The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1567 Completely Banned

Chapter 1567 Completely Banned
Xu Xiaochang's expression was lifted by Huawei's words. After careful calculation, he found that what Huawei said was indeed reasonable.Turning his head to look at Huawei, he frowned and asked, "Lao Hua, tell me the truth, if I don't promise you this time, how will you deal with me?" Huawei snorted coldly, and said, "How to deal with you? Hehe First of all, our friendship for such a long time is over. Secondly, not only will I not give you the right to broadcast the concert, but in the future, any content related to my artists under the Longhua Group will not appear in the You China TV, if you don't block me, I will block you first!" Hearing Huawei's words, Xu Xiaochang couldn't help shivering a few times.The current Longhua Group can be said to be in full swing, and Huawei is a well-deserved king in the entertainment industry!If Warwick is offended, then the entertainment section of China TV Station can be suspended.As the main force of TV ratings, Xu Xiaochang couldn't imagine how bad the ratings would be if the entertainment section disappeared.

After being stunned for a long time, Xu Xiaochang gave Huawei a thumbs up, and said quietly: "Lao Hua, you are really cruel!" Huawei laughed and said, "It's a bit cruel! But I knew that you would definitely agree I asked for it, and the things I prepared will definitely not be used. You see, I have guessed it now, right?" Xu Xiaochang lowered his head and sighed, and said, "This time I have to feel sorry for Huang Ziwen."

Seeing Xu Xiaochang's long sigh, Hua Wei couldn't help asking: "Why, do you feel sorry for Huang Ziwen and feel guilty? I think you are really redundant! You are always worried that you are sorry for Huang Ziwen, but look, when Huang Ziwen is really sorry Has he ever passed you? He is a traitor himself, and it’s okay to be spit on by thousands of people, but he still wants to drag you, an old friend! I, Huawei, have seen a villain in my life, and I have never seen such a shameless person like him. How dare you treat him like this? Some people feel ashamed in their hearts, what is it if they are not sick?"

Xu Xiaochang let out a long breath, and said, "Forget it, at worst, if we don't see each other again in the future, I will treat him as my friend." Hua Wei sneered, and said faintly: "I'm afraid you just want to see him in the future." He may not even be able to see him."

As soon as Huawei's words came out, Xu Xiaochang was taken aback, turned his head to look at Huawei in confusion, and asked quietly: "Lao Hua, what do you mean by that? Could it be that Huang Ziwen can still fly into the sky?" Why can’t I see you anymore?” Hua Wei chuckled, and said to Xu Xiaochang in a mysterious way: “Old Xu, let me tell you the truth, this time, Huang Ziwen offended someone he couldn’t afford to offend. , and that person has already decided to get rid of him."

"Hehe, old Hua, are you exaggerating? Huang Ziwen is the president of GM's Huaxia Branch. He has all hands and eyes. Is there anyone he can't afford to offend?" Xu Xiaochang said in disbelief.Huawei glared at him fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "I just took off the hat of traitor for you, and now you are worshiping foreigners again? Huang Ziwen is just the president of a branch of GM. What's so great about it? Besides Now, so what about GM? Is GM really good? Hey, if you offend that person, you'll be doomed!"

Hearing Huawei's praise of that person, Xu Xiaochang couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity, he smiled and asked: "Lao Hua, what is the origin of that person, so that you admire him so much?" Hua Wei looked at it He glanced at him and said faintly: "We have been friends for so many years, and you know me as a person. There are very few people I admire, let alone people I admire. But this person is an exception. The admiration for him can be described in five-body terms." "Okay, okay, Lao Hua, don't play tricks on me, who is this man?" Xu Xiaochang interrupted Hua Wei's words anxiously asked.

Huawei smiled slightly, motioning for Xu Xiaochang to listen, and then said quietly: "This man is my boss at Huawei, do you think he is serious?" "You also have a boss at Huawei?" Xu Xiaochang looked at Huawei in surprise and asked.

Hua Wei chuckled, and said lightly: "I have told you no less than a hundred times, in fact, I, Hua Wei, am just a wage earner. I just refused to believe it all the time." Xu Xiaochang couldn't help but asked a little moved: " In this way, it has always been rumored in the entertainment industry that the real emperor of the entertainment industry is not you, but someone else, is it true?" Seeing Xu Xiaochang's moved expression, Hua Wei laughed and said : "Isn't it true? The real emperor in the entertainment industry is my boss behind the scenes, the one I mentioned earlier."

"My God! Lao Hua, why didn't you say it earlier?" Xu Xiaochang shouted at Hua Wei excitedly.Huawei glanced at him sideways, curled his lips and said, "I've been saying it all along, it's just that you are self-righteous and don't want to believe it."

Xu Xiaochang shook his head again and again, held Hua Wei's hand, and said, "Old Hua, as a friend, you must introduce this person to me!" Hua Wei looked Xu Xiaochang up and down, curled his lips and said, "Why should I Want to introduce you? After you two get to know each other well, what else is there for me in the entertainment circle? Can I still have this free drink? Xu Xiaochang, don’t think I’m a fool, you’re beating yourself What kind of abacus, I know!"

Xu Xiaochang gave a wry smile, pointed at Hua Wei, and said in a bad mood: "Well, Hua Wei, you are simply treating a gentleman with a villain's heart! Am I, Xu Xiaochang, such a villain? I'm so mad!" Huawei laughed a few times and said: "Old Xu, I understand that you like to make friends, especially those who are capable. It's just me, the boss, so don't worry about it. To tell you the truth, he treats you I am very dissatisfied with helping Huang Ziwen and suppressing the Longhao Group. If you meet him, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold back his anger for a while and do something to you, then I will be embarrassed. "

Hearing Huawei's words, Xu Xiaochang's heart sank, and he hurriedly said: "Old Hua, you must help me speak well in front of your boss and tell me that I really didn't mean it." Lao Hua waved his hand , interrupted him and said: "It's useless to talk about this kind of thing, the key is to see how you do it. As long as you do things well, I don't need to say more, my boss is very reasonable. "Xu Xiaochang nodded quickly, and said: "Okay, I understand! After I go back at noon today, I will tell the whole advertisement of General Motors that it belongs to Longhao Group. If General Motors wants to advertise on my TV station in the future, there is no way. !"

Hua Wei smiled coldly, or said: "That's not enough! If we want to do it, we have to do it thoroughly. You and I join forces, use your power and my influence in the entertainment industry, and we will be on the national TV media Completely ban General Motors." After listening to Huawei's words, Xu Xiaochang couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and said nah, "Lao Hua, this is a bit too ruthless, isn't it?" , we do this, he can’t blame us!” Xu Xiaochang drank the wine in the glass in front of him violently, slapped the table, and shouted loudly: “Okay! Let’s do it this time!” “Hahaha one This is a smart person! Come on, bring the contract, and I'll sign it right away!" Hua Wei said to Xu Xiaochang with a big smile.

Xu Xiaochang handed over the contract, and asked with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that I will regret it after signing the contract?" Huawei signed the contract while bowing his head, and said with a smile: "If you don't want to live, you can go back on my promise." It doesn't matter! It's cheaper for Huang Ziwen, and he won't feel bored with you, an old friend, accompanying him on Huangquan Road." Xu Xiaochang couldn't help but gave a wry smile, and gave Huawei a thumbs up and said: "Forget it You are ruthless!"

Huawei signed the contract, handed it back to Xu Xiaochang, and said with a smile, "Now you don't feel bad drinking, do you?" No! Whether you drink it horizontally or vertically, I, Xu Xiaochang, would risk my life to accompany the gentleman!"

GM Huaxia Branch. Another successful trial production of 'Blood Steel' made Huang Ziwen completely immersed in his dream.After transferring the 1000 million bonus from the headquarters and the [-] million that he had promised Zhang Huairen to Zhang Huairen's account, Huang Ziwen lay on the leather chair in his office and had a big dream.Maybe the good thing came so suddenly that Huang Ziwen only felt as if he was lying on the clouds, and every cell in his body was refreshed and comfortable.

Not long ago, he was refining blood steel for the Longhao Group, and he was very worried that GM’s throne would not be guaranteed. It took only two days, and it was time to turn around. The throne will also become more stable. I am afraid that in the next ten years, it is unlikely that any auto company can challenge GM's position.It's just that Huang Ziwen doesn't have much interest in these. What he is most interested in is the benefits he can get from it.

Thinking about it carefully, Huang Ziwen almost fainted out of joy.Now 'Blood Steel' is like a trump card in his hand, as long as he wants, he can use this trump card to earn money and fame.He has even made up his mind that if GM wants to use the technology of 'Blood Steel', he must give him at least 50 billion, and he also needs the position of GM's president.If this sounds to others, they may think that Huang Ziwen is crazy, but from Huang Ziwen's point of view, this request is not an exaggeration at all. 'Blood Steel' is definitely worth the price, and it's still a great value.

Just 10 minutes ago, GM headquarters called Huang Ziwen, and the experts at the headquarters had already conducted a comprehensive test on the blood steel sample that Huang Ziwen had sent before.The results of the test were astounding.All senior members of GM headquarters held an emergency meeting overnight.It is said that Francis, the largest shareholder of GM at the time, was on vacation with his lover in the Maldives, and he was reluctant at first.But after receiving a detailed test data recording a total of 150 items of blood steel, Francis only had 10 minutes to board the plane to country M from the sunny Maldives.So much so that when the company people went to pick up the plane, they found that Francis was only wearing a pair of big underpants.

(End of this chapter)

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