Chapter 1662

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! This is located in Gaogang. If there is a fire here, the whole city of M can see it. At that time, everyone will know that Wang Qi is finished and the brotherhood is destroyed. It would be too expensive to burn down a mansion worth billions!" Mu Ping said.Dao Scar smiled and said, "It's Gui Ke who burned it and it's not your money, why do you feel bad?"

"Everything is ready for the leader!" A member of the Lightning Gang came over and said to Scar.

Scar nodded and shouted: "Light it up!" Following Scar's order, more than a dozen torches were thrown into this luxurious mansion from all directions at the same time. The fire quickly gathered from all directions and engulfed the entire mansion instantly. The darkness was suddenly torn apart, and the flames shot up into the sky, illuminating most of the night sky.

Many sleeping families in City M were awakened by the flames soaring into the sky, and the originally quiet city suddenly became noisy.People ran out of their homes and gathered together to look at the place where the fire was rising.

Just when people were amazed by this, a shout full of excitement and eagerness resounded in the crowd, "It's Wang Qi's mansion! Wang Qi's mansion is on fire!" The words woke up the sleepy and staring stunned people. People reacted one after another, and the sound of cheering and jumping filled the streets and alleys for a while.

People rushed to tell the good news, and every household laughed happily.The sleeping city was completely awakened by the flames soaring into the sky.In the meeting room of the city government building in M ​​city, Liu Jiangsheng was the first to spot the fire and exclaimed, "What a fire!" Han Sanping subconsciously followed Liu Jiangsheng's line of sight, and this look made him tremble all over. He muttered: "It's Wang Qi's mansion hahaha Wang Qi's lair was set on fire hahaha"

"Impossible!" Cai Qing hurriedly rushed to the window and stared at it. Sure enough, the fire of Wang Qi's mansion was clearly in sight. "We won with Secretary Liu! Hahaha!" Han Sanping held Liu Jiangsheng's arm with unbearable excitement and said with a wild laugh full of excitement.Although the fire at Wang Qi's mansion made Liu Jiangsheng feel extremely excited, but at this moment, his heart was wrapped in many doubts. He couldn't help but hold Han Sanping's arm and asked repeatedly: "What's going on, Chief Han?" tell me!"

"What happened to Han Sanping!?" Cai Qing's heart was full of panic, just like Liu Jiangsheng, who urgently needed an answer.His pupils dilated and he yelled at Han Sanping ferociously.Han Sanping looked at him with a sneer and said faintly: "Cai Qing, are you finally afraid? Are you finally willing to believe my words? Wang Qi's doom has come to an end and his nemesis has come to this city. You Wang Qi Qi’s dog will also be reduced to ashes in this fire with your master hahaha”

"No! Impossible! The Brotherhood is powerful and cannot be defeated! Wang Qi will not lose, absolutely not!" Cai Qing repeatedly roared to comfort himself.Han Sanping looked at him with contempt and said quietly: "The reason why you think so is because you don't know how powerful the opponent Wang Qi is facing this time! You can say that you are invincible and you can't lose." It's a big joke! In front of that person, Wang Qi will not only lose but also be crushed!" "That person? Who is that person!?" Cai Qing grabbed Han Sanping by the collar and asked in surprise .

Han Sanping tore off Cai Qing's hand from his collar, pushed him to the ground and said coldly: "Since Wang Qi is finished, I don't need to hide anything anymore! Qing must stand firm and let me tell you who defeated Wang Qi! Speaking of which, you should have heard that he is the leader of the famous Lightning Gang—Mr. Scar!
One sentence stirred up waves, Han Sanping's one sentence was like dropping a heavy bomb on the hearts of Cai Qing and the others, which left them stunned and their minds went blank.It took a long time for Cai Qing to come back to his senses and said blankly: "Impossible! What are you kidding? It is well known that the Brotherhood and the Lightning Gang have always had a good relationship! Not long ago, President Wang paid a special visit to Mr. Scar How could the Lightning Gang deal with the Brotherhood for no reason? This is impossible!" Cai Qing shook his head and muttered.

Han Sanping glared at him full of sarcasm and said quietly: "Why is this impossible! The Lightning Gang really has a good relationship with the Brotherhood, otherwise most of the gangs across the country were wiped out by the Lightning Gang and the Brotherhood would be no exception. But That was before Mr. Scar of the Lightning Gang learned of Wang Qi's evil deeds. Some time ago, Sang Longhao's family was brutally persecuted by Wang Qi in order to withdraw from the Baihui Commercial Building. How miserable Longhao's family is with nowhere to go and nowhere to go. You think that the Sang family has no background to be bullied by others, but the gods let Sang Longhao get acquainted with Mr. Scar from the Lightning Gang and organize the brotherhood in m City told him all the crimes he had committed. Mr. Scar of the Lightning Gang has always been upright and the Lightning Gang is known as the teacher of justice! How can Wang Qi’s actions be tolerated? So this time Mr. Scar was furious The purpose of coming here is only one Dangping Brotherhood to kill Wang Qi!"

"Is it because of this that you quit and betrayed President Wang?" Cai Qing asked Han Sanping, trembling fiercely, looking at Han Sanping in horror.Han Sanping sneered a few times and said slowly: "Mr. Scar killed Zhuo Yao, the core figure of the fraternity in public in the hospital that day, because he didn't know Mr. Scar's origin, so he didn't want to come forward rashly. So I was appointed to be this testing stone! One is that I, Han Sanping, was a sophomore. I knew the time and knew that the Brotherhood would be destroyed by Mr. Scar, so I reined in and sided with Mr. Scar. I don’t think so. This is a betrayal of Wang Qi because Wang Qi never really regarded me as his person! Otherwise, he would not disregard my life and death at the price of my life for him when he did not find out the details of the enemy. Investigate the truth of the enemy! Since Wang Qi is not kind to me, why should I give up on him? What's more, I was forced to do things for him, and it was not out of my heart."

"So what did the Lightning Gang do to Wang Qi now?" Cai Qing stared at Han Sanping and asked in horror. "Hmph, don't you know how to see for yourself? Wang Qi's old den was set on fire by Mr. Scar. I think Wang Qi must have become Mr. Scar's ghost by now hahaha." Han Sanping said happily said with a big laugh. "Director Han, why didn't you tell me all this in advance?" Liu Jiangsheng felt excited and happy after hearing Han Sanping's words, and couldn't help complaining to Han Sanping.

Han Sanping laughed and said: "Firstly, it is Mr. Scar's request that I not be allowed to disclose the news that he has come to City M. Secondly, this is actually Mr. Scar's test for you." "A test for me ?” Liu Jiangsheng murmured in bewilderment, “Does Mr. Scar know me?”

"Hahaha, of course I know! Mr. Scar can be said to know everything about the big things and small things in city m. You can say that he is one of the very few officials in the municipal party committee of city m who is always clean and clean. How could Mr. scar not know ?He not only knows but also appreciates you very much. He wants to see if you can stick to your principles and never join forces with Wang Qi under any circumstances! I believe you have given Mr. Scar a satisfactory answer."

"It turned out to be like this." Liu Jiangsheng suddenly realized and pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Where is Mr. Scar, Mr. Han? I want to see him!" Han Sanping said with a smile: "Don't worry! I believe that Mr. Scar will be there soon." Came here." Liu Jiangsheng nodded and glanced at Cai Qing, who was in a panic and cold sweat, and asked in a deep voice: "Director Han, how do you think Mr. Scar will deal with this group of people who were bribed by Wang Qi and collude with Wang Qi to oppress the people?" Dog official?" Han Sanping coldly glanced at Cai Qing and Qi Feng, and said coldly, "Mr. Scar is the most hated man, especially corrupt officials! I don't think any of these people here can live except you and me! "

"Ah!!" After hearing Han Sanping's words, Cai Qing couldn't help but let out a tragic exclamation, shaking his head and saying repeatedly like a rattle drum: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Director Han is still thinking about it for the sake of our colleagues. Please beg for mercy for me in front of Mr. Scar. I was also forced by Wang Qi, and I don’t want to be his lackey. I also want to be a good official! Director Han, you must save me!” The disaster is imminent The instinct to survive made Cai Qing hug Han Sanping's leg, weeping and begging again and again.

Full of disdain, he glanced at Cai Qing and Han Sanping and said coldly: "Why do you beg me? You should beg your master Wang Qi! Isn't he omnipotent and invincible in your heart?"

"I-I was wrong, I was wrong! Director Han, please help me, please help me!" Cai Qing completely gave up his dignity in order to survive and begged Han Sanping so hard, how can there be a mayor like that? Some majesty.Even Liu Jiangsheng couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Cai Qing, stand up for me! Now you are still a member of the government, and you still represent a majestic and inviolable government like you. What kind of system!?"

Cai Qing hugged Liu Jiangsheng's leg as soon as he heard it and said repeatedly: "Secretary Liu used to be wrong because I was wrong and I knew I was wrong. Please help me!" Liu Jiangsheng frowned and said: " It’s not that I don’t want to save you, but that I can’t save you! The evil you have done is too numerous to describe and cannot be tolerated!” Cai Qing hurriedly said: “Didn’t Secretary Liu and Director Han just say that Mr. Scar appreciates you very much? As long as you are willing to say a few good words for me, Mr. Scar will definitely give me a way out! Big deal... I will give you all the money Wang Qi gave me over the years, and I don’t want a cent.”

"Shut up!" Liu Jiangsheng yelled angrily when he heard this, "Wang Qi's money is bloody dirty money! You want to use this money to insult my personality." You can figure it out! You are all to blame for Cai Qing getting to where he is today! You should drink the bitter wine you brew yourself!" 'Well done! As soon as Liu Jiangsheng's words fell to the ground, Scar, Mu Ping and Luo Rongrong walked in. Scar clapped his hands and praised.

(End of this chapter)

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