Chapter 1664

In front of the people of the whole city of m, Liu Jiangsheng denounced Wang Qi's crimes one by one, and told about the sufferings of all the people of city m.How many people listened to the clear tears, how many people listened to the arms and shouted wildly!
Not only Liu Jiangsheng is trembling, everyone who has been bullied by Wang Qi is trembling. This kind of trembling is not only reflected on the surface of people, but also reflected in people's hearts. This is a kind of trembling full of excitement and excitement. A kind of trembling of not being able to push through the dark clouds and see the blue sky.Weeping with joy, how many people burst into tears and embraced in silence!

I don't know how many people have been looking forward to this moment for so long. Although he came a bit late, he finally came.

Mobilized by Liu Jiangsheng's sincerity, out of deep-seated hatred for Wang Qi, people walked out of their homes and took to the streets in groups, searching for Wang Qi in every corner of M city. The people of City M have never been so united as this time in hundreds of years. The high-pitched shouts can be heard on every street, as if it makes people return to the bloody era of the world in an instant.

On the ground floor of a building in City M, Wang Qi curled up here like a bereaved dog, not daring to make any sound.The occasional scolding against Lun on the roof made Wang Qi's heart shattered.

He knew that the people of city m hated him to the bone, but he never thought that he would be chased by the people of city m like a street mouse and had nowhere to hide.Wang Qi never believed in retribution in this world, but at this moment he had to believe it.

"Boss, what should I do? It seems that the whole city of M is looking for us." There were only a dozen or so subordinates who ran out with Wang Qi.One of them tremblingly said to Wang Qi with nervousness and fear written all over his face.Wang Qi turned his head and glared at him and roared angrily, "I know what the fuck should I do? If you have the guts, just rush out and give me all those people outside. I'll let you be the vice president of the fraternity immediately." long!"

"What's the point of being a vice president after the brotherhood is over?" the subordinate frowned and said in a low voice.As soon as Wang Qi heard it, his face immediately showed incomparable anger, his eyes were blood red, he stared at him and gnashed his teeth, and shouted: "What are you talking about, bastard?" The subordinate boldly said to Wang Qi: "Boss, I will follow you to fight everywhere. I also made a lot of contributions to you. I know that you also gave me a lot of money and you don’t owe me. This time the fraternity has come to an end, and it’s my best to escort you here. Boss, I’m sorry, I think It's time for me to leave you."

"What? You want to betray me!?" Wang Qi raised his eyebrows and roared angrily. "Brother Qi, it's not that I want to betray you, but that I can't die with you! You have done too many evil things, and the people of City M will not let you go. You will fall into their hands one day You were beaten to death by them, you have no reason to let all of us abandon our wives and children and die with you!"

"You bastard! Have you forgotten how you begged me to take you in and give you food? If it weren't for me, your whole family would have starved to death! Now that I'm in trouble, you want to pat my ass and leave me Raising a dog is more loyal than you!" Wang Qi roared angrily.

"Wang Qi, you don't need to say these things. Brothers have followed you for countless times, and we didn't eat your food for nothing. Now we have to leave and we can't blame us. The people you offended this time But the Lightning Gang, it’s Scar, that’s a god-like existence. If you ask us to fight him, don’t you tell us to die? Everyone has only one life, so maybe your life is more precious than ours. Brothers I still have to keep this life to support my family, so I’m sorry boss, I can only leave you! But you can rest assured that I will not tell anyone about the things you hide here, I hope you can survive This level!" After saying this, the subordinate turned around and wanted to leave here.

In a fit of anger, Wang Qi took out a delicate pistol from his pocket and fired a shot at the subordinate's head. With the sound of the gunshot, the poor subordinate's soul flew away. "Damn it, I'll see who of you dares to leave!" Wang Qi's subordinates who came out with a gun in his hand fell silent without making any mistakes.Wang Qi looked at them coldly and said: "I know that you are all fucking bastards like me! You can rest assured that Wang Qi has not fallen to the point of being slaughtered. Have you forgotten me? Is there another good brother? As long as my good brother gets involved, I, Wang Qi, will soon make a comeback. At that time, those of you who follow me, I will let you enjoy endless glory and wealth for the rest of your life! But who dares to betray I, he is your role model!" Wang Qi shouted, pointing to the men whose heads had been knocked off by his shot.

"Boss, we are not as treacherous as he is. Don't worry, we will definitely follow you to the death!" A subordinate who reacted faster and had a sharp mind hurriedly said to Wang Qi.Wang Qi smiled and said: "You guys are smart, go and get me the phone, I'm going to call for rescue!" The asylum hurriedly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wang Qi respectfully. Wang Qi took it and dialed it casually Wu Yifei's phone call.At this time, Wu Yifei was feeling bored in Taklamakan.Although this place is no longer the barren, monotonous desert of the past, there are too few things to play for a young man like Wu Yifei.

Although there are many beauties in Li Xiaogang's space center, these beauties are roses with thorns, which are beautiful but not easy to mess with.Especially Qin Qin, who made him fall in love with him just by looking at him. Every day, he was accompanied by a member of the Heavenly Spurs, so he didn't even have a chance to get close to smell Qin Qin's fragrance.Although he tried his best to get rid of the Skyspawn next to Qin Qin, but he was always unsuccessful.If it were someone else who dared not give him face like this, he would have turned his back on him long ago, but the sky thorn was very difficult to mess with, so he had no choice but to wait for the opportunity.

On this day, Wu Yifei was busy with a large number of bodyguards lurking not far from Qin Qin to spy on the beautiful woman. Wang Qi called. At the beginning, Wang Qi spent a lot of thought on arranging a lot of wonderful things for him in order to win Wu Yifei. The program made Wu Yifei never forget Wang Qi even when he came to Taklamakan thousands of miles away.Especially when he was extremely bored at this time, receiving a call from Wang Qi made him happier than receiving a call from his own father.

Wu Yifei couldn't wait to connect to the phone and opened his mouth and said, "My good brother, you finally called me and I was almost bored to death! Tell me, what's the fun for me?" Hearing that Wu Yifei was still the same German Sex, Wang Qi's heart suddenly settled down and said cryingly: "My brother called you to say goodbye to you. I'm afraid my brother will never play with you again!" He swallowed dumbly in hatred.Upon hearing this, Wu Yifei hurriedly asked: "Brother Qi, what are you talking about? If you want to say goodbye to me, don't scare us, I'm timid!"

Wang Qi smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, I didn't scare you. This time, Brother Qi, I really played to the end. You just wait to collect the body for me!" Wu Yifei said very loyally when he heard it: "Brother Qi, you Don't worry! As long as you have a brother, you can find a way to plug a big hole for you. Tell me what happened first? Who doesn't have eyes to bully brother? "

Wang Qi wanted to provoke Wu Yifei with a long sigh and said quietly: "Brother, I'm afraid that even you can't do anything this time. We are brothers. I can't hurt you because of my affairs. You can't do it for me without my big brother." The opponent's power is too big for you to offend! Hey!"

For playboys like Wu Yifei, Wang Qi has an extremely accurate grasp of their tempers and virtues. He immediately put Wu Yifei's sperm into his brain after all this provocation, and roared angrily: "Brother Qi! Where are you talking so much nonsense, tell me who the other party is?" Wang Qi asked cautiously: "Brother, are you really going to stand up for me?" Wu Yifei shouted: "Nonsense! You are my big brother Wu Yifei, they dare to deal with you , that is, I, Wu Yifei, were not taken seriously. They were all ridden on their heads, how could I spare them lightly? Brother Qi, just boldly say that I will make a decision for you!"

"Brother, you are really my Wang Qi's good brother. I finally saw you right! Brother, the person who killed you brother Qi this time is the Scar of the Lightning Gang!" Wang Qi said in a deep voice. "Who are you talking about!? The scar of the Lightning Gang!?" Although Wu Yifei was mentally prepared, Wang Qi's words still startled him, causing him to exclaim involuntarily.Hearing Wu Yifei's exclamation, Wang Qi smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, I have already said that this time my opponent is not so powerful, even you may..."

"Fart! What happened to the Lightning Gang? What happened to the scar? It's not an alien with two heads on one shoulder! Would I, Wu Yifei, be afraid? But then again, Brother Qi, you and the Lightning Gang have always had a good relationship. Okay, why does Scar deal with you for no reason?" Wu Yifei said.Wang Qi pretended to let out a sigh and said quietly: "Brothers are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong! The Lightning Gang has dominated the world for too long. How could they allow others to become powerful and threaten their interests? Brotherhood has With your help, brother, it is going smoothly and growing day by day, maybe the Lightning Gang is afraid that our brotherhood will become stronger and threaten their interests, so they decided to strike first and destroy us."

"It's unreasonable! How can the Lightning Gang be so overbearing!?" Wu Yifei shouted angrily after hearing Wang Qi's words.Wang Qi said bitterly: "There is no way in this world, whoever has a hard fist can speak loudly. The Lightning Gang is naturally domineering. I only hate Wang Qi for being incompetent. I have no way to compete with the Lightning Gang. Otherwise, I will definitely fight with the Lightning Gang." They can't compete!" "Brother Qi! Don't worry, the power of the Lightning Gang is too great to talk about covering the sky with one hand, so I'll call my grandpa and ask my grandpa to teach the Lightning Gang a lesson and let them be more honest!"

(End of this chapter)

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