The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1466 Arrive in Time

Chapter 1466 Arrive in Time
Huang Ziwen stared at her, and said coldly: "Go ahead and get busy! When the time comes, I will take action immediately. I'm afraid you will be even busier by then, hum..." Hu Rong shook her head and turned to look at Zhou Tao and Ma Bing said: "Since Mr. Huang insists on waiting here, then let's not stay here and go to our business." Then, he stood up from the chair.He sent the leftover Blue Mountain coffee to Huang Ziwen and said with a smile, "Mr. Huang, you like Blue Mountain coffee very much. I have a little left over here. You can enjoy it slowly...

"It's unreasonable!" Huang Ziwen was furious immediately, he waved his hand and pushed the cup to the ground, smashed it into pieces, and said coldly, "I'm not thirsty!" Looking at the broken cup by Huang Ziwen, Hu Rong smiled, Said: "It's okay, it's just right if it's broken! Anyway, I've wanted to change this cup for a long time, haha..." After speaking, Ignoring Huang Ziwen, who was already blue with anger, and walked out of the office with Zhou Tao and Ma Bing.

Only Huang Ziwen and Huang Hua were left in Hu Rong's office, and Huang Ziwen was panting like a cow.Huang Huasheng was afraid that Huang Ziwen would be too angry for a while, and fainted from anger.Hastily patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him repeatedly: "Brother, don't be too angry. You have the same knowledge as a woman, and it's not worth getting angry!" Huang Ziwen said through gritted teeth: "Cousin, you don't know, since I became After becoming the CEO, I have never been humiliated like this again!" Huang Hua nodded understandingly, and comforted him: "It doesn't matter, you always have a chance to take revenge!"

Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, a cruel smile flashed across his face, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You are right, cousin. I will always find Hu Rong to settle the account. If I Don’t let her kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, I’m not Huang Ziwen!” Huang Hua nodded and said with a smile: “Of course! Brother, I know what you are capable of. Brother, in your opinion, can they hand over the money?" Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, and murmured: "If they can take it out, they won't waste their time talking with me here!"

In Ma Bing's office, Hu Rong, Zhou Tao, and Ma Bing sat down on the sofa.Ma Bing loosened his tie and said to Hu Rong: "Mr. Hu, although he taunted Huang Ziwen just now, and let out the anger in his heart, what he said is not unreasonable. The current situation of our Longhao Group is indeed true. It's not optimistic. If Mr. Li doesn't raise enough money, our Longhao Group may really face disaster!"

Hu Rong frowned slightly, and asked Ma Bing and Zhou Tao: "You two have worked in GM Group for a long time, and you should know more about GM Group than I do. Tell me, GM Group really Like what Huang Ziwen said, you have never lost a lawsuit?" Ma Bing frowned and murmured, "It is a bit exaggerated to say that he has never lost a single case. However, as the overlord of the world's auto industry, GM It is inevitable that many people will be envious and dissatisfied with a big tree, and the lawsuit has never been interrupted. Therefore, General Motors specially supported a large number of top lawyers in the world and formed them into a powerful lawyer team. During a lawsuit, these lawyers will swarm up like a pack of wolves. Unless the truth is all on your side, you may still win, otherwise, under the siege of these lawyers, you will even die None of them know."

"Then it seems that if our Longhao Group goes to court with them, we will lose more and win less?" Hu Rong asked in a murmur.Ma Bing smiled wryly, and said: "It's not that we lose more and win less, but that we lose and lose! Don't forget, this time we breached the contract, and it was our side that made no sense. Although a lawsuit will save us from having to pay Huang Ziwen has so much as one billion, but as Huang himself said, going to court with GM is burning money, and it will also waste a lot of time, which is really unwise."

"Hey, what's the matter with you? How do you listen? It seems that Mr. Li will not bring the money back in time? Don't forget, there are still more than ten hours before the final payment deadline. You guys And how do you know that Mr. Li won't arrive in time?" Zhou Tao said to the two with some dissatisfaction after hearing the conversation between Hu Rong and Ma Bing.Hu Rong smiled wryly, and said quietly: "Brother Zhou, it's not that we don't have confidence in Xiao Gang, but that we can't put all our hopes on Xiao Gang, and we have to be prepared, so that we can be prepared. "

Zhou Tao curled his lips and said, "Anyway, I think differently from you guys. I think Mr. Li must be on his way back to Longhao Group, and he might show up in a minute." Hearing Zhou Tao's words, Hu Rong smiled wryly , murmured: "I also hope that what you said will come true. But now Huang Ziwen is waiting in my office, I have to plan for the worst."

"Born in sorrow and dying in peace, you are right to think so, haha..." Just as Hu Rong finished speaking, Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly rang out from outside the door.The three people in the room were startled at the same time, and they looked at each other. They all wondered if they were too eager to see Li Xiaogang appear, so they had auditory hallucinations.However, when Li Xiaogang gently opened the door and appeared in front of the three with a relaxed face, the hearts of the three seemed to have grown wings, almost flying out of their throats.The three cheered at the same time, and rushed to Li Xiaogang's side.

Hu Rong didn't shy away from Zhou Tao and Ma Bing at all, she threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms, hung her hands on Li Xiaogang's neck, and her lips fell on Li Xiaogang's face and neck like raindrops.While enjoying the ecstasy of the cherry lips, Li Xiaogang said hehe: "Rong'er, if you don't stop, I... I'm going to lose my temper." Li Xiaogang's teasing words made Hu Rong's pretty face twitch. Hong shyly pushed Li Xiaogang away.Then he raised his powder fist and lightly punched Li Xiaogang's chest, and said coquettishly, "Where did you go, the harmed people thought you couldn't come back in time, and were almost forced to jump off the building by Huang Ziwen." !"

"What? That kid forced you? Could it be that he has eaten the guts of a leopard and doesn't want to live anymore?" Hearing what Hu Rong said, Li Xiaogang immediately became angry, and said with a deep drink.Hu Rong made a look of being bullied, and said full of grievances: "That's right! That guy is waiting in my office now. Look at it, if we can't pay the full amount of money today Give it to him, he will kill me." Li Xiaogang listened, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said faintly: "Don't worry, Rong'er, the person who will die will only be him, not you! Go! , let's go meet him!" Li Xiaogang was about to walk away with his arm around Rong'er's waist, but Hu Rong hurriedly took his hand and asked, "Have you raised any money? If you don't have any money, see I'm afraid he can only suffer his insults in vain."

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and shouted in a deep voice: "He dares!" After drinking, he smiled at Hu Rong and said, "Little fool, when did you start to doubt your husband's ability? If I don't raise enough money, How can I have the face to come back to see you? Don't worry, you will!" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hu Rong's heart fell to the ground, and she giggled: "Then what are you waiting for? I can't wait to see Huang Ziwen eat You look like a turtle." After speaking, like a naughty little princess, she took Li Xiaogang's hand and rushed out.Naturally, Zhou Tao and Ma Bing would not be willing to miss this wonderful shot. They looked at each other and smiled, and hurriedly followed behind them.

In Hu Rong's office, Huang Ziwen was staring angrily at the cup of Blue Mountain coffee that Hu Rong hadn't finished drinking, and muttered fiercely: "Hu Rong, stinky girl, wait for me, I will definitely let you You drank every drop of this cup of coffee!" After finishing speaking, he spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm into the cup of coffee, with a sinister smile on his face. "Brother, who are they? Just leaving you here like this is not taking you seriously. Can you bear this tone?" Huang Ziwen sneered, clapped his hands, faintly Said: "The prime minister can pull a boat in his belly. My identity is here. Of course I won't compete with a young girl. Let them jump up. Anyway, they are ants after autumn. They won't be able to jump up for a few days. Wait until the payment When the deadline is up, let's see how I can control them."

"Hehe, who is our President Huang going to control?" Accompanied by a burst of hearty laughter, Li Xiaogang walked in from the door with light steps.As soon as Huang Hua saw Li Xiaogang, his whole body seemed to have been tapped, and he froze on the spot, as if seeing a god of death, his face turned pale, his voice trembled, full of fear and at the same time Pointing at Li Xiaogang with a hint of anger, he exclaimed: "It's you!?" Li Xiaogang didn't expect Huang Hua to appear here. When he saw him, he was surprised at first, then he laughed and looked at him He said faintly: "Isn't this Director Huang? Why, the electroplating factory is gone, so you come to rely on your cousin? Hehe, I'm afraid that if you rely on the wrong backer, your cousin will soon follow in your footsteps."

"Brother, it's him, it's him!" Huang Hua grabbed Huang Ziwen's hand in shock, pointed at Li Xiaogang and said tremblingly.Huang Ziwen was puzzled by Huang Hua for a while, tried his best to break free from Huang Hua's painful hand, and shouted: "Cousin, what is he, please speak slowly!" Huang Hua looked at Li Xiaogang full of fear, He murmured: "Brother, he is the one who lost our electroplating factory..." "What!?" Huang Ziwen was taken aback by Huang Hua's words, and his eyes widened. Turning to Li Xiaogang, he frowned and asked, "Mr. Li, is what my cousin said true?"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "Of course it's not true! It was an earthquake that destroyed the electroplating factory. What does it have to do with me? It's ridiculous!" The earthquake came on the back foot? You must have used some kind of sorcery to destroy my electroplating factory, it must be like this!" Huang Hua said excitedly.Li Xiaogang suddenly groaned, and said in a cold voice: Huang Hua, you are not an idiot, you should know that you have to be responsible for what you say!If you continue to talk nonsense with red lips and white teeth, be careful and I will sue you! "Li Xiaogang's deep hum made the hearts of both Huang's brothers jump at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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