The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1665 The Arrival of the God of Wealth

Chapter 1665 The Arrival of the God of Wealth

"Oh brother! If you can really invite Deputy Chief Wu, then I will save your brother! But you must be quick, now the entire city of M is full of people from the Lightning Gang, and they can find me at any time. They caught me ahead of time, even if you invite Da Luo Jinxian to come, brother, it will be useless!" Hearing Wu Yifei's words, Wang Qi was overjoyed and hurriedly exhorted.

"Brother Qi, I know that your situation is not good, and I am also worried for you, but you must first let me think about how to persuade grandpa to intervene in this matter, right? You must know that my grandpa has never had a good impression of you, no It should be said that he has a bad impression of you underworld characters. It is not easy for him to save you." Wu Yifei said with a frown.Wang Qi said with a chuckle, "Brother, you really know how to joke. Who doesn't know that you are the only child of the Wu family. Vice-chief Wu has always regarded you as the apple of his eye. As long as you ask him, he will definitely agree."

"It's true to say so, but I don't dare to guarantee it [-]%. Brother Qi, your brain has always been smarter than mine. Think about what I should tell my grandfather for me." Wu Yifei said.Wang Qi thought for a while and said: "By the way, brother, you just said that your grandfather generally has a bad impression of underworld figures, so what is his attitude towards the Lightning Gang?" Wu Yifei said: "Ha, my grandfather can be said to hate the Lightning Gang." To the bone! I have heard grandpa say more than once that he has to find a way to get rid of the Lightning Gang, lest the whole country fall into the clutches of the underworld!"

Hearing Wu Yifei's words, Wang Qi smiled excitedly and said, "That's all right bro, as long as your grandpa has this attitude, you don't have to say anything. You just need to tell your grandpa that Scar killed someone in M ​​city. Your grandpa Naturally, he will come forward to clean up the Lightning Gang!" Wang Qi's tone was very confident, but Wu Yifei asked with some doubts: "Brother Qi, are you really so sure?" Wang Qi said with a haha ​​smile: "Brother, you are right. Son! Since your grandfather is so eager to wipe out the Lightning Gang, now we have given him such a good reason. With your grandpa’s intelligence, he will definitely seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Hahaha, the Lightning Gang is really in trouble this time. !"

"Since Brother Qi is like this, don't be impatient, I'll call my grandpa right away!" Wu Yifei said in a vibrating voice. "Brother, are you coming to M City?" Wang Qi hurriedly asked when Wu Yifei was about to hang up the phone.Wu Yifei smiled wryly and said: "I really want to meet that scary scar, but the problem is that now grandpa has arranged an errand for me, and I can't leave, so I can't fight side by side with Brother Qi. "Wang Qi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed after hearing this.If Wu Yifei can also come to City M, then he is undoubtedly wearing an extra body armor.With Wu Yifei personally escorting him, not only can Wang Qi successfully climb up to Wu Jingtong's high branch to make a comeback, but he also doesn't need to hide in the XZ like this. With the young master Wu around, who would dare to touch Wang Qi?
But things are like this, it is impossible for you to do whatever you want, Wang Qi is well versed in this way, and he is already very satisfied to invite Wu Jingtong to come forward.

M country airport.The flight from Shett is still about 10 minutes away.However, Li Xiaogang, Hong Tao and Higgins had already been waiting here.Hong Tao glanced at Higgins, who was so excited that his body was trembling slightly, shook his head and said to Li Xiaogang, "Brother Gang, I'll just pick Fester up. What's the need for you to pick him up in person?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "At the beginning Liu Bei was able to condescend to pay attention to the thatched cottage and invite Zhuge Liang. What's the big deal if I come to take a chance? What's more, this Fester is not just a money-sucking machine in the stock market, but a veritable god of wealth. Lord, whether I am poor or rich in the future depends entirely on him."

"Is he really that powerful?" Hong Tao, who had never seen Feisd with his own eyes, murmured with a trace of doubt in his heart.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "I don't know, but I believe in Lightning." "Mr. Hong, you don't have to doubt that Fester is back in the stock market of country M. I'm afraid that the financial circles of country M will set off a wild wave because of this." It's windy!" Higgins said with hope and excitement on his face.Hong Tao frowned and said quietly: "I really didn't expect that even you, a stock market elite, would respect that Fester so much. It's just that such a rare talent was acquired by Lightning? Hey!"

Amidst the conversation of the three, the plane landed slowly.Tourists poured out in groups at the exit.Neither Li Xiaogang nor Hong Tao had met Fester before, so they had to hand over the identification to Higgins.

Higgins’ eyes were full of eagerness and swept back and forth in the crowd. Suddenly, Higgins seemed to have discovered the New World, his eyes were shining, and he waved his hands excitedly and shouted loudly: “Fester is here. here one"

Before Fester left for country M, Lightning had told him that there was an old friend of his in Congress waiting for him.Fest had been thinking hard on the plane.Who will this old friend be.But he never thought that there would be such a coincidence in the world that this old friend would be Higgins whom he had been thinking about but could not find.Hearing Higgins' call, Fester threw the luggage in his hand and flew straight over.

The two playmates and friends who grew up together naked in the past, after more than ten years of separation, finally embraced together again. The collision of friendship produced the hottest sparks, even for Li Xiaogang and Hong Tao. Outsiders can feel it too.

Li Xiaogang looked at the two and said with a smile: "It's really rare that the two of them have been separated for so long, but the friendship between them has not faded at all." Hong Tao murmured: "Yes, this friendship seems to be the most delicious in the world. Good wine, the longer it is kept, the more mellow it will be." Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "Let's go, let's go and see what is so special about this stock market wizard that Lightning talked about."

"Higgins didn't expect it was really you!" Fester carefully looked at Higgins' eyes with tears shining faintly.Higgins held Fester's hand tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's me, I didn't expect you bastard to survive for so long!" Long, if you don’t die, how can I die?” Fei Si De laughed and said with tears in his eyes.

"Isn't it a little unlucky to be so stubborn as soon as we meet?" Li Xiaogang walked over and said with a smile to the two.Fester turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, looked Li Xiaogang up and down, and then said respectfully: "You are Mr. Li, right?" Li Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile, "Why did I mention me to you?"

Fester nodded hastily and said: "Of course I did! Mr. Li, you are like a god in the eyes of Brother Lightning. I heard him say many times that he has admired Mr. Li for a long time, and meeting Mr. Li today is really extraordinary. , it looks like someone who does great things.”

After Li Xiaogang heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Fesder, you and Lightning really did not know each other for nothing. You really have a way of dealing with us Chinese people. Even what you said is full of smugness. The pure Chinese taste, I like it haha." Thinking of the kind of reverence naturally shown on Li Xiaogang's face when Lightning mentioned Li Xiaogang, Fester could imagine that Li Xiaogang must be a very important person. Seeing Li Xiaogang's humility at the time made Fester feel commendable, and his understanding of Li Xiaogang did not stop at the description of Lightning.

"Mr. Fesd, welcome to country M!" Maybe it was Ai Wu and Wu, because of the relationship between Lightning and Higgins, Hong Tao also had a good impression of Fess, and extended his hand to Fess with a smile.Fester held Hong Tao's hand and said respectfully to J Kui, "Mr. Hong is a famous figure in country M today. It is my honor to get to know Mr. Hong!" "Oh? From your point of view, you seem to know me." Hong Tao asked with a slight frown.Fester said with a smile: "The Chinese Federation controlled by Mr. Hong is huge, and has the right to speak to the government of country M in all areas of social life. If I don't even know about you, how can I help Mr. Li in M?" How can the Chinese stock market make money?"

"Listening to what you mean is useful to me in your plan to play with the stock market in country M?" Hong Tao asked. "Of course! It can even be said that whether my plan can be realized or not depends to a large extent on Mr. Hong's influence. I'm afraid Mr. Hong will have to come forward in person at that time." Fei Si De said with a smile.Hong Tao nodded and said, "No problem, as long as you can make money, just ask me what you need me to do!"

"Okay, after sitting on the plane for so long, I believe Fester is also hungry. Let's find a place to sit down and have a meal first. As for the plan to make money, we can discuss it slowly!" Li Xiaogang said. "Then let's go! I've got someone to arrange everything and it's waiting for us!" Hong Tao said with a smile. "May I ask, Mr. Hong, shall we go eat Chinese food later?" Feisd asked with a somewhat shy expression.Hong Tao smiled and said, "Yeah, why don't you like Chinese food?"

"No, no, I like Huaxia cuisine the most! I especially like Sichuan cuisine that is spicy and numbing!" Seeing that Hong Tao had misunderstood, Fei Si De hurriedly shook his head and said.Hong Tao laughed and said, "Don't worry, Lightning told me before you came that you have been fascinated by Chinese cuisine, especially authentic Sichuan cuisine since you met him. Come with me, although here is In country M, I will still let you eat the most authentic Sichuan cuisine, and I guarantee that it will make you feel delicious and spicy!" Fester nodded and said with a smile in a hurry: "You Huaxia is really an amazing country, and Huaxia cuisine is even more so. Excellent, sometimes I really hate myself for not being a Chinese!"

"If Fester really helped me make a lot of money in the stock market of country M this time, don't worry, I will let you eat all the delicacies in China!" Li Xiaogang said to Fester with a smile. "Is what you said true?" Fester's eyes widened in surprise, making it hard to believe that a financial wizard would be so obsessed with Chinese cuisine. The ancestor is really not Gaide!

(End of this chapter)

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