The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1608 I'm here to pick up your Zhang family!

Chapter 1608 I'm here to pick you up!

When he came to Jonathan's office, Jonathan asked Li Xiaogang to sit down, then ordered someone to bring hot tea, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I know you Chinese people like to drink tea. This is me. I made it specially for you, try it and see how it feels?" Li Xiaogang was not polite, not to worry that Jonathan would poison the tea, he took a sip, then looked at Jonathan with a smile, faintly Said: "The general should not be a person who likes to drink tea." Jonathan nodded and said: "I prefer coffee, but how do you know, Mr. Li?"

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "This tea is Indian tea, not Huaxia tea! Huaxia tea will not have such an unpalatable smell!" After speaking, he put the tea aside.Jonathan said with anger on his face: "Damn it, I was cheated by those tea merchants again!" Li Xiaogang said with a slight smile: "It's not surprising, the taste of Indian tea is not as good as Chinese tea, and the price is far worse. In order to make money, businessmen will of course shoddy.”

Jonathan nodded and said, "Mr. Li is right, you still have insight." Li Xiaogang waved his hand, ended the tea-related topic, and said, "General, Gao Yuanyuan should be fine under your care." ? Jonathan said hurriedly: "Of course!"Miss Gao Yuanyuan is the woman you Mr. Li loves most, even if we are brave, we dare not do anything to her. "Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "You are no longer courageous.Otherwise, you wouldn't dare to kidnap my woman and threaten me! Jonathan smiled indifferently and said, "It's just a last resort."Mr. Li, Miss Gao Yuanyuan will be delivered in a while, you can naturally see if she is unscathed.However, have you brought the 'Blood Steel' materials? "

Li Xiaogang said: "Of course I will satisfy you when I see 'Blood Steel'. However, I am very surprised that you M country people always like to get something for nothing like this. Is this the habit of your M country people?" Jonathan frowned. "I know you are mocking us." "Nonsense! Or do you think I am praising you?" Li Xiaogang sneered and pouted.

Jonathan said slowly: "Mr. Li, if you want to laugh or ridicule, it's up to you, we don't care. Everything we do is for our country and our people. Even if it is a lifetime We don't hesitate to be infamy. Because of you, Mr. Li, Huaxia has made rapid progress in the past few years. This kind of huge and rapid progress is not only reflected in China's national strength, but also in Huaxia's international influence. Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about the Middle East. It used to be the territory of our M country people, but now, the entire Middle East is firmly controlled by your sky thorns. Even if we M country people want to insert a needle, it is difficult. In the past, people in the Middle East regarded us as saviors, but now they regard us as enemies. Isn’t this all thanks to you Chinese people? Country M has been the hegemon of the world for hundreds of years, but Now, the hegemony of country M has become precarious under the challenge of you Chinese people. As a citizen of country M and a soldier of country M, I have the obligation and responsibility to change all this!"

"Hahaha, it's really rare. As a general, you can speak out such a fallacy impassionedly! Even your God says that all people are equal. Why should people from other countries be born like this? Are you going to be ruled by the people of country M? You are indeed stronger than any other country on this earth, but just because you are so powerful, you should take more responsibility, but what about you? You don’t want to take any responsibility , but only want to gain more power. Make yourself superior and make everyone look up to you, what is the difference between this and bullying the weak by the strong?"

"This world is the same as an ethnic group. It needs a leader and a commander. If you call this an overlord, that's okay." Jonathan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said lightly: "There is an old saying in China that a snake can't do without a head, so I agree with your words. But the question is why the overlord must be country M instead of China? Furthermore, the so-called leader, the so-called commander, is to guide all beings to progress together, support the weak, and take on important responsibilities. Only in this way can everyone be convinced, and can be regarded as a qualified commander and leader. Do you want to take advantage of others and bully others! Didn’t you say that the entire Middle East hates you M country people? I don’t think it’s because of the relationship between us Chinese people, but the evil results caused by you M country people. Let me ask, If you didn't just want to plunder the rich oil resources in the Middle East, how could you be easily replaced by us?"

Li Xiaogang's words made Jonathan speechless, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Maybe what you said makes sense, and our president may also realize this and reflect on our country M's past policies. But that will be after maintaining our country M's dominance. If country M loses its original dominance, it will seriously damage the self-esteem of the people of our country M. As a soldier, I will never allow such a thing to happen."

"Ha! It's so funny! I didn't expect that the self-esteem of you country M is based on bullying other countries! If this is the case, I don't think your country M is going to regain its hegemony, even in the world. It's hard to get a foothold!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but sneered coldly. "Nowadays, there are very few countries that can challenge the dominance of our country M, and the most threatening one is undoubtedly your Huaxia. As long as you suppress Huaxia, everything can be done!"

Jonathan said firmly.

Li Xiaogang sneered, looked at Jonathan, and said in a deep voice: "Huaxia is a giant dragon, destined to take off. I'm afraid you M country people can't suppress it if you want to." Jonathan said lightly: "You What you said may be right, but you can’t deny that the giant dragon in Huaxia doesn’t fly very high, at least it hasn’t reached the height of the eagle in country M.” Li Xiaogang laughed loudly for a long time Only then did he stop laughing, shook his head and said, "Is it really like what you said? I don't think so! Maybe one day, when you people of M country wake up, you will suddenly find that the giant dragon of Huaxia is in front of you. Hovering in the sky, roaring."

Jonathan shook his head and said: "Mr. Li, as a Chinese, I know that you have an extremely sincere patriotic heart. But I have to say, you are delusional. Country M has dominated the world for nearly a hundred years. What a powerful force. Although it is said that Huaxia has caused a lot of trouble to country M in many places, but this is only partial.

On the whole, you Huaxia want to step on our country M for at least 20 years, and this is still under the condition that our country M is standing still. Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "No wonder people in the world agree that you M people are arrogant, and you really haven't been wronged."Just continue to be so arrogant, one day you will find out how short-sighted you are.I'm here today to bring my woman back, not to discuss politics with you, let's stop here! "

"Mr. Li, I know that our previous conversation made you a little unhappy. Well, let's not talk about that, let's talk about cooperation." Jonathan said with a smile.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, curled his lips and said, "I think you are the one who feels unhappy. Hehe, as for cooperation, I don't think there is any possibility of cooperation between us. To put it more bluntly, I think you guys in Area 51 You don't deserve to work with me at all."

"Mr. Li, I hope you understand that even though country M is under strong threats and challenges from China, country M is still the hegemon of the world. If you don't cooperate with country M, you may encounter a lot of trouble !” Jonathan said coldly with a straight face.Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Really? That's really great! I'm not afraid to tell you that what I like the most is trouble. And the more trouble the better. It's a little troublesome, but it's the best pastime for me!"

"Mr. Li, you one" Jonathan couldn't help frowning, just halfway through speaking, Li Xiaogang waved his hand and interrupted him, saying: "Stop talking, I think Gao Yuanyuan has arrived?" "What? "Jonathan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking.At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan's crisp but angry voice came from outside the door: "Let us go, you nasty kidnappers, I will go by myself!"

Hearing Gao Yuanyuan's voice full of confidence, it was truly resonant, and Li Xiaogang's heart was finally relieved.It seems that what Jonathan said is right, Gao Yuanyuan did not receive any rough treatment in Area 51.When Gao Yuanyuan walked in accompanied by Xizhen and Manli, Li Xiaogang's eyes immediately fell on Gao Yuanyuan's body, as if attracted by a magnet, Li Xiaogang's eyes could no longer move away.

Calculating carefully, it may have been more than half a year since Li Xiaogang and Gao Yuanyuan separated.Having not seen each other for such a long time, Gao Yuanyuan has become more beautiful and charming, especially the confident light shining on her face, which added countless points to her.When Gao Yuanyuan was annoyed, she suddenly turned her head and saw Li Xiaogang looking at him with a smile. Gao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that she was dreaming, and subconsciously rubbed her eyes vigorously.When she saw Li Xiaogang still sitting there, it was as if a pot of boiling water had been poured in her heart, causing her blood to boil all over her body.Regardless of the many strange eyes around him, he let out a pleasant cry, and then flew into Li Xiaogang's arms like a baby swallow returning home.

He hugged Li Xiaogang's waist tightly with both hands, and buried his jealous head deeply in Li Xiaogang's arms. The longing that had been accumulated for so long burst out all at once, it was so warm, so lingering. "Xiao Gang, did they even arrest you?" Gao Yuanyuan raised her head from Li Xiaogang's arms suddenly, looked at Li Xiaogang full of surprise and worry and asked.When Li Xiaogang heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and said with a wild smile, "Do you think they are capable of this? Hahaha—I'm here to pick you up." Gao Yuanyuan listened, and said with a long smile. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a charming smile: "That's right, I'm the one who is worrying about others, giggling."

Li Xiaogang caressed Gao Yuanyuan's face, and asked tenderly: "Honey, they didn't treat you unreasonably, did they?"

Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and gave Jonathan and the others a hard look, and said, "They only restrict my actions, nothing else is fine. Xiao Gang, who are they? Tanks, fighter planes, and soldiers seem to be in a military camp." Li Xiaogang chuckled lightly, and said faintly, "Isn't this just a military camp?" After speaking, he looked at Jonathan and said in a deep voice, "Strong General Nathan, you should explain all this to my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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