The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1928 The sixth Yuanshen fragment!

Chapter 1928 The Sixth Primordial Spirit Fragment!
The power plant of the Genesis is powered by amethyst. This amethyst is extremely magical. The energy contained in it is ten times stronger than nuclear energy, and it is non-polluting, noiseless, constant, and there is no need to worry about it will explode.

It is also because of the amethyst that Shen Qihong was able to make a breakthrough in the power issue of the Genesis in a short period of time.

At this time, the energy of the amethyst began to be released, and a ray of purple ammonium chloride suddenly swept across Li Wenqing's eyes, and then Li Wenqing discovered that the space celestial body outside the porthole was exploding backward at an astonishing speed.

"Is the boat moving?" Li Wenqing looked at Shen Qihong and asked blankly.

Shen Qihong laughed a few times, pointed out the window, and said, "Didn't you see it?"

Li Wenqing asked again: "Then what is the current speed?"

Shen Qihong looked at the flight chart and replied with a smile: "Five times the light!

"Tithe what? Five times the light!?" Li Wenqing yelled out in surprise, her eyes full of disbelief.

Shen Qihong understood why he was surprised. The technology on the earth has not even made a breakthrough in light, let alone five times the light.But in the vast universe, if even light can't reach, then I'm afraid you can't go anywhere.

"Oh my god! I didn't expect that I was sailing at five times the speed of light. If I said it, my old friends would definitely say that I was dreaming! But when I got up and flew at five times the speed of light, I actually felt With a little bit of bumping, it's like sitting at home, it's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable!" Li Wenqing kept muttering to himself.

Neither Li Xiaogang nor Shen Qihong spoke at this time. It was best for Li Wenqing to digest this kind of shock.

Flying at five times the light, within a few hours, Genesis found its target, the asteroid that seemed to have hatred for the earth.

Looking at it from such a close distance, everyone's hearts were shocked.This asteroid is really not that big.If such a huge object hits the earth, I am afraid that the earth will not even leave a trace of its existence.

"My God!" Li Wenqing couldn't help but let out an exclamation, his eyes were full of dullness, and his neck couldn't move.

Shen Qihong was not much better than him, so he was also silent at this time.

Li Xiaogang let out a long breath of foul air, and said in a deep voice: "Jinshan, keep going in the same direction as the asteroid, I'm going out!

"Come here! Get Mr. Li a flight suit!" Jin Shan hurriedly ordered.

"No need! I'm not used to carrying that thing!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang's body slowly disappeared into the air as if by magic.

Li Wenqing and Shen Qihong had seen each other a lot now, but this was the first time they had seen Jin Shan. He seemed to have been petrified and could not move.

As soon as he got off the Genesis, Li Xiaogang immediately put a purple shield around his body, isolating himself from the universe.

Floating quietly in the space and watching the surrounding stars revolve endlessly, Li Xiaogang's heart was full of emotion.

This eternal universe, the source of power, was so vast that it made him realize his own insignificance for the first time.What gods, holy things, aren't they playthings in this universe?Shaking his head, Li Xiaogang threw out the chaotic thoughts from his mind, channeled the divine power of Nuwa, and brought a purple light across the dark universe, and landed on the asteroid...

This asteroid is like a strong-tempered horse. As soon as Li Xiaogang stepped on the ground of the asteroid, the ground began to tremble violently. Not far away, a volcano erupted. The torrent rushed down from the high mountain like a waterfall, and it was so fast that it reached Li Xiaogang's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Although the scorching magma couldn't do anything to Li Xiaogang's half body, Li Xiaogang still quickly flew up from the ground and jumped high into the air.

Looking at the trembling ground under his feet, Li Xiaogang felt that this asteroid seemed to be alive.It's waking up right now.

It feels so, in fact, the orbit of asteroids is changing at a high speed, and the earth axis is unstable and the geological conditions are unstable.

Seeing that his feet were almost submerged in magma and there was no longer any ground to stand on, Li Xiaogang dodged and flew sideways.Along the way, there are bottomless ravines or barren land with sharp rocks. I can't help worrying about the fact that there is no place for a huge asteroid.

Just when Li Xiaogang was frowning, the Nuwa divine power in his body suddenly rippled, and then the ripple spread rapidly, covering Li Xiaogang's entire body in an instant.

This sudden change shocked Li Xiaogang's heart. He was so familiar with this feeling that it would only appear when he got close to Nuwa's Yuanshen fragment.Under the rendering of this feeling, Li Xiaogang suddenly felt that this huge asteroid was no longer so strange, but actually kind.

"How could it be? There are fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen on this asteroid!" Li Xiaogang's heart trembled several times, and he couldn't wait to expand his consciousness, covering the entire asteroid in an instant.When Li Xiaogang's spiritual consciousness spread out, that kind of familiar intimacy immediately multiplied.

"There!" Li Xiaogang's slightly squinted eyes opened suddenly, and a purple light suddenly shot out from his eyes, fixed in the direction of the east, at the same time, Li Xiaogang's figure jumped out like a streamer , the blink of an eye disappeared.

"Is this possible?" When Li Xiaogang appeared again, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.I saw that in the extremely harsh environment of the asteroid, the valley where he was standing was peaceful.Even though the surrounding ground is shaking, this place seems to be a pure land, peaceful and peaceful.

This strong contrast, even in the eyes of Li Xiaogang, is unbelievable.The spiritual consciousness slowly explored outwards, and then discovered that an energy shield was placed by someone above the valley, isolating the energy of the outside world.That's what makes it so peaceful here.

Who is it that casts a barrier on such a barren asteroid?Li Xiaogang's mind was filled with doubts.

In this vast valley, Li Xiaogang searched carefully, but he didn't get any valuable clues.Apart from being calm, there is no other difference from the surrounding environment.It is still barren and barren.

"This is impossible!" Li Xiaogang's brows were tightly locked together.This enchantment is flawless and full of energy. Even if it is not for protecting life, it must have other uses.At least the energy core holding this enchantment should be able to be found.This enchantment couldn't have fallen from the sky, could it have been born out of thin air?Unwilling to give up, Li Xiaogang once again used his spiritual consciousness to investigate carefully, but the result was still nothing.Just when his doubts could not be resolved, he suddenly recalled that when he made the quilt for Qin Qin, he found a large number of gems and diamonds under the Taklimakan Desert. His heart was shocked, and his eyes couldn't help looking at own feet.

When the gaze falls, the consciousness follows.As soon as Li Xiaogang's consciousness penetrated into the ground, his mind suddenly shook the Nuwa's divine power in his body, just like the youngest son who had been away from his hometown for a long time and was finally returned, even Li Xiaogang could feel that deep excitement!

"Found it!" Li Xiaogang was overjoyed immediately, and the spirit penetrated downward at a faster speed.Finally, in his sea of ​​consciousness, a colorful purple light appeared, and at the core of this purple light, something was clearly wrapped.Needless to say, that was the sixth fragment of the soul that Li Xiaogang had been looking for for a long time.

Li Xiaogang never imagined that the sixth piece of Yuanshen would be hidden on this alien, and he was full of surprises.

Sensing the vigorous Nuwa divine power in Li Xiaogang's body, the sixth fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen automatically followed the guidance of Li Xiaogang's spiritual consciousness, drilled up from the ground, and floated in front of Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang was amazed at the power contained in the sixth Yuanshen fragment.It is almost equal to the sum of the energy of the previous five Yuanshen fragments.No wonder it can propel such a large asteroid to shuttle through the universe at such a fast speed.People on earth thought it was going to destroy the earth, but only Li Xiaogang knew that it was a fragment of the soul wanting to go home.

The Yuanshen Fragment is like an elf, constantly circling around Li Xiaogang.Just when Li Xiaogang stretched out his hand to grab it, the sixth fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen suddenly spun around on the spot, and then rushed into Li Xiaogang's arms, and got into his body .

Before Li Xiaogang could react, the sixth Yuanshen fragment suddenly released infinite energy and flooded Li Xiaogang's whole body in an instant.The release of this energy is a hundred times more powerful than a nuclear bomb explosion. Even Li Xiaogang, who is as strong as Li Xiaogang, cannot withstand it. Before he can react, his body is blown to pieces by the energy released by the fragments of the soul.

If it wasn't for Li Xiaogang's mind running so fast, I'm afraid even his mind would be ruined together!
The five Yuanshen fragments that Li Xiaogang had previously absorbed and fused were done step by step and digested bit by bit. He never expected that the sixth Yuanshen fragment would suddenly release energy, so how could he think of guarding against it?Seeing that his body was shattered in the purple light, not even a single scum could be found, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but widen his eyes in horror. The result of his hard training, could it be that there are no bones left?If there is no physical body, his mind will have nowhere to attach to. Apart from being stronger, what is the difference between him and a lonely ghost wandering in this world?If this is the case, then Li Xiaogang will have a lot of fun.

Fortunately, Li Xiaogang didn't worry for long before a turning point appeared.Surrounded by purple light, Li Xiaogang's body began to rebuild.Under the influence of Nuwa's divine power, it didn't take long for a brand new body to reappear in front of Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang was overjoyed, and rushed in without thinking.

After carefully inspecting his new body, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but be overjoyed.His brand-new body was actually shaped by the energy of Nuwa's divine power.This means that from now on, Li Xiaogang will truly be immortal and reach the realm of a true god, and he will no longer be a so-called demigod.

(End of this chapter)

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