, you would not listen to what I said now, and you would have given me the money a long time ago. Take over Tianma Metallurgy.

Isn't it right? Hu Rong snorted and didn't answer. Huang Ziwen continued with a smile: "If I were Mr. Hu, you would be willing to give out one billion yuan to compensate our General Motors Group to solve this matter."Although the loss of one billion yuan is not enough to completely break Longhao Group's capital chain, Longhao Group can continue to survive, although it will be very difficult.But it is better to die than to live. Compared to being beaten to death with a stick, this is undoubtedly the best ending.Of course, Mr. Hu, you can also choose to go to law, but I can tell you that we, GM, will definitely accompany you to the end.At that time, the legal procedures will go down one by one, as short as a year and a half, and as long as three to five years. At that time, Longhao Group will not only miss the best time for development, but may be dragged to death. "

Hu Rong didn't reply to his words, but shouted towards the door, "Give me a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee!" Not long after Hu Rong's words fell, Hu Rong's secretary brought Hu Rong a cup of delicious coffee with a smile on her face. Steaming Blue Mountain Coffee.Smelling the familiar smell, Huang Ziwen looked at Hu Rong in astonishment, and asked, " said you never drink Blue Mountain coffee, and the company never prepares it? Then this Blue Mountain Coffee is…”

Hu Rong made a puzzled expression, looked at Huang Ziwen, and said quietly: "I...Did I say that? Why don't I remember?" "Hu Rong, are too deceitful! "Hu Rong made it clear that he was playing Huang Ziwen. No matter how good-tempered Huang Ziwen was, he couldn't help being furious at this moment. He pointed at Hu Rong and shouted loudly trembling with anger.Hu Rong giggled, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, maybe I made a slip of the tongue just now, giggling..." Huang Ziwen snorted angrily, turned around and sat back on the chair, and said with his arms crossed, "Forget it!" No! Anyway, Longhao Group is going to cease to exist, and I am too lazy to share with you about these trivial matters. It seems that you also like Blue Mountain Coffee, so drink as much as you want. Because Longhao Group After you go bankrupt, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford such expensive coffee, hehe..."

Hu Rong took a sip of coffee, then put the cup on the table, looked at Huang Ziwen solemnly and said slowly: "First, I am very grateful that you let me listen to your conspiracy theory just now, let me I've lost my appetite, and at the same time, I despise you more and more. Second, Longhao Group is not just paper. It has gone through ups and downs to this day, and it doesn't mean that it will go bankrupt if it goes bankrupt. Third, Tianma Metallurgy, our Longhao The group is about to be settled, and I will definitely give you the full amount of money before the end of today! Now, you can go out, and I think our conversation should be over."

"You want to drive me away? It's not that easy! If I don't see the money today, I will never leave!" The anger in Huang Ziwen's heart finally broke out completely, and he didn't have the demeanor that the president of a large consortium should have. He yelled at Hu Rong like a madman.Hu Rong looked at Huang Ziwen's hysteria with cold eyes, her eyes and expression seemed to be watching a clown performing.Even Huang Hua realized that Huang Ziwen was so embarrassing like this, he hurriedly pressed his shoulders, and said repeatedly: "Brother, calm down!" Seeing Huang Ziwen being comforted by Huang Hua, he sat back panting. On the chair, Hu Rong said lightly: "Okay! If Mr. Huang, you want to wait here, then please do so. However, we still have things to do, so I'm afraid we don't have so much time to accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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