The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1591 Disastrous failure!

Chapter 1591 Disastrous failure!
Without any hesitation, Xizhen pulled out the dagger from her leg with her right hand, and stabbed it fiercely at Liangzi's chest.Liang Zi smiled coldly, his feet swayed, and Xizhen's dagger immediately stuck in the empty space.Seeing that she hadn't stabbed Liang Zi, Xi Zhen was taken aback, her eyes flickered and she looked at Liang Zi, Liang Zi hung his hands on both sides of his shoulders, looked at Xi Zhen and Jonakin with a sneer and said, "No matter what you are People, this trip to China will definitely make you regret it!"

Just now, Liangzi's movements were all in Jonakin's eyes. Seeing that Liangzi kept his face and easily dodged Xizhen's fatal blow, Jonakin's heart immediately flashed. A warning sign, I know that I am afraid I have misread it.Hearing Liang Zi's somewhat arrogant words, Xizhen couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, scolded softly in her mouth, and brandished her dagger again to attack Liang Zi.Xizhen's melee combat is a masterpiece, a sharp dagger is like a living snake, crazily swallowing and spitting at Liang Zi.One cold edge after another flashed across Liang Zi's body from time to time.

However, Liangzi is like a slippery fish, his super agility is jaw-dropping.His body swayed from side to side from time to time, and he stepped on mysterious and miraculous steps. Even though Xizhen used all his strength to nurse, she couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.This was the first time Xizhen encountered this in her fighting career, which made Xizhen feel both surprised and anxious.

"As a woman, your skills are already quite good. However, you are still far away from defeating me!" After speaking, she suddenly stopped and turned from defense to offense in an instant. The fist was like an angry dragon going out to sea, and suddenly shot towards Xizhen's face.This punch was fast and hard, and it was unexpected, Xizhen's heart was shaken suddenly, she didn't dare to block it hard, and stepped back crazily.However, Liang Zi's attack was like a continuous river, before this punch could be stopped, another punch came out.The strong wind from the fist is icy cold, as if it can penetrate the skin and blow into the heart of a person.Xizhen had never met such a powerful opponent before, and she lost her sense of control immediately.

At this time, not only Xizhen was surprised, Jonakin also couldn't restrain the shock in his heart, his eyes seemed to be attracted by Liang Zi, and he couldn't leave Liang Zi's body anymore.Jonakin is proficient in martial arts, and even claims to be an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but Liang Zi's shot made him have an eye-opening feeling. He only felt that Liang Zi's every move had no style, and it seemed simple and unremarkable , but the power is overbearing and astonishing.Under his attack, Xizhen is like a swaying boat in the sea, full of dangers.

At this time, Xizhen was both shocked and depressed at the same time.Liang Zi's attacks were like a storm, so dense that she couldn't breathe, let alone counterattack.She desperately wanted to find a flaw in Liang Zi's attack, but in the end she was disappointed. Every move of Liang Zi was ingenious, and there was no flaw to find. What made her unbearable was that Liang Zi's strength was amazing. He created an exquisite move, which can be described as infinite power.

Seeing Liang Zi's straight punch hitting his chest, Xizhen subconsciously waved her hand to block Liang Zi's punch.But when her hand touched Liang Zi's fist, Xizhen's whole body trembled wildly, and she felt as if one hand had been hit by a hammer, and the severe pain spread from her hand to her whole body.It was like a gnat shaking a tree, but Liang Zi's fist forcefully knocked his hand away.Liang Zi didn't stop at all, and directly followed up with his fist, hitting Xizhen's chest heavily.

Xizhen was hit like this before, but she definitely didn't feel the pain this time.She could even clearly feel that Liang Zi's fist force, like a sharp dagger, instantly tore open her chest and poured straight into her body. Three ribs shattered almost simultaneously.Intense pain hit Xizhen's heart wave after wave.She always thought that she was a strong woman, but this time, she felt that she was as fragile as a child, and the intense pain made her want to cry loudly.Power was like a receding tide, quickly draining from her body, like a piece of noodles, Xizhen fell helplessly to the ground.

When she fell to the ground and looked up at Liangzi again, she suddenly found that Liangzi suddenly became so tall, like a mountain, an insurmountable mountain.She couldn't help but recall the words Liang Zi said to them before - "No matter who you are, this trip to China will definitely make you regret it!"

When Liangzi dodged Xizhen's attack effortlessly, Jonakin predicted that Xizhen would not be Liangzi's opponent, but what he didn't expect was that Xizhen would be defeated so quickly. so miserable.Seeing Liang Zi's knife-like gaze fixed on him, Jonakin's heart trembled involuntarily.He hadn't felt this way for a long time. He felt both novelty and worry at the same time, and even a little bit of fear.

"You are very strong!" Although Jonakin's heart was full of ups and downs, he, who had been tempered, had a calm expression on his face. He spoke as calmly and calmly as ever, without even the slightest tremor.Liang Zi sneered after hearing this, and said quietly: "You don't need to talk about this." Jonakin shook his head and said: "Although you are very strong, you must die today, because you are facing an invincible Jonakin, leader of the Holy Shield!"

Liang Zi pointed at him and shouted: "I don't care if you are Contradictory Newton or Divine Shield, let alone Platinum Gold or Jonakin, you have to lie down in front of me today!" "Really? I don't think so !" Jonakin slowly raised the gun in his hand, aiming the black muzzle at Liang Zi.Liang Zi frowned, and said sarcastically: "No way, this is the style of you M country people?" Jonakin said in a deep voice: "I admit that your fighting skills are very good. It seems that I am not Your opponent. But you forgot, I have a gun, although it is a bit mean, but in order to complete the task, it is nothing."

Liang Zi sneered, and said faintly: "Do you think you can win if you have a gun? You forgot, this is China. Guns may be useful in your M country, but in China, you will be disappointed!" Then come and try it!" Jonakin uttered a cold shout, and suddenly pulled the trigger, only to hear a crisp gunshot, startling countless flying birds.However, at the same time as the gunshot rang out, Jonakin's eyes blurred suddenly, and Liang Zi miraculously disappeared from his gun.Jonakin was taken aback, and hurriedly looked around, looking for Liang Zi's figure.At this moment, Xizhen suddenly heard an exclamation with a changed tone, "Jonakin, he is on top of you!"

Jonakin was so shocked that he hurriedly raised his head to look, only to see Liang Zi stepping on the void, flying towards him as if walking on flat ground.Jonakin has long heard that there is a magical kung fu in China called Qinggong, which allows people to leave the ground without borrowing any foreign objects.At that time, Jonakin scoffed at the words and didn't believe it at all.But now that he had indeed witnessed it, the shock that surged in his heart seemed to submerge his entire heart like a tide.

However, the boundless shock did not make Jonakin confused. Years of combat experience made him react immediately, and the gun in his hand sprayed flames towards the beams in the air.Bullets shot towards Liang Zi non-stop.Liang Zi, who was in mid-air, didn't panic at all, but let out bursts of wild laughter. Accompanied by this laughter, Liang Zi's body twisted in the air unbelievably. Jonakin shot all the bullets in the gun case, but failed One of Liangzi's hairs was hurt.Seeing all this, Jonakin's heart was completely chilled as if someone had thrown him into an ice cellar. "How is this possible, how is this possible?" Although there was no bullet in the gun, Jonakin seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he was still pulling the trigger frantically, while muttering non-stop.

"Boss, be careful!" At this moment, Xizhen's exclamation came again, and Jonakin suddenly came back to his senses, but it was too late, and Liang Zi's figure had already approached his body. In front of him, one of Liang Zi's legs was wrapped in gusts of cold wind and kicked hard at his wrist.Jonah King Kong wanted to hide, but it was too late. A sharp pain rose from his wrist, and the pistol came out of his hand and fell ten meters away.Jonakin exclaimed, clutching his wrists, and staggered back three steps.He tried to twist his wrist, but it didn't move at all. Apparently, Liang Zi's kick broke all the bones in Jonakin's wrist.

"You—who are you?" Jonakin, who existed like a god in Area 51, fell under Liang Zi's hands in the blink of an eye. Jonakin couldn't restrain the shock in his heart, his eyes stared like copper bells Looking at Liang Zi in general, he gritted his teeth and asked.Liang Zi smiled coldly, and said faintly: "You asked me before you told me who you are, isn't it wrong? Don't forget, I am the winner now, and only the winner has the right to know everything."

"We lost, but don't be too complacent, our people will not let you go!" Jonakin gritted his teeth at Liang Zi while enduring the severe pain. "Your people? Hahaha... You better pray that they don't come, otherwise they will be like you!" Liang Zi said with a sneer.This sentence made Jonakin's heart sink to the bottom of the valley. After thinking about it carefully, it is true that even the strongest person in his 5l area is so ugly, and the other people are simply delivering food to others!

"Kill us, since we've lost, we don't intend to live anymore!" Jonakin frowned and shouted in a deep voice.Liang Zi smiled slightly, glanced at the two of them, and said, "Don't worry! I won't kill you, we still have a lot of questions waiting to ask you." , gritted his teeth and said: "If you plan to pry our mouths open, I advise you to save yourselves? We have all undergone strict training, and no matter how severe the punishment is, we will never yield us!" Liang Ziman sneered disapprovingly. With a sound, he said faintly: "Your mouths may be really hard, but don't worry, there is no mouth in the world that our sky thorns can't pry open!"

(End of this chapter)

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