The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1673 Touched by Li Xiaogang

Chapter 1673 Touched by Li Xiaogang
Cao Qingdong's words touched Lin Chaoran's heart. He turned his head to the leader and asked, "Chief, do you think so too?" The leader nodded and said, "I agree with Lao Cao. I agree with you. I also think that Wu Jingtong may be able to change his attitude towards Li Xiaogang through this time. You also know that now in the Central Committee, only some people headed by Wu Jingtong are still prejudiced against Li Xiaogang, which is Li Xiaogang’s biggest resistance in the country. The knot is very deep, and it may be difficult to untie it without some strong medicine. It is not a bad thing to let Wu Jingtong suffer."

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly, and said: "It's really rare that you are so optimistic. But do you really think that things will develop in the direction we shot? You must know that the world is unpredictable, as long as there is a slight difference in it, it may cause a catastrophe." If you want to use this method to open Wu Jingtong's heart knot and resolve his hostility towards Li Xiaogang, it is too dangerous and too uncontrollable. If Wu Jingtong really angers Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang will give Wu Jingtong Those subordinates, still not fighting Li Xiaogang?"

The leader laughed when he heard this, and said, "Old Lin, what did you do? How come the older you are, the less courageous you are?" Cao Qingdong laughed and said, "You can't blame Lao Lin. Among the three of us, Lao Lin and Li Xiaogang was the earliest acquaintance and the deepest friendship! I am afraid that in Lao Lin’s heart, he has long regarded Li Xiaogang as his own child. Cao, you really hit the point. When I first met Li Xiaogang, he was still so young and handsome, and his whole body exudes an eye-catching spirit. At that time, I first met Li Xiaogang As soon as I saw him, I knew that this kid's future must be limitless!" Recalling the situation when he first met Li Xiaogang, Lin Chaoran looked very excited, his spirit was high, and his face was full of excitement.

"At that time, you must have been thinking that God has been kind to you and finally let you pick up the treasure, right?" the leader asked with a smile.Lin Chaoran slapped his thigh, laughed and said, "That's right! That's how it feels! I forgot what Xiao Gang was doing at the time and needed a sum of money urgently. There was nowhere to distribute it, so I made a decision at the time and allocated a large sum of money to him! Until now, I don’t understand why I believed him so much in the first place.”

The leader smiled, and said slowly, "In this world, some people judge people by their eyes, while others rely on their feelings. I feel that this kind of thing is really confusing. I think you It is the latter kind of person. No matter what, you have not missed Xiaogang, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Lin Chaoran nodded repeatedly and said, "This point, you are so right, leader. When the night is quiet, When I can't fall asleep, I think about what kind of scene it would be if I never knew Xiao Gang, and it makes me break out in a cold sweat every time."

"Yes, if I were to say, what is our China's greatest national treasure, I would definitely say Li Xiaogang without hesitation. Without him, where would our China be in such a good situation? Compared to what Xiaogang did for us What we have done, we have done too little for him. Just like this time, Xiaogang annexed GM and urgently needed money. We are guarding such a country, and we can’t even spend hundreds of billions to help Xiaogang. Just now, when I think of this, I feel more incompetent than ever before!" Cao Qingdong couldn't help frowning and sighed.

The leader waved his hand and said, "After so many years of contact with Xiaogang, I understand one thing. Li Xiaogang doesn't need us to do anything for him. With his ability, nothing can trouble him. He The only thing we need is our support. Little of what Xiaogang has done so far is for himself, but most of it is for this country and for all mankind. So, Xiaogang is actually a person with a strong sense of belonging. What he needs is the support of all of us on the spiritual level. He is afraid that everything he does will not be recognized by others. People pushed aside. That's why, this time, Wu Jingtong wanted to deal with him with great fanfare, which made him feel so angry."

"By the way! Leader, you really mean what you said, and you are right!" Lin Chaoran slapped his thigh fiercely, and couldn't help shouting.Said "Xiao Gang is such a person, he is willing to give selflessly, but the premise is to get everyone's support and understanding. But this should always disappoint Xiao Gang. Like Wu Jingtong, they only You will see the power in Xiaogang's hands, how big and great a threat it is to the country, but you can't see that Xiaogang has never used the power in his hands to do anything that is sorry for the country or mankind. I don't know how much wronged Xiaogang has suffered, but thinking about it, even I feel extremely aggrieved in my heart."

The leader nodded and said with a smile, "Old Lin, you don't need to be so heartbroken. After our joint efforts with Xiaogang, you have also seen that the misunderstanding and hostility towards Li Xiaogang in China have dispelled a lot, and now only I haven't figured it out yet. But it doesn't matter. I firmly believe that after this time, Wu Jingtong will no longer be a problem. At that time, we will be able to work together with Xiaogang to bring our country together. Pushing to the pinnacle of glory. In my opinion, Xiaogang’s road is indeed bumpy, but the bumpy road will soon come to an end.”

"Yes, Lao Lin! The leader is right, the good times are not far away, so don't frown. Come on, drink up the wine, let's get drunk tonight!" Cao Qingdong cheered up and said to Lin Chaoran .

good! Lin Chaoran raised his eyebrows, asked the secretary to bring three wine glasses, and asked the cafeteria to prepare some small dishes, and said to the leader and Cao Qingdong, "Boss, Lao Cao, you are right, the ups and downs are about to end, and the glory is about to come. Let us raise our glasses together, firstly for our nation and country, and secondly for Xiaogang. "

"Hehe, since it's for me, how can I be missing?" As soon as Lin Chaoran's voice fell, Li Xiaogang's laughter came in.The leader, Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong turned their heads to look together, only to see Li Xiaogang leaning against the door frame, looking at them with a smile.Lin Chaoran hastily put down his wine glass, walked quickly to Li Xiaogang, held Li Xiaogang's hand, and asked in surprise, "Xiao Gang!? Shouldn't you be in country M now? Why are you here? "

Li Xiaogang said with a smile, "I didn't intend to come back, but then I suddenly discovered a very serious matter, and I had to report it to your leaders face to face, so I rushed back. Hehe." "Okay!

Xiao Gang, you came at just the right time, this meal cannot be without you.Lao Lin, why don't you ask your secretary to bring another cup? "The leader pushed Lin Chaoran excitedly and said. Lin Chaoran hurriedly nodded and complied.

After the four of them sat together for the evening, they drank three glasses happily and then put down the glasses with a big laugh.Lin Chaoran wiped the wine stains from his mouth, and said to Li Xiaogang, "Xiaogang, do you know that before you came, we were talking about you." Li Xiaogang nodded, with a deep expression on his face. Touched, he smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I heard what you just said." "You heard everything?" Lin Chaoran couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said quietly, "Boss, Mr. Lin, and General Cao, I am really touched by your words. I didn't expect you to know me so well. After hearing what you said, I, Li Xiaogang, Even if there is a big grievance in my heart, I can bear it. I also figured it out. In this world, no one can make everyone like you, and I don't expect Wu Jingtong and his ilk to be like you Understand me and support me. As long as I think what I do is meaningful, worthy of my conscience, worthy of you and this country, it is enough for Qinghuazhan people to say that it is true to show favor without repaying it. Gentleman! If I do something and ask for praise from others, then I will be inferior."

"However, if you are obviously doing it for the good of others, but you are misunderstood by others, won't you feel sad?" Lin Chaoran asked. "Yes! As long as a slightly normal person will be sad. But I can't stop just because I am sad. It is indeed a sad thing to not get the understanding and support of others, but compared to the whole country and all mankind I, Li Xiaogang, am not a saint, but I will not just watch the world I live in collapse. When I am the only one left in this world, yes, No one will blame me anymore, and I will no longer feel sad about it, but at that time, what is the meaning of my life?" Li Xiaogang replied sincerely.

After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, the three leaders looked at each other, seeing comfort and admiration in each other's eyes, Lin Chaoran smiled and said, "Xiao Gang, if you think so, then we can really rest assured. But I still want to ask, how do you plan to deal with Wu Jingtong when you come back this time? I heard that Wu Jingtong mobilized a large number of troops this time, and dispatched at least [-] troops with live ammunition. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to deal with."

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "I didn't come back this time to deal with Wu Jingtong. I have handed over the matter of M City to Dao Scar himself. I will not interfere with what he does! But you can rest assured, I have already told him If you get the scar, please forgive Wu Jingtong, at least his life will not be a problem." Lin Chaoran nodded and said, "Since you have told the scar, that's fine. However, since you came back this time, since it wasn't for Wu Jingtong's matter, what is it for?"

(End of this chapter)

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