Chapter 1568

GM can become the world's largest car company, naturally it is full of talents.The appearance of blood steel made these people realize immediately that GM's second spring is coming.Excited, Francis called Huang Ziwen himself and told him that he had boarded the plane to Huaxia in person and would arrive in Huaxia in person to urge the mass production of blood steel.What made Huang Ziwen even more happy was that this time Francis also brought along a reward from the company headquarters to Huang Ziwen.Looking up at the quartz clock hanging on the wall, it was three hours before Francis arrived in Huaxia, which made Huang Ziwen feel that time passed so slowly like never before.

Just when Huang Ziwen was immersed in the dream of money and fame and couldn't extricate himself, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open.Huang Ziwen turned his head slightly annoyed, and it was Ye Linna who broke in.With blood steel in his hand, Huang Ziwen no longer regarded Ye Linna as a dish, and his face immediately turned serious and he said angrily: "Miss Ye, this is my office, not your back garden. When you come in later, Please knock on the door first. As a high-level employee of GM, I should have this minimum education, right?"

"You one..." Yelena was already in a bad mood, and after being so excited by Huang Ziwen, her face was full of anger.He snorted coldly and said, "I remember what you said, but for now, you should read this first!" He said and threw a document in his hand to Huang Ziwen.Huang Ziwen picked it up and looked at it, and couldn't help but asked in amazement: "What's going on? Why did China Television unilaterally terminate all agreements with us? Ms. Ye, you must have done something to make people dissatisfied thing?"

Ye Linna frowned, and shouted in a deep voice: "Mr. Huang, you must be responsible for what you say, and you can't just say anything. I'm busy in the company all day long, so how can I have time to do things that make people dissatisfied? But you, have you ever done anything radical?" Offended someone?" Huang Ziwen snorted angrily and shouted: "Joke! I have been good friends with Xu Xiaochang, the director of China Television, for many years. We have been working together for so long and it has always been a pleasure. We even had a drink together a few days ago. Jiu, how can you put the responsibility for this matter on me?"

Ye Linna said anxiously: "Now it's not about who should be held accountable, but about how to resolve the crisis. Now not only China TV has terminated the agreement with us, but other local TV stations have also contacted us. For the enemy, we deleted our company's advertisement. I think there must be someone behind the scenes to frame us." "Since this is the case, why don't you check it? What are you doing here?" Huang Ziwen was annoyed He yelled at Yelena repeatedly.

Yelena had never been wronged like this since she was a child, and when Huang Ziwen yelled at her, her eyes were filled with tears.In Huang Zi's eyes, his heart was dark, but he still yelled mercilessly: "What are you doing? Are you going to cry? If you want to cry, go home and cry? Crying, it's really bad luck!" After hearing this, Yelena finally returned Unable to suppress the anger in his heart, he pointed at Huang Ziwen and shouted loudly: "Huang Ziwen, tell me, where did I offend you, and you want to target me like this?"

Huang Ziwen sneered, and said lightly: "Ye Linna, what are you talking about? I didn't offend me, you offended the company. As a member of the company, you didn't do your job well, did you Do you still expect my boss to praise you?" "Huang Ziwen, don't go too far! Don't forget, how did I help you when you wanted to sell Tianma Metallurgy to Longhao Group at a low price? Now you are ungrateful, He's really not a man!" Yelena said in a coquettish voice.

Huang Ziwen's expression turned serious, he stared straight at Yelena, and said in a deep voice: "Yelina, Ms. Ye, I advise you to think before you speak. It is the company's decision to sell Tianma Metallurgy to Longhao Group. Can you help me?" It's the company, not me, Huang. What kind of ungratefulness is there, it's naive! I want to hear what kindness you, Ye Linna, have towards me, Huang Ziwen!" "You, you!" His lips were wide open, and he even said a few words about you, but there was no reason for you.Seeing Huang Ziwen, the smug smile on his face became even bigger, and he said faintly: "Miss Ye, you and I are both employees of GM. I didn't want to tear face with you, but you are arrogant because you are sent by the headquarters." , it would be too much not to despise me, the president of the branch!"

Ye Linna originally complained to Huang Ziwen, but she didn't expect that from Huang Ziwen's mouth, the excessive person became her instead. Huang Ziwen's ability to beat him up made Ye Linna tremble with anger, and almost vomited blood. "Huang Ziwen, you are too shameless!" Yelena shouted at Huang Ziwen with all her strength.Huang Ziwen looked indifferent, picked his ears, looked at Ye Linna with a wicked smile on his face, and said faintly: "Miss Ye, because you and I are colleagues, I will let it go this time. But If you slander me and insult me ​​like this next time, I won't be so polite."

Seeing Yelena trembling with anger, Huang Ziwen felt extremely refreshed, as if he had been hooked up with more than a dozen women in one night, and finally poured out like a gulp, and the hundreds of millions of pores on his whole body seemed to be open average.Seeing that Yelena couldn't say a word for a long time, Huang Ziwen sneered, and said quietly: "Miss Ye, the headquarters asked you to come to me to lead the marketing promotion of the station in Province G. Now that there is such a big problem, hurry up!" Time to deal with it, what are you doing here? You probably don’t know yet, Mr. Francis’ plane will arrive soon, if you let him know that you have such a big problem, hehe—I’m afraid no matter how beautiful you are, this A scolding is inevitable."

Yelena's expression lifted when she heard this, and she asked anxiously, "What did you say? Mr. Francis will be here today?" Seeing Yelena's excited expression, Huang Ziwen sneered, and said, "Yes, you are his hand." Those who support you should be happy." "Ha! Of course I'm happy! Mr. Francis is here, and your ugly face will be exposed. Let's see how long you can be arrogant!" Yelena snorted and stared at you. Huang Ziwen said.Huang Ziwen smiled lightly, and said lightly: "Really? I'm afraid I will disappoint you again."

"Someone will be disappointed, but I'm sure that person will never be me! Huang Ziwen, let's wait and see!" Yelena shouted angrily.Huang Ziwen waved his hand, and said slowly, "Before you sue me in front of Francis, you'd better resolve this crisis first. You might as well give yourself some bargaining chips." Yelena snorted coldly He said in a loud voice: "I will, you don't need to worry about this! However, Mr. Francis said that you have the responsibility to assist my work. Aren't you an old friend of Xu Xiaochang? You are in charge!"

Seeing Yelena's eyes like lightning and her imposing manner, Huang Ziwen couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said slowly: "What I should do, I will definitely do! You don't need to worry about it. Well, you go out!" "Hmph!" Yelena snorted heavily, turned and walked out.

Huang Ziwen was satisfied with Yelena's anger, but he didn't delay the business because of it.Nowadays, computers are on the rise as a new type of media, but compared to television, the role of the Internet is limited after all, especially in China, a rising country.Therefore, when Ye Linna mentioned that China Television had suddenly terminated all cooperation agreements with GM, Huang Ziwen was really surprised.Don't dare to delay.Immediately dialed Xu Xiaochang's cell phone.Huang Ziwen and Xu Xiaochang are also good friends for many years. They usually communicate with each other by mobile phones, and rarely use office phones.So Huang Ziwen is very familiar with Xu Xiaochang's mobile phone number.

However, a blind tone came from the mobile phone that used to be connected with one call in the past. When Huang Ziwen did not give up and dialed the second time, what came out of the phone was a notification that the other party's mobile phone had been turned off.Huang Ziwen's heart couldn't help but lifted at this moment, and he hurriedly saw the phone call to Xu Xiaochang's office again. This time he got through, but it was Xu Xiaochang's secretary who answered the call.When Huang Ziwen asked about Xu Xiaochang, the other party told him that Xu Xiaochang was on a business trip and not in the office.Just when Huang Ziwen was about to end the call helplessly, he suddenly heard a faint voice from the other end of the phone, saying, "Director Xu, it's okay for me to say so." Then the phone was hung up.

This gave Huang Ziwen a very bad premonition. Hearing the meaning of the voice, Xu Xiaochang was clearly in the office, but he didn't want to answer his call.Huang Ziwen hurriedly searched in his mind, trying to figure out where he had offended this old friend, so that he didn't want to answer his call.But after much deliberation, Huang Ziwen was about to think about it, but he couldn't think of a reason.When he was about to call Xu Xiaochang again, the secretary suddenly knocked on the door and walked in, and said to Huang Ziwen, "Mr. Huang, Mr. Francis' flight arrived an hour earlier, should we go?"

"What, it's early? Then what are you waiting for, prepare the car right away, and I'll set off right away!" Huang Ziwen couldn't help feeling anxious, and Xu Xiaochang couldn't take care of it anymore. As soon as he put the phone down, he got up and walked out of the office.As soon as he walked out of the office, Mr. Huang saw Yelena waiting there. Seeing that Yelena was wearing bright clothes and light makeup, Huang Ziwen couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Miss Ye, where are you going?"

Yelena sneered, and said, "Of course I'm going to pick up Mr. Francis." Huang Ziwen said in a deep voice, "Miss Ye, the company is in crisis now. You are not in a hurry to overcome the crisis, but you are in a hurry to follow It doesn’t seem right for your boss to be courteous to Qinzhou, right? I’m afraid someone will point at your back.” Ye Linna rolled his eyes at him and said, “You don’t need to worry about this. I think they will point at me behind your back, except Besides you, Mr. Huang, it is unlikely that there will be anyone else." Huang Ziwen snorted coldly after hearing this, and said, "Miss Ye, in the name of the company president, I order you to stay in the company, and Francis will leave me alone." Just welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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