The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1676 Was molested!

Chapter 1676 Was molested!

Li Xiaogang couldn't bear to see the leader's face so painful that he was about to wring out his bile. Obviously, he had suffered from the two women's crimes.The leader hurriedly gave Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong a few winks, and Lin Chaoran said knowingly, "Xiao Gang, you can take Xue Xuefei and Mikiko with you! Those two girls come to pester the leader every day, and the leader is almost gone. You have found a way to deal with state affairs, you don’t want our country to be ruined by these two girls, do you?” “That’s right, Xiaogang, with your supernatural powers, you can always get rid of their torture, but the leader can’t. You just make up with each other, let the leader breathe!" Cao Qingdong also persuaded from the side.

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, and finally heaved a long sigh, and said, "Okay! This is probably the legendary peach blossom catastrophe! Since they came after me, then I am really embarrassed to let the leader suffer for me Big deal, I’ll take them to Province G to participate in the auto show tomorrow.” Seeing that Li Xiaogang finally agreed, the leader was so happy that he almost jumped up, afraid that Li Xiaogang would change his mind and said, “Then, you go directly to the country tomorrow morning. Pick them up from the hotel, their room is 808! Please remember, don’t change your mind!”

Seeing the leader's excited expression, Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile, and said, "You are relieved. If you are happy, it's my bad luck. When I think of that Mikiko, my scalp goes numb." The leader smiled. Said, "It's okay, you young man, you can bear it, you must be able to bear it, hahaha!" Looking at the color outside, it was already late at night, Li Xiaogang stood up and said, "Boss, Mr. Lin, General Cao, It's getting late and it's time for you to rest, I'd better leave." "Xiao Gang, where are you going? Do you have a place to live? If not, I'll arrange it for you!" Seeing that Li Xiaogang was about to leave, Lin Chaoran asked hastily .

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "I want to see Gao Yuanyuan's parents. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I miss them." Lin Chaoran couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's good that you are filial. , but look at the time, it's already midnight, Liguo and the others are probably fast asleep, so are you going to wake them up?"

Li Xiaogang didn't think of this, after Lin Chaoran's reminder, he remembered it, and felt that it was really inappropriate to visit Gao Liguo and the others at this time.Seeing Li Xiaogang stunned, Lin Chaoran smiled and said, "You have nowhere to go in the capital except Liguo. I think you might as well go to the State Guesthouse. I'm next to Xuefei and Mikiko's room. Arrange a room for you, so that it will be convenient for you to go to Province G together tomorrow morning."

As Lin Chaoran spoke, he winked at the leader again and again.The leader understood Lin Chaoran's meaning after thinking about it, and it was a good idea to call it out in his heart, and hurriedly persuaded him, "Yes, Xiaogang, don't refuse, you have come here after all, of course we must take good care of you, you Wait for me to call the person in charge of the State Guesthouse!" So Li Xiaogang was coaxed to the State Guesthouse by Lin Chaoran, the leader and Cao Qingdong in a daze.

The State Guest House is the State Guest House. The layout up and down, inside and out, is not only luxurious, but also makes people feel a kind of comfort everywhere, even Li Xiaogang is very satisfied.Just lying on the soft bed, Li Xiaogang's heart was not at ease at all.When he thought of Chang Xuefei and Mikiko living just across the wall, Li Xiaogang felt mixed feelings and found it difficult to calm down.Li Xiaogang couldn't turn a blind eye to Chang Xuefei and Mikiko.After all, the beauty of Chang Xuefei and Mikiko is not inferior to that of Gao Yuanyuan and any of them.Especially Chang Xuefei, when she first met Li Xiaogang, the kind of cynicism towards Li Xiaogang made Li Xiaogang feel the different flavors of different women, and left her an indelible impression in Li Xiaogang's heart.As for Mikiko, she is enthusiastic and lively, outspoken about love and has her own unique charm.It's just that for a long time, Li Xiaogang has been firmly bound by a sense of responsibility, which made him suppress his affection for the two women.But at this time, knowing that the two women were next door to him, and they were infatuated with him, his suppressed affection began to stir, and he faintly wanted to break out of the cocoon.With the infatuated second daughter on the one hand, and the promise to Gao Yuanyuan and the others on the other, Li Xiaogang's heart began to fluctuate.

Just as Li Xiaogang was frying pancakes on the bed and couldn't fall asleep, a burst of drunken voices suddenly came from the corridor outside the door. "Sister Xuefei, where do you think that big villain Li Xiaogang is hiding?" It was Mikiko's voice, who was drunk and seemed to have drunk a lot at night.Li Xiaogang's heart seemed to be grabbed severely by someone, it was raised in his throat suddenly, and he subconsciously jumped up from the bed.

Outside the corridor, Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi had just returned from drinking outside, supported each other, swayed three times, and had to walk against the wall so as not to fall.At this time, Chang Xuefei, with peach blossoms and blurred eyes, looked beautiful and sexy. She took a drink break, supported Mikiko's shoulders, and said quietly, "I don't know. If I know, I must find a way." Break his leg, then he will not be able to keep us from missing people, giggling." "What a good idea! I will help you when the time comes!" Mikiko said with a drunken smile.

Hearing the drunken talk of the two, Li Xiaogang couldn't laugh or cry in the room. How could God be so tricky to let such two girls get together and fall in love with him at the same time? This made Li Xiaogang sigh in his heart. , I don’t know if this is a gift from God to Li Xiaogang, or a torture to him.

"Plop" Just as Li Xiaogang was smiling wryly, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground outside the door, followed by two cries of pain. Seeing Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi lying on the ground with their legs upside down, crying out for pain.Seeing that the two were too drunk to even walk, Li Xiaogang hurried forward to help them up. "Stop!" Li Xiaogang was waiting to get to the side of the two women, and suddenly there was an angry shout, Li Xiaogang turned his head to look, and saw five foolish and sloppy guys walking over.The leading one was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a dignified appearance, but it was a pity that there was a trace of evil in his eyes that ruined his overall temperament.

"Boy, do you think he is drunk and wants to take advantage of you? I think you are looking for death!" The leading male sucker walked a few steps quickly, rushed over, and yelled at Li Xiaogang very arrogantly.Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and asked lightly, "Who are you?" "We? We are their friends, you'd better stay away from them, or we will make you look good!" The leading man said in a vibrating voice. "Ah? Why are you guys here again? When you were in the bar, you kept pestering us, and now you are still following us. What are you thinking about doing?" Mikiko rubbed her aching head, staring at him with disgust. Said to the other party.

"Mei Jizi, who is it?" Chang Xuefei stood up unsteadily, and murmured.

Eyes turned around, and I saw Li Xiaogang for a long time, a pair of big drunken and blurred eyes stared instantly, pointed at Li Xiaogang tremblingly, and said "Li Yi Li Yi" with a knotted mouth, Chang Xuefei was so drunk Light, after Zhang Zhang for a long time, he still didn't say another strong word. When his eyes went dark, he passed out drunk. Fortunately, Li Xiaogang reacted quickly enough, so Chang Xuefei didn't fall to the ground, but was hugged by Li Xiaogang in his arms.

"Hee hee, you are really useless, you fell down before me, and I'm not yet one." Mei Jizi was talking, her eyes fell on Li Xiaogang, her delicate body was shocked, and then she also passed out. Fortunately, Li Xiaogang had two Hands, just enough to hold the two of them in their arms.Seeing Li Xiaogang embracing left and right made someone angry, and saw that the other party's eyes widened, his face was full of anger, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Stinky boy, let me go of the two of them!"

Li Xiaogang knew from what Meijizi said before that these five guys came here specially because they saw that Chang Xuefei and Meijizi were drunk and had malicious intentions.I was glad that I had listened to Mr. Lin's words and stayed in the State Guest House, otherwise, these two girls would have suffered a lot tonight.However, the other party was unlucky. When they met Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang would naturally not spare them.With a sneer, he said faintly, "You seem to care about them a lot. Why, are they your friends?" "Friends?"Yes, that's right!They are my friends!If you dare to take advantage of my friend again, I will be rude to you! The other party's reaction was not slow, and he hurriedly said swearing. The sneer on Li Xiaogang's face became even worse, and he said faintly, "Since you said they are your friends, then you must know their names?" "

Hearing Li Xiaogang's question, the man in the suit immediately frowned. When they were in the bar, they tried their best to find out the name of the second girl, but instead of getting it out, they were severely scolded by the second girl. Suddenly, they couldn't get angry, so they followed the two women to come here. "Brother Fei, do you need to talk so much nonsense with him? Brothers, let's get him down." The man next to the man in the suit said impatiently.

"Shut up, you idiot!" The man in the suit was furious when he heard that, and couldn't help shouting in a low voice, "Where do you think you are? This is the State Guesthouse, you dare to make trouble here, don't you want to live?" ?” Hearing what the man in the suit said, Li Xiaogang couldn’t help but sneered, and said, “Isn’t it too stupid? I also know that this is a state guesthouse, and the people who live there are people with status and status. However, you are too courageous Even knowing that this is a state guesthouse, you dare to have an affair with these two young ladies!"

(End of this chapter)

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