The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1932 Tears of gratitude 0!

Chapter 1932 Tears of gratitude!

Park Zhengyin took the USB flash drive, his heart couldn't help jumping wildly, and he murmured firmly with his mouth open: "Could it be that this USB flash drive is...

Song Shuang nodded with a smile, and said, "It is the precious data lost by your company. We know that it involves commercial secrets, so absolutely no one has read it. Mr. Park, you can rest assured!"

Seeing that he hadn't opened his mouth to plead, he took the initiative to return the data, and promised that he had never read it. This surprised and moved Park Zhengyin, and he sat there speechless for a long time. "Hehe, Mr. Park, if you don't believe me, you can check it immediately. This is definitely your company's data." Song Shuang said with a smile.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean that! I-I'm just too excited, I don't know how to express my gratitude to you. How about this, I just copy a copy of these data and leave the original to you Let’s put it a bit arrogantly, I, Big H Online Game Company, have been engaged in online game production for more than ten years, and I still have some experience. Among these data, some of them should be helpful to you.

As soon as Park Zhengyin's words fell to the ground, Song Shuang hurriedly said: "How is this possible? You have spent a lot of hard work and money to accumulate these technical data. How can we get something for nothing?"

Park Zhengyin said resolutely: "No! Please be sure to accept it! Just take it as a small apology we expressed to your company! If you insist on not accepting it, I will definitely feel it on my conscience for the rest of my life. uneasy.

Song Shuang and Fang Tianxing looked at each other, and said with a smile: "Okay then! Thank you, Mr. Park! Your company's experience will definitely allow us to improve "Tianyu"!" You're welcome, you're welcome!It should be, it should be, hehe." Seeing that Song Shuang nodded and agreed to accept, Park Zhengyin immediately showed a comfortable smile on his face, and nodded repeatedly.

"Miss Song, Mr. Fang, actually, I am here today not only to express my apologies to you, but also to implore that your company can cooperate with our company on "Tianyu". "This game has shown great enthusiasm, and everyone is looking forward to it, hoping that "Tianyu" can also be released in country H! I don't know, does your company have such an idea? I don't know, can your company release the game? The agency rights of "Tianyu" in country H, let us do big H online games!" Park Zhengyin's eyes were both pleading and nervous.

After thinking about it, Song Shuang let out a few coquettish smiles, and said, "You are really sending charcoal in the snow! Giggle!"

"Oh? Miss Song means one." Pu Zhengyin cheered up and asked anxiously with joy in his eyes.

Song Shuang said with a smile: "We have decided to promote "Tianyu" to the whole world, so that players all over the world can share this game. I was worried that I couldn't find a suitable agent, but I didn't expect Mr. Park to send it to your door." , You said that this is not sending charcoal in a timely manner, what is it?"

"So, Ms. Song agreed to let our big H online game company act as an agent for "Tianyu" in Country H?" Park Zhengyin asked in surprise.

Song Shuang stood up, stretched out his hand to Park Zhengyin with a smile on his face, and said crisply: "Mr. Park, you are the big brother in the online game industry. I hope you can give me more advice in the future cooperation!" How dare you! "Pu Zhengyin hurriedly stood up, held Song Shuang's hand full of excitement, and said repeatedly.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that I, Fang Tianxing, would have the honor to cooperate with Mr. Park one day. Thinking about it makes people feel excited! Mr. Park, please do honor me tonight, and let Fang give you a few glasses! Fang Tianxing is great said with a smile.

"Yes yes yes! Tonight, I will hold a banquet, thank you both!" Park Zhengyin hurriedly said.

"How can this work? Mr. Park, you are a guest from afar, so there is no reason for you to treat me!" No!Let me please!Let me express my gratitude to both of you! "No, it must be me! Seeing that Pu Zhengyin and Fang Tianxing were arguing over who should treat the guests, Song Shuang couldn't help but giggled and said: "I said you two, it's just a meal, and whoever invites you will not pay." Same?The important thing is not to treat guests to dinner, but that we can cooperate happily!Fang Tianxing and Park Zhengyin looked at each other, and said with a smile: "Look, we two big men, mother-in-law and mother are laughed at by other lesbians. Hehe."

"Mr. President, I am one..." Jin Zhengqiao watched Park Zhengyin and Fang Tianxing talking, but couldn't get in the conversation. He frowned anxiously, and finally couldn't help pulling Pu Zhengyin's arm, and stood up.

Pu Zhengyin understood what he meant', smiled slightly, and said: "Miss Song, Mr. Fang, I met the two of you today, and Piao was very impressed by their looks. But, what about Mr. Longshen? He is on the Internet, But he is a legendary figure, Zhengqiao and I admire him very much, I wonder if you can introduce him to us?"

"Yes! To see Mr. Longshen, death is worth it!" Jin Zhengqiao interrupted loudly.

Song Shuang straightened her crescent eyebrows lightly, shook her head, and said: "It's a coincidence, Mr. Longshen has left our company, and we can't contact him now.

Seeing the disappointment on the faces of Park Zhengyin and Jin Zhengqiao, Fang Tianxing hurriedly said: "You two don't have to be disappointed. Mr. Longshen and our Pioneer network have a close relationship. We are starting to cooperate now. See you later." He has a lot of opportunities, don't be in a hurry! Hearing what Fang Tianxing said, Pu Zhengyin and Jin Zhengqiao had no choice but to give up, and nodded at the same time. "President Fang, Miss Song! "While the four were talking, Fang Tianxing's secretary said: "Mr. Paul from Wind Snow Game Company in Country M wants to see you two. "

"Hehe, this Paul is not slow!" Park Zhengyin smiled and opened his mouth.

"Mr. Park, since we are old friends, do you want to meet together?" Fang Tianxing said to Park Zhengyin with a smile.

Park Zhengyin shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you two don't mind, it's okay to meet you!" Fang Tianxing nodded and said to the secretary, "Go, invite Mr. Paul here!"After a while, Fang Tianxing's secretary walked in with a burly white man from country M.

It is Paul who can also call the wind and rain in the world online game circle.In the past, like Park Zhengyin, he was someone Fang Tianxing looked up to, even if he wanted to see him.Nowadays, they came here uninvited to see themselves, which made Fang Tianxing somewhat proud.He, Fang Tianxing, has also been playing online games all his life, and today he finally managed to make a name for himself.

Seeing Park Jung-yin and Kim Jong-kyo in the office, Paul was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at the two of them, and said with a smile: "I can tell right away that you two didn't answer my phone, and you probably came here." Yes, sure enough! Park Zhengyin chuckled and said lightly: "Isn't Mr. Paul here too? "

Paul nodded, turned to Fang Tianxing and said, "Mr. Fang, he didn't say anything bad about me, did he?"

Fang Tianxing smiled slightly, and asked lightly: "Mr. Paul, why do you ask such a question? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?"

Paul took a long breath, and said solemnly: "Mr. Fang, I'm here to apologize to you today! I also have a part in the attack on your "Tianyu" main server! I'm sorry!" Tall and burly, with a straightforward personality, he bowed deeply to Fang Tianxing and said loudly.

Fang Tianxing laughed and helped Paul up, waved his hand and said, "Mr. Paul, don't mention the past! The important thing is how we can work together to create a better future! Before you came, we had already discussed with Mr. Park. Alright, the big H online game company will act as an agent for the distribution of "Tianyu" in country H!" "What about the agency rights in country M? "Mr. Paul asked in a trembling voice in a hurry.

"Since Mr. Paul, you came all the way, what else can I say? The agency right of country M belongs to you!" Good!good!Haha-"Paul probably didn't expect that things would go so smoothly! I didn't know what to say for a while, so I just kept shouting "Okay, okay, okay!" Park Zhengyin understood his feeling at this time and smiled silently .

Song Shuang didn't go to the banquet at night, it was all old men, it was inconvenient for her to go to a woman's house.Besides, Song Shuang didn't like such occasions either. Wouldn't it be better to be by Li Xiaogang's side?The night is as cool as water.After Song Shuang finished her day's work, she sat with Li Xiaogang in front of the teahouse on the balcony, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

After being silent for a while, Li Xiaogang suddenly said faintly: "This round of bright moon has illuminated the ancient and modern times. For tens of thousands of years, it has always been desolate. Looking at the earth full of life alone, I think the moon must be very lonely.

"It may have been lonely in the past, but it must not be now! Don't forget that so many of our mining robots are now accompanying the moon and the moon!" Song Shuang said with a smile, holding her pink cheeks in both hands.

"Then how can you be with the moon? It's obviously plundering the moon's resources. Speaking of it, I feel ashamed!" Song Shuang turned to look at him, and said with a smile: "Honey, when did you become like this?" Sentimental?Otherwise, we wouldn't be mining on the moon? "

"That can't be done! Without the resources on the moon, what can we use to build interstellar warships, and what can we use to compete with aliens with advanced civilizations? How can we protect our earth and the humans on it?"

Song Shuang smiled and said: "Since you know everything, why do you think so much? The moon was born for the earth. If it has life, it will definitely hope to do more for the earth.

Li Xiaogang nodded and accepted Song Shuang's statement.

"By the way! Husband, you told me before that you come from Nuwa's memory, which shows that there was a civilization with advanced technology on this earth 10,000+ years ago, such as starships, robots, and galactic intelligence. Chips, aren’t they all the scientific and technological achievements of these ancient civilizations? Since they have such advanced technology, I think they have already conquered the moon, right?” Song Shuang suddenly asked Li Xiaogang.

This Li Xiaogang had never thought about it before, but after being reminded by Song Shuang, his heart was shocked, he turned to look at her, and asked: "It is possible, so what?"

Song Shuang then asked: "Then tell me, will this ancient civilization leave anything on the moon?"

Li Xiaogang frowned, thought for a moment and said, "If this civilization has really landed on the moon, it will definitely leave some traces. Shuang'er, how did you think of it?"

Song Shuang smiled and said: "Because the planets that players can mine in "Tianyu" are limited to the moon, so I have been thinking about the moon for a while. Thinking of what you told me about the ancient In terms of civilization, I think of these naturally and peacefully. My original intention is that if ancient civilizations really left something on the moon, such as treasures, ruins, etc., that is exactly what our game needs. Don’t I forgot that exploration is one of the main elements of online games, and it is also the most attractive part of our "Tianyu" to the majority of players. Isn't it?"

After hearing this, Li Xiaogang laughed, nodded heavily, and said, "Not bad! It seems that if I have time, I really want to go to the moon and check it out myself!" Good!If you find anything, you must tell me!Then I can program it into the game and it will be a hit! "Song Shuangjiao said with a smile.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help raising his head, focusing his eyes on the moon, thinking in his heart that the sixth piece of soul fragments flew from the distant depths of space, and he has already fused them, and now there is only the last fragment of soul spirit left. up.If only this last piece was on the moon, great!Looking at the time, it was already late at night. Li Xiaogang frowned and asked, "By the way, where is Yuanyuan? Why hasn't she come back so late?"

Song Shuang smiled wryly, and said, "You are still a god, why is your memory so bad? Sister Gao Yuanyuan, Sister Ling'er, and Sister Rong'er went back to the capital together. It was you who asked him to go back to accompany his uncle and aunt. Did you forgotten?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Look at me, my brain must have been messed up by that troublesome asteroid. Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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