The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1931 Come to apologize!

Chapter 1931 Come to apologize!

After thinking for a while, Lin Chaoran suddenly raised his head to look at the leader, and said, "Leader, I believe in Xiaogang!"

The leader turned his head to look at Cao Qingdong and Zongli again. They both nodded in unison. The leader patted his thigh and said, "That's good! Let's split up and call the heads of state! We must convince them to put all the nuclear bombs in storage and never shoot them!"

After Lin Chaoran, Cao Qingdong and the general manager heard this, they immediately took action.Li Xiaogang left the base camp, returned directly to Pioneer Network, and found Song Shuang.

The "Tianyu" online game has only been running for a day, and tens of millions of Chinese players have poured in.This is still limited to the limited number of the first batch of game helmets, which cannot meet the needs of more online game players. Otherwise, it is not surprising that the number of players will exceed [-] million.

It has been almost 24 hours since "Tianyu" started running, and countless posts about the player's game experience have been posted on the Internet.

All these posts praised the high fidelity of "Tianyu" and the unimaginable cosmic landscape created by them.

It's no wonder that the game background of "Tianyu" is the real outer space at all, without the slightest falsehood, it's no wonder that the fidelity is not high.The online game player wearing the game helmet seems to be placed in the real universe, and everything that happens around him is what is actually happening in the universe.Mining robots are like their eyes, reflecting everything they see in the universe in front of their eyes. The shock cannot be expressed in words.

Seeing the crazy pursuit and praise of "Tianyu" by online game players, those online game players who have not bought the "Tianyu" game helmet are even more anxious.The call for the launch of the second batch of virtual helmets by Pioneer Networks is getting louder and louder, and there are countless calls queuing up for Pioneer Networks' customer service calls at all times.Such a hot scene is definitely the first time since online games appeared in human society.

Listening to Song Shuang's detailed introduction to the operation status of "Tianyu", Li Xiaogang also seemed very happy.

So much free labor is exactly what he needs.

"Shuang'er, when are you going to release the second batch of gaming helmets?" Li Xiaogang asked.

Song Shuang replied: "We plan to release "Tianyu" after a week of its first phase."

"A week later? Why? Is it because the production of gaming helmets can't keep up?" Li Xiaogang asked with a frown.

Song Shuang shook his head and said, "That's not true! Brother Shen has contacted dozens of military production lines across the country to produce game helmets with all his strength. Now the number of game helmets is about [-] million, which meets domestic needs. , it’s not difficult. The reason why we chose to release the second batch of helmets after a week is because this week, “Tianyu” is actually in a public beta stage. There are some problems, taking advantage of the number of players There are not many, and it can be revised in time.”

"Are there still problems with "Tianyu"?"

"I'm very confident in "Tianyu"! Under the control of the Yinhe intelligent system, all its operations follow specific rules and there will be no problems. However, ordinary online games will be played when they are running Inside, public testing, and a series of procedures, this is probably just in case."

"Shuang'er, I can't wait that long! Since you think there is no problem with "Tianyu", then release the second batch of game helmets immediately. At the same time, let those dozens of manufacturers continue to work overtime to produce as many helmets as possible. Just develop as many players as you want!"

"Ah? Xiaogang, are you in a hurry?" Song Shuang asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "My wife, it's not that I'm in a hurry, it's that the opportunity is rare!" After speaking, he told Song Shuang about the asteroid.

"Is there really such an asteroid?" Song Shuangman asked in surprise.

Li Xiaogang laughed, and said: "Of course! I have personally climbed up this small layer. The rich mineral resources on it are beyond your imagination! I don't want to destroy it just like that. This is undoubtedly a treasure! But it is obviously not enough to rely on the existing players to collect the minerals on an asteroid in the shortest possible time. Therefore, I urgently need more online game players to enter "Tianyu" "!"

Song Shuang frowned, and said quietly: "In the whole of China, there are only [-] million online game players. Even if they all have game helmets and enter our "Tianyu", I'm afraid they won't be able to compete with you." Within the stated deadline, complete the collection of asteroid minerals, right?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "I know this, I will find a way to stop that asteroid, but it may not last long. But at least I can buy some more time."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang had already made up his mind, Song Shuang nodded and said, "All right! I'll arrange it now!"

"Song Shuang, Park Zhengyin, the president of Big H Online Game Company, has arrived and said he wants to see us. Now he is being entertained by my secretary in the conference room. Mr. Li, are you there?" Fang Tian walked in and said.

"Park Zhengyin, what is he doing here?" Song Shuang's crescent eyebrows straightened.

Li Xiaogang thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "You will know the answer when you see it. Don't worry, if they dare to play tricks again, I will completely send them back to their hometown!"

With Li Xiaogang's words, Song Shuang and Fang Tianxing gained a lot of confidence.

In the meeting room of Pioneer Network, Park Zhengyin and Jin Zhengqiao were waiting there anxiously.

The coffee in front of him was hot and had a strong aroma, but it couldn't attract the attention of the two of them at all.I saw that the two of them were frowning, each had their own concerns, and they all seemed a little cramped.Jin Zhengqiao couldn't help clasping his hands, rubbing his fingers constantly, showing the tension in his heart.

"President, what should we do if people don't give us a good look?" Jin Zhengqiao asked Pu Zhengyin with a guilty conscience.

"What should I do? Bear with me! Who told us to make a mistake first?" Park Zhengyin looked back at him and said with curled lips.

Jin Zhengqiao couldn't help sighing, buried his head down, and clasped his hands even more tightly, cursing, "Mr. !" Before Fang Tianxing's people arrived, hearty laughter came in first, and Pu Zhengyin and Jin Zhengqiao stood up quickly.

"Mr. Fang, you came here uninvited, I'm bothering you!" Park Zhengyin bowed deeply to Fang Tianxing and said.

"Hahaha, Mr. Park, in the online game industry, you are my predecessor. Back then, I also played the games you developed, so I became very interested in this industry! You can come to my place to have a look, really It makes me feel very honored! You must not be polite, and don’t say anything if you are annoying or not!” Fang Tianxing’s etiquette is very thoughtful, what he said is also very comfortable, and the smile on his face is from the heart. All this made Park Zhengyin feel at ease a lot.

Turning around and seeing Song Shuang behind Fang Tianxing, Pu Zhengyin's eyes lit up.These days, it is not uncommon for tall and beautiful women to be everywhere.But women who are beautiful and have a smart mind are rare.

And someone like Song Shuang is probably one in a million.

"This is the famous Rose of Death, who is also the creator of "Tianyu", Miss Song Shuangsong!" Park Zhengyin said in a trembling voice.He wanted to reach out to shake hands with Song Shuang, but he was worried that he would not answer. At the same time, he touched the goddess, and he didn't extend his hand, nor did he extend it, which seemed very embarrassing.

Song Shuang, on the other hand, stretched out his hand proactively and said, "I am Song Shuang, please give me your advice, Mr. Park!"

Piao Zhengyin was flattered, and hurriedly wiped his hands on the suit vigorously, then held Song Shuang's hand, and said repeatedly, "Don't dare!"

Even Park Zhengyin was overwhelmed by Song Shuang's astonishment, not to mention Jin Zhengqiao, his eyes were already straight, and his heart seemed to be raising countless rabbits, jumping non-stop.

After seeing each other, the four sat down respectively.Fang Tianxing was thinking about how to start the conversation, when Pu Zhengyin suddenly stood up and bowed deeply to Fang Tianxing and Song Shuangli.Seeing that Pu Zhengyin was like this, Jin Zhengqiao quickly stood up and bowed.

Fang Tianxing quickly supported Pu Zhengyin, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Pu, what are you doing? I can't bear it!"

Park Zhengyin said with a face full of shame: "Mr. Fang, Ms. Song, to tell you the truth, Park made a special trip to apologize to you two this time. I committed an unforgivable crime against your company on the spur of the moment. I am so sorry!"

Fang Tianxing and Song Shuang looked at each other, and said with a smile: "Mr. Park is talking about the siege of our "Tianyu" main server?"

Park Zhengyin's face immediately filled with shame, and he said in a painful voice: "That's exactly what happened! I'm sorry!"

Fang Tianxing laughed loudly, and said after a while: "Mr. Park, you are helping us to check whether the main server of "Tianyu" is safe and whether there are any loopholes. We should thank you, and you don't need to apologize at all!"

"Ah?" Fang Tianxing's statement was new, and Park Zhengyin never thought of it before.I thought that Fang Tianxing said this on purpose, but he was actually satirizing himself, but looking at his face, it was full of sincerity, but it didn't look like it, so he was stunned for a while.

Fang Tianxing patted Park Zhengyin on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Mr. Park, please sit down quickly! There is no need to feel guilty at all, we are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts. "Tianyu" server, after your test, is indeed There are a lot of problems, and it is more perfect than before. Hehe."

"Mr. Fang, Ms. Song, I am one..." Park Zhengyin never imagined that the other party would be so magnanimous. Not only did he not pursue what he did, but he thanked him verbally. I just feel that my face is hot, and my heart is even more ashamed!

"By the way! Originally, our prime minister would pay a formal visit to you, Mr. Park. Since you are here, it is just a good time to take this opportunity to return this thing to you!" Song Shuang smiled, and took out one from his pocket. The exquisite USB flash drive was handed to Park Zhengyin with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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