The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1642 Han Sanping's Transformation!

Chapter 1642 Han Sanping's Transformation!
Scar sneered, and said faintly: "Maybe Liu Jiangsheng's background is not strong enough, but how strong is the background of my Lightning Gang, you know it in your heart?" Han Sanping nodded hurriedly when he heard it, and said repeatedly: "Clearly, clearly , of course I understand, hehe."

Scar sneered and said: "It's good if you know clearly! Listen to me, I appreciate Liu Jiangsheng very much. From now on, our Lightning Gang will support Liu Jiangsheng and help him clean up the great rivers and mountains of City M. If you really If you're a smart person, you know what choice you should make, right? Han Sanping frowned, pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "I, Han Sanping, have lived in the hands of Wang Qi for so many years. , I have had enough of being yelled at by him like a dog!Mr. Scar, I will do whatever you want me to do! "

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said: "That's good! From now on, you and Liu Jiangsheng are on the same team. I hope you can help him to rectify the officials in City M, and all those officials who have been corrupted by Wang Qi will be ruled out." Get out of the government compound in City M, can you do it? "Yes!As long as you fully support us, Mr. Scar, I believe we will be able to! "Han Sanping said calmly. Dao Scar glanced at him, and said quietly: "Han Sanping, this is your last chance. If you still fail to grasp it, even the gods will not be able to save you understand? "Han Sanping nodded heavily, and said: "I understand!"I will definitely exert my greatest influence and assist Liu Jiangsheng Secretary Liu with all my strength. Mr. Scar can rest assured! "Scar said lightly: "Just reassuring me is useless, the key is to reassure the common people in this m city!"Things like what happened to Sang Longhao will not happen on the land of City M again, this is the reality!

"I, Han Sanping, have been wrong for half my life, and I won't make the same mistake again!" Han Sanping raised his head and said in a vibrating voice.Scar nodded, and said quietly: "That's good!" "By the way, Mr. Scar, Wang Qi has given me a lot of money in the past few years. I spent a small part and saved most of it. Express my determination, I can hand over all the money to you!" Han Sanping said.

Scar smiled and said: "It is enough for you to have this kind of heart. As for the money, it is the people's fat and people's ointment that Wang Qi searched for, and it is other people's hard-earned money. If you feel that your conscience is disturbed by taking these money, then you Just give them all to those who need them, not me! I don't want Wang Qi's dirty money, I want his life!

Hearing Dao Scar's words, Han Sanping couldn't help but feel excited. If Dao Scar wanted Wang Qi to die, how could he still be alive?He nodded and said: "I understand Mr. Scar, I will deal with it!
Dao Scar turned his head to look at the surrounding policemen, and asked, "Han Sanping, how many of these policemen are from Wang Qi?" Mr. Scar, you don’t have to worry. The people I brought are all people I can trust. Although I work for Wang Qi, I am also afraid that he will fuck me, so I will choose people I can trust in general actions. Then That's good, if Wang Qi asks you how the matter is handled, you just say that it's over and let him rest assured, understand?" Dao Scar nodded and said to Han Sanping.

Han Sanping nodded knowingly, and said repeatedly: "I understand, I understand." Dao Scar said: "You must keep in mind the lesson of today. If you can continue to be an official in the future, you should take this as a warning. Don't forget, I Dao Scar's eyes are staring at you all the time!" Han Sanping was drenched in cold sweat by Scar's words, so he nodded hurriedly and said in a trembling voice: "Han knows, Han knows..."

"Take your people and go! After you go back, remember what I said, and cooperate well with Liu Jiangsheng, and you've made up for it." Dao Scar waved his hand and said.Han Sanping nodded and said, "Understood, I understand."

While speaking, Han Sanping directed his subordinates, took the injured policemen, and walked out of the Sanyuan Hotel respectfully.

"Brother Scar, just let him go like this, isn't it too cheap for him?" Just now, when Han Sanping was there, Mu Ping refrained from saying anything, and when he left, Mu Ping immediately said to Scar.Scar smiled wryly, and said, "He's just a corrupt official, and killing him won't help. What's more, in M ​​city, it's already a common practice, and he really doesn't have many choices. Keep him and let him help you." That Liu Jiangsheng. Maybe he can reverse the crooked trend in City M. Otherwise, those officials will be lazy, we will wipe out a Wang Qi, and there will be Wang Qi, Zhang Qi, who will treat the symptoms but not the root cause!"

Mu Ping thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Scar, I understand what you said. However, Wang Qi sent Han Sanping to deal with us, and now Han Sanping has become ours, so what should we do now?" Do it?" Scar said coldly: "Since Wang Qi claims to be a gangster, then we will follow the gangster's style of doing things. Tonight, go to sweep Wang Qi's place." "Wang Qi covers a lot of places, there are enough Dozens, we 100 people probably won’t be able to sweep them.”

Dao Scar said faintly: "The sweeping of those insignificant places is useless. If you want to sweep, just sweep Wang Qi's roots!" "Brother Dao Scar, do you mean sweeping the Baihui Commercial Building?" Looking at the scar full of excitement, he asked.Dao Scar sneered, and said quietly: "Baihui Commercial Building injured Sang Longhao, they must have some medical expenses, right? Let's not let it out, and go to help Sang Longhao!" "Okay! Hit a snake and hit seven inches, this time let Wang Qi know what pain is!"

Not long after he walked out of the Sanyuan Hotel, Han Sanping received a call from Wang Qi. Han Sanping frowned before answering the call.Ever since he knew Scar's identity, in Han Sanping's mind, Wang Qi was basically a dead person.No wonder Han Sanping frowned when a dead person called.After coughing, Wang Qi said, "Hi, I'm Han Sanping!" When Han Sanping answered Wang Qi's phone calls in the past, he was always very polite and called himself Xiao Han.Ji Hanqi couldn't help frowning, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Han, it's me, Wang Qi!"

Han Sanping said flatly: "I know, what are President Wang's expectations?" Han San's evil tone made Wang Qi very unhappy, but it was not easy to get angry on the phone, but he asked in a cold voice: "I let you Did you do what you did?"

Hearing Han Sanping's domineering tone, Han Sanping couldn't help feeling annoyed. Just as he was about to explode, he suddenly thought that although Wang Qi was dying, he was not dead after all. what a good thing.So he suppressed the anger in his heart, coughed, and said, "It's done!"

"Where are people?" Wang Qi asked anxiously when he heard it. "It's all taken care of by my people, don't worry!" Han Sanping replied in response. "Did you find out their identities and origins?" This is what Wang Qi is most concerned about. The person who dares to break ground on Wang Qi's head blatantly cannot be an ordinary person. Wang Qi really wants to find out the origin of the scar. identity.Han Sanping paused, and said: "After I go back, I will interrogate you in detail, and once I get a statement, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Wang Qi smiled with satisfaction and said: "Very good. Director Han, I heard that your daughter is getting married, and there is still a wedding house missing. I bought a villa in the Imperial Palace, and I will give you the key tomorrow. "Conversations like this have happened more than once between Han Sanping and Wang Qi, and Han Sanping is even used to it.He would happily accept it every time, but this time, he didn't have the guts!When he thought that Scar was staring at him at the Sanyuan Hotel not far away from him, he felt hairy.So he hurriedly said to Wang Qi: "President Wang's kindness, Mr. Han appreciates it. However, you don't need to worry about my little girl's wedding room, I have already arranged it."

"Hehe, I said Mr. Han, why are you being polite to me, this villa?" Before Wang Qi could finish speaking, Han Sanping interrupted him and said, "President Wang, I have a Message, I will call you, let's call it a day, goodbye!" After finishing speaking, he actively hung up the phone.This had never happened before, and Wang Qi's brows suddenly furrowed vigilantly.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Seeing Wang Qi's expression was wrong, Liu Yue asked aloud.Wang Qi said quietly: "Han Sanping seems to be a little bit wrong today." "Boss, will there be any accidents?" Liu Yue asked coldly.Wang Qi shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "There will be no accidents! On this three-acre land in M ​​City, I am the sky, no one dares to disobey me, and Han Sanping is no exception." Wang Qi looked at Liu Yue said: "Since Han Sanping doesn't want the villa in Imperial Palace, I will give it to you."

"Give it to me? Brother Qi, I follow you every day, it's useless to ask for a house." Liu Yue shook her head and said.Wang Qi laughed and said: "How can it be useless? You have been with me for so long and have done so many things for me, but I have not been able to settle down for you. I have always been very uneasy! Besides, you I've reached my age, and it's almost time to marry a daughter-in-law, so I'll help you in these two days." Liu Yue hurriedly shook her head and said, "Brother Qi, I don't need a woman. It's very troublesome!" Wang Qi smiled He said: "Bullshit! Where in this world can a man leave a woman? Hehe!"

Han Sanping will go to his own office in the Public Security Bureau, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels scared.His little life was almost in the hands of Scar, and it was a great luck to get it back.After carefully recalling what he had done for so many years, he couldn't help but shake his head. If it comes to who deserves to die, Han Sanping is definitely the first.

It is not an exaggeration to say that sometimes he himself feels that he is despicable and shameless enough, and he also thinks that if he wants to get rid of this kind of life and live in the sun with dignity like a normal person, he can only borrow it within Wang Qi's sphere of influence. He never had the chance.But now it's better, the opportunity has come, Han Sanping is determined, and must seize this opportunity to live again.

(End of this chapter)

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