The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1641 Make up for it!

Chapter 1641 Make up for it!

"Why can't I kill you, Wang Qi's dog?" Scar stared at Han Sanping coldly, and asked angrily. He said repeatedly like a rattle drum, "Do you think I'm an idiot, or a three-year-old child?We have already found out about the affair between you and Wang Qi. If you want to deny it, you have to be able to deny it!Fen Ren Scar sneered again and again and shouted in a deep voice.

"You can even find out this. Who are you?" Han Sanping asked with a trembling voice, "You are really blind fools!"He doesn't even know the leader of our Lightning Gang!Mu Ping beside him couldn't help but let out a cold drink. "Tithe what?" To Han Sanping, Mu Ping's words were not a bolt from the blue sky, but half of his three souls and seven souls flew away, and he seemed to be stupid. Li Na Na was speechless.

The current power of the Lightning Gang in China is unshakable.Any underworld group that wants to survive has to rely on the Lightning Gang, otherwise it can only be destroyed. If this is not the case, Wang Qi would not have traveled thousands of miles to the headquarters of the Lightning Gang several times to establish friendship with Scar and Mu Ping.Han Sanping never dreamed that one day, the Lightning Gang would deal with Wang Qi, and Scar would do it himself.what does that mean?Han Sanping can think even with his toes.An incomparable chill could not help flowing through my heart.

"Didn't you say that we are murderers and you want to kill us? Now, do you still think so?" Seeing Han Sanping's dumbfounded expression as if he had seen a ghost, Mu Ping asked with a sneer full of disdain. "Why? How is this possible? Didn't Wang Qi always have a good relationship with your Lightning Gang? Isn't it because of your franchise that the Brotherhood can continue to survive?" Han Sanping looked at Scar in puzzlement Shen Sheng said.

Scar snorted coldly, and said coldly: "You are all to blame! The Lightning Gang allowed the Brotherhood to survive in order to allow the Brotherhood to maintain justice and balance the order of one side, but what have you done? Oppress the good , Excessive taxation, collusion between officials and gangsters, doing all kinds of evil! My Lightning Gang is a teacher of justice, how can I continue to keep you as the evil side? To tell you the truth, the brotherhood is full of evil today, and it is time to die!" Every sentence that Scar said The words turned into streams of cold, rushing into Han Sanping's body, almost freezing his whole body.

Realizing that he was facing a life-and-death situation, Han Sanping's legs softened, and he knelt down in front of Scar with a plop.Although Han Sanping, as the chief of the Public Security Bureau, has a high status and a lot of power, but in front of the Lightning Gang, he is not even a small shrimp.Back then, when Scar was furious, he swept across an armed police corps, but thousands of armed police were unable to stop him. Scar had already become a god-like existence in the eyes of the world.Scar doesn't even pay attention to a powerful armed police corps. He is a small public security chief. For Scar, he can be swayed with a wave of his hand?
"Mr. Scar, I—the reason why I worked for Wang Qi was definitely not voluntary, I was also forced! Now the entire city of M is within the sphere of influence of the Brotherhood. Wang Qi has another The people at the upper peak level will escort him, and if we youngsters don’t listen to him, we will end up dead! Mr. Scar, you know the truth, let me live, please, please!” At that time, Han Sanping didn't have the arrogance and Ba Kui at the beginning. He kowtowed pitifully to Scar and said pleadingly.

Scar's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Let me ask you, do you recognize Sang Longhao?" When Han Sanping heard that Scar mentioned Sang Longhao, he was taken aback for a moment, then panicked He stammered and said, "I don't know you." "Bastard!" Dao Scar yelled angrily, and slapped Han Sanping hard on the face with a resounding slap.Han Sanping's teeth loosened all of a sudden, the corners of his mouth cracked, blood gushed out, and he curled up in a ball, groaning in pain.

"Such a serious incident happened in Baihui Commercial Building. Would you, the police chief, not know about it? Besides, Sang Longhao's wife sought out you, the police chief, several times in order to avenge Sang Longhao's justice. You even said that you didn't know Sang Long Hao!?" Scar roared angrily. "Brother Scar, since this kid is not being honest when his death is imminent, let's just kill him!" Mu Ping lost his patience and said to Scar full of anger.

"No, don't kill me, I say!" Hearing Mu Ping's words, Han Sanping almost lost his soul, and hurriedly said: "Sang Longhao's wife did come to me and asked me to rope Wang Qi As for the law. But once Wang Qi is in our m city, the power is so powerful, I am a small police chief, how can I do anything to him, so I kicked her out as soon as I was there. Mr. Scar, please You know, there is nothing I can do. It is not easy for me to become the chief of the public security bureau. If I offend Wang Qi, everything will be over for me!
"So, as the chief of the Public Security Bureau, instead of upholding justice, you also help to abuse others and act as Wang Qi's running dog, right?" Dao Scar stared at Han Sanping as sharply as a knife with cold eyes, slamming every word gritted his teeth and said.

"I-I really have no choice-" Han Sanping pulled his hair and murmured.As the chief of the Public Security Bureau, Han Sanping was also full of grievances.Every time I saw Wang Qi, he was like a dog with its tail between its legs. If Wang Qi told him to go east, he would never dare to go west.Sometimes when he thinks about it, he himself feels that he is useless.

"It's pure nonsense to say that you have no choice! Do you really have no choice? No, you have, and you have made a choice! It's just that what you choose is not to fight against evil forces and maintain justice, but to go against the law and betray you. My conscience!" Dao Scar yelled at Han Sanping in a very stern tone.It made Han Sanping sweat like rain, feeling ashamed in his heart. "I was wrong, I really know I was wrong! If Mr. Scar can save my life, I will resign from the position of the police chief and be a good person again!" Han Sanping said with his head bowed.

"You really have such determination to be a good person?" Scar looked at him coldly and asked.Han Sanping nodded heavily, and said: "Actually, I have not had an easy life for so many years. I always have to look at Wang Qi's face to get by, which makes me suffer humiliation! Before, I was obsessed with the power in my hands and ignored My own conscience, now that I think about it, I’m really worse than a dog. Instead of continuing to live like this, it’s better to put aside everything and live an ordinary life, at least I can seek peace of mind.” Han Sanping said these words Scar nodded, and said slowly: "Although you have helped Wang Qi do a lot of evil deeds, you deserve death! But after all, you have Public office, but also a party member, the responsibility of judging you should be left to the government.

"So Mr. Scar, you won't kill me?" Hearing what Scar said, Han Sanping's heart was greatly shaken, and he hurriedly raised his head to look at Scar and asked excitedly.Scar snorted coldly and said, "I want to kill you, but what's the use of killing you? You're just a poor wretch under Wang Qi's control. Killing you won't do me or Wang Qi the slightest favor." Meaning. However, don’t be too happy. You have done so many sins, if you don’t hurry up to make up for your mistakes, heck, when the time comes, you will be judged by the people, and you will only have a dead end.

Han Sanping couldn't help frowning, Scar was right, for the crimes he committed, if they were taken to the court and sentenced according to law, it would not be an exaggeration to shoot him.Hearing that there was something in Scar's words, Han Sanping hurriedly cleared Ya and looked at Scar pleadingly, and said, "Mr. Scar, please show Han a way out!" Scar nodded and said quietly: "It seems , you are still a little clever. If that is the case, then I will help you. As long as you listen to me, I promise that I will come forward to save your life after everything is over!

"Oh! If Mr. Scar is really willing to save Han's life, no matter what you ask Han to do, Han will be fine!" Hearing this, Han Sanping suddenly ignited infinite hope in his heart, and hurriedly said loudly.Scar hummed, and said slowly: "I know that Wang Qi has been operating in City M for many years, and even your mayor has been bribed by him. The entire government can be said to be useless. But, I also know that your senior city officials Liu Jiangsheng is a rare and upright official, and he was not bought by Wang Qi, right?" Han Sanping nodded hastily, and said, "That's right! Secretary Liu is as smelly and hard as a stone in the toilet, no no no , I mean, Secretary Liu is a very principled, rare and honest official. In order to bribe him, Wang Qi thought of a lot of ideas, but under both soft and hard measures, Secretary Liu still refused to join forces with him. His teeth were itchy, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Secretary Liu was an official sent from the top to the bottom, with a strong background. If he was touched, it would cause huge troubles, and Wang Qi didn't dare to mess around.

After hearing Han Sanping's words, it undoubtedly confirmed Mu Ping's previous investigation. Dao Scar smiled slightly, and then said: "But this Secretary Liu has a lot of ambition, but he has no soldiers under him, so he can't do anything. .

"Yes, yes, Mr. Scar is really perceptive, and he can't hide anything from you. Wang Qi saw that Secretary Liu could not be bribed, so he asked Cai Qing, our mayor, to make him empty and let him do nothing. No." Han Sanping said.

"You are the chief of the Public Security Bureau of City M, and you hold a lot of power. I think Liu Jiangsheng must have looked for you, right?" Li Xiaogang looked at Han Sanping coldly and asked.Han Sanping nodded, and said falteringly: "I have found someone and he wants me to help him cut off Wang Qi's evil forces in City M. But think about it, Liu Jiangsheng is just a polished commander, although Some background, but not necessarily as strong as Wang Qi’s, so I just practiced Tai Chi and rejected him. At that time, I had a bad fight with Liu Jiangsheng and was scolded by him!”

(End of this chapter)

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