The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1473 Check Li Xiaogang's background

Chapter 1473 Check Li Xiaogang's background
While Li Xiaogang was teaching Hu Rong the Flying Phoenix Art, Huang Ziwen had a sombre face and brought Huang Hua back to GM's Huaxia branch.Huang Ziwen's mood was extremely bad. Along the way, Huang Hua wanted to say something to comfort Huang Ziwen several times, but Huang Ziwen forced him back.Banging a few nails one after another, Huang Hua didn't bother to make fun of himself, but silently followed behind him without saying a word.

"You're back!" As soon as he entered the company, Huang Ziwen ran into Ye Linna head-on. Ye Linna greeted Huang Ziwen naturally without paying attention to Huang Ziwen's gloomy face.Huang Ziwen can ignore other people, but he can't ignore Yelena.Although he was very upset in his heart, he still responded with a forced smile: "Well, I'm back. But where are you going?" Seeing that Yelena seemed to be leaving, Huang Ziwen couldn't help asking curiously.Yelena replied: "I'm going to China Central Television to book a prime-time advertisement. I want to cooperate with the auto show and promote our GM on TV. The effect should be very good."

Huang Ziwen pondered for a while, and said quietly: "The idea is a good idea, but you don't need to go there yourself. We have a long-term cooperative relationship with CCTV, and we have to create a lot of advertising fees for them every year. It is their well-deserved big client. You only need to ask the people in the advertising department to say hello to CCTV, and everything will be settled, why bother?"

Ye Linna shook her head and said: "You don't know, CCTV is one of the TV stations with the highest ratings in China, and all advertising positions are very precious. The competition for this auto show is so fierce, I believe that our family will not be the only one who thinks of Use the platform of China Central Television to promote ourselves, so we should be more cautious." Huang Ziwen sneered and said, "Linna, are you too nervous? The competition in this auto show is fierce, but no one Yes, and no one dares to challenge our dominance in the auto industry. I don’t believe that anyone who wants to live will dare to compete with us for the prime-time advertising rights of CCTV!”

Seeing Huang Ziwen's coquettish and ignorant appearance, Ye Linna shook her head and said quietly: "Mr. Huang, you are a little too optimistic. Our GM is indeed still occupying the world. We are the leader in the automotive industry, but the situation we are in is ten times or even twenty times worse than ever before. Our competitors are growing at an alarming rate, while our own progress is limited.

Now many pairs of eyes are fixed on the throne of king under our buttocks.If we don't have any sense of urgency, it won't take long for us to be kicked off the throne, or even eliminated by the industry. "

Huang Ziwen said with some disapproval: "It is necessary to have a sense of urgency, but if you have too much urgency awareness, it will inevitably become a worry for others and a mediocrity. I firmly believe that with our current strength, there is no one in the world. An automobile company will challenge our strength in the next ten years." Yelena chuckled a few times, and said slowly: "Mr. Huang, when you said this, you probably forgot that not long ago , the original six booths belonged to us, but one was cut down and given to Tianhao Group. We, GM, have been challenged, and it is still a "newborn"!
Ye Linna's words made Huang Ziwen speechless for a while. After coughing in embarrassment, he said quietly: "Longhao Group is a different kind, and it can't be counted. Moreover, Longhao Group will not be around for long, so it can be completely ignored." He lowered his eyebrows and asked, "By the way, you just came back from Longhao Group. How is the situation? Has the debt been recovered?" When mentioning this matter, Huang Ziwen's face suddenly flashed a gloomy look, and he nodded. Nodded, hummed and said: "It's been taken back, it's not a lot." "Then according to your judgment, when will Longhao Group's capital chain break? Three days or five days?" Yelena continued asked.

Huang Ziwen gave a wry smile, and murmured, "I'm afraid that in three to five years, Longhao Group's capital chain will not be broken." As soon as Huang Ziwen's words came out, Yelena's face suddenly became more surprised, full of surprise Looking at Huang Ziwen, he asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean? Didn't you tell me that after the acquisition of Tianma Metallurgy, Longhao Group will face a broken capital chain, unable to maintain operations, or even close down? You Now why do you suddenly say that the capital chain of Longhao Group will not be broken?" Huang Ziwen said angrily, "How do I know? It's really a man's calculation! I, Huang Ziwen, have calculated everything, but only one person has been missed! "

"It's the guy named Li Xiaogang, isn't it?" Yelena was very smart and guessed it all at once.Huang Ziwen gritted his teeth resentfully, and said, "That's right, it's this bastard! I don't know where he was killed, but God Mao is so rich. With every gesture, he injected capital into Longhao Group It also stated that this huge sum of money was entirely used to promote Longhao Group. With this money, Longhao Group's capital chain is so solid that it is about to surpass us. I am afraid that our capital chain Broken, none of them will necessarily break."

"How could this be? The first time I saw Li Xiaogang, I felt that this person was extraordinary and not someone to be taken lightly. You are also an old fritter who has been in the arena for a long time. Haven't you ever thought of checking that man?" What about Li Xiaogang?" Ye Linna stared at Huang Maowen angrily, and scolded softly.Huang Ziwen nodded a little aggrieved and said quietly: "Yeah, it's time for someone to check him." "What's the use of checking now? They have already set you up." Ye Linna yelled loudly at Zhang Huangziwen He said: "Huang Ziwen, I listened to you before I persuaded those directors. If the plan cannot develop according to your idea, how do you ask me to explain to those directors? What if the directors hold them accountable?" , not only you can't escape the blame, but I'm afraid I will also suffer along with it!"

Huang Ziwen couldn't help but muttered: "If you can't explain it, then don't explain it!" "What did you say!?" Yelena asked with her eyes bulging out of anger, gnashing her teeth.Huang Ziwen didn't want to anger Ye Linna completely, so he hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "Linna, you misunderstood me. I didn't expect that a character like Li Xiaogang would be killed halfway, disrupting our overall plan. But don't worry, this Although we suffered a loss once, it was only temporary. In the future, we will always have a chance to win this round. Believe me, even if I, Huang Ziwen, rack my brains, I will bring down the Longhao Group!"

Yelena snorted bitterly, glared at Huang Ziwen and said, "Okay, I'll give you another chance. If you can't succeed again, then I'm sorry. The directors have to explain it yourself. I can't help it!" "Lin Na, since we have worked together and I have a deep love for you, you can't just ignore it! When it's time for you to act, you must not be vague." Huang Ziwen looked at it full of pleading Yelena said.Yelena snorted coldly and said, "Come on! I already regret listening to your words. If I continue to help you, I'm afraid I will die even worse!" After speaking, she turned and left without looking back.

Looking at Yelena's figure walking away, Huang Ziwen felt hatred in his heart.He paid so much to pursue Yelena, but in the end, what he got in exchange was this sarcastic remarks, and he wished to strangle Yelena to death, but he couldn't bear it in his heart. "Brother, isn't this woman too ruthless?" Huang Hua said to Huang Ziwen indignantly.Huang Ziwen couldn't help shouting angrily: "Shut up! If you dare to say no to Linna again, I'll make you look good!" Seeing Huang Ziwen's vicious look, it seemed as if he wanted to swallow himself alive , Huang Hua couldn't help complaining softly: "You got angry at Longhao Group, why do you want to vent it on me? I'm your cousin, not your punching bag!"

"What? You don't want to be my punching bag? If you don't want to, you can get away from me. A lot of people are vying to be my punching bag! You have the nerve to say that you are my cousin, I let you You can’t even look at an electroplating factory. It’s trash!” Hearing Huang Hua’s muttering, Huang Ziwen broke out unbearably, roaring again and again.Although Huang Hua was really angry in his heart, but now he has nothing but debts, and he is under the eaves of others, so he can't help but bow his head, he can only hold back all the anger in his heart, but he keeps talking to him. Huang Ziwen laughed apologetically.

Huang Ziwen vented the anger in his heart, calmed down a lot, and said to Huang Hua in a deep voice: "I give you a task! You go and find out for me the origin of that guy named Li Xiaogang? He ruined us first. The electroplating factory disrupted my overall plan to deal with the Longhao Group, and made me suffer so much humiliation. He and I are already irreconcilable! If I can't get rid of him and take revenge, I will die. Can't pay attention!" Huang Hua was also very angry with Li Xiaogang, and when he heard that Huang Ziwen was going to deal with Li Xiaogang, he was overjoyed, nodded impatiently, and said repeatedly: "Don't worry, brother, I will make his ancestor eighteen It’s impossible for everyone to find out!”

"I asked you to check Li Xiaogang, what did the [-]th generation of his ancestors do?" Huang Ziwen asked angrily.Huang Hua was stunned for a moment, and then said with a sneer: "Brother, I...I'm not showing you my determination..." "I'm showing you my mother! It's useless to get rid of these things, go to me quickly!" "Huang Ziwen shouted angrily without waiting for Huang Hua to finish speaking.

Being scolded by Huang Ziwen like a dog, although Huang Hua was angry, he could only bear with it, complained a few words in his mouth, turned and left in a hurry.Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, and returned to his office cursing all the way.After returning to his office, Huang Ziwen called the beautiful female secretary in, and yelled furiously until the female secretary couldn't bear the grievance, covered her face and cried away, this time she let out a long breath, from Long Hao The grievances received by the group were finally mixed up, and people calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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