The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1472 Flying Phoenix Art

Chapter 1472 Flying Phoenix Art
But there is another point, this treasure is precious, but it is full of Xiaozhuan, Hu Rong looked at it for a long time but didn't recognize a single word, she couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang with some frustration, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing out of Hu Rong's expression.Hu Rong pouted her cherry lips at Long Tian in disbelief, and said coquettishly: "You are dead, you know that people don't understand the words on this scroll at all, if you don't teach me, just laugh at me, I don't care You are gone!" Li Xiaogang hugged Hu Rong's waist with a smile, leaned into her ear, and whispered ambiguously: "You really ignore me? In that case, your dream of eternal youth will be lost. Oh, it's going to be shattered."

"You..." Hu Rong couldn't help but raised her hand angrily in her heart to hit her. Li Xiaogang chuckled, grabbed her high raised wrist, took Hu Rong's hand, and gently rubbed it back and forth on the scroll a few times. Before Hu Rong could react, there was a sudden change in the scroll, a puff of smoke suddenly rose from the scroll and covered the entire surface of the scroll.After about half a minute, the smoke dissipated slowly.When the scrolls reappeared, Hu Rong was completely stunned. The previously obscure scrolls had now all become simple and popular modern terms. Anyone who has finished elementary school can easily understand them. the meaning of.

Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement, and asked, "What happened just now?" Li Xiaogang made a surprised expression, looked at Hu Rong, and asked in amazement: "Ronger, how are you?" Awesome! When did you learn such magical magic?" Does anyone know better than herself whether Hu Rong knows magic?After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Hu Rong couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him, curled her lips and said, "Don't fool me here, it was you just now, right?"

Li Xiaogang laughed, neither denying nor admitting, pointing to the scroll and said: "No, you can understand now, right? Hu Rong looked down at the scroll, and saw that at the top of the scroll, there were flamboyant writing There are three big characters "Flying Phoenix Jue". I couldn't help but asked in amazement: "Could it be that if I practice according to the above, I will be able to stay young forever? "Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "If you master this Flying Phoenix Jue, not only can you stay young forever, but you can also ride the clouds and ride the fog like a legendary fairy. Hu Rong, who has been deeply educated in modern education, couldn't believe Li Xiaogang's words, and her eyes were full of boundless doubts as she watched Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang had expected that Hu Rong would not believe it, he pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "Rong'er, do you know why I always appear mysterious and omnipotent?" Hu Rong obediently shook her head , because this is indeed the biggest doubt in her heart all along.No matter how strong a person is, there is a bottom line in ability, but Li Xiaogang seems to have broken through the bottom line. His ability is far beyond people's imagination. Simply put, nothing in the world seems to be difficult for him, and Li Xiaogang often expresses The skills that come out will always greatly violate science.

"Could it be that you have already practiced Feifeng Jue?" Hu Rong couldn't help asking, her heart moved.Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "Although what I practice is not the Flying Phoenix Jue, what I practice is similar to this Feifeng Jue. Scientists believe that there are no gods in this world. They are wrong. Gods Yes, they exist, but they live in another place far away from our space. It is far away, a place that people's science cannot reach, but they can easily approach us. They watch us, spy on us in their When you think it's appropriate, remind us of their existence."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang spoke in a serious manner, his face was serious, and he didn't mean to be joking at all, Hu Rong couldn't help but not believe his words, and asked quietly: "Then are you also a god now?" Li Xiaogang chuckled softly, and said quietly: " It can be counted!" "You... you really are?" Hu Rong couldn't help being surprised and grabbed Li Xiaogang's wrist, her brows were filled with incomparable excitement.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said: "Based on human's understanding of immortals, I should be counted!" "My God! Then... can you turn me into a pig by waving your hand?" Hu Rong said at this time She is just a curious baby, hugging Li Xiaogang's arm, looking at him with watery eyes and asking,

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Of course! But why don't you try it?" "No! How dare you!" Hu Rong jumped to a place far away from Li Xiaogang full of fear, covered her chest with her hands, and stared at Li Xiaogang cautiously, anxiously shouted.Seeing Hu Rong's nervous appearance, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said, "Rong'er, you don't need to be so nervous. Even if you want to, I still don't want to turn my wife into a pig." Haha... Come here, sit by my side, I still have a lot to say to you." After hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hu Rong returned to Li Xiaogang's side bravely, and said still full of worry: " Don’t wave your hands indiscriminately, if I accidentally cast a spell, I will be in trouble!” After speaking, Hu Rong suddenly giggled, and said excitedly: “I really didn’t expect that this world There really is a god, and it is my husband. Heck—I finally understand why you can easily do things that others can't do."

"Do you think gods don't have any worries?" Seeing Hu Rong so happy, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said something quietly.Hu Rong was full of surprises and asked: "When a god is free and omnipotent, I don't know how happy it is, where can there be troubles?" Li Xiaogang let out a long sigh without words, and murmured: " To become a god, you must learn to bear the boundless loneliness, bear the loss of relatives one by one, and finally there is only one person left, suffering from loneliness for a long time. The world only thinks that immortality is a very happy thing , as everyone knows, when the loved ones are gone and only you are left wandering between the heaven and the earth, what a deep pain it is..."

Li Xiaogang's words, coupled with his lonely expression at this time, caused Hu Rong's heart to burst into bursts of pain, and subconsciously tried to feel the pain Li Xiaogang said, and with this heartfelt feeling, Hu Rong's heart suddenly ached. The Jiajia was so powerful that I couldn't help crying.The reason why she shed tears was not because of herself, but because she felt sorry for Li Xiaogang.She understood that Li Xiaogang would say this, which proved that he had truly experienced this kind of pain.

Imagine myself, Long Linger, Gao Yuanyuan, Song Shuang, Li Xiaogang's closest relatives and loved ones, leaving one by one, and only Li Xiaogang is left struggling in the secular world, crying alone, and Hu Rong will be heartbroken.Because she loves Li Xiaogang deeply, she doesn't want Li Xiaogang to suffer any pain, let alone this kind of pain caused by loneliness that is far away and never ends, but can penetrate deep into the bone marrow.Hu Rong threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms with a groan, tears gushed out, and said with a sob: "My husband, I don't want you to be tortured by loneliness alone, I really don't want to! I really want to be with you forever, really I really want to!" Li Xiaogang gently stroked Hu Rong's hair, and said with a smile: "If you really want to be with me forever, then you must practice Feifeng Jue well. Only when you practice flying This is only possible during the Phoenix Art!" Hu Rong nodded heavily, and said with determination on her face: "Husband, don't worry! In order to be with you forever, I will practice this flying phoenix even if I die. In short, I will never let you down!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "Okay! Let's make this beautiful fairy tale of ages and ages into reality! Together forever and ever, even if the earth is destroyed!" Hu Rong looked at Li Xiaogang with eyes full of happiness .

Li Xiaogang suddenly paused, looked at Hu Rong with some seriousness, and said slowly: "But there is one thing I want to remind you. This cultivation is not trivial, and the most important thing is to avoid haste. Remember that haste makes waste, one step at a time Otherwise, before you can practice Feifeng Jue, you may have already lost your temper and disappeared in ashes."

"Is it so serious?" Hu Rong didn't think of this, she looked at Li Xiaogang worriedly and asked in a murmur.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said, "Don't worry! With your husband here, I will protect you!"

"Well! Then when will we start?" Hu Rong seemed eager to try, and she couldn't wait.Li Xiaogang smiled and replied: "Of course, the sooner the better." Hu Rong said: "Then why not start now?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Okay! I want to help you find a sense of aura, and then you can You can practice on your own." After speaking, Hu Rong sat down cross-legged.Li Xiaogang was about to teach Long Hurong how to concentrate and calm down, mobilize the innate qi in the dantian to wander in the body at will, when Hu Rong suddenly turned to look at him, and asked seriously: "Linger, Yuanyuan and Do Song Shuang and the others also want to practice the Flying Phoenix Art?"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "You are really sisters! Don't worry, they are indispensable. I said, I will protect the four of you for a lifetime, and I will never break my promise!" Hu Rong laughed a few times in satisfaction and said: "That's good! At that time, if it's too boring, you can also join a table of mahjong, giggling..." Li Xiaogang was a little crying and laughing, and couldn't help but glared at Hu Rong, and said in a deep voice : "Okay! Listen to me, clear away distracting thoughts, and keep the altar clear!"

What surprised Li Xiaogang was that Hu Rong seemed to have an understanding and talent beyond ordinary people's comprehension. Li Xiaogang only said it three times before and after. It took less than an hour for Hu Rong to freely direct the innate qi in his body to follow The first stage of Feifeng Jue's operation route runs in the body.For this, Hu Rong was very unhappy.But Li Xiaogang knew that although Hu Rong's cultivation had made a good start, it didn't mean that he would definitely practice like this in the future.Cultivation is a matter against the heavens, and there will definitely be many difficulties and obstacles, but what makes Li Xiaogang gratified is that Hu Rong finally took the first step.

(End of this chapter)

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