The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1484 Sky-high publicity fee

Chapter 1484 Sky-high publicity fee

The more the two were like this, the more Li Xiaogang felt that he didn't care enough for them. He patted Xiaoxiong on the shoulder and said, "No matter what, I did something wrong. In order to make up for what I did to you I am ashamed that you have to accept the wedding gift I gave you!" "Hahaha... of course! How could we be so stupid not to accept the gift from Brother Gang? Brother Gang, don't be foolish, just take it out now !" Little Xiong rushed forward like a money fan!He stretched out his hand towards Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "The gift is too big, I can't carry it. I put him downstairs!"

"Too big? Downstairs?" Li Xiaogang's words caused Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli to look at each other, and the two young people could not help but tremble.Li Xiaogang took the two of them by the hand and came to the huge French windows, opened the blinds, pointed to the red Ferrari sports car quietly parked there under the office building, and said with a smile: "No, that's the one, do you like it?" Li, followed Li Xiaogang's fingers, and finally fixed his eyes on the Ferrari. Little Bear couldn't help but exclaimed and opened his mouth wide, while Xiao Li subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands. As if his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, he stared at the fiery red super dazzling Ferrari, completely stunned.

Not only the two, when everyone figured out what Li Xiaogang gave them, they all exclaimed, and the entire office hall fell into a deathly silence.When Li Xiaogang went to pick up Ma Bing in the morning, Ma Bing was full of praise for this Ferrari and appreciated it to the extreme.But at that time, Ma Bing only thought it was Li Xiaogang's own car, but he didn't expect that it was Li Xiaogang's gift.

Although the remuneration of Qiangnong sales is not low, but if you want to buy such a top-notch Ferrari, I am afraid that Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli will have to save for five or six years before they can afford it.It is conceivable how much this gift means to the two of them.Ma Bing couldn't help clicking his tongue, admiring Li Xiaogang's generosity in his heart.

After a long time, Little Bear woke up from the huge shock, waved his hands again and again, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, this gift is really too heavy, how can we afford it! ""Yes, Brother Gang. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have achieved what we are today. We should have thanked you and given you a gift, but unexpectedly, you sent us such a gift." We can't accept such a big gift!" Although Xiaoli said so, it can be seen that she is really in love with this fiery red Ferrari sports car.

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said with a smile: "When you get married, you must have a car of your own. Anyway, they are all cars, which one is different? Don't refuse me! Over the years, you have been sold by strong farmers. Starting from scratch, you have been struggling all the time. I don’t know how much hard work you have put into this Qiangnong sales. I gave you a Ferrari that seems expensive, but it is worthless compared to everything you have contributed to Qiangnong sales. Mention! I give you this car not only because you are my friends, but also because you deserve it! You can afford it!"

"Brother Gang, we..." Xiao Xiong wanted to say something more, but Li Xiaogang waved his hand to stop him, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! I, Li Xiaogang, have never taken back what I sent out. If you don't want it, then you are looking down on me Brother Gang. From now on, I don’t have you as a brother, I don’t have your younger siblings!”

Seeing Li Xiaogang getting angry, Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli turned to Xinran for help.Xin Ran giggled and said, "You two idiots, how can you not take advantage of the cheap price delivered to your door? You Brother Gang is as rich as a country, and buying a sports car is as easy as buying a bicycle. You don't need to feel embarrassed, just accept it quickly. Go! After you get off work, don't forget to take me for a ride! I haven't driven such a good sports car before!"

After hearing Xinran's words, Xiao Xiong and Xiao Li looked at each other, and then Xiao Xiong nodded and said to Li Xiaogang: "Brother Gang, we accept your generous gift. From now on, we will work harder, I will never let you down!" Li Xiaogang smiled at you contentedly, and said: "That's right! Well, here is the key! I will give you a half-day off by permission, and take Xiaoli for a drive! I and you are happy Elder sister still has something to talk about.” Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli were already itching in their hearts, and Li Xiaogang’s words hit their hearts, they smiled awkwardly, then thanked Li Xiaogang, took the key, and stood in the crowd. With eyes full of envy, they ran out holding hands.

After watching Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli leave, Li Xiaogang turned to Xinran and said, "Let's go, let's go to your office to talk." Xinran nodded, hoping everyone to continue working, and he brought Li Xiaogang and Ma Bing to his office .After sitting down, Xing Ran ordered someone to make coffee for himself and Ma Bing, but for Li Xiaogang he personally made a cup of steaming and fragrant West Lake Longjing.Li Xiaogang picked up the teacup, took a sip, the taste was sweet and mellow, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "How do you know that I don't like coffee, but like this West Lake Longjing tea?"

Xin Ran chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "Of course I know. I also know that you like to eat dumplings, especially those stuffed with beef, right?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help looking at Xin Ran in surprise, and murmured: " Even Hu Rong and the others don't know about this, how do you know?" Xin Ran giggled and said, "Don't worry about it, you just need to know that I know. Besides, I know more than you can imagine. Giggle..." Seeing Xinran's smug smile, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but froze for a moment, looking thoughtful.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Li Xiaogang fell silent, Xin Ran asked curiously.Li Xiaogang hurriedly said, "It's nothing, let's talk about business!" He said happily, "I know what you are talking about with me. Is it nothing more than cooperation with Longhao Group? I know this, as long as you Come forward, no matter who you want me to cooperate with, I will never turn back and try to do my best!" Speaking of this, even a fool can hear Xin Ran's affection for Li Xiaogang, and Ma Bing's heart is full of envy .A Hu Rong is already a beautiful woman who is hard to find in the world, and now she is happy again. Ma Bing can't wait to switch with Li Xiaogang, that would be fun.

Ma Bing could hear it, but how could Li Xiaogang not?It's just that this is the last thing Li Xiaogang wants to hear.With Hu Rong, Long Ling'er, Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang, Qi Qiang really felt extremely satisfied.He doesn't want to be involved in love debt disputes again, and he doesn't want to be sorry for the fourth daughter. This is why Li Xiaogang hasn't come to Qiangnong Sales for so long.Li Xiaogang avoided Xinran's fiery gaze, coughed, and said slowly: "Xinran, do you know who I want you to cooperate with Longhao Group, and who are you going to deal with?"

Seeing the seriousness on Li Xiaogang's face, under his expression, it is really not suitable to talk about these topics about your love and my love, Xin Ran had no choice but to suppress the fiery feelings like magma flow in his heart, and became serious, saying "I don't know, who is it?" Li Xiaogang replied indifferently: "General Group!"With the development of Qiangnong's sales to this day, Xin Ran can't remember how many strong opponents she has defeated, but there is no doubt that no matter how strong the opponents who fell in front of her are, it is impossible to defeat them. Group, the so-called largest group in the world, is a well-deserved emperor in the car kingdom!
Just like a good hunter meeting a cunning prey, there is a trace of excitement that can only be revealed when meeting a strong enemy, on the happy brows.This trace of excitement did not escape Li Xiaogang's eyes, which made Li Xiaogang fully realize Xinran's aggressive personality.At the same time, it also made him understand that the success of Qiangnong Sales is probably inseparable from Xinran's combative and eager character.Li Xiaogang nodded lightly, and said slowly: "If it wasn't because I met General Motors, I would not have proposed Longhao Group to cooperate with you. How about it, do you dare to face this challenge?"

"Dare! Why don't you dare!?" Xin Ran agreed without thinking too much.Excited, he stood up from the chair as if he couldn't sit still, and said quietly: "To tell you the truth, I have also come into contact with people from General Motors for various reasons. These guys have a nose on the top of their heads. It's crazy! I've wanted to touch them for a long time, but I couldn't find the opportunity. Now it's all right, the opportunity has come to me, why should I not accept it?" "Great, With Miss Xinran's words, I believe we will be able to defeat General Motors in the end!" Seeing that Xinran accepted the plan so readily, the horse soldiers who had been a little worried all the time breathed a long sigh of relief. said excitedly.

"But I have to remind you!" Li Xiaogang didn't want Xinran and Ma Bing to get too excited and ignore the strength of his opponent, and said lightly: "In order to successfully hold this auto show, GM specially sent Ye Linna this time. As I said, this Yelena is very good, if you take it lightly, you may suffer in her hands." "Yelina?" Hearing this name, the happy crescent eyebrows subconsciously twitched, and said faintly: " I once met this Yelena when I attended an international economic forum, and had a conversation with her. This woman is indeed a powerful person, with clear thinking, strict logic, and swift and decisive actions. She is the only person I admire women."

"Then do you have the confidence to defeat her?" Li Xiaogang asked with a smile.Xin Ran said cautiously: "If everyone is in an equal competitive environment, I have [-]% certainty that I can beat her. But you also know that GM is the world's top big company, and it is far better than Long in terms of popularity and financial resources. Howe Group. To put it bluntly, if we meet with GM, it will be like an egg hitting a rock! Yelena has so many favorable conditions in her hands, I am afraid that my chance of winning is less than [-]%." Xin Ran has always been cautious and objective in the mall , known for being calm, her analysis is very pertinent, it can be said that it is completely correct.

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said: "The reputation of General Motors Group is indeed more prominent than that of Longhao Group. GM Group, Longhao Group has prepared 100 billion publicity funds, I don't believe that GM Group can spend such a large amount of money to compete with Longhao Group!"

"100 billion!? For a promotional event, Longhao Group actually chose to spend 100 billion. Is this... is this a bit too exaggerated?" Xin Ran, who could not believe her ears, murmured to Li Xiaogang in amazement asked mutteringly.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said nothing, Ma Bing said: "This is what Mr. Li means. Mr. Li believes that if Longhao Group wants to completely suppress the General Motors Group in the future and win glory for our China's auto industry, it must make a high-profile attack , completely trampled GM Group under its feet from the very beginning!" Hearing Ma Bing's words, Xin Ran nodded a little dumbfounded, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said faintly: "I should have thought about it a long time ago, the whole world can think about it." You are the only one who came up with such a crazy idea!" After hearing this, Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, plucked his ears, and murmured: "You say that, are you praising me or hurting me? "

(End of this chapter)

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