The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1663 Blockade!

Chapter 1663 Blockade!

As soon as he saw Scar and Mu Ping, Han Sanping hurried over and introduced to Liu Jiangsheng: "Secretary Liu, this is Mr. Scar, and the other is Mr. Mu Ping!" Liu Jiangsheng was no exception. When he heard that it was Scar, he didn't dare to neglect him, so he hurried up, held Scar's hand with both hands and said gratefully: "Mr. Scar, thank you! Thank you for your support." You saved the people of City M in dire straits, and as their parents, I pay you the highest respect!" After speaking, he bowed deeply to Scar in a respectful manner.

Dao Scar helped Liu Jiangsheng up and said with a smile: "Secretary Liu, you are a parent official and I am just a grassroots person. How can I be worthy of such a big gift from you. Please get up! Please get up!" Seeing that the prestigious Scar was so humble, Liu Jiangsheng was very surprised, and at the same time, he strengthened his respect for Scar in his heart. He shook his head and said with shame on his face, "What do you mean by being a parent officer? I am here to be a parent officer." I’m so useless for my sake! If Mr. Scar didn’t take action to put an end to the evil, I, as a parent, would probably be worse than a dog in someone’s eyes!”

Scar smiled and said: "The darkest time has passed, don't these villains tremble in front of you now? Secretary Liu, you can show your power hahaha" "Mr. Scar, spare Scar Sir, please forgive me!" Cai Qing scrambled to the face of Dao Scar, begged with tears in his nose, and barely managed to say the classic line of "There is an eighty-year-old mother who nurses young children".

Scar has seen people like Cai Qing a lot, even if he cries hoarse, Scar will not soften his heart, he kicked him out and said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you! You Riding on the heads of the people of City M and dominating the people for so long, you should be judged by the people of City M. Even if you want to kill you, the people have to kill you, otherwise how can you solve their hatred! And you too Same! It's time to pay the price for being a moth of the country!" Scar coldly glanced at the rest of the people in the meeting room and said coldly.

With Scar's words and Scar's imposing manner, there was a sudden howl in the conference room. These officials who usually rely on Wang Qi's dominance at this moment seem to be taken away from their bones and lie limply. all over the place.Scar glanced at them with disgust and said to Han Sanping: "Director Han sent some people to watch them! Wait a few days and hand them over to the relevant department together with the evidence and let them pay for the crimes they have done!" "Yes I remember." Han Sanping said.Scar nodded and said to Liu Jiangshan: "Secretary Liu, can we come to your office? I have something to talk to you about."

When Liu Jiangshan heard this, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Scar, please come with me!" After speaking, he hurriedly led the way.Dao Scar turned his head to look at Han Sanping and said, "Director Han, you come too!"

When they came to Liu Jiangshan's office, several people took their seats. Scar frowned and said quietly: "Secretary Liu, Director Han, I have something to tell you. Although we destroyed Wang Qi's lair in the process of besieging the Brotherhood tonight, But Wang Qi ran away." "What? Wang Qi ran away!?" Scar's words shocked Liu Jiangsheng and Han Sanping at the same time.After being harmed by Wang Qi for so long, the two of them knew very well how terrible Wang Qi was. If Wang Qi couldn't be killed in one blow, so that Wang Qi could make a comeback, how many people would have to die.Liu Jiangsheng couldn't help but said anxiously: "Mr. Scar can't count on Wang Qi to escape no matter what!
Not to mention that Wang Qi's many evil deeds made him escape the public's indignation, if Wang Qi came back in the future, the trouble would be even greater.The so-called eradicating all evils, killing snakes and not dying, but being bitten by snakes! "

"That's right, Mr. Scar, Wang Qi, is ruthless and ruthless! This time we have brought him to the bottom, he will definitely find it difficult to swallow the bad breath in his chest, and will definitely find a way to make a comeback!" Han Sanping was also full of anger. Said anxiously.Scar smiled and said: "Don't worry, both of you. Scar has always done things cleanly and never left a tail! I will definitely kill Wang Qi! It's just that Wang Qi must have many hiding places in M ​​City for many years. After all, our Lightning It’s a newcomer to M City, and it’s not something we can do to dig Wang Qi out of the mouse hole. So I think it’s time for the two of you to come forward.”

Liu Jiangsheng raised his brows and said in a vibrating voice: "Mr. Scar wants us to do whatever you want! I will do anything as long as I can completely get rid of Wang Qi's trouble!" "Me too!" Han Sanping said loudly. "Okay! Secretary Liu, I hope that you will issue an announcement in the name of the high-level poisonous official, telling the people's brotherhood in M ​​City that the Brotherhood has collapsed, and Wang Qi has fled in embarrassment. Mobilize the people of the city to take action together to find Wang Qi out! I have already set a big fire in Wang Qi's mansion and cooperated with your announcement, the people of City M should believe the news of the Brotherhood's demise, and will no longer be afraid of Wang Qi."

"Good! There are almost no people in city m who don't hate Wang Qi. If we want to mobilize everyone to look for Wang Qi, I think they will be very active and happy." Liu Jiangsheng nodded repeatedly. "Then what should I do, Mr. Scar?" Han Sanping asked impatiently.Scar said: "I want you to lead all the police in city m to block all the entrances and exits of city m! Now that Wang Qi has no place to stay in city m, he will definitely find a way to escape. I want you to trap Wang Qi to death City M made it impossible for him to escape!"

"Hey, don't worry, Mr. Scar! This is my strong point. Even if Wang Qi turns into a fly, he will never escape from City M!" Han Sanping said loudly in high spirits.

Scar nodded and smiled and said, "It looks like Director Han, you have done such things for Wang Qi before, right?" Han Sanping said with an embarrassing smile when he heard the embarrassment: "Mr. Scar, I already know If you’re wrong, don’t make fun of me anymore!” Dao Scar’s face almost turned red when he saw Han Sanping, a big and thick old man, couldn’t help but laughed and said, “Okay, I won’t mention it again. Don't mention it, hahaha one" "Mr. Scar, I will arrange it right away! It would be bad if Wang Qi ran away!" Han Sanping stood up and said.

Scar nodded and said: "Go! But remember that Wang Qi is insidious and cunning, let your brothers look brighter, and don't let Wang Qimeng get away with it!" "Don't worry, Wang Qi, he can't escape! "

After speaking, Han Sanping strode out, and not long after, the whole city of M was enveloped by bursts of sharp and loud sirens. "Mr. Scar, since Han Sanping has already taken action, I will not be idle. I will go to the TV station to mobilize all the people of City M!" Scar said with a hum: "Secretary Liu Wang Qi has done a lot of evil, and the people of City M hate him." To the bone, it is not difficult to mobilize them to hunt down Wang Qi. The difficult thing is to make the people exercise restraint, and don't act rashly when they discover Wang Qi's whereabouts! Although Wang Qi is already a lost dog, Wang Qi still has considerable destructive power , being forced to a dead end at this time is even more vicious, it is inevitable that he will do something crazy to those ordinary people!"

Liu Jiangsheng thought for a moment, nodded and said: "This is indeed something to worry about. I will explain this in my speech and warn the people to exercise restraint. Mr. Scar, I am going." After Liu Jiangsheng left, Scar said to Mu Ping: "Mu Ping There are two things for you to do now. First, you immediately use my name to transfer 1000 people from the headquarters of the Lightning Gang to hide in City M. Without my order, you must not reveal your identity!"

Mu Ping was taken aback for a while and asked in confusion: "Boss, what do you want to transfer so many people?"

Scar chuckled and said slowly: "Did you forget Mu Ping? Standing behind Wang Qi is Wu Jingtong, we have to be careful!" "Wu Jingtong? The boss is the deputy head of the country. Do you think he will Are you going to fight with our Lightning Gang for Wang Qi?" Mu Ping asked in disbelief.

Scar smiled wryly and said, "Maybe Wu Jingtong won't, but his precious grandson Wu Yifei will definitely! Prodigals like Wu Yifei are always arrogant, and they don't care about that much if they are arrogant. I think Wu Jingtong probably won't be able to stand Wu Yifei." If it is not for Wang Qi, Wu Jingtong will use other excuses to deal with us. So it's better for us to prepare early! In addition, Brother Gang explained that we should wipe out the evil forces participating in the whole country, I think we should start from M city."

Mu Ping nodded in understanding and said, "What about the second one?" Scar narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "The second one, Sang Longhao and Mrs. Sang, were picked up from the hospital and placed under our noses. Protection! Who knows if Wang Qi will cause a mad dog to bite people and trouble the Sang Longhao family!" Mu Ping said: "Brother Scar, if you are thoughtful, I will do it right away!"

Mu Ping led the order and stepped out of the scar, looking out of the window at the dawn of M city.Luo Rongrong found a blanket from nowhere and put it on Scar's body and said, "Brother Scar, you haven't slept for a while!"

Scar laughed loudly, put the blanket on Luo Rongrong's body and said boldly: "Sleep? Hahaha, after one person dies, are you afraid that you won't have enough sleep? You look out the window and the battle is about to start How can I sleep when the show is about to start? Hahaha!"

Seeing Scar pointing at the night sky and laughing non-stop, Luo Rongrong's heart felt like being stuffed into a ball of fire and couldn't help boiling up. She finally realized that life can be so rich and wonderful!

Almost everyone in every household in city m could gather around the TV. On the TV, Liu Jiangsheng gave a speech as a senior city official for the first time in front of all the citizens of city m.Liu Jiangsheng has never been so elated since he came to M City. He released all the anger and resentment that had been suppressed in his heart for many years.Liu Jiangsheng's body was trembling because of the incomparable excitement, his voice was trembling, but every word and every word he said contained excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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