The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1544 Song Shuang Wants Plastic Surgery

Chapter 1544 Song Shuang Wants Plastic Surgery

"But it's 500 million after all. Who would give away 500 million at any time?" Mrs. Zhang had a hard time and gained wisdom, and her vigilance was much higher than before.Zhang Huairen shook his head, and said full of emotion: "My wife, don't treat a gentleman with a villain's heart here. If Mr. Li had plotted against me, I would have been finished. This is Mr. Li You value me and take care of our family. Our Zhang family has met a noble person this time. You go, take 500 million out of the 100 million, and I will return it to that villain Huang Ziwen tomorrow to save him from pestering him in the future We. Send some of the rest of the money to our son, let him study hard, and when he comes back from school, he will not go anywhere, and let him work with Mr. Li, which is also a repayment of Mr. Li's kindness to our family. "

"Okay, I'll remember. Huairen, we did such a wrong thing. Instead of blaming us, Mr. Li gave us so much money to help us tide over the difficulties. You must do a good job in the future, Contribute more to Mr. Li." Mrs. Zhang said. "Do you still need to remind me? I, Zhang Huairen, am not the kind of villain who never repays his kindness. Starting today, my life, Zhang Huairen, belongs to Mr. Li!"

After leaving Zhang's house, Li Xiaogang directly returned to his and Hu Rong's love nest.It's just that there is one more person here at this time - Song Shuang.The two women had been waiting for Li Xiaogang all this time, and when they saw Li Xiaogang coming back, accompanied by two cheers, two soft and warm female bodies suddenly appeared in Li Xiaogang's arms.Fortunately, Li Xiaogang's arms are broad enough, and thanks to Hu Rong and Song Shuang's slender figures, otherwise Li Xiaogang would not be able to enjoy the blessings of this group of people.Li Xiaogang kissed the two women's faces fiercely and sat them together on the sofa, looking to the left and then to the right, the two faces that were more prostitute than flowers made Li Xiaogang fall in love.Both hands are walking on a soft and smooth body, the mysterious touch makes Li Xiaogang's heart flash from time to time, making him feel comfortable to the bone.

"Husband, you know that Shuang'er is back, but you still come home so late, have you been seduced by some vixen?" Hu Ronglai was in Li Xiaogang's arms, her little hands wandering over Li Xiaogang's strong chest Then, said with a charming smile.Li Xiaogang hugged Hu Rong's hand tightly, and said: "There are you two beautiful flowers at home, and there are thousands of foxes outside, and I won't even look at them. Don't you even know your husband?" Believe it?" "I believe it, but you came back so late, it hurt our Sister Shuang'er's heart. You have to coax her well." Said, Hu Rong pushed Li Xiaogang to Song Shuang.Naturally, Li Xiaogang would not be polite, and hugged Song Shuang in his arms.

Song Shuang couldn't help but uttered a coquettish cry, and said: "Sister Rong can't sleep because she misses her husband so much, you should go and comfort her." Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Don't worry, neither of you two I can't sleep. It fell down. Haha." Amid wild laughter, Li Xiaogang hugged Song Shuang and Hu Rong together, teleported to the bedroom on the second floor, threw the two girls onto the bed, Li Xiaogang made a move' The hungry wolves pounced on food' and pressed the two women together under their bodies.


After this battle, Song Shuang and Hu Rong rested for a long time, and then they became slightly sober.Li Xiaogang looked at the two girls contentedly, with a smile on his face.This smile fell into the eyes of Song Shuang and Hu Rong, making the two women very shy, and gave Li Xiaogang a hard look, as if Li Xiaogang would pounce on him again at any time.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I've felt so comfortable, thank you." Song Shuang blushed and said, "Don't thank me, but thank you, Sister Rong." Did you work hard?" Song Shuang's words made Hu Rong's face turn red, and she hurriedly said.Song Shuang curled her lips and said, "How can I compare with you, sister? Sister, your performance today is really brave, and Shuang'er is an eye-opener." Song Shuang's tone was very sincere, looking at Hu Rong's eyes more It is full of admiration.

No wonder Song Shuang, Hu Rong did really well today.After all, the role of Zhuyan Pill is not given for nothing.Hu Rong giggled, moved to Song Shuang's side, and said mysteriously: "Shuang'er, do you want to become as good as your sister?" Song Shuang lowered her head in shame, her voice was as thin as a mosquito Fly said: "Isn't this kind of thing natural? It's not martial arts. It can change from weak to strong." Hu Rong said with a smile: "Don't you believe it! Let me tell you the truth, our husband has This ability can make you stronger." "Huh? Is it really possible?" Song Shuang cast doubtful eyes on Li Xiaogang.

Hu Rong said: "Of course! Isn't that how I become stronger? Let me tell you, not only can I make that ability stronger, but I can also live forever and stay young forever." Hu Rong's words made Song Shuang's heart ache. Can't help but be full of anticipation, looking at Li Xiaogang is even more eager.Li Xiaogang smiled, took out a Zhuyan Pill from the ring, handed it to Song Shuang, and said, "Shuang'er, after eating this Zhuyan Pill, you can be like your sister Rong." As long as you take this little medicine nine, can you stay young forever?" Song Shuang took Zhuyan Pill, weighed it in the palm of his hand a few times, and sniffed it with the tip of his nose, his face was still a little suspicious.

"Silly Shuang'er, I'm afraid you don't know the identity of our husband?" Hu Rong asked Song Shuang with a smile.Hu Rong's words made Song Shuangwen a little confused, and said blankly: "Our husband's identity is indeed a bit complicated, but I know it all." "That's not necessarily true! Your husband has a double identity, you definitely don't know." Hu Rong was proud Said lazily. "What identity?" "Don't be intimidated when you say it, our husband is actually a living god!" Hu Rong said to Song Shuang solemnly.

"Fairy? What kind of fairy?" Song Shuang didn't respond for a while, looking at Li Xiaogang and asked blankly.Hu Rong pointed to the ceiling, and said with a smile, "It's the group of people who live above the clouds in the legend." "Ah?! I heard that right, my husband is a fairy?" Song Shuang finally realized, Looking at Li Xiaogang in astonishment, he shouted.

Li Xiaogang waved his hand and said, "Don't underestimate me, I never pay attention to those angels. I don't agree to you classifying me as one of them!" What Li Xiaogang said was the truth Well, those celestial beings are only celestial beings after they have practiced to the top.Li Xiaogang couldn't make sense anymore, he became a god in the flesh, a level higher than immortals.What's more, he is considered to be Nu Wa's direct disciple. Among the gods, Nu Wa is the supreme existence, and in the God Realm, Li Xiaogang is always superior.Hu Rong and Song Shuang said that such a prominent status was a fairy, and no one wanted to put it on anyone.

Having known Li Xiaogang for so long, Song Shuang only knew that Li Xiaogang's ability was mysterious and pathetic, but he never thought that Li Xiaogang was actually a god.Seeing that Song Shuang still couldn't believe it, Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, his figure swayed slightly, and gorgeous and soft golden lights suddenly released from his body, covering Li Xiaogang in an instant.Enveloped by the golden light, Li Xiaogang's body slowly floated up, as if he had lost weight, he got rid of the gravity of the earth, and quietly floated in mid-air.The sacred golden light rendered and reflected Li Xiaogang like a god in golden armor, an incomparable majesty, a demeanor detached from the world, permeated continuously from Li Xiaogang's body, until Song Shuang saw it, and couldn't help shaking There was a feeling of kneeling and worshiping in my heart.

"Honey, are you really a god?" Song Shuang murmured with her mouth open, as if in a dream.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Now you finally believe it?" "I believe it, I believe it!" Song Shuang nodded hurriedly.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, restrained the golden light, and slowly floated back to the ground.Song Shuang rushed over fiercely, hugged Li Xiaogang, and said excitedly: "Honey, since you are a god, then you must be omnipotent?"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Gods just master some energies that humans cannot grasp. Compared with the entire universe, it is actually a drop in the ocean. It is a bit of an exaggeration to say that it is omnipotent. But things can't help me."

"Then, can you make me beautiful?" Song Shuanghu asked in a sweet voice full of eagerness, flapping her huge eyes.Hearing what Song Shuang said, Li Xiaogang could not help but asked with a wry smile: "Why, don't you think you are not beautiful enough?" Song Shuang pointed to his Qiong nose and said: "People always think that my nose is a bit short. I think I'm going to do rhinoplasty, and I'm afraid the operation will fail, so I'm not as good as I am now. Since you are a fairy, please cast a spell on my husband and give me a perfect nose." Li Xiaogang held back his laughter, full of tears. Seriously said: "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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