The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1930 Treasure from beyond the sky!

Chapter 1930 Treasure from beyond the sky!
Shen Qihong's words made Li Xiaogang frowned, and he thought about it: "Right now in China, there are about 5000 million people playing the online game "Tianyu". If there are 5000 million players among them, they will be attracted to mine on this asteroid In other words, if each person collects one ton per day on average, 100 million tons can be collected in that day. And if the various mineral deposits on this asteroid are added together, the total should be around [-] billion tons. Then a total of [-] million tons will be needed. The time of the day, the time is indeed too tight!"

"Wait, what player? What does this have to do with "Tianyu"?" Li Wenqing looked at Shen Qihong and Li Xiaogang puzzledly, and asked.

Shen Qihong smiled and said: "You may not know that the "Tianyu" online game that is currently popular all over the world is a game specially developed by Li Xiaogang in order to mine minerals in space! These players have become Our miners, mine in space for free for us! Hehehe"

"Is this possible? How could those players complete the work of mining in space while playing the game?" Li Wenqing couldn't figure it out, and the doubt on his face became more intense.

Shen Qihong smiled and said: "You don't know that the game helmets used by the players are actually a remote controller. Under the command of the players' thoughts, they remotely control the mining robots all over the planets."

"It turned out to be like this!?" After listening to Shen Qihong's words, Li Wenqing finally understood, her face was full of astonishment, and after a long time, she said in admiration: "It's thanks to you that you can think of such a genius idea!" , What's even more incredible is that you have managed to do it! The technology you have in your hands is really amazing!"

Shen Qihong glanced at Li Xiaogang, said with a smile: "This is all Li Xiaogang's idea, I don't have such a good imagination!"

Li Xiaogang, who was in deep thought, suddenly raised his brows and said in a vibrating voice: "Brother Shen, no matter what, I will order the minerals on this asteroid! You will immediately prepare the transportation that is enough to transport a large number of mining robots." The ship is on standby at any time, and as soon as the player responds, he will immediately head towards the asteroid! I will go back and ask Song Shuang to immediately assign a new mission in "Tianyu" to arouse the enthusiasm of the players as much as possible! Brother Shen, the players only need to With just one thought, you can control the mining robot and travel between different planets. And it all depends on how much transportation capacity you can provide, won’t it be a problem?”

Shen Qihong said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, we have thought of this a long time ago and made sufficient preparations. Now there are thousands of large and fast transport ships on standby. They are ready to transport the mining robots of the players to Where each player wants them to go. Of course, we can’t do it yet. Keeping pace with the player’s thinking, the Tianshaji mining robot completes the teleportation, but Song Shuang has set the relevant regulations in the game, and there is no longer that kind of The so-called teleportation array in the old online games, they can go on an interstellar journey with the mining robot they control along with our transport spaceship. So, even if it is a short wait, they will be very happy."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "After all, our online game is not a pure online game. Our main purpose is to collect minerals in space, so it will inevitably conflict with many traditional online game elements. You and Song Shuang can achieve our goals. The main purpose of the game, while taking into account the feelings of the players, this is really not easy."

Shen Qihong couldn't help laughing, and said: "Of course! You are such a difficult boss, if we don't take care, how can we satisfy you? Hahaha!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then let's act now! Brother Shen, facing the vast space and countless mineral resources with the strength of our Chinese players alone is really insignificant. Therefore, I plan to publish " "Tianyu" is promoted to the whole world, and it is open to Internet players all over the world."

Before Li Xiaogang finished speaking, Shen Qihong waved his hands and said: "You don't need to go on, I understand!
I will do my best to build virtual helmets, mining robots, and space transport ships. By then, they will definitely meet the needs of all players. Don't worry about this! "

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "Then I'll have you, Brother Lao Shen."

After finding out the situation on the asteroid, the Genesis quickly returned.Li Wenqing insisted on staying, and Li Xiaogang did not force him to leave.Everything on the Genesis is fatally alluring to Li Wenqing, and Li Xiaogang knows this.It's good to leave Li Wenqing to help Shen Qihong, Shen Qihong just needs a helper.

Li Xiaogang left the Cage Ding Century alone, and went to the base camp instead of looking for Song Shuang.

Now, the brains of all countries in the world, especially the brains of countries with nuclear weapons, have discovered the asteroid that is about to hit the earth.Seeing the end of the world is approaching, they are all like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry.Compared to them, the leader seemed too laid back and relaxed.When Li Xiaogang found him, he was drinking tea with Lin Chaoran while playing chess leisurely.The two came and went, not giving in to each other, Cao Qingdong and Zongli were not idle at the side, they chose their camps, and fought against each other.From time to time, he blushed and his neck was thick because of the question of whether he was allowed to regret the game.

This is what a head of state should do in the face of the end of the world. Li Xiaogang couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it.

With a heavy cough, the four people who were about to kill were alarmed.The four of them looked up at Li Xiaogang in unison, and after about three seconds, they lowered their heads at the same time, and returned to the square inch battle situation.

Li Xiaogang was ignored!The helpless smile spread even more on Li Xiaogang's face.

"Several heads, it's me!" Li Xiaogang couldn't open his mouth to say.

"I know it's you! Don't make noise! ​​Three more steps, and I'll checkmate this old boy!" The leader said without raising his head.

"Three steps to kill me? Leader, you haven't woken up from your dream yet? Your car has been trampled half to death by my horse, what are you going to do to kill me?" Lin Chaoran yelled immediately when he heard that .Afterwards, he and the leader fell into a war of words again.

Where are the two elders playing chess, what is the difference from the two ordinary old men in the streets and alleys?Should I cheat or cheat, no chess quality means no chess quality.

Seeing the four of them playing chess intently, no one planned to talk to Li Xiaogang, a hero who wants to save the world and all mankind, before the game of chess is over.Recalling that on TV, heroes are always welcomed and loved by thousands of people. Isn't this scene too cold?They are also heroes, why is there such a big difference?After all, the leader still failed to check Lin Chaoran in three moves, but was forced by Lin Chaoran to repent again and again. In the last annoyance, he slapped his hand hard on the chessboard, disrupting the chess game, and shouted: "Okay, okay, Count your luck today, old boy, and make up!"

"A tie with Yi? Although you are the leader, you can't be so shameless! Obviously if I take another step, you will be separated from the fart, so why count as a draw?" Lin Chaoran quarreled angrily.

The leader snorted and said, "You think you're sure to win? How do you know that I still have a hundred or eighty killer coppers to use! Besides, even if you win, it's just taking advantage of someone's danger. It's all from Li Xiaogang to the boy!" What happened at the wrong time distracted me and I lost the game!" As he spoke, the leader still gave Li Xiaogang a hard look.

Li Xiaogang's self-indulgence was wronged. It's fine that he, a great hero, was neglected by others. He didn't expect that in the end, he would have to give the leader the top of the tank. Isn't it an ordinary life?Li Xiaogang's head is being wronged, Lin Chaoran's eyes glared at him again.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Old man, am I distracting you too?"

Lin Chaoran shook his head and said, "That's not true. It's just that my only chance to kill the leader was disrupted by you. Tell me, how do you plan to compensate me for my mental loss?"

"Spiritual loss?" Li Xiaogang's eyes widened, almost crying.In terms of mental loss, he seems to be the one who should be compensated, right? "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, it's time to talk about business! If the outside world finds out that we old men don't miss the business and chat and play chess here, the spittle of the common people will definitely drown us. !” The leader waved his hand, which was a relief for Li Xiaogang.

After everyone sat down, the leader looked at Li Xiaogang and asked, "Xiaogang, have you figured out the situation of the asteroid? How about it? Are you sure you can knock it down without threatening the safety of the earth?"

"In order to cooperate with you, we have contacted the brains of several major nuclear powers in the world. Now all the nuclear bombs on the earth are on standby and ready to be launched at any time." Lin Chaoran said.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Then I would like to trouble you to contact them again, so that their nuclear bombs should stay where they belong, and don't act rashly."

As soon as Li Xiaogang said this, doubts appeared on the faces of the leaders, and they asked: "Xiaogang, what do you mean? Could it be that without these nuclear bombs, your own strength is enough to settle the matter?" An asteroid?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said with a smile: "I do have enough power to destroy this asteroid. But I found out that there are a lot of precious mineral resources on this asteroid. It would be a pity to destroy them together." Already! So, I am going to mine the resources that can be used above, and then destroy them."

The leader and Lin Chaoran looked at each other, and said with a smile full of surprise: "Xiao Gang, your idea is really bold. Do you know that this asteroid is related to the population of 60 billion people on the earth?" Life. If one is careless, the consequences will be irreparable."

"That's right! It's a bit risky. Xiao Gang, you have to think twice!" Lin Chaoran also nodded and said.

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said: "Several heads, you don't really believe me."

The leader hurriedly waved his hand and said, "We definitely believe in your ability. But just because we believe it doesn't mean that other countries in the world also believe it. You don't know that all countries in the world are already in a state of high tension. These leaders , It seems to be crazy, and some of them are even going to have a nervous breakdown. They have pinned all their hopes on these nuclear bombs, if there is no sufficient reason, I am afraid it will be difficult to persuade them to take this risk. "

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and said: "Leader, listen to me, the speed of this asteroid has slowed down now, and this phenomenon will appear in all countries in the world soon. At that time, you can tell them that we have already method, completely control this asteroid, and keep the earth safe!"

The leader frowned, and said solemnly: "Xiao Gang, this is a very important moment, you must be cautious."

Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, and said in a vibrating voice: "Leader, don't forget that my parents, relatives, and lover are all here! Would I not care about their lives? Please believe me, I started from Star Wars Up and down, I rushed here at the first time, just want to ask for your help, prevent other countries from acting rashly, and avoid unnecessary losses!"

(End of this chapter)

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