Chapter 1485
After hearing this, Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, pulled out his ears, and murmured, "Are you praising me or hurting me when you say that?" Xin Ran narrowed the distance between himself and Li Xiaogang with a smile, Staring straight into his eyes, he murmured: "Don't you see the deep admiration and admiration for you in my eyes?" Xin Ran's eyes were so fascinated that Li Xiaogang almost lost control.Li Xiaogang laughed a few times in a hurry, moved his body back, moved a little away from Xinran, and said, "Speaking of admiration, I should be the one who admires you. At least I can't deal with that Yelena, but you can!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang walking away from her calmly, Xin Ran couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.With a sigh in his heart, he said solemnly: "You are right. The General Motors Group has a big business, and there are too many aspects to consider. It is really impossible for them to invest so much money in publicity at once. In terms of reputation, Longhao Group is inferior to GM, but we can recover in terms of funds. Now that everyone is tied, I have [-]% certainty that the reputation of Longhao Group will surpass GM. Everyone in the world knows about the birth of Longhao Group!"

"As for the details, it's up to your team and the cavalry to discuss. My task is just to lead the way and build a bridge for you. Now my task has been completed." Li Xiaogang smiled with a relaxed expression on his face. Said.

"So you're going to disappear again soon?" Xin Ran looked at Li Xiaogang nervously and asked.It was so hard to look forward to Li Xiaogang's arrival, but within a few minutes of talking, Li Xiaogang was about to leave again, how could Xin Ran not feel sad?Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "No, I will stay here for a while. I am still waiting to see how you guys repair the GM Group. Such a good show is not easy to see. How can I Can I miss it?"

Hearing that Li Xiaogang would not leave for the time being, Xin Ran couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and a bright smile appeared on his face.He giggled and said: "Now that the business is over, shouldn't we talk about something else?" Li Xiaogang nodded, and said slowly: "Yes, it's time to talk about something else..." Xin Ran did not Pay attention to Li Xiaogang's expression, and said with a smile: "Okay! Let me ask you, you gave Xiaoxiong and Xiaoli such a good sports car, what are you going to give me? You can't favor one over another, this bowl of water You have to be fair!"

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and asked: "Why, you also want a sports car?" Shaking his head happily, he said: "I have the car, I don't need it!" "Then what do you want?" Li Xiaogang asked.Xinran laughed happily, and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as I like what you give me!" Li Xiaogang listened, smiled lightly, looked at Xinran with squinted eyes, and asked faintly: "Do you really want to buy it?" Do you want me to give you a gift?" Xin Ran nodded hurriedly and said, "Of course!" "But what if you don't accept it if I give it to you?" Li Xiaogang asked again.

"Impossible! I wish you could give me a gift. If you gave it, how could I not accept it?" Xin Ran waved her hands again and again, and said with certainty.Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you won't dare to accept it when the time comes." Xin Ran snorted lightly, rolled her eyes at Li Xiaogang, and said faintly, "What a joke, you gave me a present, not a bomb. , why would I dare not accept it? Besides, as long as it is given to me by you, even if it is arsenic, I will accept it!"

"Is this true!?" Li Xiaogang straightened his face and asked seriously.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang's expression was different from usual, Xin Ran's heart twitched subconsciously, suddenly feeling uneasy.Looking at Li Xiaogang suspiciously, he murmured: "You...what are you going to give me?" Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said faintly: "Xinran, do you still remember that I said earlier that But I have something very important to talk to you about." Xin Ran nodded ignorantly, and murmured: "I remember, but... But haven't we already talked about it just now? I have also agreed to talk to Long Hao The group cooperates and deals with the GM group together, what else is there to talk about?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said with a smile: "Xin Ran, you are wrong! The matter of cooperating with Longhao Group is important, but it is not very important. What I want to say next is what I want to discuss with you. It can be regarded as a gift from me to you!" Li Xiaogang's seriousness made Xin Ran's heart suddenly heavy, and she looked at Li Xiaogang and nodded blankly.Looking out through the blinds, the office hall is full of people and busy.Anyone can see that this is a very dynamic team.A company with such a team is simply an incalculable wealth.And all of this is Xinran after years of hard work, a little bit of building and honing.

Li Xiaogang took a long breath and finally made up his mind to switch to buying. Xiang Xinran asked seriously: "Xinran, let me ask you! How deep is your affection for Qiangnong Sales?" Xinran didn't Knowing what Li Xiaogang was going to do, he just replied honestly: "It's very deep! Qiangnong Sales is like my child, we are one flesh and blood, and our souls have already been fused together. I think, if there is no Qiang Nong Sales, I will die!"

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly: "That's right! Qiangnong Sales would not be able to continue to exist without you." As he spoke, Li Xiaogang suddenly fixed his piercing eyes on Xinran, and said word by word : "Xin Ran, I have already decided, I want to sell Qiang Nong to you, no! To be precise, I want to return Qiang Nong to you! Because it belongs to you!"

"Tithe what!?" Li Xiaogang's words completely stunned Xinran, she looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement and thought she had heard wrong, and asked in a startled voice.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and murmured: "From now on, you are no longer the general manager of Qiangnong Sales, but the chairman of Qiangnong Sales! Congratulations!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang puffed up happily palm.Xinran grabbed Li Xiaogang's hand anxiously, and said loudly: "Li Xiaogang, are you crazy!? Do you know how much Qiangnong's sale is worth? It's tens of billions, just give it to me with one word ?”

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "No, you are wrong. As I said, I didn't sell Qiangnong to you, but returned it to you. Because it belongs to you!" "You...what are you kidding? As we all know, This Qiangnong Sales was funded and established by you back then, and I was just working for you. Even if it comes to the horizon, the ownership of this Qiangnong Sales belongs to you, not to me! Why are you still paying it back? It’s just inexplicable !” Xin Ran said in a delicate voice with a little excitement.Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, looked at Xinran, and murmured: "Xinran, what's wrong with you? Don't you like Qiangnong Sales? Just now you told me that Qiangnong Sales is your child. Flesh and flesh, soul mingling! I want to hand over the sales of Qiangnong to you, why do you refuse?"

"I refuse, that's because Qiang Nong sells something that doesn't belong to me, it belongs to you! I don't want to take advantage of you!" Xin Ran said loudly with great self-respect.The excitement shown by Xinran made Li Xiaogang appreciate Xinran more and more. It is really not easy for Xinran to maintain a clean and pure heart after spending so long in this intriguing and profit-only shopping mall.Li Xiaogang said lightly: "I understand. You said that Qiangnong Sales belonged to me. That's because I paid for the establishment of it. But think about it, the value of everything you have paid for Qiangnong Sales over the years has long been worth it." It is far more than the money I paid! You say that Qiangnong Sales is your child, because you paid everything for it, and you deserve to say that. But I don’t deserve it, because I created it Other than that, I have made no contribution to it at all. If I still have the cheek to continue to possess it, others will laugh at me!"

"Li Xiaogang, did you do this because I was rude to Mr. Ma yesterday and made you feel that your dignity was damaged? Don't get me wrong. I treated Mr. Ma like that yesterday just because I wanted to see you On the one hand, I have no intention of disregarding you, the boss. Although I have paid a lot for Qiangnong Sales, I have also gained a lot. Compared with what I have paid, what I have gained is nothing Quite a few, and I have never complained at all. Really, I can swear it!" Xin Ran said eagerly, even a little anxiously.

Li Xiaogang hurriedly stopped Xinran, and said with a smile: "Xinran, why do you want to do this? You misunderstood me, I am not a small-hearted person, and I also know that you did not mean anything to the horse soldiers yesterday. I am a person There are no other advantages, it depends on the person. Don't think about it, I want to hand over Qiangnong Sales to you, it is completely out of my sincerity. As I said, Qiangnong Sales will be gone without you. It exists. But without me, it will still operate very well." "No! I still can't promise you, the value of Qiangnong's sales is too high, I dare not accept it!" Xin Ran shook her head like a rattle Said.

Li Xiaogang laughed, and said faintly: "But I clearly remember that just now, someone seemed to say that you would not dare to accept any gift I gave you. Why, you broke your promise so soon? It's not like you Xinran's style!" Li Xiaogang's words made Xinran dumbfounded, and couldn't help but give him a blank look, and added: "This... This is two different things at all! Anyway, what you say is useless! I will never force farmers to sell of!"

Li Xiaogang sighed softly, and said slowly: "Xin Ran, I don't want to give you all of this Qiangnong Sales. I am going to divide the shares of Qiangnong Sales into several parts, and 50.00% of them will belong to you. The remaining 40.00% nine, I will share equally with Xiaoxiong, Xiaoli, these people who have dedicated their youth to Qiangnong Sales. They, like you, can have all this well-deserved. From now on, you are the real Qiangnong Sales Master!" Li Xiaogang's attitude was very sincere, so sincere that Xinran almost didn't dare to meet his gaze, Xinran was afraid that once he met Li Xiaogang's gaze, he would not be able to help but agree to his request.

(End of this chapter)

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