The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1607 King's Landing Area 51!

Chapter 1607 King's Landing Area 51!

"Mr. Li, from your point of view, the training they do seems to be out of your sight at all. You know, the training methods they use are the most advanced in the world at present." Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Jonathan was so angry that he couldn't help snorting coldly, and said with a curled lip.Li Xiaogang said lightly with disapproval: "Accordingly speaking, the most advanced training methods in the world should train the most elite fighters in the world. I understand that well?" Jonathan said without thinking: "Of course! They are definitely the strongest in the world!

Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing wildly when he heard this, the laughter was so harsh to Jonathan's ears, it made him grit his teeth with hatred, and asked in a cold voice as calm as ice: "Mr. Li, I don't know you Why are you laughing?"

Li Xiaogang waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm just kidding that General Jonathan said that these people are the strongest fighters in the world. Hehe." "Is there anything wrong with that?" Jonathan asked angrily. One sentence.

Li Xiaogang put away his smile, and said coldly: "I don't know, I only know that I can pick anyone out of the sky thorns at random, and I can beat these so-called strongest fighters in your mouth to the ground! General Sen, do you believe it or not?" "I am one" Jonathan didn't expect Li Xiaogang to mention the sky thorn, and he was speechless on the spot.The sky thorn is powerful, and Jonathan knows it all too well, otherwise he wouldn't be so afraid of Li Xiaogang.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's eyes looking at him, Jonathan could not help feeling that his face was burning hot.He was too excited just now, unexpectedly he fell into Li Xiaogang's trap accidentally.The Sky Spike is recognized by the leaders of various countries as the most powerful fighting organization in the world.How many countries don't hesitate to spend huge sums of money to poach someone from the thorns, but they can't ask for it.How can he compare Area 51 with the Sky Spike?When Li Xiaogang took the conversation, Jonathan's face was so painful that bile dripped out.

Seeing the embarrassment on Jonathan's face, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, waved his hands and said, "General Jonathan, you don't mind, I was just joking with you just now, that's all. Don't take it to heart. Hehe." Jonathan frowned hard, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li is right, I was too arrogant just now. Although my fighters in Area 51 are elite, But after all, it is not as good as your Sky Spike. But I am curious, what kind of training method the Sky Spike uses to train such a powerful fighter. Since the Sky Spike is under the command of Mr. Li, Mr. Li should be able to Don't hesitate to teach us, right?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head with a smile, and said: "Although the thorns are under my command, they were not trained by me. Please forgive me for not being able to answer this question of the general." Jonathan raised his eyebrows and said faintly: "Even if Miss Gao Yuanyuan is in my hands, won't you tell me?" "What?" Li Xiaogang's face froze suddenly, and he looked at Jonathan like lightning, and asked in a deep voice.When Jonathan saw it, he laughed out loud, and said, "Mr. Li, I was just joking with you, so you don't have to take it to heart, haha."

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, with layers of murderous intent rolling between his brows, he said coldly: "No one dares to make fun of my woman! General Jonathan, you are quite courageous!" Li Xiaogang revealed on his face The murderous intent that came out really shocked Jonathan, and he couldn't help but jump wildly for a while.There was a trace of astonishment and horror on his face, and he was speechless.Li Xiaogang snorted again, cast his gaze into the distance, and asked, "What is that?"

Jonathan suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, glanced at it, and replied: "That is our TX main battle tank." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Area 51 is worthy of being an organization that belongs to the president of country M. It is also equipped with main battle tanks!" Jonathan said with some pride: "Of course, the enemies we sometimes face in Area 51 are more powerful than people can imagine. With these main battle tanks , is also prepared for any danger!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "As far as I know, the TX main battle tank is currently the strongest battle tank in the army of country M, but I'm afraid it's not the strongest in the world. With your powerful intelligence gathering capabilities in Area 51, we I think General Jonathan should know what is the strongest tank in the world right now?" Jonathan coughed and said slowly: "Our TX main battle tank is indeed the strongest in the world. But not long ago, you Huaxia developed a new type of tank. I don’t know what computing system it uses. It’s amazingly powerful. According to our experts’ calculations, one of your Huaxia’s tanks can attack three of our TX main battle tanks at the same time. It's horrific, it's unimaginable."

Of course Li Xiaogang knew that Jonathan was referring to the Huaxia tank equipped with the Galaxy smart chip, he laughed and said, "Area 5l really deserves its reputation. This is the top secret of the Huaxia military, and you have even snooped it. Amazing! "Jonathan smiled wryly, and said faintly: "What is this! If you can get the design drawings of your Huaxia tank, it will be really powerful." Seeing Jonathan mentioning this matter, his face was full of bitterness , Li Xiaogang can guess without asking, in this matter, I am afraid that Area 51 has suffered a big loss.But this is not surprising. The Huaxia Dragon Group is already very powerful, and after being taught by Ge Jun, it is even more extraordinary. Area 51 wants to get information on the Galaxy Smart Chip from under their tight protection, which is simply whimsical.

Along the way, Li Xiaogang discovered that Area 51 is really not easy.Advanced weapons for land, air and sea are all available.Aircraft, tanks, and missiles are all the most advanced in country M.Among them are many novel weapons that Li Xiaogang has never heard of before. They should be the latest weapons developed by the exclusive weapon experts in Area 5. With these, aside from the Sky Spike and Dragon Group, Area 51 is definitely the most powerful weapon in the world. Strong fighting organization.A group of people walked and watched, Jonathan was really interesting, as long as Li Xiaogang asked him, he would answer truthfully, and he would say what he knew, and he would say what he said.It seems that he regards Li Xiaogang as one of his own.However, this is just an illusion. Li Xiaogang is very clear that in front of him, it is just an open secret in Area 51, and the most elite and strongest in Area 51, Jonathan must be hiding it.For example, the locked and dilapidated building in front of Li Xiaogang right now.

Seeing Li Xiaogang stop in front of the building, Jonathan frowned involuntarily, but he quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "This is just a dilapidated and abandoned warehouse. There is nothing to see. We still Go over there!" Li Xiaogang glanced at him, smiled mysteriously, and said faintly: "Is that so?"

Li Xiaogang's smile made Jonathan feel a little uneasy, he laughed dryly, and said, "Of course, Mr. Li still doesn't believe me?" Li Xiaogang said lightly: "When I was young, My parents tried to make me understand a truth. That is, the more inconspicuous something is, the more valuable it is. Just like this building that looks dilapidated on the outside, maybe there is something hidden in it.”

"Haha, Mr. Li was joking. This is really just an abandoned factory building. I wanted to have it demolished a long time ago, but unfortunately I never found the time to do so. You will laugh at me, Mr. Li." Qiang Na Sen smiled like an old fox.Li Xiaogang said lightly: "It's okay. RT is actually just a very common thing. Since the general doesn't want me to read it, then I won't watch it."

"How do you know it's RT!?" As soon as Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Jonathan couldn't help but opened his mouth to ask in astonishment.Jonakin and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.Li Xiaogang chuckled indifferently and said faintly: "'RT' is a new type of weapon that your weapon experts in Area 51 are working hard on. It is similar to an air cannon. launch. With such a high speed and highly condensed compressed air, the destructive power of this air cannon is twice as powerful as that of a Tomahawk missile. More importantly, this air cannon is cheap, as long as there is It can be launched in the air, and it is non-polluting. It is really a new type of weapon. Your weapons experts in Area 51 really have a set. Ha ha ha"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang not only knew 'RT', but also knew 'RT' so well, Jonathan was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth.You must know that since the experts in Area 51 began to develop 'RT', it has been regarded as a top secret in Area 51 and has been strictly guarded.Not to mention outsiders, even in Area 51, there are absolutely no more than ten people who know the existence of RT.And Li Xiaogang knew so much about 'RT' that Jonathan couldn't help but suspect that someone beside him was an undercover agent sent by Li Xiaogang.Seeing Jonathan's astonishment, Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "General, there is no need to be so surprised. There is no impenetrable wall in this world. Don't think that you are the only ones who do a good job in intelligence work in Area 51. Hehe."

Jonathan wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, looked at Li Xiaogang and murmured: "Mr. Li, it is no exaggeration to say that you are really my number one enemy, Jonathan, for decades. !” Li Xiaogang sneered coldly, and said faintly: “You know I’m not easy to mess with, but you still dare to provoke me?” Jonathan frowned, smiled wryly, and said: “I can’t help it, the responsibility lies with me. .”

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said lightly: "Since we have reached this point, I think the visit ends here. Let's talk about business." Jonathan nodded, and said: "I also have this problem. Thank you! Anyway, you know our area 51, Mr. Li, very well, and it’s the same whether you visit or not.” “Hahaha, you said it well! It just so happened that Gao Yuanyuan and I have not seen each other for a while, and I miss him very much. , I also want to see her sooner!"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said.Jonathan turned to Xizhen, and Manli said, "You two go and invite Miss Gao Yuanyuan to my office." After speaking, she said to Li Xiaogang, "Mr. Huaxia tea, please!" Li Xiaogang didn't hesitate, he held his head high and walked towards Jonathan's office without anyone leading him.Jonathan looked at it, and couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.Fortunately, he still deliberately wanted to maintain the mystery of Area 51. Unexpectedly, Area 51 had already been exposed in front of people's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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