The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1674 A sure-win bet!

Chapter 1674 A sure-win bet!

Li Xiaogang pondered for a moment and asked, "Three old men, I want to ask you a question. If a large-scale financial crisis breaks out in country M, will it have a great impact on China?" The leader frowned and said, "The impact There will definitely be! After all, the degree of global integration is now very high, and countries have formed a new type of interdependent relationship. As the world's number one economic power, country M's economic turmoil will have a direct impact on the world Influence. However, having said that, China has its own independent economic system. Although it is related to the economy of country M, it is never attached to the economy of country M. Furthermore, our country has the largest domestic consumer market in the world , Therefore, if the economic crisis breaks out in country M, as long as our country fully explores the huge domestic consumer market, it will be affected, but the impact will not be too great. By the way, Xiaogang, why did you suddenly ask Come up with this?"

"Xiao Gang, don't you think you're going to make any big mistakes on the economy of country M?" Li Xiaogang didn't answer, but Lin Chaoran couldn't help but shouted in surprise.Seeing Lin Chaoran's nervous look, Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "That's right, according to the analysis of my experts, recently, the M Congress has caused a huge financial crisis due to the subprime loan issue. It’s just to tell you so that you can prepare for it in advance.”

"What did you say? Why didn't we hear any news? Could your people have made a mistake?" Lin Chaoran asked in surprise.The leader and Cao Qingdong also looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently neither believed Li Xiaogang's words.

Li Xiaogang said lightly, "My people can't be wrong, and I have already started to take action against this impending crisis. Leader, Mr. Lin, you must believe me! Hurry up and let the major banks in our country and Financial institutions, immediately dispose of all businesses related to subprime loans in country M. In addition, you have to formulate a set of wrong measures as soon as possible to minimize the impact of the financial crisis in country M on China's economy. This is what I The real purpose of coming back this time."

"Xiao Gang, this kind of joke can't be taken! As far as I know, the five major banks in our country all have a considerable amount of funds involved in the subprime loan business of country M. If they are handled, it will cause a world-wide wave. If there is no conclusive evidence, we can't act at will." What Li Xiaogang said was too important. The leader frowned, and said slowly with a serious face.

"That's right, Xiao Gang, can you come up with any conclusive political situation to prove your statement? Even convincing data is fine." Lin Chaoran said.Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said very simply, "I can't produce any evidence, everything is inferred by my subordinates, if you insist on asking me to produce evidence before you are willing to take action, then I have nothing to do I can only guarantee it with my personality! It is true that the financial crisis will break out in country M, if you miss the best time to act, the loss will be very heavy."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang's words are so decisive, I can't help but argue. The leader, Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong, look at me and I look at you. They are obviously undecided. The matter is serious. I believe Li Xiaogang's words, but Li Xiaogang takes There is no evidence.But if they didn't believe it, they were very afraid that what Li Xiaogang said would become a reality.After all, since they knew Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang has never said that he missed it.Seeing that the three of them hesitated for a long time but could not make up their mind, Li Xiaogang became a little anxious, and couldn't help frowning and said, "You three old men, you have always believed in me, why don't you continue to believe in me this time? If I wasn't very sure, how could I have traveled thousands of miles from Country M back to China?"

After pondering for a while, Lin Chaoran stood up abruptly, and said to the leader and Cao Qingdong, "I believe what Xiaogang said! He will never be so bored as to make such a joke with us. We have already made money from the subprime loan business in country M." A lot, even if everything is dealt with now, and the subprime mortgage crisis does not break out, we still earn a little less. But if I don’t deal with it, and the subprime mortgage crisis really broke out, then It will definitely cause us to suffer huge losses and blows. So on balance, I think we should listen to Li Xiaogang and deal with all the business related to the subprime loans in country M as soon as possible!"

The leader and Cao Qingdong were already vacillating, but Lin Chaoran's statement immediately had a decisive impact on the two of them. The leader raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay! With Xiaogang's golden signboard, we have no reason not to believe him." Xiaogang, we listen to you, I will call the heads of the five major banks here for a meeting, and arrange this matter!" Seeing that the leader finally accepted his suggestion, Li Xiaogang heaved a long sigh of relief. The three said with a smile, "I assure you, you will be proud of your choice for the rest of your life."

The leader suddenly laughed a few times very cunningly, and said to Li Xiaogang, "Xiao Gang, how about a bet between you and me?" Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Bet? What bet?" The leader said He smiled and said, "Just bet on whether the financial crisis in country M will break out this time."

After hearing what the leader said, Lin Chaoran said with some surprise: "Leader, what you mean, you still don't believe Xiaogang's words." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, you have misunderstood this. It’s not that he doesn’t believe me, but he wants to add another insurance to his decision. If I lose, what the leader gets from me must be enough to make up for his business related to the subprime loan in country M. The loss caused. But if I win, hehe, the country has dealt with the relevant business early, formulated a coping strategy, and reduced the loss. All this is due to the wise leadership of the leader, and the leader has made a lot of money, even for the sake of Fulfilling the bet, if I lose the bet that I promised, the leader will also make money. This kind of bet that is guaranteed to be profitable no matter whether it is a loss or a win, if it were me, I would not let it go.

"Hahaha, you are really smart, you can't hide everything from your eyes. Since you already know, do you dare to bet with me?" The leader said to Li Xiaogang provocatively.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "If I don't participate in a sure-win bet, then am I an idiot? Well, I'll bet with you! Tell me about your bet!" "My boy, you really have amazing courage and courage! Since you agree to bet, then listen carefully, if I win, I want you to promise me to help me take care of the two girls for the rest of my life.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned by the leader's words, Manao asked in amazement: "What kind of bet is this? Isn't it just taking care of two girls, it's easy!" The leader smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Don't be complacent, I I haven't said anything about Yuni yet. What I mean by taking care of you is to let you treat the two of them as your own women, and treat them the same as Gao Yuanyuan and Hu Rong." "Boss, what are you talking about! How is this possible? , Gao Yuanyuan and Rong'er are my women, my wives!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help shouting in surprise.

The leader smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be so excited, I just want you to treat them as your wives, in other words, I want you to marry them!" "No, no, leader, stop joking with me. I have already promised Yuanyuan and Rong'er, in this life, I will only have them, and I will never accept any other woman!" Li Xiaogang shook his head like a rattle.The leader sighed softly, and said slowly: "Xiao Gang, fate is actually a very strange thing. When fate doesn't come, even if you want to be bloody, you can't even think about being with the one you love. But if fate comes, you will not be able to escape. From my point of view, you and these two girls are destined, otherwise how could they be so devoted to you?"

Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked: "Boss, who are these two girls you are talking about?" The leader replied: "Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, don't you remember them?" Seeing these two people, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but widen his eyes.How could he not remember these two girls?He clearly remembered that when he and Chang Xuefei met for the first time, Chang Xuefei always glared at him as if she had met an enemy, but he did not expect that the relationship between the two is now so different. It became like this.As for Mikiko, the daughter of Yukio Yamamoto, the Prime Minister of the island country, who dared to love and hate, she was infatuated with Li Xiaogang as soon as she saw him, and she clung to him to death, which also left a deep impression on Li Xiaogang. "How could it be them?" Li Xiaogang murmured dumbfoundingly.

"Huh! Do you remember? You're good, boy. You disappeared without a trace, and let the two girls almost travel all over the world in search of you. This is the first time I saw someone like them Such an infatuated girl!" The leader glared at Li Xiaogang, and said with a bit of reproach: "You boy is really cruel, you just leave her alone, you don't know how to be sympathetic, do you?" Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile : "Boss, I really didn't expect that they would like me, and I never had that kind of thought towards them, really, I swear.

"Okay, okay, I won't believe you! If you really don't have any feelings for him, why did you give him a Fire Dragon Ball when he went to Antarctica? When he was in distress in Antarctica, what kind of injury? I said Xiaogang, if you really don’t have feelings for them, you should stay away from them. Why do you keep recruiting them? Oh, after recruiting them, you said that you have no feelings for them , what are you doing if you don’t intend to torture others?” The leader waved his hands again and again.

Li Xiaogang was about to cry, and said to the leader with a look of injustice: "Boss, you are really wronged to death for saying that. Back then, Chang Xuefei and the others were in danger in Antarctica, but you asked me to save them. You couldn't let me save them." Do you want to die?" The leader curled his lips and said, "Since you have saved him, you should help him to the end and send the Buddha to Xilang. Let me tell you, because the two girls miss you now, they can't eat or drink. Si, can't sleep at night, if this continues, I think something will happen. Especially that Mei Jizi, who is simply an infatuated kind, is even more devoted to you. She was so sad that she went on hunger strike several times because she couldn't see you Her father, Yukio Yamamoto, was so worried that he was about to hang himself because of this matter. He called me every three days to ask me for your whereabouts. You don’t want to force me to go to war with the island country because of you. ?”

"Is it that serious?" Li Xiaogang looked at the leader in disbelief and asked. "Oh, this point, I and Lao Cao can both testify! The leader is not lying, and now Chang Xuefei and Mikiko are living in the State Guest House, if you don't believe me, you can go and see, these two girls, compared to When I saw them last time, I lost a lot of weight, and I must have suffered a lot when looking for you." Lin Chaoran testified for the leader.

"But leader, I have really promised Gao Yuanyuan and Rong'er, I can't break my own oath, can I?" Li Xiaogang said weepingly. "Are your vows more important than two days of life like flowers? Xiaogang, I have always thought you are a very caring person, but why are you so indifferent to life? Just for your persistence, you Do you want these two flowers to wither? How can you bear this heart? Mei Jizi put aside and talk about Xuefei. Before Chang Xuefei’s grandfather passed away, he entrusted Xuefei to me. , So, I must not let Chang Xuefei have any accidents. Xiaogang, you should help me and accept Xuefei and Mikiko!
(End of this chapter)

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