The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1675 Trouble with Two Women

Chapter 1675 Trouble with Two Women

Seeing that the leader was begging himself, Li Xiaogang really didn't know what to do, so he had to use the last trump card and said, "Leader, don't forget, our country practices monogamy, Yuanyuan, Rong'er and the others I don't even know what to do anymore, and now there are Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi, I think they are enough to sentence me to death." The leader smiled slightly and said: "I knew you would say this a long time ago. Don't worry, Chaolin Chaoran and I, Cao Qingdong have considered this issue long ago, knowing that you definitely have no way to let go of Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong, Long Linger and Song Shuang, so we decided, based on what you have done for the country Great contribution, we have formulated an exclusive special law for you personally. Let you enjoy some privileges that individual people cannot enjoy, including this issue.

"Can such a law really be passed?" Li Xiaogang was very troubled by the problem of monogamy. Unexpectedly, the leader had already helped him think of a solution. How could he not be so excited?asked quickly.The leader nodded and said: "We have discussed it. It is not a big problem. It should be approved. Who made you make such a great contribution to the country? Even if it is a reward for you, I think others have nothing to say Said. Furthermore, beating mandarin ducks with sticks has always been the most taboo thing among Chinese people, and the general public should be able to accept it.

"If this is the case, that would be really great! Chief, Mr. Lin, General Cao, thank you so much!" Li Xiaogang was overjoyed, and he was able to marry Gao Yuanyuan and the others back home legally and reasonably, which Li Xiaogang had never dared to think about. of. "Don't get too excited, you haven't promised me about Xuefei and Meijizi yet!" The leader said quietly, dispelling most of Li Xiaogang's excitement.His face collapsed, and he said bitterly: "Leader, don't embarrass me, I really have no way to explain to Gao Yuanyuan and the others." The leader smiled and said: "This is not a problem, Xue Fei said, Gao Yuanyuan and they will Let’s talk about it, and I think Gao Yuanyuan and the others are kind-hearted and generous girls, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Now it’s up to you whether you agree.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was still hesitant, the leader said: "What's wrong with you, we are betting that you may not lose, why are you so competitive?" The leader's words reminded Li Xiaogang that Li Xiaogang is I was too surprised, so I forgot the premise.Li Xiaogang believed in Fester, the financial crisis in country M would definitely explode, and he would definitely win.Since he was sure to win, no matter what kind of bet the leader made, it was meaningless. What did he have to be afraid of?After thinking through this link, Li Xiaogang's mind cleared up, he nodded with a smile and said: "The leader is right, since it's a bet, the more exciting the bet, the more enjoyable it is. If that's the case, then I agree to the leader!
When the leader heard this, he said excitedly: "Well, you said it yourself. If I win, then Chang Xuefei and Mikiko will be your girlfriends. You have to promise me that you will treat them as you would." They are as good as Gao Yuanyuan!" Li Xiaogang is confident that he will win, of course without the slightest hesitation, he nodded heavily, and said: "It's a deal! But next, the leader should listen to what I want Right?" After solving a big problem, the leader seemed a lot more relaxed, waved his hand very boldly, and said in a vibrating voice: "No problem, just say it!

Li Xiaogang nodded, and said slowly: "If I win, I hope you can do me a favor, the leader, by supporting the Democratic Party's presidential candidate, McKinley, in this country M election." "Why, you want to intervene The general election in country M?" Xing Xi murmured, looking at Li Xiaogang with some surprise.Li Xiaogang nodded, and said frankly: "That's right! Letting McKinley be the president of country M is of great benefit to me, I must intervene!
"But the problem is, according to our understanding, it is very unlikely that McKinley wants to defeat Harding and become the president of country M. Now I am afraid that even the Democrats themselves have no hope. Can you change all this? Li Xiaogang nodded, and said confidently: "If you are willing to exert some influence in the dark, leader, I am confident that McKinley will defeat Harding." Seeing Li Xiaogang's great confidence, the leader pondered for a moment, faintly He said, "Actually, Harding's prejudice against China has been getting deeper and deeper during this period of time. If Harding continues to serve as the president of country M, it is likely to bring us a lot of trouble. Compared with Speaking of Harding, McKinley is obviously softer, and has a strong affection for Huaxia. If McKinley can be made president, it will indeed greatly improve the relationship between the two countries. Tell me, you want me How to do it?"

Li Xiaogang coughed and said: "I know that when the candidates for the president of country M are running for office, they will publicize the China policy after taking office as a key point. I hope the leader can do something about McKinley's China policy. I think it will be of great help to McKinley." The leader said with a chuckle: "If it's just like this, it's easy! But in this way, you seem to be at a disadvantage.

"A loss? What a loss?" Li Xiaogang didn't react for a while.The leader said with a smile, "My bet is so hard for you to accept, but your bet is easy for me. Doesn't this make you suffer?" Picking up two gorgeous beauties as wives for nothing, if it were any other man, he would have been so excited, how could he suffer?" Cao Qingdong couldn't help laughing and said.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said: "Although the leader's bet is indeed difficult for me to accept, I must win this bet, so I really don't think I have any disadvantages." "Win? Hahaha For a young man, self-confidence is good, but overconfidence is conceited, and it will make you suffer a lot!" The leader said with a light smile, his eyes shining with wisdom. "Whether I am confident or conceited, I will have the answer soon, leader, let's wait and see!" Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said lightly.

"By the way, Xiaogang, since you are here this time, are you going to leave after participating in the auto show in Province G?" Lin Chaoran asked Li Xiaogang with a thought. "Why, is the Provincial G Auto Show about to start?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise.

Seeing Li Xiaogang's surprised expression, Lin Chaoran couldn't help but smiled and said, "Xiao Gang, it seems that you are so busy that you forget the time. The Auto Show in G Province will be grandly opened the day after tomorrow." "So soon !?" Hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Li Xiaogang was really surprised.After careful calculation, isn't it? It's been more than ten days since he went to country M this time, and it's time for the provincial G auto show to open.He couldn't help scratching his head, and said with a wry smile, "I'm so preoccupied with the acquisition of GM, I actually forgot about the auto show. Ha ha."

Lin Chaoran shook his head and said, "Xiao Gang, everyone can forget about the auto show, but you can't forget it. Don't forget that Rong'er has spent a lot of effort on this auto show. It's a feast, if you don't participate, she will regret it for the rest of her life, even if she can't say it."

Lin Chaoran didn't need to say these words, Li Xiaogang knew it himself.In order for Tianhao Group to successfully switch production, and for the cars produced by Tianhao Group to be famous all over the world, Li Xiaogang has seen all the hard work that Hu Rong, a weak girl, has put in.

"But this time, Tianhao Group's propaganda offensive is very strong. Hundreds of TV stations across the country, regardless of whether it is central or local, are reporting in turn. The name Tianhao Group has reached the point where no one knows it It has become the biggest attraction of this Auto Show in Province G, it would be a pity if you don't go!"

Lin Chaoran continued: "Not only that! The cars produced by Tianhao Group are really amazing. The data of various performances far surpass the most advanced models in the world today. Our experts got this The data is a little crazy. Now, the government has officially submitted an order to Tianhao Group, ready to book [-] vehicles.

I believe that once the cars produced by Tianhao Group are unveiled at the Auto Show in Province G, they will definitely cause a worldwide sensation.Xiao Gang, don't you want to share the joy of success with Hu Rong in person?I think, when Hu Rong and her Tianhao Group become the focus of everyone, she must want you to stand with her. "The leader took Lin Chaoran's words and said.

Li Xiaogang nodded involuntarily, and said, "Yes, I must go to this auto show." The leader smiled and said, "Since you are going, then take Xuefei and Mikiko with you. There are so many people. Well, hahaha one" Hearing what the leader said, Li Xiaogang finally understood why the leader persuaded him to stay and participate in the Auto Show in Province G. It was for the sake of Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, Li Xiaogang shook his head hurriedly and said, "That's impossible! "

Seeing Li Xiaogang's strong reaction, the leader frowned in dissatisfaction, and said, "Xiaogang, what is your attitude? Xuefei and Mikiko are two beautiful beauties, and they are not man-eating monsters. As for you Are you so afraid of them?" Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile, "I'm not afraid of them, I'm afraid of trouble! Especially that Mikiko, who pesters people to death, I've already learned it once, it's not like suffering a second time! Leader, please take pity on me and stop torturing me."

The leader said, "Ha! I pity you and don't let her torture you, so why don't you pity me? Do you think that girl will only pester you, and I'm about to collapse because of their pestering. Xiaogang, I'm always like this I am so old, how can I bear things that you can’t stand? To tell you the truth, I’ve been tortured by these two girls these days and I’m about to break down. Now that you’ve finally appeared, please help me If these two girls are taken away, it will save my life, okay? You don’t want to see me being tortured to death by them, do you?”

(End of this chapter)

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