The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1579 Annexation of GM

Chapter 1579 Annexation of GM (Part [-])

"Old Zhao is right. I thought about it carefully. Every step of the operation I performed was a complete copy of Zhang Huairen's method. I didn't even let go of every detail!" Qin Gong also said at this time Said.Afterwards, the carpenter and several other experts also expressed their opinions one after another, and they all did the same.After hearing this, Huang Ziwen couldn't help interjecting: "You don't care about me here. If you really follow Zhang Huairen's teacher every step of the way, then why Zhang Huairen made blood steel, but you made a piece of steel?" A pile of trash? Ah!?"

Huang Ziwen's words silenced several experts present.Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, and said to Francis: "Sir, they must have made a mistake in some link. I think so, let several of their experts conduct an experiment together, supervise each other, and correct each other. If you are not sure, you can do it." Find out where the problem lies, and the bleeding steel is here."

Francis glared at him, and asked ponderingly: "Didn't you all think that maybe this guy named Zhang Huairen is playing tricks on us? The set of operation methods he taught you may be fake at all. When Huang Ziwen heard it, he immediately said: "Impossible! Mr. Francis, I am not a fool. They were all present when Zhang Huairen was operating, and they watched every movement of Zhang Huairen." Yes. I don't believe that Zhang Huairen has the ability to lie under the gaze of so many eyes without being discovered."

Old Zhao nodded, and said in agreement: "Boss Huang is right. At that time, we were afraid that we would miss any of the details and cause the smelting to fail, so we kept staring at Zhang Huairen. It was impossible for him to ask for any means without being caught." We found it." Huang Ziwen continued: "Also, on the second day, I specially asked them to carry out a smelting process independently without Zhang Huairen present, and it turned out to be a success." "It really was a success." Already?" Francis frowned slightly and looked at Lao Zhao.Old Zhao nodded and confirmed: "It was indeed a success once, otherwise we wouldn't have such great confidence and dare to pat our chests and say that we have learned it."

"If this is the case, then it seems that the suspicion of Zhang Huairen can be ruled out. The problem still lies with all of you here. But there is one point that does not make sense. If only one or two of you made a mistake, then It's understandable, but why did you all make the same mistake at the same time? How could there be such a coincidence?" Francis said slowly, frowning.

"Mr. Francis, no matter how coincidental this incident is, it happened after all. It is meaningless for us to discuss these anymore. In my opinion, we should hurry up and let them cooperate with each other and conduct another experiment." Huang Ziwen said to Francis said.Francis pondered for a moment, and suddenly said in a vibrating voice: "Okay, let's do another experiment!" Huang Ziwen suddenly regained his energy when he heard it, and hurriedly shouted to Lao Zhao and the others: "What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up?" Go? There will be another mistake this time, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Who are you going to deal with? Do you think you are still the president of GM?" After hearing Huang Ziwen's scolding, Francis yelled at him angrily.Huang Ziwen looked at Francis with a bitter face, and was about to open his mouth when Francis scolded angrily: "Go away! If you can't make bloody steel, see how I will deal with you!" Francis I deliberately added an accent to 'you', which made Huang Ziwen's heart tremble involuntarily, and secretly said that he was unlucky and stood aside.

It had already failed once, and this time, Lao Zhao and several other experts were extra cautious.Each step must be cited with each other, and the operation will not proceed until everyone agrees.Several experts held back their energy and must make bloody steel, while Francis and Huang Ziwen kept praying on the side.Francis is begging God to bless his company from going down because of this, while Huang Ziwen is begging God to keep his status and life.

The time seemed to be elongated all of a sudden, and it became extremely long and tormented.This torment lasted for five or six hours, and finally came the moment of release.Francis hurriedly stood up from the chair, his eyes were full of nervousness and he looked towards Lao Zhao and the others.Lao Zhao and several other experts were also extremely nervous at this time, and their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.Under the gaze of everyone, the fiery red hot molten steel poured out again. any changes.

"My God, what did we do wrong?" Qin Gong suddenly let out a mournful cry, and sat down on the ground. The rest of the experts were all stunned, with bitter and helpless expressions on their faces.Seeing this expression, the last flame of hope in the hearts of Huang Ziwen and Francis was mercilessly extinguished, and the two collapsed on the chair at the same time.The look in the eyes instantly disappeared without a trace.

It was already dark outside, no matter if it was Huang Ziwen, Francis, Yelena or Lao Zhao, these experts hadn't eaten for a day.But no one is hungry, depressed, and despair has already filled them up.There was no sound in the conference room, and no one had spoken for an hour.Huang Ziwen completely lost his temper, sat in a corner of the conference room with his head down and silently, with a sullen face, wishing that he would become invisible so that no one could see him.

"Why is this so? Could it be that we really can't make bloody steel?" Finally, Francis' words were full of heaviness. Hearing them, it was like pressing an extremely heavy weight on everyone's heart. boulder...

Old Zhao raised his head, looked at Francis and said with doubts on his face: "It's really strange, our operation method is exactly the same as what Zhang Huairen taught us back then, but why did we get two results? Colleagues, you Can you figure out where we have missed it?" Several experts looked at me and I looked at you, and finally shook their heads together.Mu Yiman said affirmatively: "We have noticed what should be paid attention to, but why the steel cannot be smelted, I really don't know why."

The rest of the experts also spoke one after another, and their views were similar to those of Mu Yi.Francis listened to the opinions of several experts very seriously, and then said with a frown: "In this way, this problem should not be on the heads of everyone here." Old Zhao nodded and said: " Mr. Francis, do you think this will work, and can you invite Zhang Huairen back again?" Francis's expression was shocked by Lao Zhao's words, and he slapped the table and said, "Yes, how can I Didn't expect it? As long as Mr. Zhang is invited back, won't all problems be solved?"

After finishing speaking, Francis cast his eyes on Huang Ziwen suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what method you use, Yijun will invite Mr. Zhang back to me! Otherwise, let alone the president of GM, even if you If you want to stay in General Motors to clean the toilet, I won't even use you!"

When something went wrong, Huang Ziwen didn't hold back Francis to bargain, and hurriedly said: "En, I will go tomorrow, tomorrow!" "What tomorrow? Go now!" Francis shouted angrily With a sound.Huang Ziwen turned his head and looked out the window. It was already late at night, and it was pitch black outside the window. He said in a loud voice, "Sir, this is not good. It's so late. I believe Mr. Zhang must be asleep. Excuse me." I am afraid that it will arouse people's resentment if I sleep for others, so a "

Francis slapped the table and shouted: "I don't know this, do you need to remind me? I asked you to find Mr. Zhang, but I didn't ask you to disturb him! After you go, give I stood guard at the door until tomorrow morning, when Mr. Zhang woke up, please come back to the company respectfully." "Ah?" Huang Ziwen's face suddenly turned bitter, Thinking of him as the dignified president of GM's Huaxia branch, he has always been aloof, but now he has to lie at the door of others like a dog and guard the door for others, he can't stand it.Just as he was about to open his mouth to say no, Francis shot him with sharp eyes like a knife.

Relying on the blood steel, Huang Ziwen challenged Francis repeatedly. Francis had been holding back his stomach for a long time, and now he finally got the chance, so he naturally wanted to let out the bad breath in his chest before Huang Ziwen opened his mouth. , then snorted angrily and said: "Why do you still have an opinion? Don't forget, you sold him back then. If you didn't show some sincerity, why should he help you? Let me tell you Huang Ziwen , if you don’t invite Mr. Zhang back to me, your little life will be the end of your life, get out!” Apart from a wry smile, Huang Ziwen could only do as Francis hoped, go to Zhang Huairen waited in front of the house.

It's just that he is doomed to wait all night for nothing. At this time, Zhang Huairen may have already taken Mrs. Zhang to visit their precious son.

This is definitely a difficult sleepless night for GM Group.Francis stayed up all night and came to the company from the hotel early in the morning.He thought he was early enough, but he didn't expect Yelena to be earlier than him. As soon as he entered the company, Yelena greeted him.Seeing that Yelena had put on makeup, but it was still difficult to hide the sleepiness in her eyes, Francis asked faintly: "Why, didn't you sleep all night last night?" Yelena smiled wryly, and said: "Aren't you too Did you not sleep all night? At this juncture, who can sleep?"

Seeing that Yelena was really worried about GM's fate, Francis nodded a little moved, and said, "Come on, let's go to my office to talk." The two of them went back to Francis here. temporary office.Early in the morning, they shouldn't be drinking coffee, but Yelena made a cup for each of them.After taking a sip of the slightly bitter coffee, Yelena regained her spirits, raised her head and asked Francis, "Sir, do you think Huang Ziwen can invite Zhang Huairen here?" Francis looked up at Yelena with some doubts , Na Na asked: "Why do you ask such a question? Why can't you invite me?"

(End of this chapter)

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