The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1545 Learning!

Chapter 1545 Learning!

"Why?" Song Shuang looked at Li Xiaogang suspiciously, and said quietly, "Husband, could it be that you can't do it at all, are you a fake god with no skills?" Li Xiaogang snorted, curled his lips and said, "OK Well, you don't need to use aggressive tactics against me. Your husband is a god, can he be fooled by you?" "Then why didn't you agree to me?" Song Shuang asked puzzled. "Hey, that's because in my heart, you are already the most perfect. I can't bear to destroy all of this. Do you understand?" Li Xiaogang squeezed Song Shuang's cheek full of affection, and said quietly.

"Honey, do you think I'm perfect in your heart?" Song Shuang was so moved by Li Xiaogang's words, she couldn't help but hugged Li Xiaogang's arm, and asked softly.Li Xiaogang held her hand, and said affectionately: "Of course! Not only you, Rong'er, Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan, they are all perfect women. Any modifications and changes are superfluous." To receive such sincere praise from their beloved, Song Shuang and Hu Rong's hearts could not help but melt.Song Shuangman jumped into Li Xiaogang's arms excitedly, and said repeatedly: "My husband, you are so kind!"

Li Xiaogang patted her on the back and said with a smile: "Come on, eat this Zhuyan Pill quickly, and enjoy the joy of eternal youth earlier." Song Shuang nodded and stuffed the Zhuyan Pill into her mouth inside.As before, Li Xiaogang helped Song Shuang completely absorb the medicinal power of Zhuyan Pill, forcing out the toxins accumulated in Song Shuang's body for many years.Song Shuang also received a radical change.When Song Shuang washed off the dirt on her body, she, who was originally beautiful, was even more radiant at this time, showing a beauty that was not inferior to Hu Rong in the slightest, but different from Hu Rong's.At this moment, Song Shuang was like a blooming rose.Not to mention Li Xiaogang, even Hu Rong felt thrilled after seeing it.

Feeling the world again, Song Shuang has a completely new experience every moment.This wonderful feeling made Song Shuang's face full of bright smiles like mustard. "My husband, thank you!"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Song Shuang couldn't believe his eyes, and said to Li Xiaogang gratefully.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Silly girl, I am your husband and you are my wife. How can we say thank you?" After hearing this, Song Shuang's heart was full of happiness, She is very grateful to God for the man in front of her in this life.

The three of them talked again, and then gradually brought the topic to serious business.Hu Rong said: "Zhou Tao has already told me the news of the successful trial production of 'Blood Steel'. But he has some doubts, why he always failed before, but as soon as you arrived, the trial production of 'Blood Steel' was successful. Hehe Tell me, he was almost driven crazy by this question, but he didn’t dare to ask you, I’m afraid he still has insomnia.” Song Shuang continued: “If he knew that our husband is a god, I believe he would not Feeling confused. Giggle one"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said quietly: "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with whether I am a god or not. Someone is making trouble behind my back." "Who has such courage?" Song Shuang asked. "Could it be Huang Ziwen again?" Hu Rong'e asked with raised eyebrows.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said with a hint of anger in his voice: "Who else is so reckless besides him? He threatened and lured an engineer from Tianma Metallurgy in order to prevent us from producing 'Blood Fiend'. Let him destroy it, which made Zhou Tao's previous efforts all end in failure."

"It's unreasonable! The auto market is so big, our appearance won't have much impact on him, but he is so vicious, he always fights against us, and insists on putting us to death. I really want to beat him up. !"

Hearing that Huang Ziwen was playing tricks behind his back again, Hu Rong was furious and scolded repeatedly.Li Xiaogang sneered and said: "It seems that we haven't taught Huang Ziwen enough lessons before. This time, I will let him suffer to the bone. Rong'er, don't worry, I have already made arrangements. Just keep your eyes open and wait to see what happens." Let's play." After speaking, Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Song Shuang, and said, "Shuang'er, you have already met Fang Tianxing this afternoon, what do you think of Fang Tianxing?"

Song Shuang pondered for a while and said: "Actually, I had dealt with Fang Tianxing a long time ago, when I was still in the Network Security Department. I still admire this person. He does things openly and aboveboard. Although he is a businessman, he He is not only interested in profit, and he doesn't have the smell of copper. In addition, this person is very courageous. If it weren't for his pioneering network, our country's online game industry would not have developed so fast. Husband, you really have a vision, I found him." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Of course, I don't care who your husband is. Since you already know him quite well, I hope you will have a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Song Shuang said with a smile: "It will definitely. However, when I was talking with Fang Tianxing this afternoon, he suggested that we should not close Fengxing. After all, the early pioneers have already invested a considerable amount of money in Fengxing, and now it is time to When harvesting, if it is closed like this, the loss will be great. I also think what Fang Tianxing said is reasonable, so I want to hear your opinion." Li Xiaogang frowned and said in a deep voice: "My opinion is that , Fengxing must be closed!" "Why is this? If Fengxing continues to operate, it can bring us wealth in the unit of [-] million every month. Wouldn't it be a pity to close it like this?" Song Shuang couldn't understand Li Xiaogang asked with dissatisfaction and confusion on his face.

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Shuang'er, have you forgotten that when I was having lunch at noon, I made it very clear that the reason why I bought Pioneer Network was not to make money, but to obtain enough labor. If Fengxing is allowed to If this game continues, it will divert a considerable number of players. They have already played Fengxing, who else will play our new game? Not only Fengxing, from now on, I want all the players who have opened servers in China All online games have ceased operations. I want all players to only play this newly developed game. If I can gather all online game players into my game, I believe I will have enough manpower to support I'm mining on an alien planet."

"But husband, it takes time to develop a new game. After our new game is successfully developed, it won't be too late to close Fengxing?" Song Shuang said. "Hmph—I said that I don't need Pioneer to make money for me. Besides, I don't care about the little money I earn. I just want to create such a gap before our new game is successfully developed. Let the majority of online game players have no online games to play, hold them back. When our game is launched, they will devote themselves to it with even higher enthusiasm. This kind of enthusiasm cannot be bought with any money. "

Song Shuang fully understood, looked at Li Xiaogang with a smile and said, "Honey, you are amazing. This time, I don't know how many online game players will be driven crazy. Hehe." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "If If you don’t want to drive more people crazy, then please speed up your progress, work hard, and strive to develop a new online game in the shortest possible time.”

Song Shuang gave him a white look, and said, "Okay! You don't have to recite the magic spell for me, because you are my husband, and I have to work hard. Just look at it." Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "If you say a word, you can't say it." , A sacrificed horse is hard to chase! Shuang’er, don’t let me down when the time comes.”

Seeing that it would be dawn soon, Li Xiaogang said to Song Shuang and Hu Rong: "It will be dawn soon, you should hurry up and go to sleep for a while." Hu Rong and Song Shuang were really tired after being treated by Li Xiaogang, Hu Rong Rong rubbed her eyes and yawned, and asked, "What about you? Would you like to sleep for a while too?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Who did you hear that gods need to sleep? I'm not sleepy, I'm still sleepy." There is something to do, you go to sleep." Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hu Rong and Song Shuang were not polite, got into the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

After the two girls fell asleep, Li Xiaogang tucked the quilt for them and quietly walked out of the bedroom.Turn on the computer, type the word 'Lin Zhi' in the address bar, and soon countless messages related to Lin Zhi appeared.From these messages, Li Xiaogang focused on a few messages related to the concert, and found that Lin Zhi's concert can be said to be extremely successful.This time, Lin Zhi and the others not only became popular domestically, but also had a strong influence internationally.Even the most popular international rock group at the moment has been suppressed by them, and some people have even placed the titles of 'the world's number one rock group,' the king of rock and roll, etc. on Lin Zhi's head.

Next, Lin Zhi and the others will conduct a global tour, traveling all over the world, every continent.As soon as the news came out, tens of millions of tickets were snapped up. This time, Longhua Group can be said to have made a lot of money.

Seeing the smiling faces of Lin Zhi and Wang Cheng in the photo, Li Xiaogang was filled with relief.After so many years of hard work, the dreams of these young people have finally come true.What could be more satisfying and joyful than this short life?Smiling, Li Xiaogang closed the webpage, and re-typed the words 'creation of rock music' in the address bar.Li Xiaogang once promised Warwick that he would compose some high-quality rock music for Lin Zhi and the others.

Li Xiaogang's head is like a bird at this time, crazily absorbing any information related to rock and roll that he searched on the Internet. This learning speed is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It only took less than an hour. Time, as long as there is knowledge related to rock and roll, there is nothing he doesn't know.Li Xiaogang can get any information related to rock music from the Internet, but he cannot get it from the Internet for his creation, and he has to rely on himself.Li Xiaogang lay on his back on the sofa, closed his eyes gently, and the knowledge of rock and roll in his mind swirled like a storm.

(End of this chapter)

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