The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1716 Daihu's Sneak Attack

Chapter 1716 Daihu's Sneak Attack

"You're talking to me!" Luo Rongrong walked a few steps quickly, rushed up, grabbed Mu Ping's ear, and twisted it three times to the left and three times to the right.Seeing Luo Rongrong's coercion towards Ambassador Mu Ping, not to mention Mu Ping was shocked, even Dao Scar couldn't help but widen his eyes, and murmured: "You really don't look like you, at this level, the two tigresses in my family are more It may not be comparable to...that, that Muping, you young couple are chatting here first, I...I'll go and see Daihu."

"Brother Scar, you can't leave, help!" Seeing that Scar was about to leave, Mu Ping quickly yelled loudly.When he came outside the door, the scar wiped his forehead, and said to himself: "Save you? I have the heart but not the guts..."

Shaking his head, Scar lamented the horror of the woman and came to the room where Daihu was held.As soon as Scar stepped into the room, a strong cold wind rushed over from the slant. Scar raised his eyebrows, tilted his head back slightly, and flashed a fist against his nose.Scar's hand was as fast as lightning, and he grabbed the fist.At the same time, there was another whirring sound of fists piercing the wind from the other side. Scar swept away with a sidelight, and saw a fist as big as a sandbag smashing towards his temple at an alarming speed.

Scar smiled slightly, and suddenly pushed the fist in his hand, the owner of that fist exclaimed immediately, and was pulled over by him, blocking the subsequent fist, and the second one sneaked up on Scar Seeing that his fist was about to fall on his own body, he exclaimed, angrily exerted force, twisted his fist aside, staggered his own body, and smashed it against the wall. He screamed in pain. A few times.

Scar conveniently threw the soldier he used as a shield out, moved his body, and rushed to the center of the room.Turning his eyes, he saw that Dai Hu led five or six soldiers and surrounded Dao Scar.

"Your skill is really not simple, such a sneak attack can't touch you!" Dai Hu said coldly, looking at the scar with a sullen face.

Dao Scar smiled slightly, and said faintly: "I'm amazing. Didn't you already learn from Wu Jingtong's tent dumping? Why, don't you give up?"

Dai Hu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right, I'm not your opponent, but we have seven people here now, I don't believe that we can't hold you with the strength of the seven of us."

Dao Scar frowned, and said: "Let's not say whether you can catch me, but I want to know first, why are you holding me?"

"Nonsense! After capturing you, you won't dare to hurt our Deputy Chief Wu!" A soldier opened his mouth and shouted.

Scar nodded, and said with a smile: "It's rare that you are so loyal to Wu Jingtong. But sometimes, loyalty alone is useless. It also depends on strength!"

"Today, I will let you see the true strength of our army!" Dai Hu said in a deep voice, took a step forward, and shouted in a deep voice facing Dao Scar.

"Okay, come on! I also want to see how far the soldiers brought out by Wu Jingtong can reach." Scar's face was full of smiles, some of them were playing but not playing, that was not Scar's style.

"Look at the fist!" Among the six fighters, one couldn't hold his breath, and rushed out with a roar, his fist smashed towards Scar like thunder.Scar's eyes widened, and he kicked his leg like lightning. The soldier's fist was still far away from Scar, and he had already been kicked out by Scar first.He fell to the ground and trembled a few times, then became silent.

Dai Hu's complexion changed, Dao Scar smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry! He just fainted, and he will be fine when he wakes up."

"The movements on your legs are so fast!" Dai Hu said to Dao Scar in surprise.The kick that Scar made just now was surprisingly fast. In his eyes, it was like a flash of lightning, and he didn't even see clearly how Scar made his leg.

"This is called fast? Hehe... I only used less than half of the strength just now."

"I don't believe you're so powerful!" Dai Hu yelled angrily, and was about to punch him, but someone took him a step ahead. Behind Scar, a soldier had been brewing for a long time, and while Scar was talking to Dai Hu, Outraged, he kicked fiercely at the back of Scar's head.Hearing the rumbling wind coming from behind, Scar didn't turn his head back, and his body fell short, allowing the opponent's legs to pass over him.Seeing that the first blow was unsuccessful, the soldier instinctively wanted to draw back his legs and launch a second attack. His reaction was quick, but it was far inferior to Scar, and when he wanted to draw back his legs, he had no chance.Scar's dwarfed figure seemed to be pressed by a spring, and it bounced up violently, sticking to the soldier's retracted leg, and approaching the soldier's arms surprisingly quickly, the soldier was taken aback Before Da Nao gave any instructions to deal with it, Scar's fist landed on his lower abdomen, knocking him to the ground.

As soon as he spoke, two people fell down. With such an attack speed and efficiency, Dai Hu couldn't help trembling in his heart, let alone the other four fighters...

As soon as they spoke, two people fell down. With such an attack speed and efficiency, Dai Hu couldn't help trembling in his heart, let alone the other four fighters.All five of them changed their faces, and the four soldiers turned their heads to look at Dai Hu, their eyes full of questions.As if asking "Can we really beat him?"

Dai Hu gritted his teeth vigorously, and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't panic! Let's work together and attack together!" Amid Dai Hu's roar, the four soldiers finally stabilized their flustered minds, and their eyes became firm. .

"Hehe... Is this Wu Jingtong's army? Its combat effectiveness is so weak, it's as fragile as a child! You are so useless, I can't bear to attack you." Dao Scar is very good at adding fuel to the fire. As soon as the words came out, Dai Hu's eyes widened in anger, and they all gritted their teeth, wishing to eat the scars raw.

"Attack!" Dai Hu yelled angrily, and took the lead. His two fists were like two hammers, flying up, and his fists couldn't leave Scar's temple.The other four fighters also moved, and surrounded Dao Scar from four directions, cooperating with Dai Hu's attack.

The five of them are all carefully selected elites in Wu Jingtong's army, and they have experienced countless battles with each other and reached a fairly tacit understanding.At this time, the five people shot at the same time, some were dominant and some were submissive, some were attacking and some were defending, some were advancing and some were retreating, they interweaved into a three-dimensional crossfire net, as if they were going to hang Scar to death in one breath.The power is no small matter, and it finally made Scar not completely disappointed.Pulling up his spirits, he advanced instead of retreating, facing Dai Hu's fist, and broke straight into the net set by the five people.

"Hahaha...Your broken net also wants to net me Scar, you have miscalculated!" Scar said with a laugh while dodging Daihu's frenzied attack with ease.

Dai Hu was in no mood at this time, and had no time to bicker with Scar.Although his fists danced airtightly, Scar was like a slippery fish, every time Daihu thought he was about to hit him, Scar would lightly shake and disappear in front of him.This feeling of using all the strength in his body, but he just couldn't catch the other party, made Dai Hu feel aggrieved to death. "Chong Chong Chong, seal all his escape routes, trap him to death!" Dai Hu missed another blow, and yelled at the four soldiers frantically.

After hearing this, the four soldiers gritted their teeth tightly, and with all their strength, they outflanked the scar.The nets laid by the five people became tighter and tighter, and Scar's room for movement became smaller and smaller.Before, Scar could dodge Daihu's attack at will, but now, he had to confront Daihu from time to time.

"Hehe... If you were only in the army, you would already be regarded as the elite of the elite, but in front of me, Scar, you are still far behind!" , chuckled, and started to attack.

Dai Hu knew that Scar was powerful, and if he was allowed to spread his hands and feet, they would definitely lose. He felt anxious, and kicked Scar's chest desperately.It was so close to Scar, and the movement of his legs was so clean and quick, without muddling at all, Dai Hu thought that this leg would definitely leave something on Scar's body, but he was still disappointed up.Dao Scar's figure suddenly shifted, ignoring the approaching fist behind him, he stepped aside Daihu's leg attack, and suddenly kicked sideways, knocking a soldier beside him to the ground, leaving a gap, He dodged and jumped over, and as soon as he moved, the fist behind him hit the empty space.

The owner of that fist never expected that Scar could escape in such a situation, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, taking advantage of his time of being stunned, before Scar's figure could stand still, he He threw his leg and kicked him to the ground.Although Dai Hu had tried his best to readjust, he was still not as fast as Scar. When he adjusted, two soldiers had already fallen to the ground one after another.

Being defeated so easily by Scar, a strong sense of humiliation suddenly hit Daidaihu's heart.Dai Hu had never experienced this kind of strong stimulation before.Unable to deal with this emotion, Dai Hu seemed to turn into a mad tiger, roaring like a wild beast, and rushed towards Dao Scar.

Dao Scar frowned, stretched out his leg and tripped, and Dai Hu immediately fell heavily to the ground.Dai Hu seemed to have lost his sense of pain, and roared angrily, ignoring the knocked and bleeding front teeth, he opened his teeth and claws, and rushed towards the scar without any rules.The remaining two soldiers had never seen Dai Hu like this before, they were all dumbstruck, staring blankly at Dai Hu who kept roaring and culling, not knowing what to do.

"Wake up!" Dao Scar roared angrily, grabbed Dai Hu by the collar, lifted him up, and then ruthlessly poured him on the ground.

"Let go of me, I'll fight with you!" Dai Hu refused to give up even though he was pressed to the ground by the scar, waving his hands, struggling and shouting non-stop.

"Fight? Can you fight me?" Dao Scar snorted coldly and said with a gloomy expression.

"Then you kill me! If you have the guts, you kill me!" Dai Hu raised his head high, with an unyielding expression, and stared fiercely at Scar.

"Why should I kill you? I'm not a murderer! What's more, leaving you as a little thing at my disposal, teasing and teasing from time to time, to relieve boredom, that would be great, how could I be willing to kill you? Hehe... " Scar firmly controlled Daihu on the ground, and said with a sinister smile.

"Let go of our chief of guards!" The other two soldiers came to their senses at this moment, and rushed forward to rescue Daihu from Dao Scar's grasp.However, how could the two of them be Scar's opponents? Scar was holding Daihu with one hand, and with the other hand, he punched them twice in the blink of an eye, knocking them to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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