The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1543 Li Xiaogang's gift

Chapter 1543 Li Xiaogang's gift
"Mr. Li, I beg you, please let our old Zhang go, he has already regretted it very much, really!" Mrs. Zhang rushed to Li Xiaogang's side in a hurry, pleading loudly with snot and tears.Seeing this, Zhang Huairen frowned, and shouted: "What are you doing? Are you still not going out?" Mrs. Zhang ignored Zhang Huairen's scolding at all, and still begged Li Xiaogang endlessly.

While helping Mrs. Zhang up, Li Xiaogang said to Zhang Huairen: "Zhang Gong, you can see how much your wife loves you. Don't you have the heart to just leave her behind and go to jail?" Zhang Huairen closed his eyes full of pain Glancing at the crisp old Nan, he murmured: "So what if you can't bear it? The big mistake has already been made, and it's too late to say anything. This is probably my fate!" After hearing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said: "Zhang Gong, thank you I thought you were a wise intellectual, but I didn't expect you to believe in such illusory things as fate. Not to mention whether fate really exists, even if it does exist, it is in our own hands! Zhang Zhang Worker, I know, you must have been coerced by someone to do this, tell me, who is that person?"

"Does this make sense? Even if you know who that person is, it's impossible to undo all of this." Zhang Huairen said with a sigh. "Hehe, that's not necessarily true! It's all about human effort." Li Xiaogang's face was full of smiles, this smile made Zhang Huairen's heart suddenly vibrate, and hope sprung up from Zhang Huairen's heart like mushrooms after rain.Zhang Huairen regained his composure, and said, "Actually, Huang Ziwen is responsible for the whole thing!" Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and said quietly, "Hmph, I knew I had something to do with him!"

Zhang Huairen nodded, and told the whole story of his being threatened by Huang Ziwen.After listening to Zhang Huairen's narration, Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Zhang Gong, I have already cleared up the matter. You can't blame all of this. Huang Ziwen is too insidious and despicable. You can't help it if you are coerced by him." However, since I know what happened, I will never make it easy for him. Zhang Gong, don’t worry, you will not go to jail.”

"However, I accepted Huang Ziwen's bribe. This is a fact. Once Huang Ziwen denounces me, I can only go to jail." Zhang Huairen asked worriedly.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Zhang Gong, although you are good at studying knowledge, you are still far from fighting wits with a villain like Huang Ziwen. Don't think about it, you are indeed guilty of accepting bribes, but Huang Ziwen also committed a crime of accepting bribes." If someone wants to go to jail, not only Zhang Gong, but also Huang Ziwen will be involved. If he says he wants to report you, Huang Ziwen is just scaring you, he will not go to this trouble for himself of."

Li Xiaogang's words made Zhang Huairen feel relieved, and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "You are too honest, it is only natural that you didn't think of these things. However, Huang Ziwen framed you like this. Damn it. If you don't give him a little bit of trouble, it would be too cheap for him. In addition, there is no guarantee that he will fail to make a plan, and will continue to pester you." "Mr. Li, what should you say, just ask , I will listen to you!" Zhang Huairen said in a vibrating voice.

Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said faintly: "Hasn't Huang Ziwen been looking at the technical information of 'Blood Steel' all the time? We can just take advantage of this. In this way, Zhang Gong, you will do as I say," and then Li Xiaogang was in Zhang Huairen Whispered in his ear.Received the opportunity of Li Xiaogang's face-to-face instruction, Zhang Huairen couldn't help raising his glass of wine to Li Xiaogang full of excitement, and said: "Mr. Li, you are really a master! You must drink this glass of wine." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: I can drink it, but Zhang Gong, you have to learn a lesson from this incident, in this world, there is no reason to take advantage of being cheap." Zhang Huairen nodded guiltily, and said: "What Mr. Li said is that Huairen Jen made a note of it."

"That's good! In the future, Tianma Metallurgical will still rely on Zhang Gong for many places, so please Zhang Gong to contribute more!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile. "I didn't say anything! Mr. Li's attitude towards me today, Huairen will definitely remember it in his heart. In the future, as long as it is for Mr. Li, even if it is broken, he will not hesitate." Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "That's good! Do it!" , Li Xiaogang drank the wine in the glass very boldly.

After drinking the glass, Li Xiaogang put down the wine glass, stood up, and said to Zhang Huairen: "Thank you Zhang Gong and Mrs. Zhang for your hospitality, and Li will leave now." Zhang Huairen hurriedly stood up and said: " Mr. Li, why are you in such a hurry to leave? We just had a few drinks!" Li Xiaogang waved his hand, stopped Zhang Huairen, and said: "It's okay, we will have more opportunities to drink together in the future, that's not the point For a while. It’s getting late, and my family members may be waiting impatiently, so I’d better go back! Besides, Zhang Gong, you have to follow my plan tomorrow, so you should rest early today.”

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Zhang Huairen nodded and said: "Mr. Li is right, the business is important! After Huang Ziwen is dealt with and avenged for this arrow, let's have another drink. I will send Mr. Li out!" Li Xiaogang nodded She nodded, and walked out of Zhang's house together with Zhang Huairen.Outside Zhang's house, Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Zhang Gong, I heard that your son is studying abroad. Now it is time to spend money. Please accept this!" a bank card.Zhang Huairen hastily resigned: "Mr. Li, aren't you slapping me in the face? You don't get paid for nothing, how can I ask for your money for no reason, quickly put it away!"

"How come you don't get rewarded for nothing? According to your talent, no matter where you put it, it is worth the price." Li Xiaogang resolutely stuffed the bank card into Zhang Huairen's hand.Zhang Huairen was both moved and ashamed and said: "Mr. Li, if I hadn't been a hindrance, the successful smelting of 'Blood Steel' would never have been postponed until today, and I don't know how much trouble and loss it has caused you. I am already very grateful for being so magnanimous, how can I have the face to take your money again? Mr. Li, I really can’t take it! You don’t expose me, and you continue to let me stay in Tianma Metallurgy, I am very grateful, really In the future, I will definitely serve Mr. Li wholeheartedly!"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Why, Zhang Gong, do you think that the reason why I gave you the money is to make you work hard for me? Ha ha, then you are wrong. Although I, Li Xiaogang, have no ability to control people Talent, but the means of using money to win people's hearts is still disdainful. The only reason why I will give you this money is to solve your current difficulties and eliminate your worries. This is the reason why the emperor does not send hungry soldiers .Besides, this money is regarded as the bonus I sent you in advance. The amount is not too much, so please don’t think it’s too little.”

"Mr. Li, this one..." Zhang Huairen held that small card, but felt the weight was a thousand catties.Li Xiaogang smiled at him, turned around and disappeared into the night.Looking at Li Xiaogang's back, Zhang Huairen couldn't help being stunned.After a long time, Zhang Huairen was woken up by Mrs. Zhang. "Huiren, why are you standing here? Has Mr. Li left?" Mrs. Zhang asked with concern.Zhang Huairen nodded, put the bank card in his hand into Mrs. Zhang's hand, and said, "Go, send this money to your son, so that he can study hard, so he doesn't have to work so hard before."

"Where did this bank card come from?" Mrs. Zhang asked suspiciously.Zhang Huairen sighed and murmured: "Where did it come from? Mr. Li gave it to him. What a good boss, why did I do such a bastard thing before? Damn it!" said Finished, shook his head and turned back to the study.

Dazed for a while, Zhang Huairen began to pack up the technical documents that recorded the smelting method of 'Blood Steel' and muttered in his mouth: "Huang Ziwen, you despicable villain, this time, I will make you suffer from being dumb too! "

"Huairen, Huairen, come quickly!" Zhang Huairen was writing and drawing on the technical document when he suddenly heard Mrs. Zhang utter an urgent cry.Zhang Huairen hurriedly put down the work he was doing, and rushed out of the study.As soon as she saw Zhang Huairen, Mrs. Zhang hurriedly asked: "Huairen, don't you want me to send all the money in this card to our son?"

After hearing this, Zhang Huairen couldn't help but glared at him, and said, "You old money junkie, are you so picky about our son? Longhao Group just raised my salary, and my salary is enough for the two of us to spend, no Send it all to your son, what do you keep it for?" "But, do you know how much money is in this card?" Mrs. Zhang seemed so excited that she couldn't speak clearly.Zhang Huairen frowned, and said, "I really don't know this, how much money is in it?" "500 million on May [-]st!" Mrs. Zhang replied tremblingly.

"How much more?" Zhang Huairen was taken aback, he couldn't believe his ears and asked Mrs. Zhang in a trembling voice. "Huai Ren, there are 500 million in this card! I have never seen so much money in my life!" Mrs. Zhang said out of breath.Zhang Huairen thought that the card was worth hundreds of thousands at best, but he never expected that there would be 500 million in the card.Thinking that I and Li Xiaogang just met Li Xiaogang for the first time and gave him so much money at once, what kind of courage is this? "My wife, are you sure that the money in the card is 500 million?" Zhang Huairen asked in a murmur.Mrs. Zhang said: "Of course I'm sure! At first I thought I was dazzled, and I counted it back and forth several times, and it was indeed 500 million! Huairen, what is the origin of Mr. Li? Why did he make such a move?" It’s just 500 million so generous. He—he can’t be like Huang Ziwen, he has other plans for you, right?” Zhang Huairen became angry when he heard this, and shouted angrily: “Fuck you! What kind of person is Mr. Li? What kind of shit is he, Huang Ziwen, how can you compare them?"

(End of this chapter)

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