Chapter 1522

Although many guests joined, the filming was due to the ingenious programming of the program, including Lin Zhi's wonderful interaction with the guests and the audience, the whole concert was smooth and smooth, and Lin Zhi and the others also stole the limelight.However, no matter what, as a band that is about to enter the world and dominate the international rock music scene, there are only ten songs, and several of them are copied from others, which seems too shabby.After discovering this situation, Li Xiaogang became more determined to find a way to create a batch of excellent rock music, which not only helped himself, but also helped Lin Zhi and the others.

"Wow! It's really wonderful! It's the first time I've seen such a wonderful concert when I grow up!" After Lin Zhi and the others sang their last finale, Tian Huihui felt a little sour neck, full of admiration and excitement.As the host and planner of the concert, Hua Wei couldn't help laughing when he heard Tian Huihui's praise, and said: "Today, there are only a few audiences like us, and many original brilliant arrangements have not been brought into play. The desired effect, when a large audience gathers tomorrow, I believe the effect will be twice as strong as it is now!"

What Huawei told was the truth, and his estimates were very conservative. Hua Zifeng, Chen Sheng, Tian Huihui and others couldn't help showing a burst of deep excitement and anticipation on their faces.Chen Sheng murmured as if dreaming: "I think tomorrow will be the worst day in my life! Uncle, have you really decided not to come tomorrow? If you don't come to such a wonderful concert, you will definitely I will regret it!" Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly and said, "Not only will I not be able to come tomorrow, but you will not be able to come either!"

What Li Xiaogang said was Tian Huihui, Chen Sheng and others were stunned, Tian Huihui looked at Li Xiaogang with some excitement and asked, "Why?" People." Tian Huihui asked in confusion after hearing this: "Who is so great? Even if the head of the country is here, he can't stop me from going to the concert!" Chen Sheng and others also looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise .Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "That person is not as powerful as the head of the country, but he is extremely important to you. If you don't go, you will regret it for the rest of your life! Because she is not someone else. It is your master—Death Rose!"

"What!? Our master, she's coming!?" Chen Sheng couldn't help but screamed when he heard it. Looking at Li Xiaogang in surprise, he asked loudly.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "That's right! Do you think it is your master or the concert that is more important?"

After Chen Sheng and the others looked at each other, Chen Sheng took out the concert ticket that was treasured in his arms, tore it into pieces, and said loudly: "Of course it's the master who is important! It's the concert." Anyway, it’s not just this time, it’s the same next time.” After hearing Chen Sheng’s words, Wang Chong, Zhao Yu, Mi Hui and Xue Qi also nodded in agreement, and tore up the tickets together without the slightest bit of reluctance. It can be seen that Song Shuang still has a great influence on these boys.This made Li Xiaogang even more certain that calling Song Shuang back and looking at them was a completely correct decision.

Seeing that five people tore up the tickets, Li Xiaogang cast his eyes on Tian Huihui, and Chen Sheng and other five people also locked their eyes on her.Seeing this, Tian Huihui hurriedly grabbed his ticket in the palm of his hand, held it tightly, and stared at the four of them warily and said softly: "Don't mess around! Rose of Death is your master, isn't it? My master! Go and pick up yours, don't drag me, I must go to the concert! Besides, the tickets are so expensive, it would be a pity to tear them up!"

"Yes, you really don't want to tear up this ticket?" Chen Sheng looked at Tian Huihui with a devilish smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked quietly. "No, no, how about it?" Tian Huihui insisted with some guilt.

"Okay then, you have this ticket, but from now on, you have lost friends like us!" Chen Sheng's expression froze, and he said to Tian Huihui in a serious manner. "You... what did you say?" Tian Huihui looked at Shen Sheng in surprise and asked in a murmur.Chen Sheng said slowly: "Now, you have to choose between us and the tickets.

If you choose us, please tear off the ticket.If you choose tickets, you lose us. "

"Don't be so exaggerated, right? Just because I want to watch the concert and I don't want to pick up your master, you are going to break up with me?" Tian Huihui couldn't help but grumbled. "No! This seems like a trivial matter, but it can be seen that you are not loyal enough to our friends. A concert can make you leave us, so how can we trust you?" " Yes, yes, I think what Chen Sheng said is right, you should think about it carefully!" Xue Qi also looked at her seriously and said.

"Qiqi, even you said that?" Tian Huihui looked at Xueqi in disbelief, and then found that not only Xueqi, Mi Hui, Wang Chong and Zhao Yu, but all of them were the same as Xueqi and Chen Sheng Attitude.Although this special concert was great and worth watching, Tian Huihui was a smart girl after all, and she knew in her heart that it would be stupid to abandon a group of friends just to watch a concert.After a brief hesitation, Tian Huihui suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Chen Sheng and the others, and said in a serious manner: "I've decided, I don't want to tear up this one door One ticket!"

Seeing that Tian Hui would hesitate, but finally made such a decision, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned.Although he only met Tian Huihui yesterday, but after spending more time with Tian Huihui this day, he already has a good understanding of Tian Huihui.Knowing that Tian Huihui is actually a very kind, intellectual and emotional girl.She should never give up her good friend because of a concert, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but suspect a trace of it in his eyes.

What Tian Huihui said just made Li Xiaogang feel a little surprised, but to Chen Sheng and the others, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.Chen Sheng was as if struck by lightning, his whole body was stiff, he looked at Tian Huihui in disbelief and asked blankly: "Yes, you, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Huihui, are you crazy! Are you really willing to give up our friendship in order to enjoy a concert?" Xue Qi also opened her eyes wide, and looked at Tian Huihui with some excitement and asked softly.Mi Hui shook her head, and said with bitterness in her voice: "It seems that we were wrong, we made friends. Tian Huihui, you really let us down!"

"Wait, wait!" After hearing what a few people said, Tian Huihui hurriedly said, "Can you listen to me? Although I said I won't tear up this ticket, I didn't say I won't accompany you to meet death Rose, why are you so excited?" Seeing the stunned and puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Tian Huihui couldn't help but said with a coquettish smile, "You think I'm stupid! Compared with your friends, this little What is a small ticket? Of course I will not give up on you for this ticket. But then again, do you know that such a small ticket has already been copied for tens of thousands of yuan. Why should I Wouldn’t it be more practical to tear it up and exchange it for money? Hee hee, that’s tens of thousands of dollars, my God, how many beautiful clothes are enough for me?”

After hearing Tian Huihui's words, Chen Sheng and the others were taken aback for a moment, then Chen Sheng couldn't help but squatted on the ground with his head in his arms full of annoyance, and roared in pain: "Why? Why am I so stupid? Tear off the tickets? I don’t want to go to the concert, so I can sell the tickets! My God, I actually tore up 1 yuan, I’m so crazy!” After finishing speaking, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, with such annoyance that Li Xiaogang even I couldn't help but worry that he would push himself hard and beat himself to death!
Almost at the same time, Wang Chong, Zhao Yu, Mi Hui, and Xue Qi also came to their senses, crying and crying out in regret.While tugging at his hair, Wang Chong roared annoyedly, "Which bastard tore up the ticket first?" Mi Hui and Xue Qi pointed at Chen Sheng at the same time, and Wang Chong rushed to Chen Sheng in a few steps, choking him His throat shook vigorously, and he roared: "You goddamn, what's wrong with your brain, why are you trying to tear up the tickets? Ah!?"

Chen Sheng was almost overwhelmed by being pinched by Wang Chong. While struggling, he shouted: "Bastard, what I tore is mine, not yours. Why are you coming with me? Cough cough, let go. You bastard, I'm about to be strangled to death by you!" Just as Wang Chong and Chen Sheng got into a mess, Zhao Yu desperately pulled the fragments of tickets on the ground into a pile.Mi Hui asked: "Zhao Yu, what are you doing?" Zhao Yu curled his lips and said, "Idiot, now you can exchange these tickets for money!" After settling accounts, he let out a wolf howl, and rushed towards Zhao Yu together with Chen Sheng, and started a fierce battle for fragments! '.Mi Hui and Xue Qi, who were a little slower to react, also quickly joined the battle. For a while, the surroundings were noisy with several people, and it was very lively.

Seeing a few people making a fuss, Tian Huihui was overjoyed, and bursts of crisp and melodious laughter kept coming out of his mouth, proud of his intelligence.Huawei, Hua Zifeng and Li Xiaogang watched from the sidelines, and they couldn't help laughing as they looked at each other.After arguing for a long time, all five of Chen Sheng were disheveled, even Mi Hui and Xue Qi were no exception.But the only gain they got was that there were more fragments than before, and there was no other gain.Seeing the dejected faces of several people, Tian Huihui became even happier, shaking the tickets in his hand, with a bright smile on his face.But Chen Sheng and the others could do nothing except give her a jealous look from time to time.

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Okay, it's almost time, we should go!" "Go? So soon? Lin Zhi and the others should be taking off their makeup in the background right now, and they will come out soon. Do you want to wait a little longer?" Warwick said to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "No, it's because they haven't finished taking off their makeup yet, so I have to leave quickly. When they finish taking off their makeup, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for a while." "If you can't leave, then stay Come down, it just so happens that I still have a lot to say to you." Warwick said.Li Xiaogang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Hua Wei: "Old Hua, I'm not as good as you! My affairs are one after another, how can I have so much free time? By the way, I will see Lin Zhi and the others later. Tell them, they are really good, and as a big brother, I am proud of them from the bottom of my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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