The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1590 The Holy Shield Team

Chapter 1590 The Holy Shield Team
"Rong'er, you have to be extra careful these few days. I have a hunch that he must have already started to act." Hu Rong giggled and said, "With you by my side, I'm not afraid at all, so let him Come on! But having said that, now that GM is facing such a difficult situation, instead of withdrawing their capital to protect themselves, those shareholders have increased their investment. Even if they sell those raw materials, they will suffer a lot of losses, but they will not endanger It’s their root. If we want to annex GM, I’m afraid it will be very difficult.”

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I've been thinking about this issue for the past few days. I thought things were too simple. Now that GM has stabilized its position, there are bad news coming from Mr. Lin one after another. Here It is indeed not an ordinary difficulty to annex GM." "My husband, I have thought about it. Since we can't annex GM, then we will not swallow it. As long as there is 'blood steel', one day, we will defeat GM. You don't need to worry about that anymore." Hu Rong said to Li Xiaogang with some distress.Li Xiaogang said in a vibrating voice: "How can I do it? Now that I have made up my mind, I must carry it through to the end. No matter how difficult it is, I feel that I cannot back down. This is the principle of my life! Rong'er, let me continue Think about it carefully, I will definitely come up with a solution." Hu Rong understood Li Xiaogang's temper, nodded and nodded.

In an unremarkable corner in front of Tianma Metallurgical Gate, a black van has been parked there for a whole day.In the car, the four pairs of sharp eyes never left the gate of Tianma Metallurgy from the beginning to the end.In Area 51, there are dozens of combat teams, their numbers vary, and their combat effectiveness varies from strong to weak.One of the strongest combat teams is called the Holy Shield. It has only four members, but its combat effectiveness is far ahead of the teams in Area 51.Today, these four people are nestled in this black van, captain Jonakin, team members McCain, Philly, and Xizhen.

Each of these four names is well known in Area 51.McCain, the world's top bomb expert, has superb skills in handling bombs. Some people say that as long as he has enough explosives, he can blow up the whole world.Philly, the absolute sharpshooter, once tried to kill twelve enemies with six bullets.Every shot is an insult to him.If he is going to participate in the world shooting competition, others will completely miss the gold medal.Xizhen, the only woman in the Holy Shield.This is a very terrifying woman, fighting at close range, in Area 51, there are only a handful of men who can knock her down, but there are countless men who are maimed by her.If it's not her friend, it's best to stay as far away from her as possible.Captain Jonakin, 40 years old this year, is an out-and-out combat machine all-around killer.The other three members of the Holy Shield know what he can do, and he is better than them.What's even more frightening is that Jonakin also has a mind that the other three don't have.In the missions he has performed, no matter how difficult, there are almost no unsuccessful ones.He is the well-deserved god of Area 51 and the treasure in Jonathan's eyes.This time, Jonathan sent all four of them here, which shows that he is determined to win 'Blood Steel'.

"Captain! Are you sure what we want is in there?" Xizhen asked with some admiration as she glanced at Jonakin, whose face was sinking like water.This is probably the only man Xizhen admires from the bottom of her heart.Jonakin's eyes were as sharp as a wolf's. He stared sharply at the crowds coming in and out of Tianma Metallurgy. , said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Jonakin pondered for a moment, then said quietly: "We have two mission objectives this time. One is a piece of technical information, which should be locked in the safe in the factory director's office. The other is a person, that is, him. , Qiu Ping, the person in charge of this company. The general means that if you need information, you also need a person. If you have the information, you need this person to verify it. If you can’t get the information, you must take this person away, because he is the director of the factory. The information is all in his head.

Therefore, this time we will work hard into two groups and act separately.Xizhen and I are in a group to catch people.McCain and Fili teamed up to find information. "

Feili smiled, and said to Jonakin: "Boss, you want to be with Xizhen so urgently, do you have any thoughts about our Xizhen, hehe?" Feili's laughter didn't stop, he just felt A bone-piercing cold wind suddenly hit his throat, and he didn't have time to react, and an extremely sharp dagger lay across his neck.Xizhen said coldly, "Feelie, you'd better control your mouth, otherwise it will kill you one day!" Phillip smiled slightly, his eyes drooped down, Youyou said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Following Feili's gaze, Xizhen looked down and saw that the pistol in Feili's hand had reached Xizhen's heart at some point. "Enough! This is a mission, you are not allowed to mess around!" Jonakin said, and said with a cold face: "You also know how much the general attaches importance to this mission. If the mission fails, we still have the face to return Area 5l?" Feili smiled, retracted the pistol, and said, "Boss, don't be nervous, Xizhen and I are just joking!" Xizhen snorted heavily, and took the dagger from Feili Withdrew from the neck.

"The target's car appeared!" At this moment, McCain said loudly.The other three turned their heads to look, and sure enough, Qiu Ping drove out of the gate of Tianma Metallurgy slowly. "There's someone in the back seat!" Xizhen whispered.

Jonakin said: "It's okay, let's follow up first! McCain, Phil, get out of the car. Find a good place to hide and wait until dark, and all the people from Tianma Metallurgy are gone, and then start to move." McCain He and Fei Li are both very experienced old agents, so they didn't say much at the moment, and got out of the car.Jonakin drove Xizhen and followed Qiu Ping's car from a distance.

"Who is that other person in the target car?" Xizhen asked with a raised eyebrow.Jonakin shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "No matter who he is, we only want Qiu Ping this time. That person, kill him!" Xizhen nodded and tightened the dagger stuck in her leg.Qiu Ping didn't seem to know that there was someone following behind him, and he drove slowly, chatting with the people behind him from time to time.After following for a while, the sky gradually darkened, and Xizhen couldn't help asking a little strangely: "Where is he going? It doesn't seem to be the direction to return to his home."

Jonakin said coldly: "It's better if he doesn't go home. The surrounding area is very remote, so let's do it!" Xizhen turned her head and looked around. Sure enough, the surrounding scenery became more and more remote, as if she was in the suburbs. "Could it be that this old man has a lover outside? Giggle!" Xizhen couldn't help asking amusedly.Jonakin frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Xizhen, this is on a mission, don't be joking." Xizhen pouted, mumbling something.

"It's almost ready!" Jonakin saw that the surroundings were remote enough, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly accelerated, blocking Qiu Ping's face. Qiu Ping subconsciously stepped on the brakes, and the car shook violently. , if the young man sitting in the back seat hadn't reacted quickly enough to grab him, Qiu Pingfei would have smashed the front windshield and flew out.When the car stopped, Qiu Ping shouted angrily to Jonakin and Xizhen who got out of the car: "You two foreigners, can you drive?"

Jonakin and Xizhen didn't speak, but walked towards Qiu Ping quickly.Qiu Ping lived such an old age and saw many people, and immediately saw a fierce murderous look from Jonakin and Xizhen, he couldn't help being startled, and quickly locked the car door firmly, Turning to the young man in the back seat, he said urgently, "Liang Zi, it's bad, they're probably after us."

The young man Qiu Ping called Liang Zi was about 25 or [-] years old, with a handsome appearance and a slender and strong figure. Hearing Qiu Ping's words, he smiled slightly and said softly: "Of course, they have all followed us all the way. "

Qiu Ping was surprised when he heard this, and asked in surprise: "Why, you already knew?" Liang Zi said with a faint smile: "Otherwise, why would I ask you to drive the car here, just to deal with them?" Don't worry, factory manager, I'll guarantee you'll be fine!" Seeing Liangzi's confident face, and not paying attention to Jonakin and Xizhen at all, Qiu Ping asked dubiously, "Are you really good at it?" Liang Zi chuckled and said, "Guess why Brother Gang sent me to your side? Do you think you really want you to find me a job?"

"Isn't it? That's what Mr. Li told me!" Qiu Ping asked in amazement.Liang Zi laughed and said: "Of course not! Brother Gang told you this because he was afraid that you would worry. He had already expected that someone would be against you, so he sent me to your side. Well, they Come here, and I will listen to everything in a while." Qiu Ping turned his head to look, and sure enough, Jonakin and Xizhen had arrived in front of the car, and Jonakin pulled out a pistol from his waist and aimed it at Qiu Ping's head through the window glass. , signaling him to get off.Qiu Ping turned to look at Liang Zi, Liang Zi opened the car door with one hand, and said, "Get out of the car!" With Liang Zi's words, Qiu Ping felt more at ease, no longer hesitated, followed by opening the car door and getting out of the car.

As soon as Liang Zi got out of the car, the gun in Xizhen's hand pressed against Liang Zi's forehead.Liang Zi sneered, and said quietly: "I advise you to be careful, this is Huaxia, not country M. The police in Huaxia are very sensitive to gun cases, so don't cause trouble for yourself!" She was a little surprised, in her expectation, Liang Zi should be trembling with fright at this time, but she didn't expect that Liang Zi's calmness greatly exceeded her expectations. "Xizhen, put your gun away, you don't need a gun to deal with him!" Jonakin said.

Liang Zi chuckled, and Xizhen put the gun in her arms.Liang Zi ignored her, turned to look at Jonakin and asked, "Who are you? What do you want?" Jonakin pointed at Qiu Ping and said, "We want him! It's your own bad luck, showing up at the wrong time In the wrong place, so you have to pay the price with your life." "Wait!" Qiu Ping couldn't help shouting angrily when he heard it, looked at Jonakin and said in a deep voice: "The person you want is me, don't Kill him!" Jonakin sneered, and said quietly, "Mr. Qiu, it seems that it's not up to you to decide! Xizhen, kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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