The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1929 Treasure from beyond the sky!

Chapter 1929 Treasure from beyond the sky!
It turned out that the sixth fragment of the primordial spirit was not intended to destroy his body, but to reshape his body, which kicked Li Xiaogang into the realm of a god completely.

The body transformed with pure energy can be said to have many benefits.Not only can it be immortal, but it can also transform everything.Energy is invisible, energy is tangible, and everything is just as you like.

At the same time, when the huge Nuwa divine power is running in his new body, the speed will be faster and the power will be stronger.It's as if it used to be a small steel cannon, but now it's a howitzer.The combat power has increased by more than ten times in an instant.

Just when Li Xiaogang was immersed in the intoxicating feeling brought by the powerful force, the mountain peaks in the distance suddenly collapsed, and mud and rocks came towards the devil here like a torrent.

Li Xiaogang absorbed the energy of the sixth Yuanshen Fragment, and the barrier lost its energy support and shattered.Without the suppression of the enchantment, the surrounding harsh environment immediately extended to this place, as if it was going to swallow this place.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, stretched his hands, and slowly floated into the air. The huge Nuwa divine power, with him as the core, spread out continuously in all directions. , Immediately, like a tamed wild horse, it calmed down obediently.The trembling earth also regained its calm.Then Li Xiaogang used Nuwa's divine power to spread another barrier around the area, protecting this pure land.

After doing all this, Li Xiaogang began to search in his mind.According to his experience, each fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen contains not only a large amount of energy, but also Nuwa's memory.Just now, when Li Xiaogang was stretching his body to accept the powerful energy contained in the sixth Yuanshen shard, he clearly felt something pouring into his mind. Li Xiaogang believed that it was Nuwa's memory.

The fact is just as Li Xiaogang expected, he found this part of memory deep in his mind.Originally thought that the greater the energy in the Nuwa Yuanshen fragments, the more memories will be contained.Li Xiaogang originally thought that if the energy of the sixth Yuanshen fragment was so huge, then his memory must also be astonishing.However, after careful inspection, Li Xiaogang found that he was wrong.

The memory contained in this sixth Yuanshen fragment is very small.However, what excites Li Xiaogang is that in these memories, there is actually the formula of Xuanyuan Pill.This gave Li Xiaogang a lot of peace of mind. With Xuanyuan Pill, he could fulfill his promise to Qingsong, and he could even save Mikiko from life and make up for the guilt in his heart.

Putting the formula of Xuanyuan Pill aside, another message caught Li Xiaogang's attention. The content of this message was actually a distress message from Nu Wa in the God Realm!
Seeing this information, Li Xiaogang was taken aback. With Nuwa's cultivation, she would be in danger too!And judging from this information, what Nu Wa encountered in the God Realm was not an ordinary formidable opponent.This opponent is so strong that it can only cover the entire God Realm!Now, all the gods in the God Realm are under his clutches, facing the danger of being destroyed at any time.This person has a weird name - You Ding!
Li Xiaogang searched all over the memory in his mind, but couldn't find any information about You Ding.In time, it was in Nuwa's previous memory, and it never existed.

The content of this distress message is too simple, there is no other information other than distress.This made Li Xiaogang feel difficult, if even Nu Wa is no match, what can he do to You Ding?Not to mention that I am still short of the last fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen, and I cannot enter the God Realm. Even if I can enter the God Realm, with his power, how can I help?I just felt that Nu Wa was asking for help from him, it was a rush to the doctor.

But Nuwa is an ancient god with boundless wisdom, who knows if she has other deep meanings?Li Xiaogang is not a person who refuses to save his life, especially because of Nuwa's kindness to him, so he can't do nothing but refuse to save him.Looking up at the sky full of stars, Li Xiaogang thought, no matter what, he must go to this God Realm!

Stepping on the asteroid, he accidentally found the sixth fragment of the soul, rebuilt his real body, and even got the formula of Xuanyuan Pill. This trip, he can be said to be a rewarding experience.

"Xiao Gang, you are back, we are all going to die of anxiety!" Upon seeing Li Xiaogang's return, Shen Qihong, Li Wenqing and Jin Shan immediately surrounded him.

Li Wenqing said: "Mr. Li, do you know that according to our detection, there have been twelve major earthquakes and nine volcanic eruptions on this asteroid in just a short period of time. We are really worried that you will have What danger!
Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Didn't I come back safe and sound? Everyone, don't worry anymore.

These are the soil and stones I brought back from the asteroids, analyze and analyze them immediately to find out what ingredients they contain and what minerals they may contain! "

Shen Qihong nodded, and ordered Jinshan to take the sample for analysis.

Li Xiaogang continued: "Also, we need to conduct a detailed survey and map of the entire asteroid, and divide it into nine different areas according to the distribution of mineral deposits, so as to facilitate future mining!
"Okay! I'll order someone to carry it out now! But Li Xiaogang, after you left, we discovered that this asteroid is very unstable because it has three axes, and it is still spinning rapidly while it is running at a high speed. , which is the main reason for its unstable geological conditions. Therefore, it will be a great challenge to carry out mining operations on it!

As soon as Shen Qihong finished speaking, Li Wenqing frowned and said: "There is one more problem! Judging by the speed of this asteroid, it will reach the earth's orbit in more than ten days. It may be very difficult to collect the huge amount of mineral deposits contained on this asteroid in a long time!"

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, smiled slightly, and said: "Director Li, what you said is not a problem. If my estimation is correct, the asteroid will slow down soon. I am afraid that before it reaches the warning distance of the earth, it will stop!

"Stop? Will you?" Li Wenqing's eyes were full of doubts, obviously he did not believe Li Xiaogang's words.

"Mr. Shen, our instruments have detected that the asteroid seems to be slowing down!" As soon as Li Wenqing's words hit the ground, the staff in charge of driving sent Shen Qihong the news. "Really reducing?" Shen Qihong and Li Wenqing were taken aback at the same time, and hurriedly turned their heads to look out the porthole.

Before, Li Xiaogang had ordered Genesis and the asteroid to keep moving in the same direction. In this case, from their point of view, the asteroid should be fixed. However, now, the asteroid is obviously moving backwards. retreat slowly.Although it is still very slow, if you observe carefully, you can still observe it with the naked eye.

"What's going on here? How could the asteroid slow down suddenly? It doesn't make sense!" Li Wenqing frowned, her face full of doubts.

"Xiao Gang, this is your fault again, isn't it?" Shen Qihong is used to it, as long as there are things that cannot be explained by science in his life, he will instinctively think of Li Xiaogang.

Li Wenqing also fixed her eyes on Li Xiaogang at this time.Waiting for his explanation.

Li Xiaogang knew it in his heart, but he couldn't explain it to Li Wenqing and Shen Qihong.This asteroid was originally orbiting in its own orbit. Even if it is another 80 million years, even if it wants to have a close contact with other celestial bodies, I am afraid it will not choose the earth.The distance between the earth and this asteroid is not ordinary.

All the motives should actually be attributed to the sixth fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen.The sixth Yuanshen fragment must have sensed the aura emitted by Li Xiaogang on the earth, and then suddenly became powerful, driving the asteroid to fly towards the earth.Therefore, the sixth Yuanshen fragment is the core of power for the asteroid to leave its orbit and hit the earth.Now, this power core is absorbed by Li Xiaogang, the asteroid loses power, and the speed will naturally slow down.

"Hehe, who knows, maybe God doesn't want us humans to perish!" Li Xiaogang shook his head, and smiled but didn't talk about Shen Qihong's question.

Shen Qihong frowned and said: "Even if the speed of this asteroid slows down, once it enters the earth's gravitational circle, affected by the earth's gravitational force, it will probably hit the earth. Therefore, the danger of the earth is not completely Release."

"Brother Shen is right, so from now on, we must race against time to collect all the mineral resources on the asteroid first, and then destroy them!" Li Xiaogang said in a vibrating voice.

Li Wenqing and Shen Qihong looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

After the analysis of the super intelligent computer on the Genesis, from the asteroid soil samples brought back by Li Xiaogang, it was concluded that the mineral resources on this asteroid are not generally rich.In addition to having a huge iron mine with a scale of more than 50 billion tons, there are also rich iron, copper, nickel, zinc, lead and other minerals. The total amount of these minerals is also around 50 billion tons, which is almost One-third of the total amount of similar mineral deposits on the earth!With these mineral deposits, Li Xiaogang can rebuild at least ten more interstellar warships of the same size as the Genesis.

In addition, what makes Li Xiaogang even more excited is that on this humble asteroid, there is also a huge gold mine and a diamond mine with rich reserves.Just like what Li Xiaogang said, this asteroid is truly a great treasure!

After receiving this analysis report, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a wild laugh, no wonder those aliens worked so hard to plunder resources across galaxies, this is simply too tempting.

Li Wenqing and Shen Qihong were also stunned. What would it mean if such abundant mineral resources could be fully utilized? The two exhausted their imaginations and couldn't imagine why.

Seeing Li Xiaogang who was about to lose control of his joy, Shen Qihong coughed and said slowly: "Xiao Gang, I don't think you need to be too happy too early. Such a huge amount of mineral resources, if you want to mine them all , It’s impossible to think about ten or eight years! But we only have a dozen days, oh no, the speed of the asteroid is constantly slowing down, maybe we can give us another month. But even so, can we The mined resources are probably less than [-]%!"

(End of this chapter)

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