The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1578 Annexation of GM

Chapter 1578 Annexation of GM (Part [-])
After a long while, Old Zhao's assistant said to him quietly: "Mr. Zhao, I think it's better to report this situation to Mr. Huang immediately. He is still waiting there." Old Zhao reacted in a hurry , hurriedly stumbled out and rushed out.Huang Ziwen, who was waiting anxiously, saw Lao Zhao staggering towards him from a distance, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, he hurried up to meet him, and asked from a distance: "How is it? Has the blood steel been smelted?" Huang Ziwen asked anxiously, causing Zhao Gong's face to be filled with endless shame, and he shook his head pale, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Huang, I, Zhao Fei, have let you down. ...It has not been refined!" What!Can you say that again! Huang Ziwen couldn't believe his ears. He shook Lao Zhao's arm violently, and asked hoarsely. Lao Zhao shook his head full of shame, and said in a frustrated voice: "I'm incompetent, I'm a waste!"Mr. Huang, you resign from me! "

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to see what you have refined!" Huang Ziwen was completely anxious at this time, and shouted with a ferocious face.Francis' Chinese is not bad, and after listening to the conversation between Huang Ziwen and Lao Zhao, his face also turned extremely pale.For the sake of blood steel, GM has paid too much. It is no exaggeration to say that blood steel is now the lifeblood of GM.Francis roared more excitedly than Huang Ziwen: "Huang, what's going on, please explain to me clearly!" Huang Ziwen said bitterly: "Mr. Francis, don't worry." Said Then he dragged Lao Zhao and ran straight to the cooling workshop.Francis and Yelena then followed closely.

When he came to the cooling workshop, Huang Ziwen saw the piles of black and black waste liquid emitting bursts of pungent and foul smell, his eyes went dark, and he almost passed out.Francis was the same, his body swayed, and he fell into Yelena's arms.Huang Ziwen pointed at these waste liquids, looked at Lao Zhao angrily, and roared through gritted teeth: "This is the blood steel you gave me, ah!?" I can't even speak. "Didn't you say that day that you have learned everything? Didn't you tell me that there is no problem? Why, why is this the result now? You answer me, answer me!"

Zhao Fei frowned tightly, and said: "Mr. Huang, listen to me, maybe I made a mistake in a certain link." "A mistake? Do you know that your mistake caused us to lose money?" How much did you pay? We bought these raw materials at a high price!" Old Zhao didn't say anything, but when he said it, Huang Ziwen was so angry that he almost jumped up. "Huang, what's going on here, you have to give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise, or I'll drive you out of GM!" Francis calmed down, pointing at Huang Ziwen's hand that had exhausted all his strength. roared.

"Mr. Francis, don't be angry. Just now Zhao Fei said, he, he made a mistake, wait a minute, we will practice again, and we will succeed." Huang Ziwen hurriedly comforted Francis Dao, but he said he was comforting Francis, but he was actually comforting himself, because at this moment, a strong uneasiness made his heart feel as heavy as if it was filled with lead.

Francis clutched his heart, and shouted at Huang Ziwen with anger in his eyes: "Then what are you waiting for, why don't you do it quickly? Huang Ziwen, if you can't make bloody steel today, I will never make it easier for you!" Huang Ziwen nodded quickly, and shouted at Lao Zhao: "Get ready!" As soon as Lao Zhao was about to turn around to set things up, the phone in his pocket rang suddenly, and Lao Zhao hurriedly took it out to connect it. Then, an eager voice came from the receiver, "Gong Zhao, I'm Lao Mu, there seems to be something wrong with my end, I didn't smelt bloody steel, what I smelted was a pile of waste liquid, what's wrong with you?" Sample?"

"What? There's something wrong with you too?" Old Zhao's face changed when he heard this, and he shouted in shock. "What's going on?" Huang Ziwen asked Old Zhao in a low voice with his heart beating wildly.Lao Zhao hurriedly said: "Boss Huang, it's not good, the carpenter has the same problem as mine." "Bastard!" Huang Ziwen couldn't help but cursed angrily, and took Zhao Fei's cell phone Come over and shout into the microphone: "Muyi, I'm Huang Ziwen. You said you failed there too?" When he heard Huang Ziwen's voice, he didn't dare to hide his eyes, and hurriedly said: "President Huang, I don't know Where did I go wrong, all the boilers on our side produce foul-smelling waste liquid, not blood steel at all,"

At first, Huang Ziwen thought it was Lao Zhao who made a mistake in the operation, but unexpectedly, there were mistakes in other places.Huang Ziwen's heart suddenly lit up as if he had fallen into an ice cave.Huang Ziwen shouted anxiously: "Call the other engineers right away, and see how they are doing there?" Then he hung up the phone, threw it to Lao Zhao, and shouted: "You call too! Call Other experts, ask them if anyone has made blood steel." Old Zhao didn't dare to neglect, he picked up the phone and was about to dial.However, before he dialed out, another call came in. Seeing the number, Lao Zhao's expression changed, he glanced at Huang Ziwen, and said anxiously, "It's Qin Gong." Huang Ziwen's expression paused, and said : "Hurry up and ask him how things are going over there."

Lao Zhao obediently pressed the answer button, and before saying a few words, Lao Zhao's face became gloomy again. He looked at Huang Zirui and said with trembling lips, "Mr. Huang, the situation at Qin Gong's place is the same as ours." "What?" ?" Although Huang Ziwen had expected it long ago, he still couldn't bear the blow, staggered, retreated to the wall, and squatted down slowly against the wall.Not long after, the carpenter called again and told Huang Ziwen that the same situation happened to several other engineers, and the production of blood steel failed completely.Huang Ziwen couldn't bear the blow any longer, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Lao Zhao hastily pinched him again and fed him water again, finally woke him up.Mr. Huang opened his eyes slowly, and before he could fully open them, Francis' face that was almost deformed by anger appeared in front of his eyes.Francis grabbed Huang Ziwen by the collar, pulled him up from the ground, and said through gritted teeth: "Huang, give me an explanation that satisfies me, so that I have a reason not to kill him." you."

Francis' words caused a piercing chill to rise up in Huang Ziwen's lower abdomen involuntarily, and hit his whole body in an instant.Francis has always been a person who can say what he says and do what he can do.He turned GM into the world's number one company. If he said he never killed anyone, no ghost would believe it.Don't look at Francis who is always smiling on weekdays, but if he is really irritated, he is an out-and-out devil.

A trace of fear flashed involuntarily in Huang Ziwen's eyes, and he quickly said: "Mr. Francis, don't get excited, why don't we try again, maybe we will succeed this time." Considering that we evaporated hundreds of millions of dollars, don’t you still make enough of our losses? Immediately call all those experts here. I want to have a meeting with them!” Francis cursed bitterly, and shouted in a deep voice.Huang Ziwen nodded quickly and said, "Okay, okay, I, I'll arrange it now, and I'll go!" At this time, Huang Ziwen no longer had the previous arrogance. Neither.

Several experts knew that they had caused a catastrophe this time, and all of them lowered their heads and remained silent.Huang Ziwen was angry at the text, and when he looked at it again, he was even more angry from his heart. He slammed the table and shouted loudly: "What are you doing in a daze? Talk to me!" Francis' angry shout followed, "Shut up!" Huang Ziwen was taken aback by Francis' shout, and couldn't help turning his head to look at him. Seeing this, Huang Ziwen couldn't help but hit him. Trembling, I saw Francis's face was full of viciousness, as if he was about to eat him alive.

"First... sir, I..." Huang Ziwen said with a guilty conscience and timidity.Francis glared at him in disgust, and shouted, "Stand up and get out of the way, you don't deserve to sit here!" "Sir, I... I'm the president of GM..." Without waiting for Huang Ziwen After finishing speaking, Francis yelled furiously: "You are a fart. Before the blood steel problem is resolved, you dismissed all your positions. Now you are the lowest-level employee of GM!" Listen, I almost didn't cry. He was carried to the end before he was a CEO for a day. It's no wonder that he won't be laughed at all his life.

After driving Huang Ziwen aside, Francis sat in his seat and presided over the meeting himself.Looking at Li Xiaogang's frustrated and gray-headed face on both sides of the conference table, Francis smiled kindly and said quietly: "Everyone, self-blame is not important, the important thing is that we have to figure out what the problem is. Where, strive for the next success in one fell swoop. You are all highly valued experts by the company. I have always believed that there is no problem in this world that you cannot solve. Well, now let us discuss the reason for this failure. Which armor?"

Old Zhao looked up at the crowd and found that no one was willing to speak first, so he coughed and said, "Mr. Francis, I don't know about others, but the operation I performed today is completely in accordance with Zhang Huairen's demonstration. It's been done, and I'm confident that I didn't make a mistake." "Zhang Huairen? That's the chief engineer of Tianma Metallurgy? By the way, why didn't he come?" Francis asked in amazement.

Yelena snorted coldly, gave Huang Ziwen a hard look, and replied, "Zhang Huairen and Tianma Metallurgy were sold to Longhao Group by Huang Ziwen at a price of 50 billion." Francis became angry when he heard that, and patted The table shouted: "Why is there such a thing, such an excellent expert, was sold by us, Huang Ziwen, is your head flooded?" Huang Ziwen was about to cry at this time, and he had nothing to refute. In order to prevent Francis from scolding more fiercely, he could only obediently stand in the corner and bear it silently.

(End of this chapter)

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