The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1531 Expelling the Demon Flame

Chapter 1531 Expelling the Demon Flame

Yu Fei shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, and returned to his office.In the office, Song Li and Wei Youde were staring at their computer screens, looking at something.Yu Fei leaned over to take a look, his face turned green with anger.What Song Li and Wei Youde read was a new post.The main part of the post strongly demanded that Chen Sheng and the others be restored as moderators of the Pioneer Forum, and that the Moyan Group be expelled from the Pioneer Forum.This post was published an hour ago, but in just one hour, there were tens of thousands of followers, and new followers continued to increase at a speed of swiping the screen.Since the establishment of the Pioneer Forum, I am afraid that there has not been a single post that has become more popular than this iron man.

As for the content of the posts, they were all the same, they were all in support of Chen Sheng and the others, as well as denigration and exposure of Mo Yan.After reading this post, Yu Fei realized that he was so 'popular' on the Internet.

"Delete! Delete! Delete it for me!" Yu Fei yelled at Wei Youde and Song Li like a wild beast.However, after yelling for a long time, the two of them did not see any action. Yu Fei couldn't help shouting even more angrily: "What are you two doing so stupidly to delete the post! Waiting for these people to scold us to death!" Wei Youde had no excuse. , but pointed to one of the follow-up posts with his finger.Yu Fei took a closer look, and couldn't help being taken aback, only to see a name that frightened him at the end of the post - Fang Tianxing!

This is a post that our President Fang followed? "Looked at the content of the post: I fully support the return of the Pioneer Forum to Death Rose!" Yu Fei asked with some tongue-tied eyes. Wei Youde said bitterly: "At first, I also felt that this was someone pretending to be Mr. Fang." A prank on the name.But I checked with the authority of the moderator, only to find that the person who posted this post was our General Manager Fang's office.You said, is this still fake? "

Wei Youdao's words made Yu Fei's heart feel cold, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.Although it was a well-known secret that Fang Tianxing was dissatisfied with Mo Yan, but because of Uncle Yu Fei's face, although Fang Tianxing was dissatisfied in his heart, he never showed it on the surface.Such blatantly targeting Demon Flame and supporting Death Rose, this cannot but make Yu Fei panic. "It shouldn't matter, right? My uncle will definitely protect our one." Yu Fei was comforting Wei Youdao and Song Li, and at the same time comforting himself.Wei Youdao let out a long sigh, shook his head, and murmured, "I hope so."

As soon as Wei Youdao's words hit the ground, the door of the office was pushed open.Because of the close relationship between Yu Fei and Wu Haifei, in the entire Pioneer network, no one dared to barge in rudely without knocking on the door, except for Fang Tianxing, but since Moyan moved into this office and made the Pioneer forum into a mess, Fang Tianxing didn't bother to walk in here.Just as Yu Fei was about to get angry, he turned around suddenly, but saw a beautiful face that made his heart flutter. The anger in his heart disappeared in an instant, and a smile piled up on his face like magic, and said hehe: "So it is Secretary Zhang, welcome, welcome, hehe." Seeing Yu Fei was like a bee that smelled the fragrance of honey. Song Li couldn't help but snorted coquettishly and turned her head. twisted aside.

Secretary Zhang who made Yu Fei so fascinated was none other than Fang Tianxing's personal secretary.Because she is the boss's secretary, and she is born beautiful, she has a detached position in the Pioneer Network, even Wu Haifei wants to give her three points.

However, perhaps because he has been with Fang Tianxing for a long time, this beautiful Secretary Zhang has a very good character, and she absolutely does not set her eyes high on others because of her power and beauty.On the contrary, the secretary in this chapter is kind, upright and enthusiastic, and has a very good reputation in the Pioneer network.Therefore, her status and beauty did not attract her jealousy and evil, which is really rare.

Such a beautiful, intelligent, and good-natured girl is naturally the ultimate dream of all men.Among the thousands of employees of Pioneer Network, all those who are single have some daydreams about her. Although they know that she is like a distant dream that cannot be realized, people can't help but think hard and go to her desperately. Weaving just because this dream is so beautiful.Chasing flowers and butterflies like Yu Fei is even easier.

Ever since he met Fang Tianxing's beautiful female secretary, Yu Fei fell in love with her at first sight. Relying on being Wu Haifei's nephew and respected status, he launched a stormy attack on her.But it's a pity that Luo Hua intends to be ruthless, and Secretary Zhang seems indifferent to Yu Fei's pursuit, and even feels a little embarrassed.In the Pioneer Network, she is friendly to everyone, even the security guards in the concierge, but she is very disdainful, indifferent, and sarcasm to Mo Yan headed by Yu Fei, which makes Yu Fei eat a lot of soft nails , dumb loss.

Seeing the beautiful and lovely Secretary Zhang approaching the door on his own initiative today, Yu Fei felt as if he was dreaming, and couldn't close his mouth with joy, so he didn't realize that Secretary Zhang at this time With a face of frost that rejects people thousands of miles away, it can be seen that the visitor is not kind.Secretary Zhang ignored Yu Fei's great hospitality at all, stood still at the door, but did not move forward, and said coldly: "Yu Fei, I'm here to inform you, pack your things immediately, and leave Pioneer Network!" "Huh! Ah?" Yu Fei just nodded subconsciously, and suddenly realized that he looked up at Secretary Zhang full of surprise, and asked, "What did you say?"

Secretary Zhang let out a coquettish snort, and said with a straight face: "You have been expelled. From now on, there will be no place for you in this Pioneer Network." "Oh, you said we were expelled? Zhang Am I right, Secretary?" Yu Fei frowned, and asked faintly.I'm afraid like everyone else, Secretary Zhang has been waiting for the day when Yu Fei and the others will be kicked out for a long time. At this moment, he finally got his wish, with a really bright smile on his face, and said: "You heard me right, I'm not wrong either. Yu Fei, you and the two of them squeezed away Rose of Death in disgraceful means, and did so many bad things, which damaged the reputation of our Pioneer Network, and now you are expelled from the company Get out, it's too cheap for you!"

"Secretary Zhang, what do you mean by saying that? Since we entered Pioneer Network, we have done our best. Isn't that thing for the benefit of Pioneer Network? You don't want to spout blood!" She couldn't help scolding in a delicate voice.Secretary Zhang snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "For the sake of Pioneer Network? Ha, thank you for saying so! I don't want to talk nonsense with you, so pack up and leave, otherwise, I'll call security!" "You one me one..." Song Li was furious, and she wanted to rush up and beat Secretary Zhang.Yu Fei held her down and shouted, "Don't be rough on Secretary Zhang!"

Seeing that Yu Fei was still protecting Secretary Zhang at this time, Song Li was so angry that she shouted anxiously: "Yu Fei, people are going to kick us out, and you are still protecting her. I think you are blinded by lust." I can't save you!" Yu Fei frowned, and shouted: "You don't need to worry about it, just stay on the sidelines!" Saying this, he pushed Song Li onto the sofa.Turning to look at Secretary Zhang, he asked in a deep voice, "I want to know who is telling us to leave Pioneer Network?"

Secretary Zhang said in a cold voice: "Who else could mean it? Of course it's our boss Fang!" "That's good! I want to see President Fang!" Yu Fei said.Secretary Zhang said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Fang said that he gets angry when he sees the three of you, so in order to keep him in a good mood, Mr. Fang doesn't want to see you." "What about my uncle?" Yu Fei suppressed his heart asked in a low voice.Secretary Zhang said coldly: "Of course you can go see your uncle, but heck, this time, I'm afraid your uncle won't be able to help you." With a solemn face, he said: "You still have half an hour to go. Time. After half an hour, if you are still here, I will call security!" After speaking, he twisted his waist, turned around, and walked out quickly.

"A Fei, what should we do now? It seems that Fang Tianxing is serious." After Secretary Zhang left, Wei Youdao looked at Yu Fei with a gloomy expression and asked.Song Lixiu frowned and said: "If those netizens know that we have been kicked out of Pioneer Network, then we will never have the face to hang out in the online game industry. Those younger brothers who follow us will definitely be the first Leave us, when the time comes, we will be beaten back to our original shape, and we will have nothing. Feizi, you must find a way!" Yu Fei punched the wall in a distracted way, and said angrily: "You guys Wait, I'll go find my uncle!" After speaking, he opened the door and walked out in a hurry.

Wei Youdao and Song Li glanced at each other, feeling strong anxiety in each other's eyes!Wu Haifei was burying his head in dealing with official business, when the door of the room was pushed open quickly, which startled him.When he saw that it was Yu Fei, he couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, and scolded: "You are such a big man, can't you even knock on the door?" Yu Fei's face was full of bitterness, and he said: "Uncle , I even have the heart to die now, how can I take care of so much!" For Yu Fei's matter, Wu Haifei didn't stop, just sat down for a while, Yu Fei came out like this again, and his heart couldn't help but feel full. He shouted angrily: "Where do you have so many things going on all day long, do you want to annoy me to death? If you want to die, you can die, as long as you don't bother me!"

Seeing Wu Haifei's anger, Yu Fei felt guilty, coughed a few times, and said cryingly: "Uncle this time, your nephew and I are really cornered. Don't you know that Fang Tianxing has officially fired him?" This will drive us out!" "What did you say!?" Yu Fei's words made Wu Haifei choke in his heart, he stood up abruptly from his chair, and glared at Yu Fei with an angry face. Fei asked with a gloomy face, "Say what you just said again!" Yu Fei cried and said, "Fang Tianxing fired us, uncle, you must save us!"

(End of this chapter)

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