The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1532 Forced Wu Haifei away

Chapter 1532 Forced Wu Haifei away
"Impossible! I have already negotiated with Fang Tianxing, and he has promised me to let you stay in Pioneer Network. How could you backtrack so quickly?" Wu Haifei felt as if he had been beaten with a sap, and his head went numb for a while.Yu Fei said gruffly: "Uncle, you really think your words are so effective with Fang Tianxing!" It didn't mean that Fei had finished speaking, Wu Haifei interrupted him with an angry roar, saying, "You bastard! What do you mean by that?" , are you questioning your uncle and my status in the company?" Yu Fei swallowed dryly, and said with a wry smile: "Uncle, don't get me wrong, I definitely don't mean to question your ability, I'm just worried that Fang Tianxing, that old fox, will be with you Obedience and defiance, don't take your words seriously."

"Ignorance! Even if Fang Tianxing can ignore my words, he absolutely dare not take my 30.00% shares of Pioneer Network seriously. If I take away the 30.00% shares at this time, Pioneer Network will instantly It will be over!" Fang Tianxing shouted angrily. "But it's uncle, now Fang Tianxing has indeed issued an expulsion order for us. How to explain this?" Yu Fei asked with a pitiful face.Wu Haifei adjusted the suit on his body, and said in a deep voice: "You wait, I will go to Fang Tianxing to ask for clarification!"

As soon as he heard that Wu Haifei was going to find Fang Tianxing, Yu Fei regained his energy immediately, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, whether my nephew can get over this hurdle depends entirely on you." Wu Haifei snorted coldly, and said: " If I help you cross this hurdle, you can cause me more trouble and save me a few years of life, right?" Yu Fei said with a dry smile, "Uncle, what are you talking about? Words? In my dreams, I pray that you can live a few more years, so that I can honor you for a few more years and repay your kindness to me!" Wu Haifei waved his hand impatiently and said: "Come on, put away these cheap words Well, as long as you can cause me less trouble in the future, it’s better than anything! Don’t worry, you are my nephew, Wu Haifei. If Fang Tianxing drives you out of the company, that’s slapping me in the face. He succeeded?" After speaking, he went straight to Fang Tianxing's office.

Even if Fang Tianxing thinks with his toes, he can imagine that Wu Haifei will come to find him, and he has been waiting in the office for a long time.Seeing Wu Haifei walking in aggressively, he was not surprised at all, with a slight smile on his face. "President Fang, I'm here to listen to your explanation." As soon as he entered the door, Wu Haifei said straightforwardly.Fang Tianxing chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "What's the explanation?" He even came to the door, Fang Tianxing was still pretending to be confused with himself, making it clear that he wanted him, and the anger in Wu Haifei's heart burned even more fiercely He got up and shouted angrily, "What's the explanation? Hmph, Mr. Fang, you're pretending to be confused. Okay, then let me just say it straight, why did you fire Yu Fei and the others?"

Fang Tianxing restrained the smile on his face, and said coldly: "I can't just stand by and watch a rat like Yu Fei spoil my good soup of Pioneer Network. What they did, human beings and gods are all angry, I just let them Get out, and not pursue them separately is already kind to them." Fang Tianxing's words made Wu Haifei angry, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little doubt.Looking at Fang Tianxing's composure at this time, it seems that he has forgotten that Wu Haifei still holds 30.00% of the shares of Pioneer Network, which is enough to make him bankrupt and have nothing.

Wu Haifei suspected in his heart that Fang Tianxing was pretending to be calm, but in fact he was acting harshly, but the wave after wave of ominous premonitions in his heart kept reminding him that things were definitely not as simple as he imagined.

"I also know the many problems of Yu Fei and the others, but I promise you, I will supervise and teach them well, and let them correct it." Before Wu Haifei could finish speaking, Fang Tianxing interrupted him with a wave of his hand and continued. : "Dead wood cannot be carved. In my opinion, Yu Fei and the others are hopeless. In my opinion, Vice President Wu, you should stop wasting your energy on them and concentrate on doing your job well."

Wu Haifei frowned, an angry look flashed across his face, and said in a deep voice: "I've said it before, I won't agree with you driving Yu Fei and the others out of the company. I can't let anyone ruin my nephew's bright future , including you, Mr. Fang!" After hearing this, Fang Tianxing slowly stood up from the chair, looked at Wu Haifei without blinking, and said in a deep voice: "Then I also tell you, anyone who threatens my company , I will not tolerate anything, including your vice president Wu's nephew!"

"It seems that Mr. Fang is not willing to change your mind. If that's the case, then don't blame me, Wu Haifei, for being cruel. I'm going to withdraw 30.00% of my shares now. Mr. Fang will not stop me, right?" Tianxing's attitude was very resolute, there was no room for turning around, Wu Haifei raised his eyebrows, and said coldly.Fang Tianxing frowned slightly, and said quietly: "Vice President Wu, I advise you to think twice before acting. Our Pioneer Network has always been operating very well, and the game 'Fengxing' has such a good market prospect. How long, your 30.00% shares will return you hundreds of millions of wealth. If you take it away now, you will have nothing.”

Fang Tianxing's well-intentioned words fell into Wu Haifei's ears, but they were mistaken for Fang Tianxing's timid and guilty expression. Wu Haifei sneered and said: "No way! Yu Fei is my only nephew, I regard him as close as flesh and blood Mr. Fang, if you can't tolerate him, then you can't tolerate me. Since you can't tolerate me, Mr. Fang, why should I continue to stay to be an eyesore?" Fang Tianxing was silent for a while, and suddenly burst into a hearty laugh.This laughter made Wu Haifei's heart tremble, and he was very uneasy. He couldn't help asking: "Mr. Fang, what are you laughing at? Do you think I, Wu Haifei, are joking with you?" Fang Tianxing shook his head and said, "No, no, Vice President Wu misunderstood. Of course I know that you, Vice President Wu, are a person who sticks to what you say and doesn’t like jokes. The reason why I laugh is because of the deep friendship you have for your nephew, Vice President Wu. People find it rare."

Vice President Wu sneered, and said, "Fang Tianxing, you and I are not fools, so you don't need to beat around the bush. I know, you are laughing at how stupid I am to give up all this for Yu Fei. But that's because you don't know Family ties are far more important than wealth and money!"

Fang Tianxing was taken aback for a while, and then said with a smile: "So, it's my fault that Fang Tianxing is unreasonable?" Wu Haifei snorted coldly, and said: "Our cooperation has always been smooth and smooth for so many years. There is respect in my heart. I didn’t expect you to be such a person.” As soon as Wu Haifei’s words fell to the ground, Fang Tianxing’s face suddenly changed, becoming dignified and deep, and he said coldly: “Wu Haifei, you really have no shame! It’s nonsense to say what kind of family relationship you are for. You don’t understand what real family relationship is. If you hadn’t been blindly used to Yu Fei, he wouldn’t have become what he is today! I can even say it’s you It hurt Yu Fei!"

"It's nonsense! I'm too lazy to continue talking to you. Now you either continue to appoint Yu Fei, or return my 30.00% shares to me. I want cash!" Wu Haifei was completely enraged by Fang Tianxing's words, and his face was slightly He shouted in a ferocious voice.Fang Tianxing snorted coldly, and said faintly: "I used to think that your nephew was an asshole, but I didn't expect you to be ten times more asshole than him! Do you think I can't do anything if you take away 30.00% of the shares? Hmph Hmph, you are too naive!" After speaking, he took out a contract from the drawer and threw it to Wu Haifei.

"What is this?" Accepting the contract, Wu Haifei looked at Fang Tianxing in surprise and confusion and asked.Fang Tianxing sneered, and said indifferently: "Aren't you going to take away your 30.00% shares? This is the contract, I have prepared it for you a long time ago!" Fang Tianxing's words shocked Wu Haifei's heart, he thought , as long as he proposed to take away the shares, Fang Tian would beg him hard and let him manipulate him in order to save the company. Such a result was something he never dreamed of.Wu Haifei hastily unfolded the contract, and carefully read it, and it turned out that what Fang Tianxing said was true, and the terms of the contract were clear and clear.The entire Pioneer Network is priced at 100 billion, and Wu Haifei's 30.00% stake is not too much, just worth 30 billion.

After reading the contents of the contract, it is no exaggeration to say that Wu Haifei was completely stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.Fang Tianxing simply refused to agree with Wu Haifei to take away the shares. What shocked Wu Haifei even more was that Fang Tianxing was so generous.As the vice president of Pioneer Network, Wu Haifei certainly knows that the market value of Pioneer Network may not be worth 100 billion.If it were him in Fang Tianxing's position, and Fang Tianxing wanted to take away the shares at this juncture, even if he didn't obstruct him in every possible way, he would never give such a good and outrageous price.

Seeing Wu Haifei's stunned look, Fangtouxing sneered, and said lightly: "Wu Haifei, we have cooperated for so many years, after all, it is a kind of fate. I am not as good as you, and I can turn my face and refuse to recognize anyone, and I don't miss the past at all." Love. Although you may take away the shares now, it may make me irrecoverable for Pioneer Network, but you are not benevolent, but I cannot be unjust. I believe you know how much advantage you have taken at the price of 30 billion. As long as you are now in this contract After signing the paper, you will get 30 billion immediately. However, Wu Haifei, I still want to say that although it seems that you have made money now, maybe it will not take long before you will find that this is the most cost-effective thing you have ever done in your life. business!"

"Fang Tianxing, do you really have the means to pay the 30 billion?" Wu Haifei asked with an uncertain expression.Fang Tianxing sneered a few times, and said lightly: "This is my problem, you don't need to worry about it. If you are worried that you won't get your money after signing, then you don't have to! Fang Tianxing stands upright and walks in the sea of ​​business What is relied on is a letter. Besides, this contract is written in black and white, and it is clearly written. You can take it to the court to sue me. I have no long-term feet in an industry as big as Pioneer Network, and I can't run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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