The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1927 The Genesis Departs!

Chapter 1927 The Genesis Departs!

Seeing Li Wenqing's excited tears filled his eyes, Shen Qihong did not laugh at him. As a scientist like Li Wenqing, he could understand Li Wenqing's feelings too well.If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet Li Xiaogang, I'm afraid he wouldn't have such a day.Thinking of this, Li Wenqing couldn't help but glance at Li Xiaogang, full of gratitude.

"Xiao Gang, Director Li, we've arrived, that's our destination!" After the Yanhuang fighter plane flew in space for a long time, Shen Qihong suddenly pointed in a direction, excited and excited.

Upon hearing this, Li Wenqing hurriedly followed Shen Qihong's guidance and turned her head to look over. With this look, Li Wenqing saw an astonishing sight that he would never forget in his life.I saw a huge monster that was much bigger than ten aircraft carriers put together, like a monster dormant in the shadows, floating quietly in space.The lights on the interstellar battleship are scattered, brighter than the stars.Around, dozens of Yanhuang fighter planes shuttled back and forth, serving as guards.

If Li Wenqing hadn't witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he would have thought it was a scene from some sci-fi blockbuster.

Li Wenqing was excited, shocked, trembling all over, her eyes couldn't be opened any bigger, and she even stopped breathing.Although Li Xiaogang was much calmer than him, he couldn't help showing surprise and excitement when he saw the scene in front of him.

The last time Li Xiaogang visited the Genesis, the Genesis was in the assembly stage.At that time, Li Xiaogang could only feel its magnificence and grandeur, but when the Genesis really soared in space and belonged to its domain, what Li Xiaogang felt was not only the hugeness and grandeur, but also from Genesis. I felt a kind of unparalleled arrogance.Just like a crazy basket swimming in the magnificent shouts, that kind of invincible spirit is what makes Li Xiaogang most excited.

"I-I'm not dreaming, am I?" Li Wenqing was so excited, her voice was trembling, and she was almost unable to speak.

Shen Qihong looked at Genesis, and said with a smile: "When Genesis took off, I thought I was dreaming just like you. I still remember the feeling of not being able to tell if it was a dream or real. still fresh.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, and said word by word: "Xiao Gang, after three years, we finally succeeded!

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "Brother Shen, in three years, you have accomplished a great feat that human beings could not accomplish in 100 years. You will be written as a legend and recorded in the annals of human history!"
Shen Qihong shook his head, smiled calmly and said: "I don't want to be recorded in any history books, I just want to watch Genesis fight with my own eyes, defend our earth, and defend our homeland!

"It won't be long, you will definitely see it!" Li Xiaogang murmured as he gazed deeply into the depths of the universe.

"Salute!" As soon as the three of them stepped onto the Genesis, an officer in the uniform of a colonel of the Heavenly Army walked over with a group of strong and mighty soldiers.

"Xiao Gang, let me introduce to you."

Shen Qihong just wanted to introduce this officer to Li Xiaogang, but Li Xiaogang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, if I remember correctly, this must be Lieutenant Colonel Jinshan Jin, right? Oh, no, it's Colonel Jin now The promotion is fast enough, hehe!"

When Jin Shan heard this, he looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement, and asked, "Mr. Li, do you still remember me?"

Li Xiaogang nodded repeatedly and said: "I remember, how could I not remember! You are General Hu's most valued subordinate! Not only do I remember you, but I am also deeply impressed! Hahaha!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang not only called out his own name accurately, but even remembered his past military rank clearly, a kind of inexplicable encouragement immediately swelled in Jin Shan's heart.To Li Xiaogang, he saluted another standard and forceful military salute.

The more elite a soldier is, the less talk he has!They are better at expressing their thoughts with actions.From this military salute, there are too many things that Jin Shan wants to express to Li Xiaogang.

Under the leadership of Jin Shan, the three of them walked all the way to the brain of Genesis and the combat command room.All I saw along the way were well-organized soldiers of the Heavenly Army, and many of them were robots of various types shuttling back and forth.

Walking here, Li Wenqing felt as if he had traveled to the future. He, an excellent scientist, has now become a veritable earth leopard.

"Jin Shan, why didn't my brother Hu come up?" Li Xiaogang turned to Jin Shan and asked.

Jin Shan snorted, and said: "General Hu is organizing the training of the Heavenly Army now. The world military exercise is approaching. General Hu said, this battle must show the prestige of our Heavenly Army, and you will never let Mr. Li down!"
Li Xiaogang nodded, smiled, and said: "I have absolute confidence in your heavenly army! Tell General Hu for me, don't attack too hard, and let the whole world lose face, and our leader will be embarrassed! Hehe..." When a few people came to the combat command room, after Shen Qihong's detailed explanation along the way, Li Wenqing already had a three-point understanding of the Genesis.

In his opinion, the Genesis is a future battleship that jumped out of a space crack. Every technology used here, even if it is trivial, is 100 years more advanced than the scientific and technological concepts on the earth, and some are even more advanced. many.Among them, there are many theories that subvert Einstein's laws, which opened Li Wenqing's eyes.

Not to mention Li Wenqing, even Shen Qihong sometimes feels very surprised and unbelievable.In fact, the Genesis is suspected to be a product cloned by Li Xiaogang from ancient civilizations.Many technologies and theories, Shen Qihong and the others know it, but don't know why.Many of them, Shen Qihong even felt, were completely contrary to modern scientific theories and were impossible to realize.However, all his doubts disappeared when the Genesis sailed perfectly through space.If the scientific theories used in the construction of interstellar warships were compiled into a book, it would definitely shock all the scientists in the world.The laws and truths they believed in on weekdays have all become nonsense and fallacies here.

Now the Genesis is still in a state of secrecy, and Shen Qihong can imagine that one day, the Genesis will be exposed in front of the world. At that time, the entire human world will enter an era of knowledge explosion!
The three of them boarded the Genesis this time, not to visit the Genesis, so the topic of the few people did not stay on the Genesis, but shifted to the asteroid that was about to destroy the earth.

It was Li Xiaogang who spoke first, "Brother Shen, Director Li, I have thought about it, instead of completely destroying this asteroid, it is better to turn waste into treasure and develop and utilize the minerals on the asteroid!
"But is there such a technology now?" Li Wenqing regretted it as soon as she asked.People have made interstellar warships. Will this technology of mining on asteroids still exist?Sure enough, Li Wenqing's words hadn't landed yet, and Li Xiaogang and Shen Qihong's mouths showed faint smiles almost at the same time.Although this smile was not meant to be ridiculed, it was enough to make Li Wenqing blush.

Seeing Li Wenqing's embarrassment, Shen Qihong patted him on the shoulder empathetically to show comfort, and then said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiao Gang, what's your plan?"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "You are scientists, you should be the ones who want to plan? I just think it is better to use asteroids than destroy asteroids. As for how to use them and the specific methods, I need you to think about them!

Shen Qihong nodded, and said slowly: "Now the asteroid is too far away from us, we still have no way of knowing the specific environment on the asteroid, let alone what kind of minerals are there on the asteroid, and what type of minerals should we send? Mining bots, that's a problem.

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said: "It's a problem, let's find a way to solve him! Let's send people to the asteroid to see what's going on first!
"Xiao Gang, it's quite dangerous to board an asteroid without knowing anything about its geographical structure." Shen Qihong reminded Li Xiaogang with a solemn expression.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter! Let me go!

"You!? That's even worse! If something happens to you, the leader and Rong'er will eat me alive!" Shen Qihong objected fiercely when he heard this.

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly when he heard it, and said in a vibrating voice: "Brother Shen, don't you have so little confidence in me, Li Xiaogang?"

Shen Qihong shook his head, and said in an eager voice: "This is not a question of confidence, it is about your life! None of us can afford such a big risk!

Li Xiaogang knew that Shen Qihong was caring about him, he smiled, and said with a serious expression: "Brother Shen, I may take a risk by going up, but if someone else goes up, it will be death!
"but one"

Shen Qihong's words were interrupted by Li Xiaogang waving his hand, and he raised his voice and said, "Brother Shen, you don't need to persuade me anymore! My life, Li Xiaogang, is precious. Isn't the life of others precious? You ordered the boat to sail Let's go! I want to see how fast this Genesis can fly in this vast universe!

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was determined, Shen Qihong also knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore.Sighing lightly, he turned his head and gave an order to Jin Shan: "Towards the asteroid, advance in an all-round way!

Since Genesis came into space, it has been parked in the shadow of the moon and has never moved.When Jinshan heard that now he had the opportunity to travel in space with Genesis, he was very excited.He hurriedly returned to his captain's seat, and gave the order to sail the ship into the microphone!

As soon as the order came, the soldiers of the space army in the interstellar battleship immediately got busy.Each of them performed their duties and stood at their posts, just like huge gears that were tightly biting together, and began to rotate slowly.

After a slight vibration, the Genesis turned the bow, set the course, and began to accelerate.Li Wenqing's nervous heart was beating non-stop like someone was beating a drum.His eyes were tightly shut through the drum window, looking out, he was reluctant to even blink.For fear of missing this moment that is destined to become the most wonderful memory in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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