The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1718 Trembling before the sky thorn!

Chapter 1718 Trembling before the sky thorn!

The soldiers of the Heavenly Army have such a powerful combat power that Hu Dinghai looks at them as if they are looking at rare treasures, and it is difficult to let go of them.For Hu Dinghai, being able to bring out such a powerful force, he has been very satisfied in his life.However, Hu Dinghai still has a heart problem, that is, no matter how his fighters are trained, they are just not as good as the sky thorns.

In order to protect the safety of the space center and prevent it from being infiltrated by foreign spies, Li Xiaogang specially dispatched 20 soldiers from the Sky Spike long ago. They, headed by Sun Gan, patrolled the safety around the space center day and night.Although there are only 20 people, the combat effectiveness of these [-] people has taught Hu Dinghai a solid lesson.

That time, Hu Dinghai's space army had just finished a thousand-mile training, and the results were impressive. If those domestic and foreign military experts saw their training results, they would definitely regard them as aliens.Hu Dinghai was no exception. He himself was very satisfied with such a result, and was even a little proud. He wanted to find an opponent for himself, to come to an actual battle, and to test the true strength of the Heavenly Army in the actual battle.However, the Celestial Army is the top secret of the country, and it cannot go out of the Taklimakan, let alone be exposed to the world at this stage.And when you fight yourself, you are very familiar with each other, so fighting is boring, and you can't test anything real.Just when Hu Dinghai was worried, Sun Gan came to the door on his own initiative, saying that he would bring his [-] celestial thorn fighters to have a real fight with their celestial army.

At that time, Hu Dinghai felt very disapproving. Can 20 people be regarded as an army?How much valuable information can be obtained from a contest with an army of only twenty fighters?However, under Sun Gan's repeated request, Hu Dinghai finally agreed with some reluctance, and decided to send a team of 20 people to have a one-on-one contest with the Sky Spike.The result was rejected by Sun Gan.When he heard that Sun Gan asked Hu Dinghai to send 200 soldiers, and they must be the most elite fighters in the Heavenly Army, Hu Dinghai only thought that Sun Gan was crazy and wanted to die.

It's not that Hu Dinghai is not clear about the strength of the Sky Spike. Now the instructors of the Sky Army are all from the Sky Spike. If it weren't for their hand-in-hand teaching, the Sky Army would not have the combat effectiveness it has today.Hu Dinghai admired the Sky Spike very much, and he knew in his heart that if it was an ordinary army, let alone twenty vs. two hundred, even if it was against four hundred or eight hundred, the Sky Spike also had a high chance of winning.However, Hu Dinghai believed that the Heavenly Army was no longer at the same level as other domestic troops, and naturally it could not be measured by the combat effectiveness of ordinary troops.

Hu Dinghai didn't agree with life and death at the beginning, but in the end he was hit by Sun Gan's aggressive method, and angrily responded to this exercise with great disparity in strength.The two parties agreed that the two armies would fight against each other, and the one who captured the opposing commander would win.The commander-in-chief of the Tianjun is naturally Hu Dinghai, and the commander of the Tianci is Sun Gan.

The drills of both sides started on a sunny morning.Hu Dinghai felt that his side had the upper hand in terms of strength, and he didn't need any strategy at all, so the old god was just waiting for the sky stab to attack.As a general with great experience in battle, Hu Dinghai knew that the strength of the Sky Spike was at an absolute disadvantage. Under such circumstances, if he wanted to win more with less, he would definitely win with surprise, and sneak attacks and infiltration would be inevitable.So they arranged a loose outside and tight inside in advance. On the surface, they seemed to be unprepared, but in fact, secretly sentry and ambush, and arranged the entire headquarters of their own airtightly, waiting for the sky thorns to come and throw themselves into the net.

Because Hu Dinghai's superiority in military strength is too great, even with such an arrangement, there are still [-] soldiers who have nothing to do, so Hu Dinghai secretly sent them to Sun Gan's headquarters, preparing to take advantage of the sky's thorns. When the main force came to take him, he took Sun Gan's lair.After everything was arranged properly, Hu Dinghai started to plan the construction and training of the next step of the space army as if nothing happened. The commanders of the various teams he had arranged in advance would come and command the rest of the exercise.

However, Hu Dinghai counted everything and thought that the clothes were perfect, but he never thought that if Sun Gan hadn't had full confidence, how could he make such a crazy decision to challenge Hu Dinghai's 20 people with 200 people.About an hour after the exercise started, the door of Hu Dinghai's headquarters was knocked. Hu Dinghai raised his head from the mountain of documents, looked at his watch, and thought it was his soldiers who came to report victory to him, so he tidied up , opened the door.Seeing that the person standing outside the door was none other than Sun Gan, Hu Dinghai couldn't help but said with a smile, "Sun Gan, you were captured by me in just an hour, isn't it too easy?"

"Captured by you? Hahaha my General Hu, did you just wake up?" Hearing what Hu Dinghai said, Sun Gan couldn't help but burst out laughing.Hearing Sun Gan's laughter, Hu Dinghai's face changed, only then did he realize that the people around Sun Gan were all the thorns, but none of his fighters were seen.Hu Dinghai felt a strong ominous premonition in his heart, but he couldn't believe it was true, so he asked in surprise, "Isn't it impossible?"

Sun Gan smiled and said, "Impossible? General Hu, you can tell if you look outside!" Sun Gan turned his head and looked out the window in surprise. He finally found his soldiers, but they At this time, all of them were lying on the ground. "What's going on here?" Hu Dinghai murmured in surprise.Sun Gan laughed and said, "What's the matter? You have become my prisoner now, and the exercise is over!"
"No, it's impossible! I have two hundred fighters, and you have only 20 fighters. How could you defeat them so easily? You must be cheating!" Hu Dinghai yelled loudly like this for the first time up.

Sun Gan smiled and said, "If you suspect that I'm cheating, it's easy. Just look at the surveillance video of the whole process and you'll know?"

"Yes! Watch the video!" Hearing what Sun Gan said, Hu Dinghai rushed into the exercise monitoring room.The video of the entire exercise process was called out.After watching the video, Hu Dinghai didn't close his mouth for 10 minutes.He originally thought that the Sky Spike would win by surprise, but the result was completely beyond his imagination.Sun Gan didn't use any tactics at all, but adopted a head-on, frontal attack!Under the leadership of Sun Gan, the [-] Sky Spike fighters galloped like a pack of wolves on the green playground, leaving Sun Gan's headquarters and heading straight for Hu Dinghai's headquarters.

On the way to attack, Sun Gan and the others encountered the fifty soldiers sent by Hu Dinghai to sneak attack on Sun Gan's headquarters.The first time the two sides met, before Hu Dinghai's Heavenly Army had formed their formation, Sun Gan led [-] Heavenly Spikes in a free-to-attack battle formation, and rushed straight into the Heavenly Army's camp.What happened after the hand-to-hand combat surprised Hu Dinghai even more.Twenty heavenly thorns were like wolves rushing into a flock of sheep, rushing left and right in the camp of the heavenly army, a few came in and out, and fifty soldiers of the heavenly army were thrown down one by one before they could react. land.

Hu Dinghai never imagined that the soldiers of the Heavenly Army, whom he had always been proud of, would be so fragile. In front of Sun Gan and the others, they were really like fragile babies.It took less than 10 minutes from the meeting to the time when the Tianthorn warriors galloped on the grassland again like the wind.All this was like a nightmare to Hu Dinghai.

However, this is just the beginning. After leveling the fifty soldiers of the Heavenly Army, the Heavenly Spike did not stay for a moment, even without the necessary rest, and continued to run towards Hu Dinghai's headquarters. At this time, he Hu Dinghai Ding Hai still seems to be fine, and is in the headquarters, drawing up the training plan for the next stage.

Around his headquarters, Hu Dinghai set up a total of three circular defense lines, about 1000 meters apart in front and back. However, this line of defense is also weak in front of the sky thorn.

On the first line of defense, Hu Dinghai deployed fifty soldiers.The commander of the first line of defense, seeing all the sky thorns appearing at the same time, immediately sent a signal to the second line of defense, ordering the second line of defense to move forward rapidly, and together with the soldiers of the first line of defense, completely wiped out the sky thorns.

There is nothing wrong with such an approach. Knowing that all the enemy's troops are here, instead of defending one by one and being defeated by others, it is better to gather together and destroy the enemy in one fell swoop with superior forces.If Hu Dinghai was directing the battle, he would do the same.

However, this seemed to be a very correct response to the battle, but it didn't work at all.The soldiers of the Sky Spike seemed to be fighting crazy, and their fighting power was even more ferocious than when they met the fifty soldiers of the Heavenly Army at the beginning.Where are twenty people here, clearly twenty sharp knives, which fiercely cut into the first line of defense laid down by the soldiers of the Heavenly Army.Just like a bullet fired from a machine gun, from the moment of contact, it shattered the defense line of the soldiers of the Heavenly Army into a sieve.Like a gust of wind blowing through the woods, the soldiers of the Heavenly Army fell down one after another. In the video, Hu Dinghai clearly saw his soldiers with panic and fear on their faces.No wonder they felt scared. Even Hu Dinghai, seeing such a strong fighting power of the sky thorn, his complexion changed drastically and his breathing became short of breath.

On the second line of defense of the Heavenly Army, Hu Dinghai also deployed fifty soldiers.As soon as they received the signal from the first line of defense, the fifty fighters quickly approached the first line of defense.The distance between the two sides was only 1000 meters, and the soldiers on the second line of defense could even hear the screams and roars of the heavenly soldiers on the first line of defense being knocked down by the sky thorns.With the speed of the Celestial Army, it only takes 1000 minutes to reach a distance of 3 meters, but these 3 minutes are more than enough for the [-] Celestial Army soldiers to destroy the first line of defense.

When the soldiers of the second line of defense sensed the position of the first line of defense at the fastest speed, there were less than ten of the fifty soldiers of the sky army stationed in charge of the first line of defense standing. These ten people were completely swallowed up by the heavenly soldiers who were as fierce as wolves in the blink of an eye.

Watching helplessly as his companions and comrades were knocked down, the proud Heavenly Army naturally couldn't accept this reality, and then the fifty Heavenly Army soldiers who came to the second line of defense all widened their eyes full of anger. When they worked hard and completely defeated them without giving the sky thorns any respite, something unexpected happened to them. The twenty sky thorns who had just settled the first line of defense should feel tired , need to rest, but the sky thorn fighters let alone rest, they didn't even pause at all. Almost at the same time when the last ten soldiers of the first line of defense fell to the ground, they immediately moved against the soldiers who came after them. The attack of the sky army soldiers on the second line of defense.

These heavenly soldiers on the second line of defense were forced to switch to defense before they had time to form an offensive formation.Sky Spike has already experienced two battles with less fighting and more battles. Logically speaking, they should be very tired, but this team of only twenty Sky Spike fighters did not show the slightest fatigue. Their fighting spirit is still at its peak, their fighting spirit is still high, and the roar they make when they rush towards the enemy group is still so resonant and shocking.Hu Dinghai felt unbelievable that he could maintain such a vigorous fighting force after repeated hard battles and long-distance raids.The Conscious Heavenly Army will never be able to achieve this level.For a moment, Hu Dinghai felt the almost insurmountable huge gap between the Heavenly Army and the Heavenly Spike.

This exercise stipulates that the two sides cannot use any firearms, so the only thing the fighters on both sides can use is their own pair of fists.Such a regulation undoubtedly put the Sky Spike in an even more unfavorable position.With a gun in hand, as long as the marksmanship is accurate enough and the reaction is fast enough, it is not difficult to fight one against ten, but if you are only allowed to hit with your fists, it is not an ordinary difficulty to hit ten people with the strength of one person.But this is something that most people think is very difficult, it seems to be not so difficult here in the sky.The sky thorn fighters seem to have complete strength. After going through repeated battles, the strength of their fists is still so mighty and terrifying.

Hu Dinghai saw with his own eyes that a soldier of the Celestial Army lost his combat effectiveness after only being punched by the thorn from the sky, and fell into a coma.This kind of power is probably no weaker than a bullet.Of course, the soldiers of the Heavenly Army are not weak and can only be slaughtered by others. From time to time, they can also hit the sky thorns, but their fists seem to be just a child's play for the sky thorns. No frowns.If it wasn't for the fact that the soldiers of the Sky Spike were all wearing thin black tight-fitting vests, Hu Dinghai would have wondered if they were secretly wearing armor.

Although the soldiers of the Heavenly Army received a strong stimulus after witnessing their companions being knocked down with their own eyes, and showed a lot of combat power, it was still difficult to stop the pace of the Heavenly Thorn.Especially Sun Gan, at this time is even more in the limelight, his body sweeps around like a whirlwind, wherever he goes, the soldiers of the heavenly army will fall down one by one, fifty soldiers of the heavenly army, just There are more than a dozen who were knocked down by him.

This time, the soldiers of the Celestial Army persisted for a little longer, but only for a few minutes, following in the footsteps of the soldiers of the Celestial Army on the first line of defense.So far, after three battles, Hu Dinghai has reimbursed 150 soldiers, while only five or six were injured in the sky thorn, and they were still minor injuries, not much worse than being bitten by a mosquito.At this moment, Hu Dinghai, who was staring at the video, had no surprise or shock on his face, only calm thinking and admiration in his eyes from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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