The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1717 The Power of the Heavenly Army!

Chapter 1717 The Power of the Heavenly Army!

Dao Scar tsk-tsk said loudly: "I really can't figure it out, you are so useless, why do they still try their best to save you? Could it be that they are actually trash like you?"

"Waste? Who are you calling trash!?" Dai Hu's face was full of anger, and he stared fiercely at Scar, as if he wanted to incinerate him with the anger in his eyes.

Facing Dai Hu's angry eyes, Dao Scar didn't seem to see it, sneered, and said quietly: "Aren't you a waste? If you lose a fight, you bite everywhere like a mad dog. You still mean to be called Daihu, how can you be worthy of the word tiger? I think you are still Daigou!"

"Why do you insult me ​​like this?" Dai Hu roared hoarsely.

"I'm just insulting you, what can you do?" Scar said with a curled lip.

"I will definitely avenge this revenge on you!" Dai Hu roared.

"Revenge? Revenge is okay, but it seems that only the living can seek revenge? You are looking for your own death now, and you don't want to live. How do you seek revenge from me? So I say you are a waste, you can just talk big! "Scar sneered and said sarcastically.

"Who said I want to die? I won't die until I beat you!" Dai Hu shouted angrily.

"You don't want to die? Then you just jumped at me like a mad dog without any rules. What are you doing? Oh my god, you don't think my scar is paper, you just send it If you go crazy, you can get me done, right?" Dao Scar looked at Dai Hu with an incredulous expression and asked.

Dao Scar's cynicism made Dai Hu's face turn red, Dao Scar's hand holding him firmly like iron tongs made him calm down even more, and he murmured: "Can you let me go? "

"Why, are you not going crazy anymore?" Scar chuckled and let go of his hand.

Dai Hu nodded with shame all over his face, and said quietly: "I'm sorry..."

Scar nodded, and said: "Well, you should apologize, but not to me, but to these fallen brothers of yours. They trust you so much and give their lives to you! But you, because If you lose the battle, you will go crazy and lose your mind. How can you let them follow you in the future? Even if you continue to follow you, one day, you will go crazy again and lose your life!"

"Just now... I didn't know what happened just now, but I suddenly lost my mind. Maybe I have been under too much pressure facing you Lightning Gang these days. You are very strong, not ordinary strong, so strong that I and My brother is not your opponent at all, and he can only be beaten passively. I have never experienced such a feeling. The feeling is really terrible, like a nightmare from which I can never wake up! I I long to defeat you, even if only once!" Scar shook his head, and spoke out his heart with a bitter face.

Scar chuckled, and said slowly: "Looking at the world, there are tens of thousands of people who want to defeat Scar, if everyone is like you and goes crazy at every turn, then I will save trouble! Do you know , how stupid you are when you go crazy, I can smooth you out with just one finger."

"I know I was wrong, but it will only happen this time. The next time we face each other again, I will never do it again!" Dai Hu said in a vibrating voice.

"I hope so! You don't know, when a person faces the world and has no opponent, the kind of loneliness that is so high can drive people crazy. With you as an opponent, I think my life should be It won't be so boring forever!" Scar said with a smile.

" think I'm your opponent? Am I... am I worthy?" Dao Scar's words shocked Dai Hu's heart, he stared at Dao Scar with wide eyes, and murmured in a somewhat unconfident voice road.

"Now you are unworthy! However, I believe that in the future you may barely be regarded as my opponent. Hehe..." Scar waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry! One day, I will become your real opponent!" Dai Hu cheered up and shouted.

"Confidence is a good thing, but don't blame me for throwing cold water on you. If you want to become my real opponent, there is still a long, long way to go, and if you want to beat me, hahaha... that's even more out of reach Heck!"

"Then just wait! Maybe this day will come sooner than you imagined!" Dai Hu clenched his fists, staring at the scar, and said every word.

"Okay, thank you for playing a good game with me, when your brothers wake up, you can leave!" Scar said.

"You can let us go, I am very grateful to you, but I have one more request. I hope you don't embarrass our deputy leader Wu. In fact, he is not targeting you for his own sake. He is sincerely for the good of this country. , it's just that his judgment may have been biased, so I hope you can..."

Before Dai Hu could finish speaking, Dao Scar interrupted him, saying: "Now you are still in my Dao Scar's hands, do you still have the mind to intercede for your Deputy Chief Wu?"

"Mr. Wu's kindness to me is as great as a mountain. Without him, there would be no Daihu today! I can't do it if I want to watch him suffer! If you must find someone to vent your anger, then you can find me. You are willing to let Mr. Wu go!" Dai Hu gritted his teeth and said in a vibrating voice.

"Okay! Don't think that I let you go, you think you are so great in my heart. You are not qualified to plead for Wu Jingtong, and your pleading will not have the slightest influence on my decision, so you just Don't waste your saliva anymore, take yours and get out of here!" Scar said with a cold expression.

Seeing that Scar was so decisive, Dai Hu couldn't help frowning, and asked repeatedly: "What do you want to do to our Deputy Chief Wu?"

"You really want to know?" Scar smiled, turned to look at him, and asked.

Dai Hu nodded impatiently and said, "Please tell me!"

Scar said with a smile: "Okay! Seeing that you are so loyal to protect me, I will tell you! I am going to... invite your Deputy Chief Wu to drink!"

"Don't, please... wait, you... what did you say?" Dai Hu didn't react at first, and instinctively asked Scar to be merciful to Wu Jingtong, but then he suddenly reacted, opening his mouth and opening it into an O shape , looking at Scar in disbelief and murmured.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Dai Hu's funny expression, Dao Scar couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said repeatedly: "You idiot, do you really think that I will kill Deputy Chief Wu? It’s not as muddy as you imagined. To tell you the truth, Vice Chief Wu and I are already friends, and I’ll set up a special banquet for him tonight. You come tonight too, and we’ll have a good drink! You fight You can't beat me, if you can't drink me anymore, you should really find a crack in the ground and get in, so as not to embarrass yourself, hahaha..."

"What you said is true, aren't you... lying to me?" Dai Hu is most worried about how Dao Scar will take revenge on Wu Jingtong. At this time, he heard that Dao Scar and Wu Jingtong have become friends. Dai Hu really started to feel a little bit Doubting my ears...

"I hate others to lie to me the most, so I will not lie to others! Deputy Chief Wu has realized that he has misunderstood our Lightning Gang, so his heart has also been opened, and he will smile away all grievances and hatred with me. An enemy is a friend, and I will not get drunk with me tonight! Hehe!" Dao Scar said with a smile.Seeing Scar's expression didn't seem like he was lying, Dai Hu was so excited, he nodded repeatedly and said, "Mr. Scar, thank you for your generosity!

Scar waved his hand and said, "It has nothing to do with magnanimity! I respect the character of Deputy Chief Wu. Although he is a bit stubborn at times, he has dedicated his life to the whole country! For an old man like him Senior, what else can we do besides respecting you? Go back quickly, Deputy Chief Wu is very worried about you for fear that I will hurt you! If you don’t go back again, I’m afraid he will come to ask me I need someone, hahaha!"

Scar kept his word, and had someone allocate [-] million from the Lightning Gang's account on the same day to use for the education of City M!

The children have spacious and bright classrooms to attend classes, and the teachers have received the wages that have been owed for a long time, so they can teach without worrying about the future. The people in the entire city of M all remember the merits of the scar and the Lightning Gang. When they heard about it, Lightning The gang is going to hold a grand celebration banquet in m city, and various hotels in m city have come forward to host it!This is beautiful for Mu Ping, because many hotels are willing to entertain Lightning Gang fighters for free, which can save him a lot of expenses.

However, just when Scar thought everything was over and was preparing to have a big feast at night, what he didn't expect was that another more turbulent storm was already brewing.

Taklimakan is thousands of miles away from the city of M.The great desert in the past has been built by Li Xiang and a group of botanists, and now it has become a new world with lush vegetation and beautiful scenery.Compared with the previous scene of yellow sand and thousands of miles of desolation here, the changes in the blanket are so great that people are dumbfounded.As the environment continues to change, more and more tourists begin to choose this place as one of the tourist destinations. At the same time, those residents who originally lived around the Taklimakan, but were forced to relocate due to the continuous expansion of the desert, also moved After returning to herd sheep and horses, the original Taklimakan Desert has become one of the best high-quality pastures in the country.

Because of this, Taklamakan has become more and more lively day by day, as if it has become another lush town in the frontier.With Hu Dinghai as the commander, all the elite heavenly troops from the eight major military regions in the country have been assembled, and they have already possessed considerable combat effectiveness under day and night drills.Because this space army is originally composed of elite troops from various military regions, and the weapons they use are all weapons provided by the space center that are more than 50 years ahead of the world's technological level, which makes the combat effectiveness of this army reach to an appalling extent.

Hu Dinghai has always wanted his army to conduct a real exercise with brother troops across the country, but he has never dared.I am afraid that after an exercise, the powerful combat power of the space army will be exposed to the eyes of the whole world, causing panic in other countries.Because the combat effectiveness of this celestial army is too strong, Hu Dinghai once conservatively estimated that this 10,000+ celestial army can completely sweep any domestic army whose number is more than ten times that of the celestial army within an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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