The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1521 The Fragility of Rock and Roll

Chapter 1521 The Fragility of Rock and Roll

"But Mr. Li..." Huawei still didn't dare to accept it. Li Xiaogang waved his hand and interrupted him and said, "Okay, if you insist on not accepting it, then I will transfer this stage to Longhua Group and return it to Longhua Group." All, and you, have the right to use it. Is it okay?" Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hua Wei nodded, looked at Li Xiaogang, and said seriously: "Mr. Li, don't worry! I, Hua Wei I will definitely not let this stage be buried in my hands. I will definitely do my best to let its glory shine all over the world!"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "In that case, I'll wait and see. Hehe." "Uncle, you are really capable. You can find such a big diamond, and you can make it into such a magnificent stage. You know, this diamond is the hardest thing in the world, and it is unimaginable to use it to carve!" Tian Huihui looked at Li Xiaogang with an expression of admiration, and said with a smile.Tian Huihui's unintentional words aroused the curiosity of Hua Wei and Hua Zifeng. The father and son glanced at each other, and Hua Wei couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Yes? This is also one of the questions in my mind. .In addition, I would also like to know, Mr. Li, you were clearly empty-handed just now, where did this stage come from? Could it be that Mr. Li, you know magic and can make this stage bigger or smaller, so you can carry it with you?"

"Yes, yes, uncle, what's going on? Tell us!" Chen Sheng also booed and asked.Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and lightly uttered two words: "Secret!"Just at this moment, Lin Zhi, Wang Cheng, Ma Juan, and Qin Yao waited on the stage that looked like a fairyland from the backstage. Li Xiaogang pointed to the stage and said, "Don't make noise, the performance is about to begin." It's gone." Seeing that Li Xiaogang cast his eyes on the stage and stopped attending the Tian Huihui, Huawei could only sigh lightly and stopped making any further noises.Curiosity killed the cat, and Hua Wei didn't want to anger Li Xiaogang by satisfying his curiosity.

The four of Lin Zhi stood on this luxurious stage made of diamonds, and a rush of blood gushed out from their hearts immediately.This strong feeling is something they have never tried before.I don't know if it's because of Li Xiaogang or because of the stage under my feet.But no matter what, Lin Zhi and others are aware of the value of this passion, because they are the undoubted source of motivation for rock and roll.Driven by this enthusiasm, Lin Zhi and the others quickly entered the state.Exciting notes immediately echoed in the rehearsal field.

After listening to a few words, Li Xiaogang was relieved to find that the rock and roll of Lin Zhi and the others really had a considerable appeal.Even a person with such a state of mind as deep as the sea, couldn't help being stirred up in his heart by the music of the four of them.It can affect his state of mind, which is absolutely fatal to ordinary people.Sure enough, at the beginning of the concert, Hua Zifeng, Tian Huihui and others were drawn into the atmosphere created by the music.One by one, they kept shaking with the rhythm, as if they were out of control. Even Hua Wei couldn't hold it back, and then shook his body lightly.

People think that rock and roll is just crazy screaming, emotional catharsis, and rational loss of control, so for a long time, rock and roll can't get rid of vulgar accusations.But from Lin Zhi and the others, Li Xiaogang has a new understanding and understanding of rock and roll.Lin Zhi's rock and roll is the flow and pouring of emotions from the heart, and there is nothing related to vulgarity in their singing.From their rock and roll, what people feel is not madness, not the joy of losing their minds, but excitement and enthusiasm.Each of the Yuefu infused with the four seems to have magical powers. He can inject strength into a weak body, and even make a heart that has fallen into darkness shine brightly when it is seen again.

All of a sudden, Li Xiaogang suddenly discovered that what Lin Zhi and the others had done at this time was even greater than what he had done.To use a metaphor, in the face of the same sick patient, Li Xiaogang’s method only treats the symptoms, but Lin Zhi’s music can cure the root cause.Worried that aliens would invade the earth one day, Li Xiaogang worked hard to build an interstellar fleet to protect the earth and the people on the earth.But he ignored the subjective wishes of the people on the earth.They don't know how dangerous the situation they are in, so they don't have the motivation to take action to protect themselves, so everything Li Xiaogang has done must be incomprehensible to them, and it is not because of this, among the leadership of Shangfeng , There will be so many people standing up to obstruct Li Xiaogang's actions.

But Lin Zhi's approach is different. They can use music to wake up people, so that people can act spontaneously and unite to protect themselves and their homes.Realizing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help sighing in his heart.He thought that he could surpass everything by accepting the huge power and memory from Nvwa, so he always thought he was right, lacking in listening and thinking, and that's why he took so many detours.If he had heard the music of Ten Forest and Six Zhi Kai He Speed ​​earlier, perhaps so many twists and turns would not have happened.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang's heart moved, and he had a brand new idea. He wanted to use Lin Zhi's band to use music to make people all over the world aware of the crisis the earth is facing.Let people all over the world take action, then maybe he won't be as tired and difficult as he is now.However, Li Xiaogang also realized that although Lin Zhi and the others are excellent now and their music can move people, it is far from enough to play the role he imagined.He had to find a way to make Lin Zhi and his music more attractive, so that everyone, regardless of gender, age or age, would like and accept them.Only in this way can his purpose be achieved.

what can we do about it?After Li Xiaogang thought about it for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered: "I never thought that I, who know nothing about music, would start to create music, ha ha."

"Mr. Li, what are you laughing at?" While watching Lin Zhi's performance, Hua Wei also looked at Li Xiaogang's expression.

To see Li Xiaogang's affirmative smile, this is definitely a happy thing for Huawei.Li Xiaogang smiled at this time, but in Huawei's view, Li Xiaogang's smile was meaningful, so he couldn't help asking.Li Xiaogang let out a sigh, glanced at him, and said, "It's nothing, I just think Lin Zhi and the others are really good!"

Hua Wei laughed and said, "That's right! You don't know who trained Lin Zhi and the others!" Hua Wei himself felt very proud of being able to train a super-level singer like Lin Zhi.Li Xiaogang smiled lightly, and suddenly asked: "By the way, for a group like Lin Zhi and the others, there should be a special person writing songs for them, right?" With a slight cloud, he sighed and said: "Speaking of this, I am really worried! You also know that in our country, a movement back then has delayed us for decades. Therefore, as a kind of music, rock and roll, Not only has it been introduced into our country for a short time, but its development is also very slow. Therefore, the rock development level of our country is far behind the top countries in the world. This backwardness is not only reflected in the lack of excellent rock singers, but also in the lack of excellent rock singers. Rock Music Creator!

The rock songs that Lin Zhi and the others sang, except for a small number of relatively good rock songs composed by domestic musicians, are mostly translated or copied by those international rock masters.Speaking of which, it's really ashamed! "

Hearing Huawei's description, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but frowned, and said lightly: "If you want to become the world's top rock band, it is impossible to rely on plagiarism alone. The key is that we must create our own rock music! "Huawei smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I understand what you said! But there are too few talents in this field in our country, and I can't help it." Li Xiaogang frowned lightly, and said in a vibrating voice: "I am Huaxia. In a big country, talents are everywhere! I can’t believe that even a good rock music creator can’t be found!”

Hua Wei said bitterly: "At the beginning, I thought so too, so I launched a large-scale search across the country, but the result was very disappointing." Seeing Hua Wei's expression, Li Xiaogang It can be imagined that in this matter, Huawei's brains are used, and I am afraid that there is no need to ask him for a stage.Li Xiaogang laughed softly, and said slowly: "There is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village! Just because you can't find it for a while, doesn't mean you will never find it. Hehe." Seeing a smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Hua Wei My heart couldn't help being lifted, and I looked up at Li Xiaogang with some excitement, and asked in a nasty way: "Mr. Li, do you know such a talent? If so, please introduce him to me, Mr. Li. If he If he is really good enough, I, Huawei, will never treat him badly!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said: "I don't know each other now, but maybe I will soon. Hehe." Li Xiaogang's words made Huawei listen to some monks who were a little over two feet old, confused, and looked at Li Xiaogang full of surprise. .Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's watch the show!" pressed down.

A total of more than two hours of the concert, Lin Zhi and the others also sang a total of ten songs, accounting for half of the entire concert.The rest of the time was filled by guests like Dong Feifei.At the beginning, Li Xiaogang thought that Warwick invited so many performers just to set off Lin Zhi and the others and create momentum for them.Now Li Xiao just realized that Hua Wei's painstaking efforts were probably not only to set off Lin Zhi and the others, but also to fill the time of the concert.It seems that Lin Zhi and the others only have ten songs in total.It would be too thin to hold a special concert based on these ten songs alone.

(End of this chapter)

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